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Western Carolinian Volume 65 (66) Number 04

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  • WESTERN 4 CAROLINIAN NEWS September 13,2000 Another Conflict Resolution Resource by Samantha Helms Asst. News Editor The Mountain Dispute Settlement Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and non-violent conflict resolution in the seven westernmost counties of North Carolina. MDSC provides services to Haywood, Jackson, Swain, Macon, Graham, Cherokee and Clay County, as well as Qualla Boundary. Their offices can be found in Sylva, Waynesville, Bryson City, and Cherokee. "Recently we formed advisory committees for each county to better interface with the community," said Matthew Rave, the Jackson County Coordinator for MDSC. The services offered by MDSC in attempts to resolve conflicts include mediation, facilitation, and training. Rave defines the mediation process as "consensual decision making in which one or more impartial mediators assist people in solving their own conflicts by working toward a variety of goals." This service is free and confidential. Through discussion, the parties involved draw up an agreement that both feel is fair, not the mediators. September 7 At 11:09 a. m. on 9/6, a student reported that someone had damaged her car in the Baptist Church lot by opening a door into it. At 8:30 a. m., on 9/7, a student reported that someone had entered his vehicle and stolen his commuter parking decal while the car was parked at Reid. At 8:30 a. m.. Housing staff reported that someone had stolen a microwave oven from the 2nd floor lobby of Scott Hall. At 10:45 a.m., the driving range manager reported that someone had taken down all flags and signs on the range over night. At 11:52 p. m., officers arrested a male student on charges of tampering damage to a fire extinguishing system and vandalism in connection with the incident reported in Scott where a sprinkler head was broken, flooding the building. At 1:20 a. m„ student workers reported a male student ripping down a banner al Simply T's. The subject was apprehended and turned over to the Jackson County Sheriff's Department. "The mediators are trained volunteers from the community who do not judge, take sides, or give advice," said Rave. "They do help individuals listen to each othef and clarify the issues involved." A number of the mediations MDSC receives involve criminal charges. Those parties involved, however, do not necessarily want to handle their conflict through the court system. "We have the full cooperation and support of the DA's office and the District Court in pursuing appropriate cases for mediation," said Rave. Similar to mediation, facilitation includes volunteers helping people work through issues, but more people are involved and a broader range of issues is covered. "We have helped large organizations identify problem areas, and restructure their organization so that they run more smoothly in the future," said Rave. MDSC offers various trainings: community mediation trainings, workplace trainings, and trainings in public schools. They have helped set up peer mediation programs in Smoky Mountain and Pisgah High School, as well as Fairview Elementary. WCU September 8-10 At 12:38 p. m. on 9/8, officers responded to a vehicle fire in the Stadium Lot. A mattress had caught fire in the back of a student's truck due to a leak in an exhaust pipe. At 3:05 p. m . on 9/9, a student reported racial slurs written on the walls on the 8th floor. At 3:28 a. m. on 9/10, officers responded to a fire alarm in Scott caused by smoke blown into a detector head. At 4:00 a. m. on 9/10, a female student reported that she had been sexually assaulted by a male non- student in her room in Harrill. She had met the subject at a party off-campus. The subject was identified and interviewed. At this point, the victim states that she does not wish to pursue the case further. September 11 On 9/6, a juvenile court counselor reported a series of sales of Ritalin from one juvenile non-student to another juvenile non-student which had occurred on campus. Charges are pending. At 5:52 p. m., staff at the UC Food Court reported that someone had tampered with the lemonade there on Saturday. 9/9. The investigation is continuing. At 1:48 p. m.. a student reported that her car was damaged by a hit & run driver while the car was parked near the Print Shop. has also received trainings. "On August 14, 2000, two of our staff presented trainings to RAs concerning conflict resolution styles and neutrality," said Rave. Although MDSC is not directly involved with Western, there are members of WCU who assist the organization. The Jackson County advisory committee has included many attendees from WCU: John Ritchie, Director of Counseling and Psychological Services, Jackie McHargue, Coordinator of Judicial Services, Rich Irwin of the Wesley foundation and a new Board Member for the MDSC, and several WCU faculty. The main goal MDSC would have for WCU has.two aspects: to let people know they exist and to help with trainings when and if they are requested. "In addition we may work with Ms. McHargue to try and set up peer mediation at WCU with WCU students trained in mediation, and set up an office on campus to handle possible mediation cases," said Rave. If a member of the University has a conflict, MDSC may soon be an effective means of resolution. It Noiiir? Need that textbook today? Only your local college store has it right now—in the exact edition your professor specified and at a fair, reasonable price. No shipping charges, no hassles, no delays. We've got just what you need, whenever you need it. 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