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Western Carolinian Volume 43 Number 13

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  • wcu_publications-8075.jp2

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  • NOVEMBER 17 1977/TME WESTERN CAROLINIAN/ PAGE 3 Study aids handicapped students lo MUtlll \ Ml \SI b Ibuting Writer sludv is being conducted to nstire thai there is no discrimination against handicap- ied students. A committee which evaluates the iniversiiv's effort to complv with the guidelines of hi Hon Mil ,,| the Rehabilitation Act of l"".l consists ol acuity members and administrators along with landicapped persons and representatives ol different is lhe chairman of this William Scott, also the legal c 1 prov ided thai "no o landicapped individual...shall, solel landicap be excluded li , program i i civ inc. Federal Mnancia " 'Handicapped persons' means anv person who has a physical or mental Impairment winch substantially limits one oi more major lite activities, has a record ot such an impairment, or is regarded as having such an impairment" under the stipulations of the law. I he committee is Irving to identify barriers that make the university's facilities inaccessible oi unusable In handicapped students. Dr. Glenn Stillion. the compliance officer of Section 501. and Ms. June Betson. the director of the university's sell evaluation, also attend meetings al Chapel Hill where the representatives of the university sv stems discuss the law and anv problems and their solution to n Remember the photo feature from last v here's the grand prize winner... Hmmm. THE GREEK BEAT ck's issue of the Western Carolin DREW CLARK PHOTO i innovative rooms? Well, end. which is called "Sweet- L-ntly Dr. Fred Hinson. national changes needed li participate tullv ii these changes a fux building. icduling bv handicapped students, bin they nuisi Any siiiilenis w ith Stillion. Room 211. Bud Bu or Ms. Benson, Offtc* No. 10. Reid Building, iel. Senate . ih, typce A substitute mc who said. "The bill is a good bill, it's : an appropriate one sini'i bell lowers a thing rather than s< Further support ol the bill who said. I think it' would have a bell because visually il on campus could hear the bell and ki The proposal tb institute a School ol was next and Sen. Mark '< accepted by acclamation. Sen. Jerri Archer said ■ ; The first was to est. WCU w ill plav th iii a fhu | football time is 1 l:,10. prii The | game is Council such an helweei s oi \sr i"thc(.roc nil WCl'. n W( originated to invoke competition eks of both schools, and to add another dimension to the rivalry between the two schools. Hopefully the game will become an annual event and will be plaved at the site of the WCU ASU varsity game each year. A trophy will he awarded to the winning team to be displayed in their trophy case. Everyone is Theta Xi Theta Xi Fraternity was founded at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Troy. New York, on April 29. 1864. Since its beginning. Theta Xi has established more than 110 chapters all across the United States. The Kappa Phi chapter of Theta Xi Fraternity at Western Carolina was founded on April 12. 1°5S. making us the oldest social fraternity on the campus. We have a wide variety of service projects which range from helping with the Special Oly mpics to working with Mountain Heretagc day. In addition to weekly parties. we have an annual alumni weekend in the spring and Burglaries Continued from Page 1. Additional precautions have been taken since these break ins by Security to insure that thefts and vandalism such as these are harder to commit, one of these precautions being two plain clothes officers patrolling the campus building on foot at night. Also a one hundred dollar reward is being offered by Security for information to convict those who broke in. When asked what other precautions might be possible in the future to avoid such crimes. Chief Smith said. "I don't sec any reason why a Community Watch program on campus wouldn't work. Faculty and students could drop us an anonymous note when they sec a crime being committed." A new law that was handed down by the General Assembly this year states that it is a misdemeanor on fust offense and a felony on second to damage or break into a coin operated machine. At the request of the Security Office we arc printing a description of the other stolen typewriter: a blue Royal Centurian, serial number ,1M)1Q5J. made in Portugal. Oppose, Is on make ! S,3 lhe las I two bills i it the evening w the Office of the Presi dent. 1 he firs 1 a change in th student h andbook st alt at W( | I present r nethod alii iws too much groups on campus.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).