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Western Carolinian Volume 39 Number 27

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  • Page 6 THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN Thursday November 29,1973 Point Counterpoint: A Dealer And A Narc Discuss Marijuana by Erik Kirzinger CAROLINIAN: Why did you become au under cover narcotics agent? NARC: To do my part to help build a better society. Also to learn the mechanism of the law. I guess also for my own curiosity as to why they use drugs. But I guess mainly because drugs are against the law. CAROLINIAN: And do you feel that the work you've done has created a better society? NARC: Yes. It's helped because it's put some hard drug dealers in prison. That means that the people who they were selling drugs to are forced to find another dealer, or else quit drugs. Maybe when they see their buddies busted, that too will discourage them from using drugs. CAROLINIAN: Do prison terms make someone who was busted on drugs reform? NARC: That depends on the individual. CAROLINIAN: With a former IvS. Attorney General now lobbying for the legalization of marijuana, and with a presidential committee twice findingthat aspirins are more harmful than marijuana, do you have any second thoughts about busting somebody for pot? NARC: First of all, the marijuana laws are on the books; dealing or the possession of it is illegal. So, no I don't feel guilty about doing my job. CAROLINIAN: What are your views on the legalization of marijuana? NARC: I don't feel that enough research has been done on the drug to legalize it. Until they prove it one way or another (harmful or not) it whould stay on the books. Also, all of the countries in NATO signed a pact making drugs Illegal across the board. Marijuana ia a narcotic drug. CAROLINIAN: In your work you've been around marijuana. What's your biggest beef with it? NARC: The people using it don't know anything about it. They say they do, but don't. Our government is spending a hell of a lot of money on research and they know only very little about it. But 1 mainly don't like it because I feel that it does lead to harder drugs. CAROLINIAN: Do you think it is unethical for an undercover agent to move into a location, befriend the people, and gain their confidence by smoking with them, then later busting them? NARC: i've never smoked pot so that situation doesn't apply to me. CAROLINIAN: In your role of an undercover narc, have you ever had any experiences that have either strength ened or weakened your position on drugs? NARC: Many times the dealers are so stoned that he doesn't know what he's selling. One time I bought four LSD tablets from this guy. He told me to take two for a good trip. The SBI chemist later told me that I could have died from just two of the tabs. I enjoyed seeing the judge burn him. CAROLINIAN: Would you describe the typical drug pusher that you would come in contact with? NARC: Usually the greatest percentage of the drug pushers I came in contact with were lazy, dirty, long haired, bearded hippies. They treated their girlfriends like shit, They never had any energy to do much of anything. In my opinion, I'd hate to have people like that defend my country. The U.S. is proclaimed to be the greatest country in the world and I don't think that our nation's forefathers who gave their lives in order to protect this country would think kindly of these dope users. America is actually very lenient with their drug laws in comparison to many other nations. I feel that we should get stricter with the drug user. Ins tea e of "When you're busted oyer there, you're in the hassel of your life" it should be "when you're busted over 'here'.,.." CAROLINIAN: Do you have any messages or general comments that you wish to relay to your counterpart? NARC: Yes. My advice to all dealers is to sit down and think about what you're doing. Not just what you are doing to yourself and your friends, but also to your families and your society. There is a nation-wide movement toward drug abuse prevention. Undercover narcs are being paid more money than ever by the federal government. More people arc continually being employed to work to eliminate drug abuse. A good piece of advice can be heard on the T.Y. White Owl cigar commercial. And that is "get out while you're ahead"—cause we're going to get you. NOTE: It must be admitted that finding the marijuana dealer was not nearly the problem of finding a narc. This reporter sent up smoke signals trying to locate a narc willing to tell his side of the story. One day some what later; I had a phone call. On the other end of the line was the narc. That is about as close as we got because our interview was done entirely via the Bell System. Both interviews were made with the understanding that their confidence would not be revealed. CAROLINIAN: Why did you become a marijuana dealer? DEALER: Considering the risks involved in mariiuana dealing, 1 would be lying if I said that I did it for the excitement. I guess mainly I do it for the money, and for free pot to turn on my friends with. CAROLINIAN: Do you feel that your work has helped create a better