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Western Carolinian Volume 43 Number 23

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  • PAGE 16/THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN/MARCH 2, 1978 Nomad needs Contributions Poets Fret So Poets* fret so at the Nomad's narrow rules And editors contented this to he. Must students with their blank verse poetry Send this sort entry to some other schools'.' Ihey might consider them yy ith Wider tools. Protest you not irrationality ? Will you stand by for this their tyrann)'.' In truth poems are but literary pools. Will you swim thus in the appointed lanes'.' Or break through tightly stretched conventions And flood their office yvith your convictions? I it not the yy prd "metrical" boil your veins For some must he shed of their helper canes To fulfill their heart's and mind's suggestions. Dianne SenteUe * The word is to he pronounced as one syllable. The Nomad has extended its deadlines to March 15. Send vour contributions to the Nomad in care of the English department, or just drop it in the Nomad box in the English department office in McKee. Poetry, prose, short essays, photographs, and ink illustrations will be considered for this year's Nomad. WIT by M.A.S. ISO YOU VjfMvJt P\ SO«r\*€ft 1 00 fO<i WVJG? W€U- Sift ,T?«\ CHADNOO P&EA vjchcc Pv\otiRPsif\,/vsro PWSlCS. l\l€ "n\vC€MTHft€E TrfeAOs or M] CACCOLi jeee»M fcoT f\ft£ Yft trOOO CMK&tNNlVKrlOBt' "~~T COMfc ftORfcP WITH HOLD ON HEW5I JOST MJHAT t^Pfc HRJ,. ONCE HOOVfc OF DEMONS AV»£ S/OO ? ^ 6E6N0N6PeM0N^ >- vve ARE NeOftOT^.v*-*. tTOrtl 85 A06ORP. MeUR£ferS l<> ONW r\ CONcePTUAUZnTlOM C*aA£§ A«64lAJrVlNfeMeBr^X\N1H6 fACe. UCB farcical MAY THE FARCE BE WITH YOU. Last Friday I saw an attractive blue poster in Stillwell that advised me to treat myself to a night out on the town in Cullowhee. It promised good food and great entertainment. The event was a magic show by Michael Frye, a magician of some merit, with a dinner of prime rib, baked potato, salad, bread, and drink. Knowing Frye to be a fairly talented fellow and having not had a decent steak dinner for many a moon, I found a lovely young lady looking for some excitement to accompany me on this extravaganza. The stage was set. When we arrived at the Top of the Stairs Monday night, we were informed that "there will be a few minutes delay" and the doors opened at 7:15, 15 minutes late. Then, before my very eyes, the first trick of the evening was performed. My prime rib had magically been transformed into cold, fatty roast beef that looked vaguely familiar (thank you Brown House). This trick is known as the ol' bait and switch routine. My companion was lucky—she doesn't eat meat and got two potatoes. The good tables—all six of them—had been taken when we prepared to seat ourselves, so we were forced to sit on the far left of the stage where the view was totally blocked by a wall and several columns. Even though the bread had magically disappeared with the steak and all we could get from the waitress were dirty looks and cold coffee, there was one ray of hope left: the show. John Turner, who accompanied Frye on the piano, was excellent. The tricks performed by Frye were vastly more entertaining than those performed by the UCB. It seems to me it would have been no trouble to have scheduled the performance in the Granroom, where last Friday night's dinner theaters were performed. This would have afforded ample seating and a stage befitting a fine magician like Frye. Monday night was just a repeat performance of the type of farce that WCU has been perpetrating on students and others since time immemorial. Mavbe someday this will change, but until then, may the Farce be with you. Tim O'Connell Carter's doings Dear Editor, During the past few weeks, watching the evening news has become a frightening experience. One sits in fear of what he may see, but the idea of the Carter administration is finally coming through. Since the US government crumples to their knees at tub. }«"" Ui <* '"reign omciat ana refuses to tane a stand on anything, I believe they have come up with a new program for national defense. The idea is this, if the United States is made totally worthless, no one will want it and our problems will be solved. Therefore the administration is allowing the stock exchange to fall through (thirty points down in one week), they are allowing an apparently foreign army of 160,000 "troops" (coal miners) to bring a country of hundreds of millions of people to a cold, dark halt, and now they are actually deliberating giving the Panama Canal, a mulitmillion dollar US-owned vital link in the defense of the country, to future enemies. One can draw the conclusion: make it worthless and no one will want it. I've heard the saying, "do something, even if it's wrong," well at least the Carter Administration is doing something. Thank You, Bob Mass Foolsi don't feed dogs ! Dear Editor, People who let dogs in the Cafeterias are pretty inconsiderate, and should be taken to the dog pounds instead of the dog: themselves. These fools (especially you who feed them) have cost me 10 bucks; once a dog is fed and petted, he remembers that place and often returns. So thanks a lot, you inconsiderate fools! John G. Turner UC needs Cullowhee karate Dear Editor, There has been a lot of publicity lately about the self-defense course offered by the UC. I am very much in favor of this type of course and am really glad that the UC is sponsoring it. What puzzles me, however, is why those responsible for the class felt that it was necessary to get a man who was from another town to teach the class. It is a well known fact that one of the students here at WCU is a master of the Martial Arts. Having taught Kung-Fu here for quite a while, he is more than qualified to teach this self-defense course. As any of his students will tell you, he is an excellent instructor for both beginners and the more advanced. 1 am not saying that the guy teaching this course now is not well qualified, because I don't know. I do know, however, that it is a good policy to use those of the student body and community who are equally qualified to teach these courses. Hopefully, the UC will take these things into consideration and look within the community before going outside the area and hiring someone else. Thank you,' A concerned student (CJB) Editor-in-Chief David Jackson Business Department David Curtis, Business ^ lanager Rick Climer, Circulation Tim Starling, Ad Manager Kim Youmans, Secretary Molly Thompson, Ad Comp TheWester n Carolinian VOICE OF THE STUDENTS The Western Carolinian is published weekly by the students of Western Carolina University. All editorials are from the editor's desk unless initialed, ali letters must be signed, all contacts* are printed on a space-permitting basis, all opinions expressed in columns are not necessarily those of the editor or the newspaper. Offices are in Joyner 10. Mailing address is POB 66. Cullowhee. NC 28723. Telephone is (704)293-7267. Staff Writers Kenny Baliles Michelle Parkii, John Burson Greg iihouse Chip Hammond Steve Surles Jack McNeely Laura West Photographers Drew Clark Lewis Greene Jeanette Beaudry Hughes Grogan Jim Goldston David Lees Production Staff Eddie Yandle, Design Editor Vicki Carter, Typesetter Joyce Cooper, Classifieds Stephany Criss, Typesetter Frank Sikes, Production Tony Brown, Page Layout Faculty Advisor Gerry Schwartz Cartoonist Charlie Lawing

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).