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Cataloochee tract 252: J. Blaine Hannah

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  • 484 ' SMOK YA4TN.PARK J.B.IIANNAH TR~CT SI.J4 ACRES SC.19L£ /"=20CNAIIYJ @ S'URYEY OF /.928 I.!JYW. N..SLOAN . . ''f!"''" 48·2 Page ................ _ ................. . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Lands of ................................................... J. ...... .B ...... Hennah .................................................................................................................... . ............................................................................................ Township .................. R~.YW:.Q.~ ............................................ County. i li i/ ;) ?.09 16-.Vo ' 11.84 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION Tract (262) 1lQ:i;i1 . All ~be &·•· 1n in this de$cr 1pt1on we:ro tQ.m$4 f rom t b• t ru~t meridi&n FArA all. distrmoee ere exproe­sed 1n cbains Q;f 66 feet. h ,g1nn1ll6 at Corn&r l, 20" otu,etnut with t~1tneesoe bl&aed enl ooribe4 'B .H. Cor. 1 'fbCfJC E. 6'1...01 w. t aaeing • oomer of th~ i4aclt ~ • .fi&rillah ~raot (r!63) Cotner 2 • & 15" biok017' With OGtner me.*e t 'blase4 an4 eor 1'b4Ji 13. B.Col',t _2, b•ing ~comer of tbe JleOk w. Bmm$b ! ntot (!II) Tract (263) Tbenoe w 1tb the Mack w. Hannah a. 4..01 w. 3, a · 24" obestnut w1 tb ooJO.rte-r marta tln4 w1 t­neeso$ • shown $-a comer 'by 14arlt B~b. be ins tbt nortbeaet comer of the Jas. H. Hatmab. 'fre.ot ( 251) and the eouth corner ot tr,.e lteckW.Bonnab 1'l"tlOt ( 2~3 ) Thenoe lea"Ving tbe »aok ¥i , Hannah 1':r&ot (2~} e.nd withtbe Jaa. lh Henn•b 'f ~ot (261) s•' a. ..o s w. Ocmer 4, a »oint on tbG nortb margin of tbe Little C•talooohet Rod , Corner 2 of the lae. B. i!atmab t r aat (251) . A :POint A l?' oint ~bence wttb th• meanders of the n. 48~ w. Sheet A - /i' ' r s. 30-44 ~ . A POint s. 29-29 B. a. 1-n w. 1.68 Corner 6, a 4" ohestnat po·et 1n mol.Ul4 of e tonea, set on eoutb lDflrgin o~ tbe J~G£1.4. and sor1be4 B.s. cor. 4, b"elng Corner 3 of tbe J a.s. H. B$l'lfllt.b 1'raot an4 Come~ 5 of the W.G.B. NeiM!" ~r~ (lll•O) :thenee. l•'Ving the J&s.. a. Rtuln&b :rraot ( 251) •1tb tho w .G.B. •••••" ~raot ( 281-o) comer 6, a ~n 4eo&J9d hemlock . ettmp on weet bank of Little CatelooobM Ort:Jek, CorrAl' • of th• .. w.a • .B. Jlesee:r Traot (251-o) Set a 4" oheCJtt.l\lt post i n e. mount\ of atonte • eottbe4 B.H.Cor. I, I Am 8" 'bll"ob, ble.,ae4 . ar:4 eoribe4 B. ~' .J•li• Ool". e. bean s. 81..00 a. .oe oham 41atsnt, lell a.u 18.'18 eer Tnot ( 2!1-o) Thenee, t •e.'\'1ng th• w.o. B. Mes­s. 6-20 E. Oemor 'I, an 18" ttp&lltab .oak1 ehown aa oomer b7 Joe. H. BeiJllllb, blazed M4 ser i bM s.H. eor. &, Tbe nee ·w. 86-0l :s. Comes- S, an 18" poplar • ebown aa oo:mel" bJ' Jaa. B. Ben­nab. bl.ase4 ana eor lbect a.H. Oor4 '• Tben" • N. M9 I• Little Catalooobet Bod • beuing eatt The plaa. of b•gtml1ns . oorltdnl!ll til.e• aor••· 483 Anag$is . of ',l'!tle . . . . I 1. This tract is o~ad by J. B. Hannah, It is entirely covered by St ate t}ra.n t No. 252 issued to John Gray Blount. As the mesne conveyances from the issuance o:f' this grant down through t;he time the holdings thereunder passed by t he will ot Jas. R. Love to hi s Executorst have been treated i n full in the Analysis of t1 tle to the Sidney Nelson Tract, be ginning at :page · one of this Abstract, the same will not be repeat~d herein; but may be se~ by reference to the t:Jidney !{elson title, lfJ 7 2. '.Ph is t ract consists of two parcels;- a fifty acre tract 485 constituting t he ! bound.a-ry:;---a-ni - a ---:f1te-.a-O-l!e---t -:m0t--tha t - wa.s--l"&---- - - -- cently added. 3. The smalle r j)aroel which we wi l l consider fi rst is identical in the hist;ory of its title with ·the \Vm. J. F..annah Tract 251 dovm to t he time the title to that t "·aet vested in J as. A. Hannah after the death at J. J. Ha...'lnah and his w 1t'e, M. A. Hannah. We will, t herefore, not repeat the same here, but make reference to the analysis of the title to the Wm. J. Hannah tract whioh may be seen at pages .Sf'~ to S t t of this Abstract. 