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Western Carolinian Volume 43 Number 23

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  • PAGE 14/THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN/MARCH 2, 1978 THE DEAN OF BEER'S (Or, was yeast really responsible for the fall of the Roman Empire?) As your Dean of Beer, it is my scholarly opinion that just knowing the one word for beer is not enough. You must also know the reasons why. Because only then will I, Siglinda Steinfuller, be satisfied that you have graduated from Remedial Beer Drinking. QUESTIONS: Q: 1. The best water for beer comes from: a) Big Duck Mountain. b) Underground from Tijuana. c) A small store in Macon. Ga. d) None of the above A: (d) No matter what you hear about "naturally pure" waters, virtually all brewers filter and further purify their water. But Schlitz doesn't stop there. They filter their water and then filter it again. So when they're through, it's purer than the purest springwater. Q: 2. Klages and Firlbeck III are: a) Composers of famous beer drinking songs like "I Left My Shoes in Heidelberg" b) Owners of the world's largest unknown brewery. c) Serving time in Sonoma, Calif., for impersonating Arnold the Wonder Seal. d) More expensive barleys. A: (d) Schlitz blends Klages and Firlbeck III barleys with the standard variety most brewers use because they believe it gives their beer superior flavor. Siglinda Steinfuller Dean of Beer Q: 3. Hops are notorious for: a) Their lack of intelligence. b) Always getting to work late. c) Losing their keys. d) Being difficult to keep fresh. A: (d) The freshest hops make the best beer. That's why Schlitz vacuum-packs and refrigerates their hops. So they're as fresh at brewing time as they are at harvest time. Q: 4. The best adjunct to beer is: a) Rice. b) Corn. c) Either rice or corn. d) What's an adjunct? A: (c) Every American brewer uses rice or corn to lighten the flavor of their beer. This is called an adjunct. But Schlitz knows how to use either grain interchangeably. So they're never at the mercy of an unfavorable crop. And neither is the taste of their beer. ^ Q: 5. The biggest misconception about yeast is: a) Carrying some in your pocket is good luck. b) It is good for hernias. c) It was responsible for the fall of the Roman Empire. d) To ferment beer, all you have to do is drop it in the vat. A: (d) To make beer taste right consistently, Schlitz believes the yeast has to be evenly distributed during fermentation. That's why Schlitz gently stirs in their yeast. It's part of their Balanced Fermentation process. And they're the only American brewer who does it. Q: 6. Chill-Lagering is: a) A popular German country and western singer. b) A Scandinavian winter sport played without clothes. c) A new ethnic TV comedy about the owner of an ice cube factory. d) The right way to age beer. A: (d) When Schlitz ages beer, they age it cold —very cold —down to 29.5 degrees. It's called Chill-Lagering. And it's what makes Schlitz crisp, clean and bright. Q: 7. A mini-brewery is: a) Hidden in a basement somewhere in Greektown. b) The result of trying to make Broken Toe, Idaho, the beer capital of the world. c) The right way to pretest beer ingredients. d) Both (a) and (c) A: (c) Schlitz has a mini-brewery where they test-brew the quality of the ingredients that go into Schlitz —before they go into Schlitz. SPECIAL BONUS QUESTION: Q: True or false, the one word for beer is Duffelbrau. ^A: False. There is no beer called Duffelbrau. Just as there is no beer like Schlitz. If you answered this question true, perhaps you should look into turkey ranching. THERE'S JUSTONE WORD FOR BEER. ANDYOUKNOWIt KtS BRkWIM'> CO MIIAVAIWt IMS

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).