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Western Carolinian Volume 69 Number 06

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  • hl_westerncarolinian_2004-11-02_vol69_no06_19.jpg

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  • Gubernatorial Race Breakdown compited by Brandy Kiger Gov. Mike Easley (Democrat) * Education ie] ie] Introduced More at Four and supports Smart Start, early childhood development programs intended to help underprivileged children gain the resources they need to graduate from high school and go on to higher education Supports lottery funding for education * Social Issues o Supports prescription drug plans for seniors o Abortion: pro-choice o Death penalty: against death penalty moratorium * Civil rights o Opposes gay marriage * Economy & Taxes o Supports lowering corporate income taxes o Wants to update the tax system in North Carolina, so that it is more efficient and stable Barbara Howe (Libertarian) * Education ie] Supports independent schools rather than state controlled schools Wants to initiate Taxpayer Choice Scholarship Plan (TCSP) which is a $3000 tax credit for anyone who sponsors a childs education * Social |lssues o Nostance recorded * Civil Rights o Nostance recorded * Economy & Taxes o Wants to reduce taxes for [e] corporations and individuals Supports increasing business growth in North Carolina 19 WC newsmagazine Patrick Ballantine (Republican) * Education o Plans to introduce Excellent Schools Act : 4 year plan to empower teachers and raise pay to the national average * Social Issues o Abortion: pro-life, supports parental consent and waiting periods; also opposes state-funded abortions o Death penalty: against death penalty moratorium o Senior Citizens: O restore long term tax credits QO offer prescription drug benefits to. those on a fixed income * Civil Rights oO Opposes gay mariage; supports sanctity of marriage between man and woman * Economy & Taxes o Supports personal and corporate tax cuts o Lower regulations for businesses o Supports tax relief initiative QO Personal income tax reduction (8.25% to 7.75%) O Corporate income tax reduction (6.9% to 5%) The Importance of Local and State Level Elections 1) Jeniter scism The media coverage of this years election has popularized the importance of a presidential election. As result, Americans often do not realize how essential it is to speak your voice on the local and state levels of government. Whether people recognize it or not, the local and state levels of our government often make decisions regarding the laws that affect our daily lives, much more often than our national legislature. Our representatives for the North Carolina State Senate and House of Representatives are chosen by the citizens of the district in which they reside and represent. These elected officials know more about your home towns than George Bush or John Kerry ever will because they live in your neighborhoods. They are elected to represent you directly, not indirectly. The decisions they make are used to create laws and policy that you apply to you in your local district. Yes, the Presidential position is one of great importance, but to citizens of towns everywhere, the local and state representation that is around them is just as essential. Our state and local governments vote on issues such as taxes, education, highway construction, the environment, health benefits, and much more. Since the state govemment makes so many decisions that affect everyone tars need to know who and what they are voting for. VWWher voters go to the voting booths there will be an electronic ballot. On that ballot are the names of George Bush and John Kerry, and many others who are often overlooked. Below are all the names and positions that voters in Jackson County, so look at them now before you go to the polls

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).