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Western Carolinian Volume 32 Number 30

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  • Thursday, February 9, 1967 THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN Page 5 Interviews For U. Status Completed This will be me last installment, and perhaps me most interesting, concerning our college's bid for university status. Today's interviews are drawn from our Administrative Staff. Those included are Dr. Paul Reid, President; Dr. Turner, Dean; James Kirkpatrick, Business Manager; Dr. Burchfiel, Director of Public Relations; Taylor Huskins, Dean of Student Affairs; Dr, Davis, Dean of Men; Doug Reed, Director of Institutional Studies and Public Information; and Tyree Ki- ser, Director of Admissions, My interviews with these people concerned five areas of question. The first of these areas concerns me two-year study program asked for by the North Carolina State Board of Higher Education, which was prompted by an original request made by Governor Moore, The purpose for mis request is for each state-supported college in North Carolina to evaluate its possibilities of becoming a state-supported university. The study is to do mis in me form of a ten-year projection. President Reid explained mat the report of "The Which Way From Here Committee," was submitted before me State Board issued its request for a similar report On discussing our report, Dr. Reid added, "We had no idea of what they would include. We included certain areas. The Board of Higher Education will need an additional report for us to complete these areas of study. The continuation study required is underway and under me supervision of Dr, Turner." He also added that me study is due in the fall of 1968, giving me Board of Higher Education ample time to compile a report for me 1969 General Assembly. The next series of questions concerned the possibility of Asheville-Biltmore College being a competitive agent in our bid of University Status, Dean Davis commented mat "Common competition is always present when two colleges are after the same goal. If we apply for it, others will too, therefore competition is present" President Reid said mat "mere will be competition if me General Assembly minks there should be one, and only one, university in Western Norm Carolina." "We are strongly moving in me direction of autonomous independent university status, but that doesn't rule out the possibility of our becoming a branch of UNC." In direction conjunction with mat statement, Doug Reed stated mat, "Asheville-Biltmore has already indicated its interest in becoming a branch of the University," and added, "I see no threat with Asheville- Biltmore and Appalachain." The next question raised to these administrators was, "What can me students do to help?" Dean Davis: "I would say that it is me students responsibility to do anything positive to indicate mat they are capable of carrying the classification of university students. Student social groups, political groups, research groups—all of these and more, can cause people to look at us and see that we have university poten= tial on our campus." He added mat me academic achievement of our undergraduates, and professional achievement of oiir. graduates, have and will have a great deal to do with mis image presented to others. Dean Huskins forecasted mat, "The students at WCC can do the academic work required in a university." He also stated he sees little or no difference By PHIL SHOOK in me work here and me work at UNC, having been a student at bom schools. Tyree Kiser said thatthe academic achievement of WCC's students was definately going to have to be raised, and mat admission requirements or prospective students are on me rise, especially for students in mis area of the state. President Reid offered praise to me students and faculty by this statement: "Throughout the years, to me everlasting credit to me student body, me quality of their work, their behavior, their mode of dress, and excellent representation a- way from campus—all of these things have impressed legislators, state officials, and educators. This has been done in such a manner mat it has made it much easier to secure state appropriations for me cnl Intro mat otherwise would have been me case, "Likewise, I can say that it is to me everlasting credit to the faculty, mat mey have done their jobs and their participation in conducting college affairs with such high quality, mat mey have won me admiration and respect of those who make appropriations to me college, I can't give mem enough credit for building the kind of image our institution has mat has been carried all over mis state and won me goodwill of the citizens in me interest of me college." What is academic reorganization? What does it consist of? What is Western doing in mis area?Thesequestions were asked and answered. Academic reorganization is primarily me reorganizing of me present departments (all ten of mem) into four or five schools. The problem is a bit deeper man it appears, however, and me main obstacle is money. Dean A Student Senate Secretary's Work Is Never Done From her small office in Joyner Building shared with the Vice-President of the student body, Janet Marie Smith keeps up with the task of being Secretary of me Student Senate, a position she has held for two years. In mis capacity she must type minutes of the Senate, run off Senate publication and announcements, handle correspondence of the Senate plus help individuals Senators with their correspondance, plus she orders and keeps stock of Senate supplies. Janet is Chairman of me committee for selection of May Court, and on the Student Activities and the Executive Committees of me Senate. Janet also finds time to be president of Panhellenic Council, treasurer of the Marshals Club, a member of the French Club, Rush Chairman of Sigma Kappa Sorority and of Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges. Janet, a senior, hails from High Shoals, N.C. and is a French and Social Science ma jor. After her graudation she hopes to work either for the Government or in foreign service. It is Janet's belief mat WCC is ready for Greek housing. "I don't mink mat me Greeks have done enough investigating into the subject Panhellenic and IFC have greatly improved inter-Creek relations; however, more effort is needed on the part of each individual Greek to enable successful co- CONTINUED, Page 7 Turner stated that, "During the next biennium, we will have me proposed reorganization as funds are available," He added: "We almost need a department for every major, and mat we have fewer departments man any other state-supported institution in North Carolina." In order to reorganize, new staff members are needed, more of whom should be Phil's, new facilities are needed, and other items need consideration. As it is evident, all of these additions require money. The word "library" has been up for grabs lately in me news concerning our possibility of becoming a university. Doug Reed related that me Southern Association of Colleges and Schools reported mat mere are weaknesses in our library, and it recommended strengthening. Dr, Burchfiel said mat, "Not only Mrs. Buchanan, but other JAN VIEWPOINT from Page 4 some do, it is plain to see that such a thing is a discrimination of sorts, or at least a disagreeable variation from the generally accepted pattern of grading. I would like to say, without referring to any one individual faculty member, that some of the policies applied by some of them are most unfair and should be altered to end faculty dis crimination against students. Visit The F & P SUPER MKT Fresh Meats Frozen Foods Groceries Open 7 Days A Week members of the staff see the needs, and every effort is being made to procure funds to improve me facilities." Dean Davis related mat a Library Science Program is to be installed, and mat such action would, "not only aidthe library, but me college's curriculum." President Reid: "With me full application of the appropriations made by me 1965 General Assembly, and by me current General Assembly, we would hope mat our library holdings would put us In a favorable position for university status." There are more facets of mis topic, but I feel that through future feature coverage, these can be handled more effectively and more thoroughly. Those presented throughout me past few weeks should have given me reader an understanding as to the opinions of those Interviewed. CONTINUED page 8 .... THE RITZ SYLVA, N.C. Carroll Hart, Mgr. Dial a Movie — Complete Movie information anytime you call by auto-answering service justr dial 58«S-2816 WED. thru SAT. FEB. 8-11 C.l OKCI SUA I \s THI GRIiATEST STORY I AIR TOl D Because of the anticipated heavy demand, we suggest you buy your admission tickets in advance to guarantee you a seat at the performance of g your choice. TECHNICOLOR* 1 SUNDAY - MONDAY FEB. 12-13 THE BANNERED ARMIES. THE PLOTTING WARRIOR STATES...THE WOMEN OF THE HOUSE OF MEDICI...AND IN THE MIDST OF IT ALL...ONE MAN AFIRE IN ONE MAGNIFICENT MOTION PICTURE I C.'.AJ DIANE CI LENTO carcV heed PHuipTxiNr^ •WAwi" _» «LEX NORTH -.MiMAiAL. f,»,„!>L-r Plus SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS

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