4. On August 8, 1920, James A. Hannah ani Melissa Hannah his wife, conveyed to J. B. Hannalt l t he px·esent owner\ five acres n ore or le s s, which is t he parcel ment i on ed in the pre­ceding paragraph, This deed is i n regular foxm,. properly executed ani recorded. See page f ?-2 of this tract, 5. We will noVJ c onsider the fitty acre main pa r cel maldng up 'l'ract ~3 52. . on .. "'ugust 27, 1860, J as. B.. Love made a bond for :f'i:t"ty no res of land to one Benjardn B. Garner, the loca­t1on. a nl description ot whtdh is the same as the rx~ rce l under in• vestiga.tion. This bond must h~ve been surrendered or became void u pon the f a ilure or the grantee to comply with its terms. At any rate, we are of the, opinion that any person attempting to set up a claim under 1 t s provisions would be ba rred by long and adverse pos­session. $ pe. ?Gt.Jf -?-g--V0t'.s ~t.i.s-t-.,_ru._ ,....- 6. 'l'he next and really the first i nstrument Vi'tally effect-ing t his tract is a dead from R. D. Gilmer, l'rustee, to Wm.. :r. Hnnnah, bearing date June :3, 1898, reserving one-halt the min~ral ~ntere~t.· w.ithmi:ning privileges • .. Tllis d,eed rec. ite.s . that it 1S be1ng maae in compliance with a bond tor title R. D. Gilmer to w. J. Hannah, dated February 2 , 1895 for fi;f'ty acres of land des­cribed t herein. This bond is not of r ecord. For authority vested in R. D. Gilmer, Trustee, to o:onvey t itle to lards belonging to the Love heirs see pages 41 to 45 of this .iil.bstract. !Jk 7 · Th is deed is in regular form, properly executed and re­corded. See :page . Jj: 16~ of this J,_bstraot. _, .. 1. On January, 1918, W. J. Hannah am wU'e, Josephine Hannah, conVGy$ .bY deed in regular fo:nn, properly ex­ecuted and recorded, the fifty aore·mentioned in the pre• ceding p$ragl.'a.Ph• There is, however, ~reserved from the operation ot this deed a ona•nalt aare lot, known .as the Hannah graveyal"d; describal by Illites and bounds. 'rhu graveyard is located on a road near the west boundary line of the tract~ See page :ff(.. of this ,/i$,b.straat • e. 'l'he mine:re.l reeerva:tion mentioned in paragraph 7 herein, has been recently acquJ,red in a deed rro.m. !.'loan et all s'}e page t ..:> Ca. ot tl1is .. \nalysi s. 9 • '!'he t1 tle to the Hannah graveyard ~nti oned in paragraph 8 herein is vested in tim. J. Hannah. 10;. We find or record, under date October 1, 19l8, a bond in Which J. B. !Iannah ani his wire, Dora Hannah bind themselves, their heirs and assigns in the sum or $1000,00 in tavor of w. J. Hannah. The bo!l..d partakes of the nature of a contract to reconV'ey the traet of land menti.c>ned in paragraph a herein to the grantor• It also mkes stipule. tions a s to the care of the proper11y and provides f or a method or settlernent in oase the g:r;antee i' to pay the balance of the u.rchase money~ The binding power ceases on october l) 1935• Copy of this bond-contract may be seen at page o:f this Abstreot~ 11• There is also on re()ol\i an unsatisfied deed of trust covering this tract. This instrument bears date or January 7, 1927, and names w. J. Hannah, Trustee for Oro n. Caldwell. see page 1:fror this analysis. 12• The deed to . the State should bO siened by J. B. Hannah and ·wit'e, Dora Hannah am \~ • . J. He.nnah, wid CJfer. or W. J. llannah shOUld s i sn a quit claim deed to J. B. Hannah. See page 1:9.,'2 of this .i'\.b;:rtraot. tor quit claim deed. 486 ~VI Page ................... ~ ... ... ... ............ . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble Afl Signed As Acknowledged rti 1. Aa HANNAH• and ~ MALISSIE BA.NNAH, hi$ :1 • A. HANNAH :: wite MAL!SSIE HANNAH MAtiSSIE HA.NN.AB t;!l ~-----------------------+------------------------~----------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance .. J)ef)4 ......................................... . 