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Correspondence regarding 1901 meeting

items 32 of 47 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12090.jpg

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  • has charged the Association five dollars -par week for such stenographic work. Since that time there has not been so very much Park work done up to within the past month and for that reason your Secretary has not felt like presenting the full bill during this time. As the receipts Show he has paid for stenographic ftHs ^123.00 AAA would respectfully suggest that the Association should allow both the Secretary and the Stenographer some remuneration for the Park portion of the amount of work diuae since Maroh 50th, During the past month a stenographer has been employed on m average of about one halfi the day upon Park work and in as much as the- present st megrapher, has been constantly employed in our office since this Park matter started and is able to render great assistance in the work, we certainly feel that the Association should show some appreciation of She services rendered, The prospects of th<£ Appalachian Rational Parte Association are brighter that ever before. Secretary Wilson when, in Asheville gave it as his opinion that the coming session of Congress would be the time to strike and he stated further that if the cause was ever to be success -ful it would be successful this winter, w« believe that if the Southern senators will stand together in this matter as they now apparently «ss agree to do that there will be very little opposition in congress. We suggest that each Senator and Hep re sen t at ive should be furnished lit -erature now and again just before the winter session meets showing the

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).