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Western Carolinian Volume 18 Number 02

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  • Page 6 THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN • Monday, Oct/9, 1950 " Sixteenth Pre-Session Conference Held Sept, 6 The first meeting of the sixteenth Pre-Session Conference of W.C.T.C. was held in the Student Union Building on Wednesday, 6. Herbert Hyde, President of the Student Body, presented the theme for the coming year, which is "Expanded thinking to meet our expansion needs". The book, The Mature Mind was used as a reference. At a business meeting on Wednesday evening the following committees were appointed: Recommendations committee, Mr. Eller, Charles West, Herb Hyde (Chairman), anil Annie ltuth Watts; Conference Steering Committee: Dean Grieder (Chairman), Pal Sawyer, and Hale Bryson. Ruth Muse was elected conference Secretary. At the second meeting of the conference on Thursday morning the group was addressed by President Reid and Dr. C. D. Killian. Pres. Reid reviewed the expansion program of the school and outlined future expansion plans and needs. Dr. Killian discussed the guidance program of the school as it is now being carried out. Annie Ruth Watts, President of the Women's House Government Association, presided. On Thursday evening Clifford Moses, President of the Day Student Council, presided. The three student government organizations of the school were explained by their respective presidents. The functions of the Executive Committee, Standards Committee, and the Student Activities Committee were explained by a member of Freedom Bell, Symbol Of Crusade For Freedom each committee. It was at this meeting that it was brought out that it was one of the duties of the Standards Committee to establish an Honor System at the school. The group discussed the Honor System at length. Mr. Neil Scott briefly outlined the program to be followed during Freshman orientation week at the meeting on Friday morning. Hale Bryson presided at this meeting since Bob Greeson, President of the Men's House Government Assocition. On Friday evening the final meeting of the conference was held in Moore Parlors with Herb Hyde presiding, Hyde gave a report on the meetings of the Recommendations Committee ami reported a total of :>;i recommendations by ihe committee. All the recommendations were accepted by the grout) with only minor changes. The recommendations are as follows: 1. Lights be installed in the following locations: (a) Below the Woodland Stage, between Madison Dorm, and the Gym. (b) On, main road to Cullowhee, below the steam plant, (c) On trail between Robertson Hall and the Classroom Building, just below the stone steps. 2. (a) Parking space at Madison Hall and Robertson Hall be either graveled or paved, (b) The administration consider the possibilities of establishing a one way traffic system across the campus, using the road to the gym as the FREEDOM Bell, symbol of CRUSADE FOR FREEDOM, cast in solid bronze, weighs 10 tons, stands nine feet high, measures 98 inches in diameter. In bas-relief, five figures represent the major races of man. On Oct. 24. Day, Freedom Bell behind the Iron ern Sector of Berlin, and will peal out daily thereafter the message of freedom to the world. Enshrined in its base will be signatures of millions of Americans who have signed the Declaration of Freedom. Radio Repairs Western Auto Associate Store Phone 31 Sylva, N. C. Stovall's 5-10 25c Store "Home-Owned" We Back The Cats x SYLVA, N. C. entrance, (cl Parking spaces be marked off in front of Joyner as soon as that area is paved, td) Dormitory students park their cars at their respective dormitories, leaving the area in front of Joyner free for Day Students. 3. The student senate and curriculum committee immediately undertake a study of the present rules governing class cuts, with a view toward possible improvement. 4. Some provision he made for having music in the Dining Hall during meals. 5. The administration attempt to secure better phone service on the campus. In order to improve phone service the following suggestions are made: (a) Madison Hall and Moore Dormitory he removed from the same party line, (b) Robertson Hall be removed from the party line with Davies and Boodleville. (c) A private phone booth be placed in each dormitory and one private booth in the vicinity of the post office. 6. Screens be provided for all bathroom and hall windows and outside doors of Madison Hall. 7. A total of ten irons be provided for Moore Dormitory, lour of which will be spares kept by the Matron: six irons be provided for both Madison and Robertson Halls, three of which will be kept as spares by the Matron, 8. f Wax be provided for students who^wish to wax the floors of their rooms in all dormitories. 