2. Date of Conveyance ..... Se----re-se-rved----f'or----· --grave ---yar-d-.---------------------------------------------------····----·- 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully ) .... TQHAVE --ANDTO-HO-LD -the-- aferese.-1-d-- traet---or-----------------­....... parc.el ... of. ... land, .... exc.epting---the---rese-rvat-ion---herei-n ---mad-e·;----and--·a·U ------------------­------- pr1v11-eges ---and---app\11"-tenances -- there-to·--·belonging-·to··the··aa.-td··J"ames·········· -------Blaine---lfannah---and---h1-s ---heirs-·afld-··assigns-·-to··the-1r··onl-y··:us·e···and ·--------:·------------ ( d) against claims of all others ........ ye-8------- -- -- ------- -- -- behoof forever. Exact Description of Property Being on the waters of 1.1 ttle Ca talooohee Creek and described in a deed from R. D. Gilmer;Trustee, to w.J.Hannah, regi stered in Book No,. 7; page 376 Record of Deeds of Haywood County and bounded as follows:- BEGINNING at a spanish oak on the East boundary line of John Hannah's 100 acre tract and runs E, 6.4 poles to a poplar• thence N. 1 degree, E. par­allel with the old line 125 poles to a chestnut; t hence w. 64 poles to a hickory in the old line; thence s •. w1 th the same line to the beginning; Containing 50 acres more or less. · Excepting and reserving• unto the said w.J.Hannah, his heirs _ or assigns, t acre of land trom the above described land, which one-half acre is not intended to be and is not conveyed by this deed; which exception includes and covers Hannah grave­yard and which i acre reservation is described as followst BEGIN1UNG at a stake on the N, E. edge of the road leading to ·Mack Hannah's residence,. a distance of 40 teet from the grave of John J. Hannah and !forthwest course from said John :r. Hannah's grave and runs with the Northeast edge of said Lot a s.E. direction 18 poles to a stake _in the edge of said road& thence rtmning in a Northerly direction, perpendicular to said road 5 voles to a stake; thencei running in a Northwest direct• · - · - "" .... _...,.,.,..,. +.n e staket Shu18 the~oe a south•e'tl oour"• ,.,,l"aight to -,he bes1J1ll1ng • oon'h.1n1ns o~r-al.t ao;rea XIIOre OJ" le••• · - .• ·.··-r,·,- 1 j ~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That, I, James Blaine Hannah and wife, Dora Hannah, of Haywood County and State of North Carolina, are held and firmly bound unto w.J.Hannah of the aforesaid County and State, in the sum ot One Thousand Dollars, good and lawful money of the United states, to the payment or which we bind ourselves, executors and administrators; jointly and firmly by these presents. This the first day of October, 1918. The condition of t his obligation are such that; . WHEREAS, the said W.J.Hannah has this day sold and con• veyed t~ the said James Blaine Hannah 49 acres and i of land in Cata• loochee Township, Haywood County, N~c., in consideration of $300.00, $100.00 of which has been paid down and the further consideration that in oase the said James ~laine Hannah fails to pay the balance ot the purchase money according to the notes given for same, or wishes to sell the said land any time between now and the year 19361 then he hereb7 covenants to and with the said w.J.Hannah, his heirs and assigns, that he will sell and convey to W.J.Hannah, his heirs .and assigns, by deed with full covenants of warranty and seizinl· a good title to said lan4l conveying same in fee simple, tree from al encumbrances, upon the sa 4 w.J.uannah or his heirs or assigns paying the said James Blaine Hannah or his heirs the purchase money actually paid, without interest, to­gether with the value of the improvements which the said James Blaine Hannah may have made on said landJ the timber that said James Blaine Hannah may have out or removed from sa1 d land and destroyed and reasonable rent of the cleared part which he may olear shall be taken into consideration in settling the amount by said W.J.Hannah