society? DEALER: I want to clarify that I don't deal any chemicals (hard drugs) only- marijuana. But as to whether pot has some beneficial social values to our society, well, let me word it like this. As long as you have man, he is going to have his "highs". And I feel that pot highs are better that alcohol highs. CAROLINIAN: Do prison terms make someone that was busted on drugs reform? DEALER: Definitely no. The stress shouldn't be on the punishment, but instead on the "why" the person did the drugs in the first place, CAROLINIAN: With a former U.S. Attorney General now lobbying for the legalization of marijuana, and with a presidential committee twice findingthat aspirins are more harmful than marijuana, do you have any second thoughts about getting busied for pot? DEALER: Sure I worry alot about getting popped, But every year- every day you see more and more people turning on to pot. It used to be that you only heard rumors of people smoking pot, now you only need to go to any concert—whether blue grass or rock n' roll— in any section of this country to come in contact with it. CAROLINIAN: What are your views on the legalization of marijuana? DEALER: It's just a matter of lime. It's just a matter of time. CAROLINIAN: In your work you've been around marijuana. Whatis your biggest beef with it? DEALER: That it's illegal. I heard 70% of young people (who will later be tomorrows old people) under 25 years of age arc against criminal punishment for marijuana convictions, That's the first step down the road of legislation. CAROLINIAN: "Do you think it is unethical for an undercover narc to move into a location, befriend the people, and gain their confidence by smoking with them, and then later bust them? DEALER: I'll only say that it takes a special type of person to get so low and deceitful, CAROLINIAN: Would you describe the typical undercover narc that you potentially have the chance of convng in conuict with? DEALER: You can't give a typical stereotype image of a narc because he could be your next door neighbor, roommate, or just about anybody. I think that when the cops are taking in applications for prospective finks, they screen out the people who don't feel that they could stab a friend in the back. One day soon it's going to backfire on the cops and some of these undercover narcs are going to become double agents. I also see a day when all of the dedicated work put in by thousands of law enforcement officers is going up in a puff of smoke as soon as the "Reefer Maddness" theory is shot to hell and marijuana is legalized. CAROLINIAN: In your role of a marijuana dealer, have you ever had any experiences that have either strengthened or weakened your position on drugs? DEALER; I guess everybody knows somebody that got pretty heavy into drugs. But as I said earlier, I only deal pot which just isn't that big of a deal anymore. Our judicial system was founded on the principle that you are innocent unless proven guilty, So until the people researching marijuana can prove it one way or another, it's up to the courts to decide why it should be illegal, I mean I could get into more trouble getting caught with a joint than if i got caught with a deadly weapon. But I guess that that isn't surprising when you consider that out- government spends over 812,000 a year training and equipping members of the armed forces—compared with a national average of around only $900 per student in public schools for education. CAROLINIAN: Do you have any messages or general comments that you wish to relay to your counterpart? DEALER: I think a few lines from a song written by Bob Dylan entitled "Times, They're A Changin"' would sum it all up. "All you mothers and fathers across this great land. Don't criticize what you can't understand. Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command. Your old world is rapidly changin'. So get out of the new one if you can't learn the plan— Cause the times—they are a changin'." *********************************************************************^ SPEAKERS SYSTEM I LIST 239.95 139.95 Kenwood KR-3200 AM-FM Receiver Smaller Advent loudspeaker (2) Garrard 42 M/S Turntalbe w/base, dust cover, and Shure 75 EC Cartridge 40.85 total sale 470.70 410,00 SYSTEM II save (50.70 Don't Leave *« Cullowhee A* Kenwood 2002 AMP 31 Loudspeakers (2) Garrard 42 M/S Turntalbe w/base, dust cover, and Shure 75 EC Cartidge total sale SYSTEM HI save LIST 119,95 89.95 90.85 300.75 264.95 35,80 LIST Kenwood KR 4200 AM-FM Reiver 289.95 Advent loudspeakers (2) 232.00 Garrard 74m Turntalbe w/base, dust cover, and Shure M91ED Cartridge 151.85 total 673.80 sale 599.95 save 73,80 without checking the Pre-Xmas KI.H 6 KLH 17 AR-5 AR-8 AR-7 AR-4XA Imperial 4G Imperial 5G Imperial 6G Reg, Reg Reg, Reg, 139.95 Ea, 79,95 Ea. 189,00 Ea 119,00 65,00 75,00 59,00 Ea 99,00 139.00 Sale 109.95 Ea, 64.95 141.25 90.00 52.00 58.00 45,00 74,62 109.95 Sale RECEIVERS Marantz 2230 Marantz 2010 AMPS Marantz lu30 Reg, Reg 399.95 199.95 Sale Sale including walnut cabinet 349,95 179.95 29.95 Reg 169.95 Sale 139.95 at THEiSM®6 ***********************************************

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