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Correspondence regarding 1901 meeting

items 3 of 47 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12061.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Copies also sent to W. B. Belting, "12 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio. R, ft. Cooper, Murphy, N. C. Sept. fith, 1901. Mr. Hugh WUson, Ru'yvLRl^, Tenn. My dear Sirs- 1 understand that you are the o-.tier of a large tract of forest land in SrahMl and Swain Cf unties in North Carolina and .are more or less interested in the movement «hich ii now on foot for the establish -ment of a national forest reserve aleng the ^aid line* I herewith enclose you a booklet %h ich will give yox; an idea as to the ;'Oo which our Association nag already woo-mplishecl in this »ov*ment and bmtt that you till look over the sane, o. jsociatJlen has hafl aonsifierahle expense in preparing and producing liter) o r «n<3 mailing the same, wo having sant out up tc this time approxiiaately, two hundred and fifty thousand pieces of printed matter. All of o.ich has been #aid for by sub script ions from private individuals .Ro are interested in securing a national fairest reserve in the Southern. Appalachian fountains* If you are interested in this matter we would be pleased to have you a* a SMBSfeer of our Association, membership fee of v^i ich is only two dollars with no annual dues, .wid if yoao financial or personal interest wuid trrsaat we would be greatly pleased to receive a contribution from you to he applied to the work of the movement. I also enclose you a notice of our 'nnu.-o. Keating to be held her*! oo &n 10th inot. '-a would be pleased to rave yon with ui then« Trusting that you .-/ill Re sufficiently interested is the matter that ■ ias have She pleasure of Roaring from you, } am, Very truly yoursj Secre.-'fr-Has. (H)

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).