to be so repaid by him; and, The said James Blaine Hannah and his wife, Dora Hannah hereby agree not to encumber said land any way or sell the same to any other person than w.J'.Hannah and his heirs to October first, 1935, and in case they do attempt to sell then the deed so made by w.J.Hannah to said James Blaine Hannah shall be void upon a settlement of the money paid and the improvements and waste accounted for as herein set out and the said James Blaine Hannah and wife shall convey the said land baok to w.J.Hannah and his heirs. In case the said James Blaine Hannah and w.J.Hannah or their heirs, in case either or both are dead and cannot agree on the settlement as herein stipulated, then each will have the right to oall in a third, disinterested party who is not of kind to either by blood or marriage to settle the matter, and .1f these t wo cannot agree then they may call in another di s1nterested party or no a kind to either and the award of any two shall be binding upon the parties to this contract. - 2- This contract shall be in tull roroe to both partie• upon the conditions happening till October 1, l93&J and it they do not happen till then it shall be ntll and void. The land referred to is tully desori bed in a deed from R. n. Gilmer. TrUstee, to w • .r.Hannah dated Maroh 6th, 1896 and record• ed in Book N~• '1 on page 376, record ot deeds ot Haywood county, N.c. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said James Blaine Hannah and wire Dora Hannah and w.J.Hannah have hel"eunto set their hands and seals this Ootobe,r :t. · 1918. Vii tness: JAMES BLAINE HANNAH X DORA liANNAH wm. SUTTON Acknowledged by .Tames Blaine Hannah and Dora Hannah (privvy eminination or wite) betore w.u.sutton, J.P. 10-~•1918. Order of Probate Correct. Filed for registration 4•12-1919. Recorded in Book 52; page 536, Record of Deeds for Haywood County. 4~4 495 Page ...................... .......... ... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF MORTGAGE (NORTH CAROLINA) J'.UtES BLAINE Er.A.mlAH 1. Kind of instrument ......... ,De.$.d ... O:f ... Truat .................... . an4 DORA IWTNAH, his wt:te 2. Date of instrument ... l- --~---'1. ... ~ ... 1.9.2'7.... ................................ . 3. Consideration $ ... ZOOt-00 ............................................................. . Mortgagor 4. Maturity date .. 2. -7tiars .. hom. da.te ........................... . to 5. Is it properly executed? ...... Yea ............................................... . 6. Date acknowledged · ........ 1~.24~19.2"1 ........ ........................... . We J. HANNAH 7. Before what officer acknowledged? ..... .J'._.p .. ............................. . 8. Was privy examination of wife held? .. Yea .. ..................... ........ . Mortgagee !l. Date of filing for record ..... 3~.7 ..... 19.27 ................................... . ORA H. CALDWELL 10. Recorded in Book .. ·--l -9 ....................... Page ...... 2QQ .... . for ............... Ra.ywo.o.d .......................................... County. NOTE:-In deeds of trust give name of third party. 11. Does this instrument form a link in the chain of title? -N& DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Lying on the waters of Little catalooohee, adjoining the lands ot the lattt John Hannah and M. W.H annah and tully cle&Ol:'ibed in a deed trom w.J,Hennah and wife 'to James Blaine llanna.h which is registered 1n the otfioe ot the Register ot Deeds ot Haywood county.- in Book 52 on page 235. BEGINN!NG on a spanish oak on the East boundary line of 1ohn Hannah's 100 acre tract and runs East 64 poles to a popl~; thenoe u, 1, lh parallel with the old li,no.