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Western Carolinian Volume 17 Number 15

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  • Western Carolinian Vol. XVII No. 15 WESTERN CAROLINA TEACHERS COLLEGE, CULLOWHEE, N. C, Monday. May 8, 1950 PRES. REID INAUGURATED Hyde Wins Election Pictured above are the candidates who participated in the President of the StuJent Body race last Tuesday. Left to right, Hornaday, Arney and Hyde. Hyde won the election by an overwhelming majority of votes. HERBERT HYDE BECOMES PRESIDENT Large Vote Sweeps Reformist Into Office by Nickie Bonarrigo Herbert Hyde, pilot of the Western Carolinian, was elected to the presidency of the student body last Tuesday, May 2, by an overwhelming majority of popu lar student vote. Lawrence Arney, receiving the next highest number of votes, became vice president automatically. The selections were made on the first ballot with a liberal majority of the total vote going to Hyde. Approximately 60% of the college electorate turned out to visit the polls. This seems to be something of a record according to the turnouts which have been recorded recently. The issues involved in the election were not clearly defined, but Hyde, according to pre-election estimates, loomed as the favorite on the strength of his platform of campus government reform. The response to this election indicates the desirability of some program of government reform and through the selection of Hyde the student body will seek the remedy for these governmental ills. Annie Ruth Watts Elected President Of Women's House Government By Phyllis Moses Annie Ruth Watts, a rising junior from Morven, N. C, was elected president of Women's House Government in the elections held Tuesday by a vast majority. Miss Watts has served on the Women's House Government Council for the past year. She is present secretary of the Science Club and was recently elected president of the Science club for the coming year. She is vice-president of the B.S.U. Executive Council, president of the Baptist Training Union, secretary of the Y.W.A., and is an active member of the Baptist church choir. Ruth Muse, a rising junior from Asheville, N. C, was elected vice president. Miss Muse is vice- president of the Wesley dub, an active member of the Methodist Church choir, secretary <©f the McDowell Music club, a member of the College Chorus, and * member of the Future Business Leaders of America fflrganizatioa. Hilda Crawford, a lasing senior from Waynesville, N. C„ was elected secretary-treasurer. Miss Crawford, a member of .the Women's House Government Council for -he past year, is an .active maem ber of the Baptist ihurch choir, member of the McDowell Music Club, member of the (College Chorus, .and is .a .member iof the A.C.E. ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT Tom Grogan, Editor-in-Chief of the Catamount, announced last week that the annual will be issued to the students May 20 in the Journalism Room. Grogan also stated that if the annual arrived in the morning mail, they will be given out in the afternoon. Students who have not been enrolled in the college three entire quarters are requested to pay to Tom Grogan $2.75 for each quarter they have not been enrolled, before they receive their annuals. They may, however, pay the fee when they receive their annual. There have been several changes made in the make-up of the new Catamount. The theme of the Annual, to be carried out on the cover and the introductory pages, is the expansion program of the college. This year's Catamount, the largest in the history of the allege, contains approximately 192 pag^s. The cover of the annual is of two shades of gold. Graham Principal Speaker At Impressive Ceremony Fourth President Installed Saturday Morning At 10:30 Graduation Plans Almost Complete Graduation program plans are being completed and will be announced next week. Commencement Exercises will take place in Hoey Auditorium on June 5, 1950. The list of 110 prospective candidates for graduation is as follows: PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATES FOR GRADUATION, JUNE 5, 1950 Bachelor of Science J. C. Akins, Box 496, Canton Jackson Cleveland Arney, Bt. 3, organton Freda Mae Arnold, Franklin Charlie Jack Arrington, Rt. 1, Waynesville Zane Grey Arrington, Cullowhee James Clyde Atkinson, 408 Henderson, St., Hamlet Jack Wesley, Barnett, Murphy Joseph Esmond Bowles, Rt. 1, Whittier Allan Arthur Brooks, Jr., Franklin Laura Lovina Brosius, 103 Court St., Statesville Ella Frances Bryson, Sylva Alvin Guy Burchfield, 165 Merchant St., Biltmore William Melvin Burnette, Rt. 4, Marion Robert Arthur Byrd, Marion Carroll Eugene Cabe, Steocah Ralph L. Clark, Rt. 4, Morganton Hugh Hyde, Constance, Waynesville Tase Slurwin Cook, Rt, 3, Marshall Phyllis Moses Elected Secretary Of NCCPA Phyllis Moses, Circulation