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Cataloochee tract 224: Jarvis L. Palmer

items 7 of 19 items
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Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • state of North c~rolln~ Haywood County This Aprl I 25, 1910 Will Book #3, Page 154 1, G. L. Palmer, of Cataloochee, belng of ~ound and disposing mind and memory, do hereby make and publish thls as and for my last wll I and teat~~ent, hereby revoking and making void everything and all other wl I I or list by me at anytlme heretofore made. And first 1 direct my executors hereafter named to pay all my just debts, funeral expenses and the expenses lncldent to the administration of my estate as soon as reasonably may be after my decease. I do hereby nominate my sons Jarvis Palmer and Harley Palmer and my daughter Mariah Palmer t~ look ~fter and take .care of my beloved wife, Nancy Jane Palmer, and I want my sons Harley to glve Netty Stamey her proportlnate part and pay of the Mul farm, which he has already paid her In full. glve and bequeath my Pressley Bottom piece or farm lying ln the forks of the creek between the Caldwell Fork on Cataloochee Creek to my daughter, Mariah Palmer, and she ts to help maintain and hereby take care of her mother, Nancy Jane Palmer, so long 85 she lives. I w.ant my son Jarvis Palmer to have my old home place and the John place tying tn the forks of the creek and joining the old home place and the Tate Place on the East side of the creek, all the land on the back of the long bank on. the North side. I want my son Harley Palmer, Jarvis Palmer, and my daughter Mariah Palmer to have all of my personal property and kitchen furniture except my Daisy mare, and I want my wife to have her. I want my son G20rge H. Palmer to have the pleca of land lying pn Little Cattaloochee jolnlng the Andy Bennett land lying on the South side of the long bank and also one $50.00 note given by Little Jarvis Palmer. wi'!nt my son George H. Palmer a.nd my son John Palmer and my son Hill Palmer to have ~II that W. A. Palmer owes me and ~lso all other debts that may be owing to me. want my son John Palmer to have one 50 acre tract known as the Mountaln field. want my son Will to have the pi ace where Willi am Rogers now I 1 ves. want my son James Palmer to have the West side of my 100 acre tract near Del !wood and my Daughter Polly Justice to have the remaining on the South side, the Gaddis branch being the line. want my daughter Mary \'k=ody to have $150.00 ou't of the Commercl at Bank and ~lso the Smith place joining the J. F. Palmer place. I \'tant my son James to have $50.00 out of the First National Bank and also the store house and lot at Dellwood. I want my daughter laura Jarrett to have $150.00 out of the First National Bank of Waynesville. I want my Whiteoak land 103 acres to be divided equal among all the helrs ~t my wife Nan~ Jane Palmer's death. In witness whereof have hereto set my hand and seal, this 25th day of April 1910. (G. L Palmer) Signed, sealed, published and declared by G. L. Palmer, the above­named testator as and for hls last will and testament In the presence of us who, at his regue~t, In his presence and In the presence of each other have hereto subscribed our names as witnesses. W. A. Palmar <s~al) T. A. Groce <Seal) R. L. Penland (Seal) (On June 10, 1910 the will was probated with cle~k of Court after death of G. l. Palmer)

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).