9. .. Better lights be installed in the journalism room. 10. Lights be installed on the SYLVA CLEANERS We will appreciate your business and we will do our best to give you satisfactory work WILLIE MONTIETH, Owner PHONE 153-W SYLVA, N. C. tennis courts. 11. Other tennis courts be provided for campus use. 12. The administration investigate possibilities of making a golf course on the College farm. 13. More space for student activity he provided in the classroom building. 14. Some means be provided for eliminating dust on the Robertson Hall and Boodleville roads. 15. A place be provided for washing i , Hi. The Administration consider ihe advisability of purchasing a bus. 17. Consideration he given the in\ el providing space in oom building for making and storing stage scenery, and for making and storing costumes that may he needed by the little Theatre. 18. An office for the president of th: he made available in the Student Union Buildil ile. on Ihe walks 20. Drinking fotuitaii tailed ii1 Moore Dormitory and in Hoey Auditorium. 21. The Studenl Senate make and carrj mil plana EOT Ihe election of a Home Coming Queen and Court. 22. House Governments make plans for each dormitory to compete lor prizes lor the best decorated dormitory lor Home Coming. 23. The possibility be Investigated for providing locker and study space for day students in the new Classroom and Library Building and that the multi-purpose room of the new building be considered for such use. 24. The photostatic machine now owned by the college be put in operation in order that photostats of academic and other records might be made ayailable to counselors. 25. 'the administration in planing the academic calendar, consider the possibility of having the fall quarter end with the beginning oi Christmas Holidays and that spring holidays and holidays between winter and spring quarters be put together. 26. The Administration consider Ihe advisability of altering the curriculum lo fit a five-day week schedule. 27. The Student Senate and Faculty consider the advisability of instituting an honor system. 28. All club presidents be ad- uate of the importance of working within the framework of their respective constitutions, especially in regard lo calling meetings. 29. A mimeographed program of evenls be distributed to the student body and faculty each week. This program would list all club meetings, public programs, athletic events, and include announcements Vic Yet jays < J you'll get pastier service from v-a if you take YOUR ©ISCHAR66 PAPEBS WITH YOU WHEN YOU APPLY FOR VETERANS BENEFITS HEDDEN'S BARBER SHOPS SYLVA, N. C. CULLOWHEE, N. C. - You At This Moment .losiah Royce You at this moment have Ihe honor to t belong to a generation ! lips are touched by lire . . . The human race now passes thru one of ils great crises. New ideas, new issues—a new call for men to carry on the work of righteousness, of charity, of courage, of patience, and of loyalty—all these things have come and are daily coming to you. When you are old . . . however memory brings back I his momenl to your minds, let il he able lo say to you: That was a great moment. It was the beginning of a new era . This world in its crisis called for volunteers, for men of faith in life, of patience in service, of charity, and of insight. I responded to Ihe call however I could. I volunteered to give myself to my master—the cause of humane and brave living. I studied, I loved, I labored, unsparingly and hopefully, to be worthy of my generation. SYLVA TIRE COMPANY Full Capping, Vulcanizing Save GI) Per Cent By Full Recapping PHONE 58 SYLVA, N. C. Compliments of The The rich man employs a butler, a valet, a secretary, a laundress, a cook, and a housekeeper; the poor man .just gets married. of Interest In Indents and faculty. 30. Locked bulletin boards be provided in basemen! of Joyner, with someone responsible for posting and removing notices. 32. Waste cans be provided for each room in all dormitories. 33. Members of student body be asked to encourage one another in the continuation of their church life while students here on the college campus similar to their "back home" church life. COLLEGE SHOP Open after ball games THE CHESTERFIELD STAR TEAM Moss' General Merchandise Cullowhee H. E. BATTIE Groceries, Feeds and Meats CULLOWHEE Central Shell Station Gasoline - Motor Oil - Washing - Lubrication PHONE 152 ^ SYLVA Git HOOtJES lb fi'KLYN DODGERS MMtE WE »«1 »W THE 8ASEBALL MAN'S CIGARETTi

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).