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Cataloochee tract 208: James Caldwell

items 3 of 41 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-6879.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Jl/r.Cbas. S.G·rossman , Gatlinbur g, Tenn . Dear Charl es , Waynesville ,N.c. Oct. 7,1937 •. I wa s i n Catal oochee yesterday amd observed some of the buildi ngs t ha t we v;ere di s cussing in your office a few days a go , particul arl y the Jim Caldwell house and the Andy Valdwell house. The J im Cal dwell house, the main body, is a fine example of log const ruct i on , done ov e"r:· i nsi de and out with hand dressed yellow popl ar. At a l ater time a framed "L! was added. This too is good worknanshi p . I t i s a 2-story house, 2 fine rock chim-neys. Thi s bui ldinr; ha ~; been considerably abused, 2 of the mantles dovm sta irs hriVe been pri.sed loose,and evidently burned for fe.el. 3 por ch post s have been removed and I think used to make frames f or curinrs tobP. cco . Some of the ceiling in one of the up- s t a i rs r oan has bee n pried off evidently for the purpose of constructing t obacco f rs.mes or racke. . All the glass has been removed 1'rom the windows and door. rrhe Andy Caldwell house has not been abused very much, except t hat evidently people have been making fires ans carousing there , defa c i ng the walls with writing and tearing off paper. This hous e i n open and exposed. This is the house where Ranger Smith,until recently lived. I think both oC these buildings are quite essential to our purposes in this area,both being adjacent to t he proposed tourist camp. I t h i nk we should ask for special ranger protection on these a nd others that have not been markeO. for removal. I thi nk they should be locked,and placarded with suitable noti ces,and r angers asked togive as much protection as they can. Yours very truly, ;iec.J~ c ' •. ,., .,r h . v . ~ ilburn. _

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).