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Western Carolinian Volume 61 Number 13

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  • January 25,1996 Western Carolinian 15 Editorials All About Aloof Academic Apathy By Earle Wheeler I'm always amused when some faculty member starts whining about student apathy... usually in response to low turnout at some Department Club event (featuring stale soda, melted ice cream, "arts & crafts," and the stimulating close-mindedness of your academic superiors). Of course, when pressed for solutions, the Department Head or Resident Artsy Physicist usually proposes a bake sale and then vanishes in an aloof puff of smoke. You can't really blame them, though. Academia and apathy are synonyms. Oh, I sure, they think they're motivated individu- | als... they publish books and things. They xj sPeak °"t against political wrongs occurring worlds away. They live in their fields of J study and atrophy for the sake of specialized \ enlightenment. Then they die and no one is I really sure what they did, but the deceased • has left behind a legacy of astro-physics I poems (I walk barefoot over the event J horizon of the cornfield/Oh! But I am a deep I Person/Inside/°In my soul). J Students learn from this example (yes, : ^eve il °r not, learning still happens in educational institutions). They feel safe denouncing the evil Liberals or the evil , Conservatives, turn in their papers, and gleefully chain themselves to the wheel of samsara. But no one would dare call this apathy! So how do I, with sharp sarcastic tongue, dare to imply such a thing? Because these certified demogorgons wouldn't sign their name to a $2 check to buy a starving kid a can of cheese dip if they thought someone in charge wouldn't approve. These shimmering beacons of learned-dom would cringe at the thought of rising up with their prescription lenses and pressed slacks and saying "This is wrong! This is wrong!" to an administrator waving a vibrating leather phallus at his work-study secretary. I ask you, if my theoretical Physicist- in-Residence was to hire Joe College as the president of the Black Hole Newsletter because of gender stereotypes, would the other scientists arm their slingshots with radioactive isotopes and howl for justice? Or would they huddle about the coffee machine and mutter indignantly? Or would they blindly defend the act of any fellow faculty member over the hundreds of students who were never given a chance? Actually, they wouldn't care. It involves the students, not the faculty. As long as they have their syllabi and a sabbatical, everything is all right. Activism isn't defined by how many news channels you watch, or how many clubs you're in charge of, or how many Tori Amos albums you have. Action is doing. Action is signing a petition to fire sexual harassers. Action is looking into yourself, no matter who you are, and realizing that you have probably harassed someone. Activism Student Attacks Public Safety Administration Dear Editor, Friri l W0Uld Hke t0 inform you that on a ay tlle 19th of January I attempted to get 0jj£ ng tickct waived by the Public Safety st CC'After ar> explanation of the circum- Po]iCes Grounding the ticket, the Chief of Howe'Gene McAbee- waived the tlcket rhn Cr'ttle 'ssuc concerning this incident Chan8edfrornbei ein8 arj°ut the ticket itself pQU. moved to the lack of respect and memCbness which an administrative staff mP ..? offered me. She was very rude to "«aiieHt u ■ „ she implied that drove M Sh° asked whether or not l state . 1C Vcllicle in question and my clearl, Chief MSP°nSC WaS N0- She then informcd rlhad had I■ , °rc imP°"antly, she implied that I . "ccl to her. 5 stated 1C Vellicle in question and my clearly hiefMSPOn'SCWasNaSh afler ^cAbee that I had driven the vehicle not m- •'Ust told hcrthc opposite. If I'm 1Staken that implies that I had not told "l ""pues in; vvavwav.v.v the truth or that I had told a fib, a little lie, or whatever is the current accepted word. Nevertheless, she implied that I was a liar. I'm sure the office worker probably assumes that I am an arrogant, know-it-all college student and that is her right to believe that. However, I am an adult who is entitled to respect and should not be subjected to unwarranted rudeness. I would like to add that Chief McAbee acted professionally and all the contact that I have had with the sworn officers also has been on a professional basis. I advise that all the people who will have future contact with the Public Safety Office to expect to be treated with disrespect and rudeness by the administrative personnel. Respectfully, Brian Wheeler .'.•.'.V.V.V.V.V.'