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Western Carolinian Volume 34 Number 12

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  • FEATURES, SPORTS Fall Quarter pledge classes pictured, p.4. Intermuralwrapupslisted,Po6. Haywood optimistic toward baseball season,p7. TheWESTERN CAROLINIAN VOICE OF THE STUDENTS INSIDE THE CAROLINIAN . State SGA to hold first meeting here.p.l. Student representttlves appointed to faculty committees, p.l. Editorial question voting for 18 year olds,p.2. VOL. XXXIV NO. 12 Thursday, October 31,1968 CULLOWHEE, N.C. First In State State SGA To Meet At WCU Freshmen Election Held Tuesday Elections were held Tuesday, October 29, for Freshmen Class officers, Freshman Senator, and the question payment for the Presidents of Men's and Wo- men's House Governments, President of Day Student Body, and President of The University Center Board. The election of the Fresh- man Senator and the referendum on the payment of the various student officials was determined by a campus wide vote. The total number of votes cast was 489 for the first issue and 501 for the second, Miss becky Hefner, from Charlotte was elected Fresh- man Class Senator with a vote of 177. Keith Steward was named alternate with the second highest number of votes, 128. The other candidates and their votes were as follows; Wal Mlntz, 69 votes, Lewis McLe- roy, 84 votes, and Tony Low- der with 31 votes. In the referendum concerning the payment of the Presidents of the respective House Govern- ments, President of the Day Student Body, and the President of the University Center Board, there was a vote of 379 in favor of their payment and 122 against, In the election held Monday night for the Freshmen Class officers, Buddy Lee was elected President with a vote of 72, only ten votes ahead of his closest competitor, Vance Perry, who carried 62 votes. The remainder of the students run- ning for the office were Con= suelo Mejia and Tommy Baker. The election of the Fresh- man Class Vice President was not as closely contested, with Johnny Allen winning with 122. Others vieing for the office were; Joe Allen, Pat Mon- crleff, Vickl Shore, Trls Sma- ters. Glnette Norman was elected Secretary by a vote of 62. Her competitors were Becky Foard, Katherine Hunter, and Laura Loveless. Susan Yelton was elected Treasurer with 76 votes over Carolyn Taylor, Sammy Evans, Myrna Foster, Gail Gilbrath, and Ann Henderson. Although there was not a large turn out as had been hoped for, there was much interest stired by the election. The Western Carolina University Student Government Association , under the direction of its President, Charles Sutton, is about to embark on a first among the college and university student governments of North Carollnia. With the WCU organization as the guiding force, an attempt will be made to establish a state-wide Student Government Association. Friday and Saturday, November 1 and 2, an Executive Planing Committee, with representatives from ECU, UNC-Ch, North Carolinia Aand T, Elon College and Lenoir Rhyne College will meet here to establish the over all purpose of the organization. After this is done communications will begin with other schools In the state and eventual division of the state into districts. Band Day Set For Saturday Plans for the annual Western Carolina University Band Day, to be held Saturday, Nov. 2, were announced yesterday by the WCU Department of Music. Thirteen bands from Western North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia will take part in the event, which will begin at 2:30 pm with a parade through the WCU campus. Individual marching performances by the high school bands will be staged In Memorial Stadium during the afternoon. Priot to the Western Carolina- Elon College football game Saturday night, the bands will perform in massed band forma- CONTINUED Page 7. . . Committee Members Named By DON HARRIS The Student Senate has appointed six students to serve on committees of the Faculty Senate, formerly filled by faculty and administration members only. The action to place the students on these committees was announced recently but the steps to initiate the program were made by President Alex S, Pow at the time he assumed the Presidency last July. Appointed to the committee on Academic Affairs, was Ken Cobb, Vice President of the Day Student Government. Carol McRae and Jim Pope were appointed to the committee on Re- admissions. The students appointed to the committee on Housing and Food Services were Gary Mann , Patti Llnberger, while David Doyle was appointed to the Business Committee. Other students will serve on faculty committees, other than those appointed by the Student Senate. Among those students will be: Athletic Committee, the Presidents of Men's and Women's House Governments, President of the Day Student Government, and President of the Student Body; the Committee on Fraternities and Sororities, the Presidents of the Inter-Fraternity Council and Panhellenic Council, the Committee on Hospitality, the Vice- President of the Student Body, and the Publications Committee; the Public Relations Director of the Student Senate, the Editor of the WESTERN CAROLINIAN, and the Manager of the University Radio Station. Still more students, wh are to be appointed by the President of the Student Body, will serve on such committees as the Pro-, grams Committee, The Home-. coming Committee, the Committee on Student Activities, and the Student Appropriations Committees. Extension of membership to the broad range of standing committees, and enlargement of student representation on committees of which students already were members, are designed "to increase the appropriate , responsible student involvement in the University affairs," according to President Pow. DZ To Hold Mock Election The Sisters of Delta Zeta Sorority will sponsor a mock national and state election on November fifth from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m. The polls will be located in the lobby of McKee CHARLES SUTTON This is the first such organization in the state and is de signed to allow member schools to work together to mutually solve problems related to student government. According to Sutton, the leader of this movement, "We are very enthusiastic about this step toward unifying North Carolina's student government associations." Sutton appointed Wayne Baldwin, a senior from Burlington and former Presidential Assistant, to organize this pre- llminary meeting. Registration for this meeting will take place Friday, from 4 until 8 p.m. The Saturday meetings will last from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m., with a dinner meeting at 6 p.m. President Pow is scheduled to speak at this meeting DSC Changes Date Of Next Week's Meeting By KEN BALL There has been a change in the meeting of the Day Student Council, The next meeting will be next Wednesday, Nov. 6. The Day Student Council meets every other week at 7:00 in the conference room of the University Center. Ken Cobb, Vice-President of the Day Student Government Association serves as presiding chairman of the .council. At the last meeting projects were begun by the housing Committee, headed by Bob Nesbitt and the Parking Committee, directed by Terry Nevius, At the present the Parking Committee is working to remedy the parking situation on campus. The Health and Safety Office has issued a great number more C-stickers than there are parking spaces designated for commuters. Also, about fifty of these spaces are being illegally used every day by cars with no registration stickers or those to be used in other areas. Last week, the housing committee distributed forms all over the campus to be filled out by students who live in off-campus houses. These students were asked to list where they live and give their opinions of the living conditions there. A list of this type is badly needed to aid Freshmen and transfer students find housing who are unable to or who do not wish to stay in the dorm. Those students who live off- campus, even those who stay at home, are reminded that all Day Students must turn in their addresses to the Housing Office KEN COBB by tomorrow. Due to the number of emergency telephone calls and telegrams which the school has received this year but could not be delivered, the Housing Office is requiring every Day Student to submit his address. If Day Students do not respond to this request action will be taken by the Day Student Government Judiciary Body and those who do not turn in their addresses may be fined.

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