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Western Carolinian Volume 73 Number 01

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  • Febuary 21, 2007 : Western Carolinian LIFE neces RT TT TT CAMPUS Greeks outside the bell tower at social gathering. RECRUITMENT SUCESS New recruitment style turns out to _be a great success for spring 08. By: Ashley Pittman staff wrtier . Potential new members (PNMs) participated in partially struc- tured Pan-Hellenic recruitment last week, a new style that will be used for the next three years. This new style of recruitment last for two weeks as op- posed to the one week structured re- cruitment used in the past. Tt was a definite success for us! Stacy Izze, a member of Alpha Xi Delta said. sThe: twocaweeksswere = 5 very long, and, we: were worriedawe - would have trouble finding the com- mitment in the PNMs, but everything worked out in our favor. Sisters of all panhellenic so- rorities, Alpha Gamma Delta, Delta Zeta, Alpha Chi Omega, Phi Mu and Alpha Xi Delta, held recruitment par- ties at their houses the past two weeks in hopes of meeting their quota for spring 08 rush. We look forward to this time of year, and look forward to seeing how much our chapter can grow, Izze said. Her chapter of Alpha Xi Delta as well as Delta Zeta and Phi Mu received eight new members, Alpha Chi re- ceiving seven and Alpha Gamma Delta with five. Brittany Geiger, A member of Alpha Gamma Delta and also a Phi Chi during this recruitment, also had something to say about the new sys- tem taking place. The PNMs were very posi- tive throughout the process, this re- cruitment worked out more for the PNMs then other recruitments in the past, Geiger said. The bid day ceremony last Sat- urday marked the end of recruitment and excited new members proudly showed off their bids to their new organizations. They will now begin their new member process and be- come more educated about their orga- nization. The recruitment process at Western Carolina requires women in- terested to have 12 credit hours com- pleted, and a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher. All panhellenic sororities are still recruiting and invite everyone interested to find out more by going to the Greek Life Office located on the third floor of the U.C. Greeks Coming Together Greeks unite to educate student body about mature way to have fun. By: Ashley Pittman staff writer Last week Greek students, with the help of Rick McClendon started Greeks Advocating Mature Manage- ment of Alcohol, commonly known as GAMMA. GAMMA will serve as an ad- visory board to Greek Life at Western Carolina helping to make change in reducing alcohol related consequences among Greeks and Non-Greeks. Stu- dents in all Greek letter organizations are invited to be a part of GAMMA, breaking down the negative stereotypes that are associated with Greek Life, in hopes of creating a more positive com- munity. GAMMA members will work to promote a healthier lifestyle suitable for Greeks to socialize responsibly. We are responsible about what Sasa Tremere een Ce SE eC we do and want students to notice that and prevent alcohol related accidents, Josh Cotton ,VP of public relations for GAMMA, said. Were trying to veer away from the typical drunk sorority and fraternity stereotype that comes with being in a Greek organization. Cotton is also a member of Kappa Al- pha Order. Cotton works with GAMMA promotion and advertisement getting more students involved in attacking myths about college drinking associ- ated with Greek life. Garrett Richardson, VP. of peer education programs, feels strongly of not only the education of Greeks but the education of the whole student body at Western Carolina. We want to focus on the fresh- man here to break down the stereotypes and to stop them from making there way into Western, Richardson said. We want to put together programs to show that Greek life is an excellent op- portunity here at Western and a great way to get involved throughout the community. Using the power of peer-to-peer influences as part of the educational process, GAMMA hopes to feature al- cohol-free social events in conjunction with educational messages. William Craig, a member of Kappa Alpha Psi and VP of administra- tion and finance for GAMMA hopes to see the number of black out drinking binges decrease. If we see a decrease in the black out number here I believe that we can help the drinking level go down on this campus and that is my main goal, Craig said, GAMMA will have a voice on the WCU Alcohol and Other Drug Education Task Force and represent the members of Greek Life to help make recommendations to the Vice-Chancel- lor and other senior administration. To get involved or find out more information contact Rick McClendon, GAMMA advisor, located in the Bird Building

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