Manager of the Western Carolinian, was elected General Secretary of the North Carolina Collegiate Press Association at the Business Session of its Annual Meeting held April 27 to April 29 at Woman's College, Greensboro. Miss Moses, one of the three Western Carolinian Staff members who attended the conference, is a rising Sophomore. She has served all year as Freshman reporter and IPor two quarters as Circulation -Manager of the Western Carolinian. Miss Moses was accompanied to the-meeting by Hale Bryson, newly elected Editor of the Western Carolinian, and Bill Glance, probable sports editor for the school year of 1950-51. Bryson was appointed a member of the-Planning Committee upon his arrival in Greensboro. This committee recommended several (changes to the Constitution of the Association including a change -in the time of payment and the .amount of dues. Mr. Bryson statffli that a payment of vduesin the fall .would allow the' Aissociatian to .present a more interesting program each year. • .Raul F^ght, State College student from Kenosha, Wis^ wsb elected President to succeed Ellen Metz of WomanSs College. Joe Spivy of Elon College .was selected .vice-president .and Wake Forest's Harold Walter .was named treasuBfir. Mr. Polk, editorial writer for the .Greensboro .Daily .News, held a editorial writing chnic on Thursday evening. In .FrJday's full day .of .activities, the .group .heard Chester Davis, feature writer for the Winston-Salem Journal, and Miles Wolf! Executive Editor ,of the Greensboro Daily .News. The group visited local newspaper ,of- ices and the Greensboro television Nation Friday aftennoon. Day celebration this year was thatf*»rt was Tommy Young it was the opening event «nf a two-; eday program bBBMaring iPresident Jteid who was formally installed as the college's fourth .president iast Saturday morning. Walter Brown Cope, Spllva Ida Winona Cotter, ..CttLlowhee Christine Ayscock Crocker, Rt. 1, Waynesville Lawrence Cornell Crocksr,, Rt. X, Waynes viUe Ralph J, Dean, Rt ,3, Franklin John Robert Dills, Sylva Oren Douglas Duck, -Box 32., Mars Hill William Henry Ebie, Box .724, Canton Gladys Myr.a Rogers Elmore., Bl. 4, Franklin Lamar Fisher, Sttcoah Thomas Reynolds Fore, Box 204 Canton Herbert Franklin Foster, Jr., 41 Mill St., Lexington Lige Clinton Franklin, Rt. 3, Marshall Walter Abram Franklin, Rt. 3, with ihe , Mashall SCIENCE CLUB AND THE AWARD The last regular meeting ol the Science Club was held on May 4 in the Student Union Building Perry Rector Frye, Box 88, Cliff- ..uie Irvin A. Greene, Cliffside Thomas Seth Grogan, Jr., Rt. 1, Canton William Hugh Hamilton, Andrews Von Ray Harris, Marion Clarence C. Heaton, Andrews MuYjcrie .-t.,n Holcombe, 158 Wcstwood Place, Asheville Hilders Holder, Stecoah James Ellis Hooper, Cullowhee Thomas Upton Horton, Hurdle Mills Joe Thomas Hunt, Box 482, N. (Continued on page 8) for next year presiding. A committee of three — Herb Hyde, Betty Jean Cox and Dennis Daye — was appointed to look into the matter of obtaining pins for the members of the Science Club. The members of the awards committee will meet tomorrow to decide on the final' qualifications for Best Science Student of the Science Club to be recommended to the Club for general approval. The name of the person receiving this award will be published in the Western Carolinian when it is released through the Science Club. Paul A. Reid, President of Western Carolina Teachers College May Day Celebrated Fri. In Woodland Stage Amid a bevy of the local Swan- 3ttsl 'Bill Reid, Julia Ann IFitchett fces, Miss Dorothy Sue Satton, and Eddie Campbell, Mid Jean member of the Senior Ctess, was fieid and Ralph Clark. Annual College Elections Near Completion The annual college elections neared completion last week with the election of Annie Ruth Watts to the position of President of the Women's House Government Association. In the week before the Spring holidays members who will represent the Senior, Junior and Sophomore classes in the Senate next year were elected from a full field of candidates. Officiers of the Western Carolinian and the Catamount, the two college publications, were also elected at this time. Lawrence Arney, Herb Hyde, Dwight Ware and Charlie West went to the Senate from the Senior Class, defeating two more contenders for the position. Fred Moore and Dick White did not muster enough votes to stay in the running. Arney was elected Vice-President of the Senate in a later election, falling short of the mark for the job of President of that body when Herb Hyde, his opponent, beat him out. Tommy Hornaday was elected to the Senate along with Buddy Padgett and Rebecca Bauer from the Junior class. Hornaday was defeated also in the three way race for the presidency of the Senate. Woody Rhodes and Fred Kirk- land were the choice of the man class for representatives in the Senate. aa-owned Queen of the Uttay by ^President Reid at the 3tey Day (program held last Prickly .afternoon in the Woodland Stage. A significant featrnne <bJ tthe ^May The Baptist Studeift Union pic ■sic held Saturday night, April 29, Maid-of-honar luxe ifl*e .event ^t Vanhook Glade mew Highlands '■was attended by ^proximately thirty-five students. Btev. and Mrs. served as ^Freshman Class: Kitty "Blanken- *hip and Emmett FeirKster, and Setty Jo Rogers and B«ib Tallon. Miss Sutton was escorted by SDick Edens and Miss Davis' es- BSU PICNIC The food comanatttee was com- jKised of Ruth Hyatt, "Charlie Neill. 