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Western Carolinian Volume 43 Number 13

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  • wcu_publications-8079.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • NOVEMBER 17, 1977/THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN PAGE 7 Geologist gets his revenge John J. Chapman lhe young ladv w as obviously distressed bv the lab exercise. 1 stopped lo look at her work and found that she had drawn 60, 70, BO, and 90 contour lines between two points where the elevation was slated at 85, and through a region where all of the elevations wcie between 80 and 90. H*t B»p looked Something like- all ; i the t , 85 lecause that's where thev go on this other map," -xpluiucd with (lawless logic, pointing to a map on her page of the manual in which a large hill was Hired toward the top of the page. tut the elevations are different," 1 explained, 1 ght, lucidly. "The elevations are not the same on ■i side of lhe contours on that map. You must honor elevation. Contour lines can't just go anywhere. must go where the elevalion indicate thai thev rVetl where should I draw them'.'" she queried uivelv. "I just don't understand this stuff. One von draw lliem here, one time vim draw them C II just doesn'1 make anv sense!" Contour lines." I pontificated, "show thai shape of land, lhe elevations also reflect the shape of lhe because thev are higher where the land is higher lower where lhe land is lower. Conlour lines arc I, I hev don't ever go higher or lower, thev always ain at the same elevation. Il is because of ibis thai an use them lo show the shape of lhe land." 1 ook." I continued, "think of a conlour line as a lot •ther- like people standing side by side in a line. If \ ere in a tall building and looked out a w indow. we Id see this line and know that everyplace on it the lend il. linn she smiled al me. and drew anotlier ontoui hue between the 85 elevations, which crossed everal other lines. "Ihere!" she said with satisfac ion. Slu puked up lhe exercise, put it 00 mv desk, and i.ilked out. She was done. Right or wrong, she had I looked down lhe hall al her departing contours, and ten at the ones drawn on her map. "TOO bad she .mldn't draw diem like she grows them," I thought. I hat Qighl I dreamed about her. Now geologv rolessors an not supposed to dream about their •male students, but I've reached the point where all I an dp is dream so I guess it's alright. Hesides. I've Iways appreciated good contours, whether on a map or n individual. Here, in verb.ituni reporduction. is mv real alumni reunion, and thousands of >rnu i students had come trom far and near. For a irmal picture Ol the group they were asked to line up v age. with the youngest in the front row. and the hler behind, m ascending order up the hill. "1 ine 11)1 on the contour of your age!" shouted the ircctor, obviously a former sergeant in the army. Straighten the line! Get that woman Into line up me through'" she died in g to go up and get in line, but ,gh!" ciilie," cackled a grizzled old lav here with me. I me'" she said accusinglv. "Yep, l shore did." he admitted. "J resist You got the contours ot a tlurtv vea really preserv ed lor seventy .'' "I'm not seventy. I'm not thirty, I'm t That's what you women all sav." a chimed in. "but we know better. You seventv year olds. You must be seventv pinch vou mvself. You look tooyoung for yi "Don'I vou dare!" she drew herself i "You touch me and I'll slap voui t.ue." "Better not honey," a woman in the li "Alter all. at our age vou don't have too r coming. You better enjoy them while you c "I'm not your age," the CI "I'm only twenty. I'd he even younger if geology." "Geology teaches you about contou " 'cling that 1 should join in dlcr all dual n the v n the si Peon t o 111." "But I was up here last year," sli unshakable logic. "It's these old peopli blame. They're in the wrong place. 1 hey ! "Last year il was a dillerent lull." the "I don't remember you al all. I never fbrgl "let me alone." she cried here." "Only it it's sevenlv!" he shouted. '" your hair is already turning and the Forming, loo bad about your contours." "I'm twenty," she sobbed. "Where do< I want to go to twenty." "Down the lull, down the hill'" chantc I he co-ed tried to push dov. n the hill, b nui!'. 1 hate geologv. lit loud enough lo be HOT DELI SANDWICHES ON YOUR CHOICE OF RYE, PUMPERNICKEL, OR KAISER ROLL Tossed Salads Chef Salads Dannon Yogurt Cheese Cake Homemade Soup i Corned Beef Roast Beef Pastrami Kosher Style Salami Danish Ham Turkey Swiss Cheese Reuben Kosher Style Hot Dog Hot Dog with Chili T«HE WELL ABUSE SANDWICH CMPORIUM Come In and Enjoy Our Sandwiches in a Turn of the Century Atmosphere, . . We Also Have Take-Out Service! Open 11 am - 8 pm Mon - Sat. Located on the lower level of The Cheddar Box Riverwood Shops, on the river at Dillsboro. 586-8588

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).