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Western Carolinian Volume 70 Number 10

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  • hl_westerncarolinian_2006-02-24_vol70_no10_09.jpg

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  • 413, Officers investigated an incident where pink paintball paint was discharged on Walker's seventh floor hallway and outside on the front of the building, Four cars also had paint on them so the owners were notified to check for damages. Officers responded in reference to a student who had fallen; the student was transported by EMS to Harris Regional Hospital. Officers responded with EMS reference a student having an allergic reaction; student transported to Harris Regional Hospital. 44 While leaving work Officers located a wreck in Catamount Gap involving a WCU student being thrown from the vehicle. Officers assisted with traffic until relieved by the Fire Department. Officers investigated damage where a drink machine had the front kicked in. Officers assisted EMS after a student fell down the stairs and injured an ankle, 45 Officers responded and assisted EMS with a possible Alcohol Overdose. The Student was transported to Harris Regional Hospital. A former student was Banned from Scott Hall after a verbal confrontation where he was disrespectful and refused to comply with Residential Living Staff until after the Police was summonsed. Officers spoke with a student advising proper civil process to obtain personal property from a former girfriend/ boyfriend. 1/16 Officers assisted Syiva PD with Warrant Service regarding Syiva PD's Investigation of Conspiracy to Obtain Money which resulted in the arrest of 5 WCU Students. Officers investigated a roommate dispute where a boyfriend of one roommatehadgotteninvolved, possibly resulting in verbal communicating of threats. The male student, from another residence hall, was banned from Reynolds Hall. 47 Officers investigated a report of Prank Phone Calls to an Office in HFR. 118 Officers investigated a MLK Banner, missing from the University Center Lawn. 1n9 While investigating a suspicious Vehicle officers learned it belonged to a WCU student possibly involved in a Domestic the Jackson County Sheriff's Dept. was investigating Officers assisted. 1/20 Officers Investigating a report of Damage to State Property to a bathroom at Leatherwood Hall resulted in three male students receiving teferrals to University Judicial Affairs. 1122 Officers assisted Jackson County Sheriffs Department with a fight at Laurel Oaks. A student reports his cell phone was taken from the sideline while he was on the basketball court. 1126 Officers investigated a hit and run that happened in the Baptist Church Lot between 1230 and 1630 on the 26th. wat Officers investigated @ hit & run accident with the suspect vehicie is possibly an older mode! Volvo... WCnewsmagazine POLICEFIES = A student was arrested for weapons violations (knife/fireworks), underage Possession of alcohol, and possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia 128 Amale non-student was arrested for Disorderly Conduct and underage possession of Alcohol. He was also banned from campus. A student received a citation for driving the wrong way down the street at Walker. 29 Officers investigated an incident where personal and state property was damaged by someone placing decomposing matter in a students belongings and room. After repeated violations. representatives from 5 Greek Organizations were issued UJC Referrals for failing to enforce parking compliance in the Village by their members 212 On 4/30 a student initially reported to the PD that their keys were possibly accidentally taken from the Fitness Center at Reid by someone, but now believes they believe the keys may have been stolen. The report was updated to a larceny report. 214 Officers are investigating Vandalism where something struck and broke the glass in the front door of Harrill Hall. 215 Officers responded to an assault report but found two female students. had been involved in a verbal dispute that had ending with one being pushed by the other. Prosecution denied by victim; documented, On student received a UIC referral for underage possession of alcohol. 9 BUSTED! YO. ren nr se os dollar? Just beat the hell out of it. 9 Paintball...not just for the Fun Factory anymore.. 8 Don't you hate it when you get ina verbal confrontation and then the police "was summonsed"? @ Ex-boyfriend or girifiend being stubbom and psycho? It's always a good idea to get the police involved so they have a reason to come after you. 6 Conspiracy to obtain money? Aren't we all guilty of that? 5 Hate the mail service? Throw trash down your mailbox! That's one way to stick it to the man, 1 4 Parking on campus sucks, | know, so yeah, just steal an upper classman's decal... 3 Realized parking on campus still sucks even with an upper class decal? Good job. Stealing a staff member's is a really good idea too... 2 If you're going to get in trouble, really get in trouble, Alcohol, weapons, and drugs: oh my! 1 Watch out for those dangerous. leat blowers...

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).