'Kack Ramey, Jo TOrienell Galloway, and Phyllis Btoses. Special guests imiluded Mr. W It is significant to note that only one girl, Rebecca Bauer, was elected to a position on th* Senate. She is the first girl to wia a campus wide election in two years. Charlie West added feathers to his political cap by defeating .Hilt Hornaday (brother of Tommy) in the race for Editor of the Catamount, Hale Bryson, little -known but powerful in the .clutofa, won out over Evelyn Davis to capture ihe role of Editor-in-Chief of the Western Carolinian, Don Thames was elected Business -Manager of both publications, defeating Stan Sarella who was also a candidate ior both positions. * Paul Apperson Reid was inau- guarted as the fourth president of Western Carolina Teachers College at 10:30 Saturday, May 6. He succeeds Dean W. E. Bird who became Acting President upon the death of Dr. H. T. Hunter. Senator Frank P. Graham was the main speaker of the event. Governor Scott was -scheduled to speak also, but he was unable to attend and sent Mr. Coltrane as his representative. The ceremony climaxed a two day program marking the event. On Friday afternoon the series of programs started with the annual May Day festivities. Dorothy Sue Sutton was crowned Queen of May and Evelyn Davis was her . Maid of Honor. Following the procession of the May Queen in Woodland Stage, a program, "String of Pearls", prepared by Professor Ernest V. Deans, Jr., was presented in Hoey Auditorium. In the evening a musical program was presented and the following morning the actual ceremony of Inauguration was completed. President Reid came to Western Carolina Teachers College last summer from Raleigh where he had served in the capacity of controller of the State Board of Education. Prior to that he had served three years as principal of Need- ham Broughton High School. He has been in the educational field for 24 years, beginning in his. home town of Pilot Mountain as an elementary teacher. He holds an A.B. and an M.A. Degree from the University of North Carolina.. He is married and has no children. A luncheon followed the inauguration ceremony. Special guests, —Continued on page 8 B. Harrill, Mrs. Cliffar Moses, and Miss Kathleen Davis, faculty sponsor to the BJS.U. Radio Club To Elect Officers Tomorrow -* The Radio Club of Western Carolina Teachers College will elect officers for the corning' year at a special meeting tomorrow night in the Student Union. Building. The nominees arc. For production manager, Charles Bagwell and Bill McFalls, for assistant production manager, Bob Heffner and for business manager, Lee Finger. Refreshments will be served following the business and the election of officers. Building Program Gets Underway m'as Miss Evelyn Davis, -a junior irom Webster. The program £&bb atear.'TA string jTCharles McCormeE <sf Pearls", the fourth and last ofpfchaperones. a series written by Professor E. V. Deans, Jr. aa the .morths and lejpnds of this Jseality, was presented in the Hoey Auditorium due to technical difficulties. •'.'A String of Ptearls" .is a musical .drama written around the life of one of the pioneer women settlers ..of Jackson County. Jt was written to glorify "the ear^ women settlers of this section. .Robin Wallace danced the part of the heroine and the xoie was sung by Wanda Gibson and Kitty Blankenship. Carl Painter sang the role of the hero and Ned s.raeier danced the part. A chorus i>f dancers, coached by Helen Hartsborn, performed .several interpretive dances. The iBn- tire play was .acted in paratoroise with Ann Davidson serving ,as narrator. A quartet composed of Robe;? Robinson, Mary Louise Hine.s,: James Gallemore, and Charlie W«st sang one number. Miss Hines also served as pianijj for the entire program. May Court attendant* and their escorts follow; Senior Class: Freda Arnold and Herbert Foster, Winona Cotter and Jeff Weils, Ann Davidson and Don Penley, and Mary Ann Elliot and Billy Major. Junior Class: Rose Cook and Tommy Hornaday, Jo Edith Morgan and Paul Heaton, and Pat Sawyer and Phi Alexander. 8cene of Ground Breaking on. the site of the New Laundry, located between Madison Dormlt Sophomore Class: Frances Finger the steam plant.

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