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Western Carolinian Volume 43 Number 23

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  • MARCH 2, 1978/THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN/PAGE 3 Lorrie Ruben 'Anti-abortion laws equal mandatory pregnancy' by LAURA WEST Staff Writer 'The Abortion Controversy" vu the topic for Monday night's Forum program. Dr. Hulbert began the program by reminding the students that the program was not a debate, but rather an informative program on the decisions and responsibilities of abortion. The speaker for the evening, Ms. Lorrie Ruben, yvas introduced by Professor Jacques of the nursing department. Jacques was a professional child nurse in a Catholic hospital and although she has a great interest in the issue, she felt that someone closer to the issues would be better qualified to present the program. She therefore asked Lorrie Ruben, director of community relations at Hillcrest Abortion Clinic in Atlanta, Georgia to give the lecture. Ms Ruben began by giving Statistics concerning people involved in unwanted pregnancies and abortions. According to Ms. Ruben, more than four million women between the ages oi fifteen and nineteen risk the possibility of pregnancy. One out of five of these seek abortion as the answer to an unwanted pregnancy. Although some of those who fall victim to an unwanted pregnancy use some method of birth control, the only 100 per cent effective means of birth control is abstention, which as Ms. Ruben said, "does have its drawbacks." For those who find themselves with an unwanted pregaiicv, there are several methods of abortion available, the most popular being the suction-eurratage method. Other methods include the dialation-eurratage (used early in the pregnancy), saline treatment, and the hysterotomy, both used in later stages of pregnancy. The suction-eurratage method is used during the first Sharon Jacques and Lorrie Rubens debate the abortion issue Monday night. JIM GOLDSTON PHOTO 12 weeks of pregnan Ms. Ruben gave a brief history of abortion. The procedure can be traced to ancient Greece and Rome. yy here il yvas used as an earl) method of birth control. In the 1860's, all abortion yvas outlawed in this country except n the case of risking death for the mother. In the early 190()'s. anti-abortion laws were adopted 1 (because abortion was possibly damaging to the mother, 2)because of the need for children for cheap labor, and 3)abstention was seen as morally belter as a method of birth control. In the 1930's, abortion yvas legalized in England. Not until 1973 did the U.S. Supreme Court legalize abortion in the form of freedom of choice for women. Ms. Ruben then asked "who gets abortions?" Usual answers, she said, include "the poor, the ignorant, and the promiscuous." However, according to Ruben most people seeking abortions are realistic, responsible people who understand what problems are involved in the unwanted pregnancy, and are choosing the only other alternative to taking the pregnancy to full term. The distribution of age of those who choose abortion is constant, yvith one-third under age 19, one-third from age 19 to age 24, and one-third over 24. Two-thirds of these women are yy hite and two-thirds are unmarried. Who do so many women find themselves victim of an unwanted pregnancy? Ms. Ruben gave four reasons: 1 (victims of rape or incest. 2)human error, 3)risk factor of condom or any other birth control device, and 4)ignorance of how pregnancy occurs. I imagers especially are confused as to whether sex is right lor them. From the media and advertising, they get the message that sex is good, yvhile from their parents and the church, they are told thai sex is bad. Caught in the middle, teenagers get the message. "Do it, but deny it." For those yvith such misguided sex attitudes, the punishment is unwanted pregnancy, Until people yyill admit to being sexually active and seek proper birth control methods, the number of unwanted pregnancies will continue to rise There are four steps to effective contraceptive measures, the first being recognition that you are sexually active. The next step is to obtain proper materials for birth control, either from a private physician, clinic, or drug store. Communication between sex partners is the next very important step, as the responsibility for birth control must be clearly understood. Once the type of birth control is determined and obtained, it must be used properly to be effective. According to Ruben, those in favor of abortion beleive that every woman has the right to rule her body Turn to Page 10, Please WCU Media Center supports instruction by CHIP HAMMOND Staff Writer Have you ever been stuck with having to give an extended presentation for a class but didn't know exactly how to go about it? Maybe you had some fancy ideas but lacked the equipment and materials tc manifest those ideas? These are a couple of the many reasons the University Media Center operates down in the ground i floor of Stillwell building. According to Chris Martin, director, the Media Center's general purpose is "to provide media support services for instructional personnel, administrators, and students; in essence, the university community." The media center is a unique operation in that it only has Jhree full-time employees although there are about thirty people working there. Aside from the director, the secretary. Jean Kristosik. and the technician. Don White, everyone that works there is a student; either a graduate assistant, an undergraduate work-study student or a part-time undergraduate on the Media Center's payroll. Most media centers of this size have from six to eight full time emplyees. Martin says with this setup everyone benefits. The students that work at the media center learn a lot as do the professors and classes that have been served by the media center: "I think the students working here as well as myself find it exciting to work with the many different professors and disciplines on campus. "One day we can be developing a slide show for the history department and the next day a photo series for Hunter library" DREW CLARK PHOTO Bruce Larson, graduate assistant, operates multi-image slide show equipment. The media center is divided into three main areas: Media Loan Services. Media Technical Services, and Media Production. Media Loan Services is located in the front office at G9 Stillwell. Here, faculty and students can check out for 48 hours media equipment such as 16mm projectors, open reel and cassette recorders, portable public address systems, overhead projectors, and other equipment that can be used to mediate a class. Media Loan also has a library of films and offers one week check out on those." Media Loan also will order films for a student or instructor without charge from the state library, the Canton Regional Film Center, and government agencies. Media Loan also has a do-it-yourself section for media preparation such as mounting and laminating, spirit duplicaiton, and poster and overhead transparency preparation. Materials for these are on sale over the counter at the media center or at the supply store. Technical Services is run by full time employee Don White, who has twenty years experience in technical design. White's office, located across the hall from the main office, is in charge of equipment repair and audio-visual systems design. White will also act as a consultant pertaining to technical instuctional programs on campus. In the media production^area, the media center utilizes expertise and modern electronic equipment to produce mediated instructional materials such as close circuit video tape programs on open reel or videocas- sette. Multi-image slide sound programs such as the one shown at freshman orientation are a specialty of media production personnel. Production of such a program entails expert photography, graphics, and audio work. The media center has recently built a new audio room filled with the latest sophisticated audio equipment. Media production pays for itself through departmental charges. Martin says the media center is primarily interested in the individual. "We try to improve instuction for the individual student through direct support of the Turn to Page 12, Please

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).