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Western Carolinian Summer Volume 35 Number 01

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  • THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN Tuesday, June 24,1969 Commencement Address Backlash May Set Gams Of 50 Years Back BYSTANRAHN The largest graduating class in Western Carolina's history was addressed by philosopher Dr. Sidney Hook on June 1. Degrees were received by 619 students from Dr. Alex S. Pow at the 80th annual commencement. The graduating students were warned of the possibilities of educational anarchy by Dr. Hook. He said that if this anarchy results from American Universities being turned into instruments of social action, "the great danger is that there will be a backlash in the country which will sweep away the liberal gains of the last 50 years." The idea of the university as a "master of society" is spreading, he said, and it flows from the growing view that an accepted way to gain desired action by certain groups is by force. He indicated that the end reaction to such practices could be civil war. Dr. Hook also said that a university should serve society not by being slave nor master, but by being the opener of the "doors to discovery of new truths, new knowledge and new forms of excellence, not merely for the benefit of its own students, and not merely for the benefit of its own nation, but for the benefit of all mankind everywhere." A contrary view is that the university should be an instrument "either to revolutionize society or conserve society in Cherokee Angling BY FRANK PATTERSON Trout fishing has long served as both a favorite pasttime and sport in the mountains of North Carolina. Some of the most beautiful and productive waters in the state run through the Indian reservation at Cherokee. Fishing permits and trout fishing information are available to the public at various Game Management offices on the reservation. The excellent management program and convenient access to trout streams assure even the amateur fisherman a grand opportunity to enjoy the excitement of trout fishing at its best, Fishing at Cherokee gives the sportsman an excellent opportunity to experiment with all the methods of catching trout. Almost all types of bait and lures are legal under the reservation's rules and regulations. A very generous lations. A very generous creel limit of ten trout per day is in effect during Cherokee'along April to October trout season. Enterprise waters are open to fishing from sunrise to sunset These hours give the fisherman ample time to explore and fish several of the beautiful, clear steams and ponds of the Cherokee reservation. The reservation is located in the heart of Smoky Mountain trout country. Fishing regulations on the reservation are set up and maintained through the cooperation of the Cherokee Fish and Game Management Enterprise, the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, and the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. The regulations are lenient and only stipulate that the fisherman must obtain a North Carolina Fishing License and a tribal fishing permit. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS behalf of the ideals of the strongest group." Dr. Hook warned against this view which he said introduces the "class struggle conception of the university f and its means convert-* ing universities into arenas of struggle between different factions." In a violent way the Students for a Democratic society are attempting to fabricate this type of university while the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions under Robert Hut- chins are trying for it in anon- violent way. "What is true in politics is also true in education," said Dr. Hook. "Anarchy is usually followed by desperation and authorian rule, and if this rule prevails, the great danger is that there will be a backlash, a reaction in the country which will sweep away the liberal gains of the last 50 years .. ." He also said that the university must not be diverted from its "essential tasks of discovery, of teaching, of dialogue and criticism." Academic freedom, Dr. Hook said, means the right of professionally qualified persons "to inquire, to discover, to publish and teach the truth as they see it in the field of their competence." He said that the current threat to academic freedom in America comes from students who have more freedom than most student bodies in the world. Some students are "convinced that they have the solution to all the problems of society, and in sist that the university accept their solutions as axioms, and that the universities then become instruments by which the whole of society can he revolutionized." ' But a university is a place where appositions cart be heard and all positions can be defended, Dr. Hook said. He indicated that force must not control the university in "the determination of its issues and what is so frightening in developments of the last few years is the growth of the view that somehow or other, where arguments fail, where evidence is not persuasive, the willingness, to use the phrase, to lay one's body on the line', becomes the element that convinces." If these methods were valid, Dr. Hook said, then groups all over the nation who could not succeed by reason and evidence would resort to violence and threats of violence to gain their ends. Then, he said, "the country would face, as it may well be, the challenge of civil war." Dr. Hook is professor of religion at New York University, and was chairman of the department of philosophy there until he retired from the position last year. He has become a dominant spokesman in America on many of the issues of academic freedom, student unrest and campus disorders through his writings, lectures and teaching. Dr. Hook was introduced by ROBBIE'S CHAR-BURGER ON WAYNESVILLE HIGHWAY Open 10 'til 10 Weekends 10 'til 11 CHARCOAL BROILED TO GO HOLLIFIELD JEWELERS Welcomes WCU Students & faculty For The Finest In EtGIN, BUIOVA, And HAMILTON Watches Keepsake Diamond Rings "Your Qualify Jeweler" Mam St Sylva Dr. Pow, a long-time friend of the speaker. The degrees conferred by Dr. Pow included 37 masters of arts, 254 bachelors of science, 241 bachelors of science in education and 85 bachelors of arts. There were also two specialist certificates in educational administration for study beyond the master's degree. Students from 61 North Carolina counties were among the recipients of the deg THE RITZ Sylva, N. C. 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