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Western Carolinian Volume 59 Number 15 (16)

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  • wcu_publications-15045.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Page 10 Classifieds CLASSIFIEDS January 27,1994 Western Carolinian Classifieds requested by students, faculty and staff of WCU are provided at a $2.50 charge per issue. All others pay $5.00 per issue. Ads should be fifty word or less. Ads should be sent to: Western Carolinian, PO Box 66, Old Student Union, WCU, Cullowhee, NC 28723 or broughtbythe office in the Old Student Union. Ads should be received no later than the Thursday prior to publication. All Classifieds must be paid in advance, and there are no discounts available. Lost & Founds are run free of charge. Help Wanted Spring Break Great Summer Jobs!!! Work on a Whitewater river! Jobs available include river guides for Ocoee, Nantahala & Chattooga Rivers, office and support staff. Training available. No experience necessary. Forapplicationscall(803)647-9587or write Wildwater Ltd., PO Box 100, Long Creek, SC 29658. Earn $500 or more weekly stuffing envelopes at home. Send long SASE to: Country Living Shoppers, Dept. S7, PO Box 1779, Denham Springs, LA 70727. Promote our SpringBreak packages with our posters & flyers, or Sign up Now for Springbreak rooms. Dayton, Panama, Padre, Cancun, Jamaica, etc. 7nights $129 up. Call CMI now. 1-800-423-5264. Cruise Jobs Students Needed! Earn up to $2000+/ mo. working for cruise Shipsor Land-Tour companies. World Travel. Summer & Full-Time employment available. No experience necessary. For more info. call (206) 634-0468 ext. C5371 AA Cruise & Travel Jobs. Earn $2500/mo + travel the world free! (Caribbean, Europe, Hawaii, Asia!) Cruise lines now hiring for busy holiday, spring and summer seasons. Listing Service! Call (919) 929-4321, ext. 111. SPRING BREAK '94 - Cancun, Bahamas, Jamaica, Florida & Padre! 110% Lowest Price Guarantee! Organize 15 friends and your trip is FREE! TAKE A BREAK STUDENT TRAVEL (800) 328-7283. Fundraisers Greeks & Clubs: Earn $50 - $250 FOR YOURSELF plus up to $500 for your club! This fundraiser costs nothing and lasts one week. Call now and receive a free gift. 1-800-932-0528, ext. 65. Spring Break '94 — Panama City Beach - Days Inn * Holiday Inn * Casa Loma * Barefoot * Summit Condo's * Pier 99 * Hampton Inn. Be a campus representative; earn top commission &: free trips, or book your reservation direct. Call Travel Associates 1-800-558- 3002. Attention Spring Breakers!!! Don't Miss Out! Panama City $119, Daytona $129, Jamaica/Cancun $469, S. Padre $239, Bahamas $389, Key West $279. Quality Accomodations, Free Drink Parties! Call EST 1-800- 234-7007. Spri ng B reak '94—Cancun, Bahamas, Jamaica, Horida &Padre! 110% Lowest Price Guarantee! Organize 15 friends and your trip is Free! Take a break Student Travel 1-800-328-7283. For Sale Phonemate Answering Machine - 2 yrs old, good condition. $40 obo. CaU at 293-3989 after 7pm or weekends. BROTHER Word Processor,one year old. Excellent condition! $300. For more info.Call 293-3276. Piano for sale No $ down! A responsible person to take on a low monthly payment on a beau tiful console piano. CaU today 1-800-533-7953. Spring Break Bahamas Party Cruise! 6 Days $279! Trip includes cruise&room,12meals&6FreeParties!Hurry! We Have a Special! 4 people pay & the 5th person goes to the Bahamas for Free! This will seU out! 800-678-6386. W ESTERN AROLINA fcaJJNIVERSlTY SELECTION O F for 1994-95 Applications available in the Chancellor's Office, 501 Robinson Administration Bldg. Deadline: February 15 For Sale Baby Teddybear Hamsters $5 each. CaU 293-3626 Roommate Wanted Roommate wanted to share a 2 br, 2 bath trailer 2 miles from WCU. Washer and dryer.$125 per monthand half utiUties. Prefer non-smoker /college student, but am flexible. CaU Derek at 293-3989. Announcements Alpha Kappa Psi, the professional business fraternity, will be holding rush functions next week starting on Monday night. If interested, check the buUetin board across from room 128 in Forsyth for more info! Attention College Republicans a meeting wiU be held on Monday, Jan. 31, at 4pm in the Dogwood Roomat the UC. Any one in teres ted please call Nelson Stephenson at 227-4843. The Western Carolinian will be accepting applications for the following positions: ad salesperson and distribution manager. For more information call the office at 7267 between 10am and 3pm weekdays. These are paid positions and will last the entire semester. Problems? We at WC want to help. Our new advice column, Ask'Pat," wiU give you advice with male & female perspectives. Please send letters to Western Carolinian, Old Student Union. ^r~oF-p£»** Dead of Winter SALE 20% off all used books through Febuary5 Hours: 10 am - 5:30pm, Mon - Sat 586-1026 In Dillsboro at the Riverwood Shops On U.S. 441 between the two bridges You wouldn't wear these. r 7— '>' '''4^A «jpfcJt- r,#.y ., • ■ Ih - ■"*■ * ' i8H ..-»«^J ' dm Canine. Canine. Why would you wear these? They're nilc. fluffs- little bundles of love—we Uike them into our homes and our hears, ;ind we make them part of our families. Or at least we do that for the puppies in iIm- top pieture. The young foxes are from the same canine family, hut they'll he caught in traps, or forced lo live in confinement and then electro cuted just for people to wear on their backs, it doesn't make sense, does it? For more information, contact The I lumaiK' Society of the United States. 4*1 TUc Mnni.iiK* Sorlfly of Ihr I'nllnl SlntCJ* 2MM> I. Slrccl. NW. Washington. IK', 20037

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).