- 125 poles to a chestnut; thence w, 64 poles to a hiokory in th~ old line; thence, w1 th the old ll~e to the beginning. Con­taining 50 acres more or lesa. ~ 0 < C xss=removed xss=removed> THE RELEASE OR CANCELLATION OF ABOVE MORTGAGE OR DEED OF TRUST IS AS FOLLOWS: The note secured by this Deed of Trust, registered on th1 s pa~, has been paid in tull, end by request of the holder o:r the s£!1 d note and James Blaine Hannah, I hereby enter full satiataot1ol1 or said note and Deed ot Trust _and hereby caneel the same on this record and it 1 a hereby ca."l.celled. This 7th day of March.l92'1. w. J. IiANUAH; Trustee. G.KIRKPATRICK, .Deputy Register of Deeds. = ; !:l 0 ~ -~ rn ~ > 1:') t".l All cases and authorities relied upoll to cure ahy deiects in this instrument or proceedings thereoh or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Shut H l " 4';1 I . Page .................... ..... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledge(! ~ I j!-w_._J_t_tra·n ·__._na.· _h_, w··-1d_Ci·tl__e_r· +-'_'f.._ _J_._Han_·. na._ · h_• .,._1_._ao_w_e·_ ~--1r-w.• :r _. _u _run.n·__ah_._w1_-_d_C1fl_er j~. B. Hannah 1. Kind of Conveyance .. ...... Qui.t ... Claim-- d•ecl···· 3. Is it properly executed ....................... .... Y.ea ................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ............. .... N..-P .•..... 2. Date of Conveyance ...... -G-25-30'································ 4. Date of Entry and No ............ ~---··········· · · ··· ··· ···· ········· ·· ······· 6. Acknowledgements, regular ····Yes··············· ···· ····· ········· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back .................................. . 9. Date of acknowledgement .. .. &.-.:az . .-.~ --·· · · ·· · · · s. Did all grantors acknowledge ........ ---Y-e-a······················· 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ........................... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL. .... .......... YEJ$. ........... ......... ........... . 12. Was order of probate correct.y-es································· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants-NONE (a) of seizin .................................................... ......... .......... . 14. Date of filing for record ... o·-2·5•3()·························· 15. :ooro~ __ :::~:::::~~::::::::::::~:::::::::::::: .. ~~~~:::::::~~~~;:······· 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions Se-&···de-a-cri·nt·-ion···£-or·········· -exoe-pt-ion-,··························-~---·································· 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .. To. have ... ard. ... to .. ho.ld .... th-e---af-or-e-sa-1-d···t·x>aet···-ot···pa·rcel (b) power to convey ...... ....... ......................................... ..... . (c) against encumbrances ............................................... . (d) against claims of all others .. ..... ........ .... .... ............... . 9.f .... l.a..nd .... w..ith .. .all .. :p.r1v.1lege.s. .. .and .... appurtenanoe-s----the-reu.n·t-o···b·el·onging···or···in (l.n.y ___ .... a.ppertaining ... to ... lrl.m. .. the .. sa1-d--J. .... -Bla1-ne··Hannah-.····h·is····he·ir$···and···· -~$..a.t~s .... t.o ... tha1:r .... o.nly ... use ... and .. be.hoo:f' .... f.oreve-r-.- ·-·················································································· Exact Description of Property BEGINNING at a spanish oak on the east boundary line ot the Joll.n Hanmh'a 100 acre tract a nd runs F..ast 64 poles to a poplar; thence North l degtee East :pa:rallel w1 th the old line 125 poles to a chestnut; thence West 64 poles to a hickory i n the oltt line; thence s outh Vl1th the same line to the BEGINNING, containing :ritty acres more or less. EXCEPrilC am RESERVING unto the said w, J. Hannah, his heira and assigns one-balf acre &t land trom the above desortbed land, which Orl$•balt aore 1S not intended to te and ia not conveyed by this de$4. whio~ except ion includes am cover$ tl:e Hannah graveyatd aui.l one ""nali" acre 11esened is desori b$4 as follOW$~ - BEGI:t.JNING ·at a stake on the northeast edge of the road leading to the residence ot Mark Hannah, a dis tanoe or 40 teet from the grave ot John J. Hannah and no rtheaat OOUrBe from Sai 4 John