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Western Carolinian Volume 35 Number 34

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  • EDITORIAL COMMENT Editorials are from the Editor's desk unless otherwise indicated by the writer's initials. Opinions expressed by the columnists do not necessar;!y reflect those of the administration, the news^ii <-r staff, or the student body. Monday night senators The Student Senate, by virtue of its being the official organ for student representation and organization, has major responsibilities to the student body as a whole. The Senate should be composed of active, informed student leaders, who should gather all the facts before they attempt to act. The Senate should be the focal point of student concern. It should conceive and implement needed University reforms. The Student Senate here at Western Carolina University is composed of about 7 workers and 27 wallflowers. These 7 workers are the only ones who carry the ball. Several of these are plagued with the trivial, day-to-day operations of a Student Government, and do not have time to give serious consideration to the important aspects of student legislation. The remainder are uninformed, unconcerned, and easily swayed by any seemingly authoritative opinion. Recently, this reporter witnessed the endorsement of the present operations of our cafeterias by two student senators who had interviewed only the Director of Food Services, J. Stedman Mitchell. Naturally, no further investigation was necessary— for OUR student senators. In recent Senate meetings, the only "issues" which stirred the senators to action were the discussions of pictures for the CATAMOUNT and the selection of a contestant for the Miss Catamount Pageant, We eagerly await this year's CATAMOUNT for the official pictures of the senators at work. The entire University community is holding its breath. Those few who are car,ying on the work of Student Government ar* hampered by the lack of effect! ire Senate leadership and a group of "Monday night Senators." Is this the New U they've been mumbling about? This is a shame, and , indeed, ridiculous. We, the students, have a golden opportunity to make suggestions for significant University Improvements. Student Government—the Senate, in particular—should be the most effective means of change. Presently, it ranks a poor third. We would like to see the Senate become what it has the potential of becoming. Student Government on this campus is no Mickey Mouse operation. The administration realizes this, But, what we see is the Senate working in circles. The lines of communication between the students and the administration remain open. We have the means of instituting many needed changes in all areas. However, it seems that our wheels of progress get fouled up unless someone is there pushing. The Senate should be the major force in seeing that the wheels turn. A few students cannot continue alone. Let's see the "Monday night Senators" fulfilling their obligations to the students who elected them. W.nke up, Senators.. TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE! The Western Carolinian Published twice weekly throughout the academic year, including summer, by the students of Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, North Carolina, Member: I. S. Student Press Association, Collegiate Press Service, Carolina's Press Association, and Intercollegiate Press Service. EDITOR IN CHJEF. . DAVID ROCK WHITTEN BUSINESS MANAGER. FRED GLENN CAUSBY MANAGING EDITOR W. WAT HOPKINS News Editor Collier Smith Co-Sports Editors John Evenson, Jim Rowell Production Editor. Ron WilUfcmson Copy Editor. Melanie Pope Staff. . .Patti Balding, Victoria Casey, Mike Caskey, David Hayes, Bonnie Hilton. LindaHipps.Christy Martin, Phil McBraver. JU Prather, Ann Quarles, Sue Tucker, Sager Williams. Typists. . . . . . m Lynn Jarrell, Lee Presson Photographer Dick Griggs Sports Photographer , Livingston Kelley Cartoonist, f. Bob Coleman Circulation. . . »• .Jimmy Ray- Secretory. Lucy Frances Metcalf Office Assistant Kenneth F. Welborn Editor Emeritus. J. David Watson HI Advisor Dr. Gerald Schwarts National advertising by Notional FdwatUwl Adv.rtUtag rvte*» Inc. Local advertising rates available upon reouest. tone K3-7M7 Monday or Wednesday nights. Offices, second floor Joyner; Phone 291-7267. Mailing address P. a Box 317, Cullowhee, N. C. Subscription rate. $4.00 per year. Letters to the Editor Dear Editor: Spring is traditionally a time for cleaning house, but it looks like our progressive administration is ahead of its time once again It's still winter and they've already gotten rid of some of the finest professors this campus has ever seen. And now with the co-operation of CuUowhee's crack police force, they have set out. to "straighten up" the student population. "Damn hippies- bunch of queens"! One former student has already felt the wrath of the Bird Brain Center's spring "weed-out"with a threat of arrest should he ever return to this campus. Why? Because he happened to get caught stum ■ Ming through a hall in the High Ri se! He