.V.'/.VAVAV-V.V.*. doesn't stop until you change that, or anything, about yourself. Being involved with the Animal Liberation Front is great. Go save a whale or a mink or a nauga or whatever. But don't forget yourself. Don't drown in your own righteousness to the point that you wouldn't sign the above-mentioned petition because it was printed on a dead tree... Also, don't sign something just because you think it will be alleviating your apathy! You might be funding the WCU militia. Damn. Look at me. Now I'm telling you what to do. Who the hell do I think I am? Just a guy with a T-bone to pick, I suppose. Well, just let me leave you with a handy 4 point anti-apathy guide: ANTI-APATHY GUIDE • Think/or yourself; think about other people. • There's a difference between a in a Danzig T-shirt. One is your business, the other isn't. • Get involved, and if you can't get involved, make something to get involved in. And if you don't have a single issue in your own mind worth exploring... you're lucky. I wish I was like you. • Don't try to use activism to make you popular. Your chosen deity knows your real motivation, and in most belief systems (including atheism), superficial bullshit gets you nowhere. Thumbs up to those paid employees of this institution who care about more than just their jobs. I won't name them here because they don't do the right things for fame. Earle Wheeler is not responsible for members of the human race who might feel that he is singling them out. However, against the advice of those who wish to protect him from inexplicable bureaucratic computer errors, he takes responsibility public mugging and a guy standing around anyway. Truth About Eggs? Dear Editor: After reading the "Controversy surrounds truth about eggs" article on pg. 7 of the January 19th issue of the Western Carolinian, I am left with a burning question. Why is our school paper running a free advertisement for the egg industry? I would like to share some "truth about eggs." The egg industry has become completely industrialized. The day of the barnyard is long gone and now replaced with chicken factories. These poultry industries produce 98% of our eggs and poultry. The chickens are born, raised and die in totally controlled conditions including continuous lighting and being crammed into cages. The warehouses are windowless with tiers of cages stacked on top of each other from floor to ceiling. The name of the game is to maximize profits. Poultry Digest reports that the flock size in a typical egg factory is 80,000 birds per warehouse. To control profits, the industry wants to cram as many chickens as possible into cages. To prevent the chicken's tendencies to peck, they "de-beak" the baby chicks. The crowded cages allow for little if any movement and many of the chicken's toenails get permanently entangled and literally grow onto the wire. To prevent this the industry has decided to simply cut off the toes of the 1-2 day old little chicks. The chickens are continuously being given antibiotics and hormones, once again in the name of high profits. Think twice when you look at that big yolk frying in the skillet as the chickens have been dosed with dyes so that their meat and yolks will appear a "healthy-looking" yellow. It is easy to remain in the dark about what this industry really does and believe all their propaganda which is fed to us from grade school. We have years of conditioning, habit, and popular belief to overcome. They do not want us to become aware of the relentless and systematic misery in which the chickens live and die. So what do you do if you arc an egg lover? Try searching out a local farmer such as I have done. If you cannot find one, try an organic or health food store. Make sure the store can guarantee that the eggs have been raised as free-ranging, healthy and natural chickens. How can you seriously take any kind of cholesterol or fat study conducted by the egg industry itself as objective truth? Our body produces all the cholesterol needed for proper functioning. The problem comes from over-not under-consumption of cholesterol. Eggs still remain the highest in cholesterol. I will close by asking the individual not to believe everything you read. Take responsibility and research this issue for yourself. Suggested sources for more information: *EarthSave Foundation, 706 Frederick St., Santa Cruz, CA 95062-2205 *Beyond Beef by Jeremy Rifkin *Dietfor a New America by John Robbins *The Farm Vegetarian Cookbook by Louise Hagler *North American Vegetarian Society, POB 72, Dolgeville 13329 Sincerely, Becky Lipkin ., ........ *.*♦.« »*w*Hi

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