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Western Carolinian Volume 44 Number 03

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  • PAGE 8 THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN/SEPTEMBER 7, 1978 WCU puts 4scare' into Pirates Cats fall short against ECU live yard loss. Quarterback Mike pusey, described by ECU coach Pat Dye as a better passer than Pat Sullivan was at by RAY PORTER Sports Editor For several weeks proceeding the ECU game, there was much publicity billing ECU as one of the top independents in the Southeast. Going into the game. WCU was a definite underdog. However, WCU's defense was able to dig in and hold the Pirates to only two touchdowns. On the opening kickoff to ECU, Collins relumed the ball to WCU's 42 yard line on a spectacular run. ECU managed to drive to WCU's 21 but was penalized five yards for a delay of game violation. On the third and six Green ran to the right for two yards which brought up a fourth and four on the 24. ECU took time out to discuss the next play and decided to go for the first down instead of a field goal. The Pirates snapped the ball and Green went back to Auburn, passes against the ECU defense in a contest which saw four of Pusey's passes intercepted by Pirate defenders. throw but Ihe pass was incomplete to (iallaher. Alter a series of fruitless dovv ns, problems began for the WCU offense. On their own 27 vard line. Ray- choked up the ball and it was recovered bv ECU's Wigfall on lh<' 25. ECU quickly marched the distance to the goal and scored from four yards out on a turn and squirm run. Lamm's point-after kick was good. \:CV took a 7-0 lead with only a few minutes left in the quarter, Davenport kicked to WCU. Gary received the ball on the (i and ran to the Id. but fumbled. ECU recovered on the 16 and threatened with another quick score. Several short runs advanced the Pirates to Western's 1 yard line. On fourth and goal, ECU again chose to try lor the touchdown rather than the field goal. The Pirates tried a quick pitch to the right, but the Cat's defense read the play and ECU was thrown for a ROBERSON'S SUPPLY CO BUILDING MATERIAL Al-ISVO PORCH FLOOR f> OECK ENAMEL PAINT PLUMBING SUPPLIES TOYS Cullowhee Road Sylva,N.C. Phone 586- 4358 Ihe Cats began their drive and muscled to their own I on second and IS, Pusey dropped hack and passed. McNeil grabbed the ball at the 31 and is but l ■ returned il five yards. For ,,„. third time of the half, ECU was in perfect scoring range. Riej moved down to Western s nine yard line It was fourth down and three, and once again [he Pirates elected to go for the first down rather than a field goal. .... . When m this position, the Cat s defense seemed to reallv come to life, and again they held oil ihe Pirates. Western began their assault by moving to the 21 tor a first down, (hi first and 10. Pusey completed a pass to Harp for 8 gain of 21 yards. Raj rushed for a three yard gain and Western was gaining momentum until a personal foul brought a 15-yard penally. Pusey completed another long pass to Meadows for a Id yard gain. However, il wasn't enough because WCU had to punl two dow ns later. ECU punted back to Western five plays later from their 49. WCU only ran one play in which the ball was lumbled to ECU onthe 20. flu' Pirates advanced to the 19 and faced a fourth and 9 situlation. By now they must have learned the Cat's get tough near the end/one because they chose to try a Reld8°al- c -, . u u This try for three easy points was toiled, however, by Wells with a sensational block. The ball was recovered on ihe 29. Pusey again went back to pass, and was again intercepted. With only a lew minute's left in the half, ECU's offense came out on the Western 12 yard line, but on the first two plays, lost seven yards and then 13 on a sack. ECU was then penalized 15 yards for clipping and ultimately punted out of the endzone from the 39. Western was able to execute only a five yard run before the end of the half. At the end of the first quarter, Western had fumbled four times and lost the ball three times. WCU also threw the ball to Pirate defenders twice. ECU did not turn over the ball, but failed to score three times from close range from the goal. In the second half, both teams were error-ridden. Following several uneventful series of downs. Western punted to ECU who fumbled, but recovered. Two plays later the Pirates coughed the ball up again and recovered again. The next play, however, they were not so lucky when the ball got loose again. Cunningham ran to the two yard line. Two plays later. Western made the score 7-6. WCU positioned for the kick after touchdown, but tried to lake the Pirates and went for two. The pass was incomplete and Ihe score remained 7-6. ECU began their march after a fair catch in the endzone. They pushed down to the Cat's 37, but a fumble by Harrell gave Western possession on the 43. Pusey tried a passing attack and was eventually sacked after two incomplete passes. Western again punted and ECU took over on their 23. Collins broke away for a 16-yard run. Two plays later. Green passed to Washington for a 60 yard pass-run touchdown. The PAT was good and ECU lead 14-6. The remainder of the fourth quarter was highlighted by two ECU fumbles recovered by the Cats. Pusey also threw two more interceptions, but ECU was unable to capitalize on the mistakes. Western's defense should be commended for their protection of the goal. With all the Pirate's opportunities, the score could have been much more lopsided. SYLVA PLAZA Svlva, N. C. 28779 9-5:30 Monday- Saturday Lay Away Available master charge 15

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