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Western Carolina University (20) View all

Western Carolinian Volume 60 Number 08

items 17 of 20 items
  • wcu_publications-15390.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • October 6, 1994 Western Carolinian 17 Entertainment w so =ai 2 TD 0> c CD CO CB |s — ~ o « co o S S; .« c o .S S ~ CO = "^3 "~ -2 03 O w CO CO £ "G .2 "° "o -- o> 5 ijo = => — i 3 5 n = a> 2 — 2 -a = CO S 5 P ** — _^ — gj ci CO - "t3 = -° * s; 2 <. * "J ~ £ 5 6? "O co o> * s co •= CD -s £-£ CO o "5 * CO © CO co o o to ™ — C ^6 '— Co Coco I— LO w CO a. -= — » 3 co „^ ^.3 ■-J Ui 5. a "3 'E> ra — ."= :»-. -s* £ 1 5 co -2 = O 2 => * 2 -°» § S 15 * a> *o cr r; i- u; c = C8 CD 2 5 X >' 5 a, ^ o ~ 2 o> 2 O 5 5 1 Celebriteasers Who would you be more opposed to dating your teenage daughter, Joey Buttafuoco or Butthead? ANSWERS 1994 Career Day: Wednesday, October 26 Job Fair: Thursday, October 27 -* 3 U SV3II1N3 SBQ I ) 3 I 1H3|3 V U 1H3 1 \ 1 s f w 3 S n u lllilv a a v 3|n1 )*■■ s o ills n : 3 llils V • 1 1 1 3 UUUD DULJU a 3 3 N OlSlV 3 Sp|Sj3|W V N| 1 0 U|d 3 1 SB3|V 1 1 1 3 Ilk) ODDDD GEO S W V|3 IBS 3 3 ipiN 1 S 1|S 3 N||S 3 S U 3 A 1 1 u 1 0 ULJiJEJ uuurj Career Day: 1;00 - 4:00 p.m. "Pen to all WCU students Rotated at Ramsey Center Employers & Graduate Schools will be represented Job Fair: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Open to Seniors & Graduate Students Located at University Center Scheduled Interviews Only Services provided by the CAP Center Introducing THE SILVER CORD New Age Books & Supplies Classes* Workshops* Intuitive Readings Memberships Available (704) 631-0008 416 E. Main Street Sylva, NC (Behind Jackson Co. Veterinary Clinic) OPEN: 10-6 Monday thru Friday Saturday 10-4 '■'III '''Ynsy

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).