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Western Carolinian Volume 17 Number 15

items 9 of 10 items
  • wcu_publications-5371.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • A SPEOIAI FEATUR " AROLII-IAIJ A STUDY of Dietarv-Conditions At cstern Carolina Tc?chers Collet- One of the most controversial issues on the campus at this time is the condi Men cf the ^oardinr" student pertain1'n- to the food situation. Up until this t're no effort has been made towards an accurate statistical account of the t'pe and amount of food offered to the students. Belov is found a report to the students vjhich should shed lip! t on the subject. It deals with quantitv and not quality, '.s sumptions as to the quality of the food must be left up ic the ividual student, for anv attempt in this direction is above the realm of this •ort. This belonps to the arts of Taste and Preparing Foods. Tve chart^belo?) ras kept fcr a perird of tvro days, but there are more records :i ich have not vet been calculated. These other reports show at first "lance the same deficiencies in c>?.p+ content. -<-'■ meal r^s taken from the ' t -c1'" ••'■.ithout selection! * othinp v.ras ?xve " to ncr subtracter; from vdiat had been served. It is s ] novm fact that our meals .- the same fro^ wee)' to tfeekj therefore, this report should r-.-^-e an accurate cross-sect"1 rn of vh?J the averape Students is served in the d^r/nr hall, "hese are six consecutive merls* Carbohydrates Ca. P. Fe_ 107.3 .03711 .2U61 .OOUl 71.9k .373 .73 .003 91.26 .373 .503 .005 115.08 .i)4o .381 .0071 71.rU .373 .73 .003 lOli.Oli .715 1.13 .010 161. 175.I "5S7.5 2.02" 3.71" .032" °0.rl 87.55 2r8.77 1.01 1.35 .016 Everythinp except the calorie column is expressed in Grams. Figures are rounded ofP. The ordinal fi.rures cm ba obtained rrom the authors. '+ this point let us refer to excerpts from the bock~FQOD "•.'.'r LIFE, _ >-(V>TCTTTTU-E: lr3' ; taken from Pape 16. are adult male or female living on crdinarv everyday life in a temperate climate needs 2,)i00 calories a da,r, or 100 calorie:; an hcur, for main- tenano alone. r> V 's must be added, for lirht work, up to 75 calories ',nr~- <or moderate work, 75 tc 150 calories an hcurj for hard work, 150 to 300 calories nn hourj for verv hard vrork, 300 calories or met", an hcur." because of: necessary txxxx traverse of ropr-ed terrain, required. P. ;.., #Ca- Calcium *P- Phosphorous *Fe- Iron T eal Calories P b 777.? no'.?5 1090.30 5^2.05 10?3.00 Totals k8 Kr. Average 2!i !Jr. "2:75" ■ for 2\r .\ Protein rat 1'.176 28.) ip.uii 25.25 26.li27 30.r,l 32.50S 27J.5 18.U11 25.25 1.6.886 07 f'O

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).