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Western Carolinian Volume 46 Number 17, January 28, 1982

items 4 of 14 items
  • wcu_publications-9515.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • January 28, 1982/ 4 - don* I be in the dark about ••• dclcHs Did you know there are more than 2,000 kinds of birth defects? The March of Dimes supports research, medical services and education to prevent birth defects. Help your baby now. Call your local March of Dimes chapter for the booklet, Be Good To Your Baby Before It Is Born. March of Dimes I BIRTH DEFECTS FOUNDATION I This space contributed by the publisher Learn to Fly! Introductory Offer. . . $25.00 Includes Airplane, Logbook, & Instructor Get acquainted with flying. This price includes everything you'll need to take your first lesson; an FAA certified instructor with 3 years mountain flying experience and 3 years experience at the Jackson Co. Airport, your own logbook and flight-time in your choice of a Cessna 152 or Cessna 172. No age limit, boys, girls, men, women are welcome! DAVID CURTIS, CFI. AGI 586-2960 (J. C. Airport) or 293-3151 after 6 p.m. St. David's Episcopal Church Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Canterbury Student Association beginning Feb. 7 at 7 p.m. at Canterbury House. Church located directly behind Stadium Yes! i People really DO read ads in the Western Carolinian For Information, call 227-7267 a if^^V Each ot <hese advertised items is required to be readily available for sale at or VA •____W oe'ow <n<? advertised price in each A&P Store except as specifically noted in this ad Prices effective thru Sat. Jan. 30 at A&P in Sylva. Items offered for sale not available to other retailer dealers or wholesaler U.S.D.A. INSPECTED FRESH Whole Fryers 2 in a bag Limit 2 Bags lb. 49 c A&P QUALITY FRESHLY m&v V '</>,„,.. -^ 4 Ground Chuck 4 lbs. or more Ib A&P QUALITY HEAVY WESTERN GRAIN FE Boneless Bottom Round Roast lb. A&P QUALITY SLICED Boneless Beef Liver A&P QUALITY HEAVY WESTERN GRAIN FED BEEF Rib Eye Steak JFJ IN QUARTERS Mrs. Filbert's Margarine !?"~^™™™™™™"CP J) SUPER SAVER COUPON>™™™™™™™™™™| 2»1 A™1 pkgs. ■ 00 Save 54c on 2 Pkgs. 3 ANN PAGE UNSWEETENED Grapefruit Juice 69* 46 oz. can KRAFT SAVE 50° Mayonnaise LIMIT ONE WITH 7.50 ORDER GOOD THRU SAT. JAN 30 AT A&P IN 32 oz. jar 1 09 #614 ™™ ™ — ™( P _fj) SUPER $AVER COUPON)'"""™™""™"""™"*! SAVE 46c Clorox Bleach . LIMIT ONE WITH 7.50 ORDER ZJLJJD GOOD THRU SAT. JAN. 30 AT A&P IN gal. jug 490 #615 --- — ----- —-- - ---------J ■■■■■(P))$UPER$AVERCOUPONJ'«"""M"WMW^ PURE VEGETABLE SAVE 40« Crisco Shortening LIMIT ONE WITH 7.50 ORDER GOOD THRU SAT. JAN. 30 AT A&P IN ~^_ISSSi 3 Ib 1 59 can #616 FRESH WITH QUALITY CALIFORNIA JUMBO SIZE SWEET & JUICY ^ Navel ea»fe granges 556 I size I 00 NORTH CAROLINA GROWN CRISP-FIRM-SOLID Red Rome Apples | Green Cabbage O 390^4 1°°

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).