J • llatlt:Ulht {f gl'(\V$ and runs With the northeast edge ot 88.14 roo.d a I!JOutheast d1:reotion 16 poles to a stake in the etge ot Said road; t hence running a northerly direction, per­pend1oula: r to said road 5 poles to a stake; th&noe ruru:dng in a north• west d il"ect1on, parallel with said road 95 poles to a stake; thence a southwest oourse straight to the BEGINNING, containing one-halt aore more or lese. Shut B 493 Page .............................. ..... . NORTH CAROLINA .PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA, ~X'Y!9.9l? .................. COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO ---~-~-~~~~U~_~c.}~Jm .. ~I~- --~UJf~ ... PQ_~~--~~AH ......... J?ll;S_l~UiA%T~J? ... U~ ... SU:llYEl: .. A8 ... !rlUO.f ..... . AFFIDAVIT . .................................. ~ER .. £.5.2 ............................... . ............ Jh . .Q .• .W.llln.u'n ........................................... , being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is r,egistered in the Office of Register of Deeds oL ...... ~yWQQ_cl ............. County, in Book. .... Bl. ............... , Page .. lAf ................ . That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga-tion, he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ~-,------------·· 19 ... ZQ - - --,-~~ My commission expires ...... '499 Page .......... ........................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION TAXES (Fill in all blanks indicating year, and show on lines opposite the year whether or not the taxes have been paid. If paid an affirmative showing must be made by use of the word "Paid." The use of ditto marks is not permissible). The property in question is asseesed for taxation for the current year, 19 .......... , at • ................................ , in the name ········1-.····B-•····Ran·llliJi···········;··········and the taxes for the past ten years have been paid or not paid as follows: 19 ... 21 ........................... ~u. .............................................. . 19 ..... 20 ............................ Pa1.4 .............................................. . 19 ... 2.2 ........................... ................................................ . 19 ..... #.? ············ ...... ~.it4. .............................................. . 19 ... 2.5 ........................... ~ ............................................... . 19 .... .18 ............................ J?a14. ............................................. . 19 ... 24 ........................... P.al4 ................................................ . 19 ..... ~.$ ............................ F~.t.'-............................................... . 19 ... 2.5 ........................... h14 ................................................ . 19 .... ~Q ............................ ~.DQ..if.«c ...................................... .. ASSESSMENTS N 0 liE LES PENDENS NONE MECHANICS LIENS NON I JUDGMENTS """ G Page ................................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND OPINION Tatt 'I<>• 881 IT IS HEREBY · CERTIFIE-D: That the title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contains a full, complete and correct abstract of all instruments and court proceedings of record affecting the same from and indudil1g the beg'innillg entry there. of has been ca~efully examined ·and noted, and that the following named owner ...... : ...... t.. .... seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to the same,· subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shoiW in this abstract and listed hereon. ' ENCUMBRANCES N 0 N E .....•.................. day of .................................................................. , 19 ........ . Address ............ :········································'·············-············ .. ······ Attorney. 249 251 252 253 264 ;/ 265 / ( J. ·s. Woody 3 room log houne Gld Mill -a-cultivated land (.