oughtta be shot" along with the 500 or so guilty of the same d-''rdly deed. Come on! Maybe that's not it at all. Maybe they didn't like his hair cut - or his politics. It could be that they just don't like his life style. Yeah - now ain't that a hellofa note! Maybe that applies in the Clyde Appieton thing - and what about the English Department firings? Cou'd it be that those "Bastions of American academic freedom" who run this school have too much to say about how wo lead our lives? Think about it I'd like to see those "guardians of the American Way" take their heads out of those dusty old college yearbooks long enough to glance down at the date on their NA^ONAL RE-= VIEWS, It's 1970 outside! Outside where? Outside in the real world, Splro baby - outside o- Cullowhee. It's 1970! It's not 1930 anymore, you've had your turn. Things just aren't the same now. People everywhere have declared their right to be free. People have the right to be different. Black - White Left - Right - Boozer - Doper- Long hair - Crew cut - Who cares? None of that should matter = we are all people. This is what the youth of 1970 have declared. In some places freedom was won by declaration - in some places they had to tear down a me walls. What's It going to take in Cullowhee? Bricks only harden in the heat. Peace J290150 Dear Editor: Concerning Spirit Inadequacies, it is true that there is a lack in this area at WCU. But let's explore some of the reasons: lack of adequate cheerleaders, inadequate public address system, and NO news coverage (disregarding the attempts being made by WWOO, WMSJ, the ASHEVILLE CITP- ZEN, and this newspaper). There is one other inadequacy. Officiating. At the Appalachian game, the referees were cussed because they should have been. It wasn't poor, it was horrendous. Coach Light had free reign in our gymnasium - no technical. But a technical was called on an ineligible Cat sitting on the benchl Mai Brown was clobbered under the basket and no foul was called. Robison fouled out with FOUR personals. My date and I CAN count - we're going to college, remember!! Now I'm no expert But there were a couple of know- ledgable fans in the stands. One whose father was over^ seer of officials in a high school conference and another who played basketball. Now these type of fans know when an obvious miscue occurs as often as it did in some of the games here, something should be done. Like sending films to the NAIA protesting a game, etc. I'd like to see some action taken. NOW! Jay North This new equipment will put the radio signal into all dorms, and with no interference. The students mustunderstand that there is a time element Involved with purchasing new equipment There is the normal process of requisitions, bids, etc. As soon as the new equipment arrives and is installed, you will be hearing WWOO. We ask you to remember that it has been years, now the SOUND OF MUSIC is weeks away. Hang with us, watch and listen for big things from your campus station. Dyatt F. Smathers Program Director.WWOO STUDENTS OF WESTERN CAROLINA UNIVERSITY: I write this letter to inform you of the progress of your campus radio station, WWOO. Although it ma;' not be evident to the students of Western Car j- lina University, the campus radio station has made greatpro- gress this year. The advancements we have made will in the near future be more tangible to you, the students. It has been years since WCU' has had a radio station that could lie heard on all parts of the campus, and be heard without interference. The Vadio service has tried to eliminate this problem. The radio station ordered last week new equipment costing more than $5,000. Dear Editor: Western Carolina University has been a bastion of middle- class idealism and a refuge of conformity far too long. Civilization, (and all the good and evil that accompany it) is finally reaching WCU. Civilization can be said to be- a by-product of progress(or vice versa) or maybe they are synonymous. Anyway, it will net be an instantaneous happening. Progress always takes its good ol' time, and with the dragon's teeth of antiquated administrators and a lack adaisi- cal "police" force, it may take a little longer. Yes, folks, it may be a long time indeed before Western Carolina University (university in name only) becomes a place of higher LD3ERAL education, For here at Western (and Spiro baby you'd be proud w send your offspring here)the white-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant- silent-middle-class is definitely in power. The power here has been held by the silent majority in the ad" ministration and student government for too long, that the wheel of progress have become mired in the stagnation of their reactionary ideas. The individualists have finally lit the fuse to a bomb, that will create a thinking university or level this one to the ground! The iron arm of the administration wUl not be tolerated much longer. Last spring a brilliant individual was refused to go through graduation ceremonies because of his hirsute CONTINUED Page 4. . . .

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).