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Western Carolinian Volume 75 Number 05

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  • April 10, 2009 CAMPUS VIEWS EDITORIAL Cigarette Tax Is Unbalanced The federal tobacco taxes took a rise on Wednesday, April 1 in hopes of raising funds to deal with special programs. The pyee per- pack tax climbed from 39 cents to $1.01. The extra revenue from the taxes is aimed at financing health insurance for children. All other tobacco products will also see a raise in tax. For example, the chewing tobacco tax has gone up from 19.5 cents per pound to 50 cents. The cigarette tax has received mixed emotions from students on campus and rightfully so. The tax is unbalanced. It can have both positives and negatives brought out about it. These tax increases will likely save lives because some smokers will not be able to afford the hikes or simply will not want to pay such high prices anymore. Furthermore, jacking up cigarette prices is one of the best means of curbing smoking, particularly among price-sen- sitive teens. But these taxes, while raising money fora good cause; is unfairly levied to a single group in the U.S. population, smokers, and could have an adverse affect on other people. The National Association of Tobacco Outlets estimates that the federal tax increase will lead to the loss of 117,000 of the industrys 1.2 million jobs, which is not what this country needs right now. Los- ing jobs affects both those in the position and the U.S. because of less income tax revenue and furthermore, more unemployment checks will likely need to be made, which most states already cannot afford. LET TERS POLICY We welcome letters from our readers. We urge brevity, both for the - sake of effectiveness and the demands of space; letters should be no longer than 500 words. All letters are subject to the same editing for clarity applied to our staff contributions. We will not publish anonymous letters; letters praising or criticizing professors by name; letters making personal attacks or personally hurtful statements; endorsements of or letters from political candidates; or copies of letters to other publications. Because we want to provide access to a variety of viewpoints, each letter writer will be limited to one letter every four weeks. All letters should be signed, and writers should enclose their addresses and daytime phone numbers. Addrsses and phone numbers will not be published but will be used to letters. We reserve the right not to print any letter. Editor-in-Chief: Justin Caudell 103 Student Media Center Cullowhee, NC 28723 E-Mail: Office Phone: 828-227-2694 Katherine Duff Smith 109A Student Media Center Cullowhee, NC 28723 E-Mail: Office Phone: 828-227-2195 Advisor: News Editor: Tiffany Barnwell Features Editor: Michael OShea Sports Editor: Justin Caudell Arts & Entertainment Editor: Jennifer Toledo Photo Editor: Danielle Lightner Amanda LeGaux Maegan Zigarevich Layout & Design: Distribution: Jay Strong Mailing Address: Western Carolinian Post Office Box 66 Cullowhee, North Carolina 28723 WESTERN CAROLINIAN DO YoU EVER SECRETLY THINK ABOUT KILLING / iL SECRETLY THINK | | ABovuT what IT | | WOULD BE LIKE 10 BEEREE. 7 TX Seceeriy THINK | ABovT EScAPitG \ TOA SouTH SEAS By Jeff Moses Moss Guest Columnist (Editor s Note: Jeff Moss is currently the advertising executive for the Western Carolinian.. He writes articles periodically throughout the year and has a vast background in college journalism.) February 20, 2005 marked one of the darkest days in my existence, the day Dr. Gonzo died. Dr. Hunter S. Thompson is who got me into journalism and writing to a lesser extent, from The Rum Diaries through Hells Angels and beyond Kingdom of Fear. Yet he leaves us in our own Kingdom of Fear. An uncertain time in our country where the warmongering-fascist-pigs of the red states are up in arms over the pinko-liberal-sissies of the blue states. It is a scary time in our country when the country is divided up into the gang colors of the Crips and the Bloods. On the eve of a possible third war with Iran or maybe Syria, either way, somebodys getting air-striked. In this time of war, economic meltdown, national confusion, and political and social strife we need Dr. Thompsons twisted yet sickeningly true and objective views of the world and the Death of the American dream. Indeed he was a great writer, even those who scoff at the depraved, warped lifestyle he lived cannot deny his uncanny ability to blend his personal cynicism into objective journalism and make it a good read. Some will, on the other hand, say that he wrote fiction as opposed to journalism. To this I say that no one can explain it better than the doctor himself, You have to get your knowledge of life from somewhere. You have to know the material youre writing about before you alter it. Fiction is based on reality unless youre a fairy-tale artist. _ Hunter said many great things, pissed a lot of people off, and had a great story about it every time. It is definitely a bad day for us, the ais ect FOS EO Te 5 ee Oe re ae Page 4 Quotable From the University prospective, the outbreak in Haywood County is not affecting us. Whooping cough is a rarity in this age group because most students receive the PTaP booster prior to coming to WCU. - Dr, Pam Buchannan, WCU Health Director _held together with CARTOON I'LL Ge Honest WITH YOu, I HAVE FIVE LITLE Seceers AND ONE RB\G L SECRETLY THINK AQOUT COMMITTING | THE PERFECT Ceime, WHATS THE BIG SECRET? etantt. s To Be Today few, the proud, the weird. My former editor Brien P. Hefler is a devout Gonzo Journalist, as well as many of my friends who are all followers of the Dr. and the Gonzo way of things. Yes where are you Dr. Thompson in an age where men of the cloth and putrid- plastic-pop-stars are feeling little boys, where middle-aged soccer-moms on cell- phones are driving. | SUVs into oncoming traffic, thinning the heard ever so. An era of corrupt CEOs leaping from corporate high- rises only to arrive safely on the ground with golden parachutes tax-payer money. A time where corporations and the FCC run America and news is a tatings war between Rupert Murdoch and Ted Turner. When the media is filled with congressional Twitters, drunken celebrity antics, and the octo-mom. For Gods sake there are over 9 armed conflicts going on in the world among other pressing news of piracy, hunger, genocide, and world politics. If I turn on CNN, my former favorite news source, all I hear about it Jessica Simpson gaining 10 lbs, or T.1. going to jail. These things are not news, they are corporate filler, drummed up to gain in ratings, while hiding the truth of these hard, depressing, barbarous times, this foul year of our lord 2009.You lived hard and fast good sir, Dr. Thompson, very fast indeed. I was quite puzzled as to why he took his own life, but then I figured that he probably didnt expect to live to 35 much less 67, sweet Jesus. The only things keeping him alive were probably whisky, weed, and the occasional cocaine heart- jump-start. A man, who lived by the gun, died by the gun. My only I SECRETLY THINK ABOUT STARTING OVER, T SECRETLY THINK ABOUT WHAT L'p DO WITH THe INSURANCE MONEY, CARE Foe 6 FI224 Beverage? at . Its rere nt true influence in writing blew his head off, that worries me deeply. But now who will tell it to the bastards, the raving mobs of middle and upper class heathens bent with their dilutions of their government and politics? Who will fly in the face of common decency for the truth in a half-drunk Mai-tai stupor, and get it on paper? Who will question the complacency of our society, a nation, of sloth and sin cloaked in a veil of hope and disillusion? Will it be up to the comics of our day, Colbert, Stewart? I say nay, it can only come from within the masses,.one who can see through the bureaucracy, conspiracy, and utter crapone with a blatant distaste for the status- quo.I will leave with a quote from an essay written at age 17 in 1955 called Open Letter to the Youth of Our Nation that holds just as much meaning today as it did then. Young people of America, awake from your slumber of indolence and harken the call of the future! Do you realize that you are rapidly becoming a doomed generation? Do you realize that the fate of the world and generations to come rests on your shoulders? (Hunter S. Thompson, July 18; 1937 February 20, 2005. RAP. Res Ipsa Loquitur)

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).