~30.00 l49.l9 --- -- 100.00 25.00 100.00 900.00 Old Barn / 30 acres 30 acres 4 acres 11 II lit65.0Q Orchard .. @ 100.00 1950.00 ~ ~u. JJ,-1'~,·- 400.0~0~' --·34~7~5~·~0~0-)7 1 -. ,. Jas. 11. hannuh o..> 32.44 - ~ . <~ -' '.: :1 room ·log house ~~~- 100.00 .,.- · Shed 10.00 21 acreo cultivatt>d fields C60.00 1260.00 12·~ acres wo dland C:10.00 125.00 1495.00 ~ov ·. '),._~· j::~~~ ~- ~/~ ~( ~-~ ~- nd C::GO.O . "-..l320.00 . · --~ !;;lo. o o ~.ocr 1835';oo ,0 l!.nck ,; • Ho.nnah CjJ t/;; ' 152.06 110 aaron cultivated land <'60.00 .. . 42 f)orc:s woodland (ao.oo 5 room :frame house ~stall tam 7150.00 420.00 aoo.oo 500.00 loo·.oo lO'J .OO 100.00 100.00 -==:::.;;)mall 1, . rn utld smoke house 2 BL'lall log houses Small :lllrn ~ room boxed hotU:e Apnlo Jio· se and Smoke House 75.00 9345.00 , .,., ;,:eescr v 5:3.96 ·lo -'~• X ., room l oi; houne 100.00 ; . ' "' ,. ~ · ap!Jle house 100.00 Smoke house am1 spring house 50. ;() 10 !l.O!.';1all Jam 7 acres cultivated land 4 aarus uoodlaml. 10.00 Jethrow ~ ~ annuh 2 room boxed houoe l arn uud apple house 21.27 i 'i·, J . · ;jQ,OO 11.19 / I ; 60.00 /J i I I 12.24 • 12 ncrca cultivated hnd · GO.OO 150.00 50.00 6:30.00 100.00 50.00 420.00 40.00 100.00 &u.OO 720.00 1 : ' 8:.>o.oo 610.00 870.00 2~2 Total 235a - 3 - MACK Jl. HANNAH 152.06 .Acres y 8.00 Acres . 14.50 " ' 18.75 " : 20.90 II . 1. 90 " of' 64.05 " . 88.01 " in Orchard and old Field New Ground Grass Cultivated Other Grass House Site and Orchard Cleared wood J. V. ~ O O DY HEIRS 170.00 .Acres 30.85 Acres Cleared 139.15 " Wood 7/ (1 , C·t.'~-0 .. .-t-</~ {Q~-u~ 236 237 238 238a / \ 249 I . { .~,.l./.-1 ~l'~ \- 251 252 $ 100.00 75.00 @ 15.00 675.00 $ 850.00 375.00 0 10.00 4?0.00 815.00 . fJfilt-17 (~~-: ·~(.; tt/-- 1 . ~(:1 0 ('J (.- 700.00 100.00 300.00 @ 70.00 2,100.00 @ 12.00 240.00 3,440.00 375.00 430.00 805.00 J. S. WOODY 3-room &og house Old mill Old barn 149.19 30 acres cultivated 30 acres " 4 acres orchard 85 acres woodland land ~ 30.00 " @ 65.00 @ 100.00 @ 10.00 100.00 25.00 100.00 900.00 1,950.00 400.00 850.00 TAX VALUATION $1,650.00 J.AMES H. HANNAH &t.J'f.r11f';.44 3-room log house ! S~d l / 21 acres cultivcter· f elds 12tacres woodland ,, TAX VALUATION J. B • H.Al\'1\IAH 3-room bo~ed small barn\ 22 acres c 29 acres w ... .·\.. 5L.54 lOUS~ ,/ smo~ bbuse ated 1~d and , "'-·, $880.00' 100.00 10.00 @ 60.00 1,260.00 @ 10.00 125.00 '\ / r 150.00 / ?5.00 @ ~~00 1,320.00 @ 7:00 290.00 _.,.· . ./ 4,325.00 1,495.00 1,835.00 253 MACK W. HA.t'm.AH 152.06 110 acres cultivu ted la1m @ 65.00 7,150.00 42 acres v:oodland @ 10.00 420.00 IliFORt.; (tt SECURIID BY WOODBURY AND CH .. APM.All ON Sii;PT.!:;!H i~~R 18 AT vu.v . HJ .. L.i::, 1{. C., },ROM. T.d..t.: TA..1. I,IST OF' H.ri.Y' OOD · .t;TY l•'OR 'L .L. ;~A!t 1928 Ol~ 1J.AlW~ ( ll:iT.i!:lUOE :lOLDHiG; } ;~ I'l'lLH1 T~ m '!hHK. ..A.R ;A · Dri G ~.'!:~·. LO•,CH ::;r~ c;u.; r.;K , CA'l' , !,OL)G.Li ; . 'fJ~X 'fl;~iJ~SitiP . J j,! y J ~C i' ~HJ ItiO"v' 150 ·,; u 1 u.e ~ ~~m.ou 1bf>v.Ov 743.0V 1813.00 317~00 231.00 '/02.,00 .-;~~b.OO IO!E: In 1920 Jarvie L. Palmor 11atod 250 aoros on tho old homo plaoe at $4,30o.oo, and 1n the same year l1ato4 166 aorea on Little Oe.talooohee known as tho z.~t1.n Trtt.ct a.t $2.&ou.oo. In ·1920 -roal property was pr6fHlmed to bo liasto{t at ita c ush value • .:. __ l::..1l:::~U .. L~=·~·~- ~~.-~t .. .. Guy PetJee 60 '1 o"'i~ .vv - . L. 1,1. Kiritl ' (Hot listod) -· W. M. Hali 170 " ~, 053.00/ ~;..,,. L _.. J. G. Stikelon.t her(2)994 :r 9,900.00 r r;:::::; ..). *-) ~ D :i ?- "~-' (. .. 'I , Hainbow l!'iehillt~ Clu~ (l~ §t lir.tod), .. / z,?~ ncrea 32,4~-o.OO i ~2,44S.OO I HD I AN C il: t-:: :K Gee. N. Pu.lmcr 200 acres 2,186.00 T. H.• Burris 8~-i 11 1,036.00 J. R.. Hall 135 11 1, 600.00 ~ ~. . C. Cal(tw,Jll 54 11 38f>. 00 .. Carl Sutton uO 11 50o.ou "' J .• , v. Woou.Jr Hei r ~:> 150 n l,luo .oo v V •. A. Campbell · 38 " 500.00 / C. ..T . Palmor.;·(2'}- · • (1~ot lioted )£SA 7,f"!J,lrf> - J. B. Lockman 50 acres ~~?7. ou , I. B. 1~cGahe. 10 " 7'7. 