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Correspondence regarding 1901 meeting

items 31 of 47 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12089.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • editorials upon the same, Senator has continued to use his influence and has recently written our President that he proposed to take tip an active campaign as soon as congress convenes. Your President, Mr, Powell, has been untiring in his ef- forts and for months has beer in daily censxuUe.tion with, your Secretary .1 Jtpon current matters. Your Secretary has to the lest Of his ability complied f&ttt the requirements incident %n his office. As Secretary of your Association, I woulff st?ggest that your Committee on Waff and Mesne should: be composed of more gentlemen from some one local point as a qxiorun of this Committee can with great diffi -oulty be gotten together under the present arrangement. In as much as this is one of the most important C«rafiitt#*f of the Association the same should receive yc:'.:r* mo®t careful attention. The condition of your treasury has been such during the past year that your Secretary has not been able to supply himself with such literature as he should have. Numbers of times he has been compelled to write letters in reply to letters received nhere is the Association would furnish funds for the printing of literature this work could be greatly simplified. h year ago the Association voted to pay a small sum towsna grapher and up to March 50th your Secretary the employment of a stenogra

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).