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Western Carolinian Volume 38 Number 40

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  • page 8 THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN Thursday March 1, iy/3 Carolinian News Briefs I c^tons Help us help. LLU The LLU is really wondering about e\erything these days, so we bought a poker and need something to poke it into, if your club, organization, or what ever is the least bit shaddy, give us a call. For now our attention is called to the ostentation of fraternities and sororities. They alone have shouldered the responsibility of gaudy interruption of class lectures. We are offering a film on pointers to interested greeks, 'Formless Minds In Action,' The meeting is at eight sharp' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE A special business meeting regarding organization of the Christian Science Informal Group of students will be held in the Balsam Room, I'C, at 6:00 p„m., Thursday, March 1st. EXAM FOR CET An examination for the Certified Electronic Technician rating will be administered M-jrch 17 from 2-5p.m. in the electronics laboratory of Belk Building at WCU, Electronic technicians who wish to take the examination must have four years of c\> perience or schooling, and pay a SI0.00 fee. Interested persons should contact the CET Certification Administrator in the Department of Industrial Education and Technology, Dismissal . , „ , FROM I'age 1 action" will be taken. Commenting on the day's oc- ■ currences. Nelson said that he is " glad it has finally been established as to whom will be the legitimate interpretor of the SGA Constitution." "I feel the court is a legitimate agency/' he said, "and 'though I may not necessarily agree with the decision, I will support it fully, because I feel the University itself has been in a situation of turmoil, and in the interest of the students on this campus, the Student Government must not be factionalized, I will continue to do my best for the students on this campus and to fulfill the duties of my office as est- ablished by the Supreme Court." Nelson also said that im» peachment procedures against Cooper would begin on March 7 in the Student Senate. STUDENT WIVES All lucky women who are blessed with a husband enrolled at WCU are invited to learn to create great masterpieces in yarn with the Student Wives Club at the Holly Tree on Monday, March 5 at 7 p.m. CHURCH OF GOD The Church of God will conduct a special service for students, Sunday at 2p,m. in the Cherokee Room. All students are invited, VOL. TRAINING Western Carolina University has been awarded a grant of 819,600 to establish a program for tra'ning volunteer workers to help teach reading and mathematics in public schools in Jackson, Haywood, Transylvania, and Macon counties. The program is designed to identify and train responsible citizens to perform volunteer service in the areas of tutoring and preparing curriculum materials. It will begin March 1, and will continue throaghthis school year and into the summer. The grant, which was awarded by the U.S. Office of Education in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, will be administered by the WCL' School of Education and Psychology. COUNT BAUSSET Count. Philippe de Bausrset, French radio-television broadcaster and Washington corres- THE SUB Sandwich Shop Downtown Svlv? Fun Plaza r^ Arcade I-;,, IMt ALL °x Open Mon-Sat llam-lOpm Sunday 2:00 - 9:00 PM pondent for Match," has rescheduled his Cullowhee appearance for Friday, Msrch 2nd. Count de Bausset will speak at 8:15 p.m. in the Grandroom of Hinds University Center ai Western Carolina University,, His subject will be a comparison of French and American cultures, and the ways they have changed during the past decade. He was originally scheduled to speak earlier this month, but was forced to postpone his appearance to cover the international monetary crisis. His appearance here is sponsored by the WCU Lectures, Concerts, and Exhibitions Committee, Admission will be free to WCU students and subscription series members. Admission for others will be Si for adults and fifty-cents for children. RECYCLING PROJECT The Jackson County Recycling Project will continue the weekly pick-up of recycliable trash on Saturdays (weather perm'tting) from 10 am to 2 pm in front of the Cullowhee Baptist Church. Any all clear white bottles or jars are being accepted, regardless of size, shape or products they once contained. The glass should bo reasonably clean and free of metal caps or rings. Labels do not have to be removed. Newsprint, magazines, catalogs, cereal boxes soft d.-ink cartons, and cardboard will be accepted. Different volunteer groups will be handling the pick-ups. The Cullowhee High School Student Council will make this week's trash pick-up. P.O.H. The honarable society of the P.O.'lL's announce their Winter Quarter finale. There will be a swing at the APT on Saturday night at 8 p.m. Bring a date and don't be late. P.S. Come prepared for combatact- ion, the LLUhas challenged. WE WANT ACTION!!!!! SCAPE FILM SCAPE (Students Concerned About Pollution and Environment) will present the second group of films in the ' 'Our Vanishing Wilderness" series Tuesday, March 6, at 7:00 pm in the Forsyth Auditorium, The first film to be shown is THE PRAIRIE KILLERS. It traces the series of events after the white man came to the Great Plains, First, he ran the Indians out; then he began to annihilate the wildlife, and now the ranchers have upset the ecological balance to a point that the balance may never be regained. The second film is entitled SLOW DF.ATH OF DESERT WATER, The setting of this film is Pyramid I^ake, in Nevada, Dams, pollution, and sonic booms have turned the lake into ecologically troubled waters. Scenes show pelicans being scared off their nests by sonic booms while gulls eat the pelican eggs. ST. JOSEPH'S H0SP. Come hear what's new! Ms. R.R, Stanley, Inservice Director of St. Joseph's Hospital in Asheville will discuss what is new in the hospital. The informal discussion will be at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday March 6, in the Cherokee Room. All interested students and faculty invited, NEWS WRITERS WANTED: News Writers for the Western Carolinian. No pay, but plenty of experience, mystery, and intrigue. Apply now! Contact Brooks Sanders at 293- 7267 or leave a note at the newspaper's offices in Joyner Building. Actions ,. „. FROM Page 1 as a whole," Jody would not say if Carlton's" plan would be able to resolve the differences on the WCU campus. In a telephone interview with Dr, Jody, also a leading spokesperson for the petitioners, the Western Carolinian learned that Dr, King will come to WCU on Monday of next week. Although currently slated to meet with the Constitution and Rules Committee of the Faculty - Administration Senate, King is expected to meet with other groups of the University community during his two week visit here. In a letter to Dr. Friday- signed by Jody, I-ovin and Dr. Salvatore Nerboso, all members of the petitioners' executive committee, the group thanked Friday for his help in the past weeks. In welcoming King, the petitioners stated that "he will have our fullest cooperation," Write the editor P.O. Box 66 So no one's left out in the cold. + the good neighbor. The American Red Cross , «<tv«ni»mg contributed for tho public good ABORTION LEGAL, MEDICAL ABORTIONS FROM 1 DAY TO 24 WEEKS, AS LOW AS $125. FREE PREGNANCY TESTS & BIRTH CONTROL INFO, MS, ROGERS, WASH. D.C. 202-628- 7656 OR 301-484-7424 ANYTIME, Qtfte Canterbury 3nn ___ _ DINNERS I up Hours Jrit|t tm 10Pm Sun till 9pm Mon llam-2:30pm Tues-Thur till 9pm n the beginning Man credited MON&l). And to protect that money Man treated Ban/is And forwi$er Men to gain from tdat money He treated SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATIONS Higher interest ^No service costs ^Personal service Local credit established^Save by lOth. earn from 1st . The Jackson County Savings and Loan Association SYLVA, NORTH CAROLINA -in!' III III III III III III ml' I -liil1 ■i In <l i"h ■■ii Hit'

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).