00 ' Jno. H. Pe.lmt!r 108 11 935.ov ~ '878~ " 8,656.00 LIT~rL.;~: CATAT~OOCi .. El.~ . J • .M .• ConrEl.d ,. • 116 &eros 99o.oo- Blaiue Com•ad 1// i::!5 " 242.00 Dave B. Nelaon, (2) 70 11 557.00 J. A. Conrad v 30 " ;)30. 00 W.G.B. :Messer J (~) 334 " .~ ,60 0 .00 J. W. But•gel16 >~ < 44> • i ~· ' C1aimants Certain Unacquired Tracts in Cataloochee. () 2.28-Ra!lnbow Fishing C"'tG W .. L.Ha.rdin and w~Tibbie Hardin,~/ayneaville,.N.C. Zebulon ~Veaver and. wife Anna H.Weaver,Asheville,N.C. O.f.. .Martin Dn r"1 wife Florenes Hartin, Waynesville ,N.c. John Tate and wi~e Anna F.Tnte. Asheville,N.C. S .oR .Felmet <\nd wife Clara McHann Felmet ,Oe.nton,I·r.r:. rl~.:J.Medford and wife Beatrice :·edford,Waynesville.N.C. 1.....~ .C. Pllill ips and wife Myrtle Phillips, Waynesville. n .c. 1/,.L.K-tkpatrick anc"' wife Mnry J .Kirkpatrick,\7uynesville .N.C. L.II-i.K:lllian,and witl'e Annie Aiken Killian~ if~esville, U .C. C.C.Bennett and wi.ife Emily Bennett. Asheville,N.C. Arthur J.Green and wif'e I:sther :Ma.y Green. Waynesville,.H.C. The following have judgments docketed against O.fai~artin,costs added. E •. LW:i there, WF.:.ynesville ,N.C. ;Jos. E.Johnson,Atty. :for Waynesville Country Club. IncorporBted. Wa.ynesville ~.N.c.; J. J .Zachery ,Address ·u!l...knot:n; two judgments costs s.dded; fbe £allowing has judgment neainat C.C.Bennett• W.N.ITutt.Trnnscripted from MooEe County.interest and costs added. 227-Stikeleather and others~ J .G.Stikeleather and wi f'e ,Haney \V'enver Stikeleather ,Asheville, H .c. Eueene P..Cocke and wi~e,Anna C.Coake, Asheville,N.c. E.r:.Geer and wife Rena Rice Geer •. Greenville.s.c. F.,J .FF: . uling and wife. Katherine C.Panni~g. Asheville,N.C. J?Claude Cauble and wife I dna Cauble. Asheville • .N.c. owen Gudger and wife, Hell, .Ssheville,u.c. George w.craige and wife Kathryne·T.Craig, Asheville,N.C • .P.R.Branch and wii"e~Florence r.:Branah, Asheville.N.C. Cindy Osborne and wife, Evelyn Osborne,Nest Pnlm Beach.Fla. L.B.Robeson and wife Mamie Eobeson. Atl.anta~Ga .. Geo.D.Robinson.Trustee. D.M.Hodges,Jr.Truetee. 227-a-Stikelenther and others: Same as above. 279- E .. ?rice vnd wife,Tishe Price, 280-J .M .C nldwell and vtife Etta Caldwell,Mt. Sterling. n .c. 281-Geo.W.Phillips and wife Viola Phillips;Chas.C.~oberts Trustee :for J .. U .Caldwell, all of Mt. Sterling,JT .c. 282-Presbyterian School: :Executive Comni ttee,Atl£;nta,Ga ... John Heilman and wife Emma. Hilman. Newport,Tenn. r.l'he Hnnnnh Graveyard in Little t.utnloochee: ·,y.J .Hannah. (single} W'cynesville,H.C. Ola Baptist Church G8aveyard; Heirs-at-Law of J.V.Woody: S. J,.ifioody .Nellie, r .c.; Uan W'oody. Ola. u .(~.; ~T;rs. J .Jl:. woody. :Nellie, IJ .C:~· .Martha }:dward s, Knoxville, Tenn.; J. H. w·oody ,Nellie • .N.c.; J .S .Woody, Ola ,1~. c.; Cora Conrad, Ma~ei e, .N .c ~;Lora· Alley, Lenoir ,.N .·"'. ; :alia h:.J.lentinc,Hellie,H.C.;Hnrcly Waody,eove Creek,II.C.;l3ertie Cmnp, Gastonia.::.('. ; Eddie ';)food y I Nellie' N. r· • ; ~rg. J.Jnura. f.t;'l)leston, 525 East Main Street,1~.ichmond, Va. ;Arthur Jfora,otto Ford, Beulah Ford, Fctha Fora all of 1-.obin~will e ,N.c.; !· .• H.'.'/oody, Du.rham,n. c.; IfLillard PleT;.[ .. .:,Lls, Sol Plemnons, Mitch Plemmons .Madison County ,add.ress unknovm; Dillard ?lommons .Ashevill~ ,.t:. C? ~ Jas. C .c ald'"ell, J .L.C nldwoll, both of !~ellie ,H .c. ;Levi Caldwell, Ola.n .L.; Mrs.Lou King ,Cutaloochee ,i~ .c.; I•1rs.: June Sutton,\7est Gastonia.l{ .c.; YiTS. L • .B.Leatherwood am.d Mrs. }'ennie Bryson,Waynesvi1le,h.C.,H.2; Floyd Seagle and Carmel Sevgle both of severe County, Tenn.; ,John ~voody ,r-obert IVoody ana Hillard Woody all o~ Knoxville,Tenno .· The, Caldwell Heirs Graveyard i~ tract a 2-a: 71 ''', ·; . f/_j!.A/ 'i· Thos. H.Caldwell,Nellie .n .c.; l:fardY.. r._rrld\vell, 'l/Lyneavi~e. u .c .Jd~ 2; ?f . t·7 Minnie Davis, ··•'uyne>sville .N.c.~ #.;.;;listen Caldwell and Jesse Culd­rl; c.,r~~~~ ~ well, both of .Vpynesvtll~~,N.c.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).