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Western Carolinian Volume 08 Number 05

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  • Saturday, November 25, 1939 THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN PageS Worlds Tallest Man Likes Ice Cream. To Read Menu Cards And Take Pictures Hundreds Brave Hard Showers To Get Glimpse Of Man | Who Towers 8 ft. 8 in. | Waynesville, N. C—(Special)— ♦'Ice cream is my favorite food and it takes plenty of it, and a menu card is my favorite reading material, said Robert Wadlow, tallest man in the world, who made an appearance here on Monday afternoon, sponsored by C. E. Kay's Sons and a well known shoe firm. Robert had a friendly chat with a representative of The Mountaineer, who had difficulty in "talking up" to his heights. Robert Wadlow towers 8 feet and _ and one-half inches without his shoes on and weighs 491 pounds. He was born in Alton, 111., on February the 2_nd, 1U1> :d at birth was just an ordinary sized baby, weighing 8 and one-half pounds. According to his father, who i stands 5 feet and 11 and one-fourth 'L inches, who accompanied him hen-, ,f he did not remain an average eize baby long. At six months Robert's weight had increased to 30 pounds, and at nine years of age he was 6 feet and one inch tall, and weighed 180 pounds. His unusual growth has contin- aed until today he is 13 and one- half inches taller than anyone in the world. He attended school like any other boy of his age, but his father said he had some trouble in sitting in the seats and getting through doors, that had been built for ordinary sized persons. He gradu- Visits In Town Cattin' Along With The Catamounts the Catamounts football season ends November 25, there has been a few cats "rambling around fur This and That BASKETBALL Football season will be over at W. C. T. C. by the time this is off .„ w"hatVco_ld'bTdone the Pre/S' and *• equipment stored thletic activity. Among these awa* 'or "other year. Then the j__ „„_.. £.__.. k..._»K»ii. basketball teams will hold the spot The little man is not a midget— he is average size, and the father of the "high strung" lad, which happens to be Robert Wadlow, the tallest man in the world, who spent over an hour here Monday afternoon. know that his pictures would be unusual, to say the least. The tallest man in Haywood County, J. C. Jayncs, was on hand ated from high school in the°upper> greet Mr. Wadlow. Mr. Jaynes half of his class, and following, Istands 6 feet and 9 inches in his had one year at college. stocking feet, and gazing up at Accurate records of hia weight | Mr- Wadlow. said: and height are recorded in St. j "I never felt so low down in Louis at the Washington Medical j life." School. His parents, two brothers During the afternoon a dollar and two sisters are all of average j was placed on Wadlow's head and size, and no extraordinary heights Mr. Jaynes was told that if he have ever been recorded in his could reach it by standing with family. I his feet flat on the ground he could His hobby is photography and have it. He made a noble effort, Judging from the view that he gets while the crowd watched on with from his "altitude," one wouldkeen interest, but he lacked it by ramblers have been basketball- minded ones. Last Wednesday Joe and Woodrow Higdon, Ray and Lee Coward, Jennings Bryant and Mack Fore went to Webster to have a scrimmage. They played the Webster all-stars, but they got plenty of soreness. Many others express their desire for the basketball season to be hurried on. Miss Reed has been holding a hotkey and soccer ball class all fall, but that is about all. She has never been able to have mor^ than eleven pupils. It takes twenty-two to have a game. Say, why couldn't some of the? Idla help the class by visiting Hunter's tie-Id with them. The physical ad-CattoH i and one- may Ma many Cats just "trucking along" to MM of than: Miss Banton'i "vupid" class has never been lacking. One may see- arrowy Hying all over the campus. Cupid may be the Love Symbol, but the writer of this article has never known Cupid to puree his own heart. Watch out, Archers!!! David Stowe has been conducting a touch football class; and from the interest shown, every boy who is not on the regular football squad enjoys a game of "tag" Every Sunday afternoon Hunter'; field is center of activity. Even the rain has not dampened their spirits. Maybe next time the lineup for these "tag" football game may be secured. Not only has "tag" football been popular, but the tennis court has been humming with activity. Every afternoon the courts' have been crowded, and much talent has been shown. Jennings Bryant, who won the championship this summer, says that everyone in the tennis class has improved to a great extent. Your writer is unable again to furnish the names of those in the tennis class because he has baan unable to visit the tennis light for a season, after that baseball, and the year will be gone. To those boys that make the am, and to the coaches we wish you the best of luck and success, hoping for a winning team thai plays together, fighting until the last whistle ends the game. CULLOWHEE SHOE SHOP ALL WORK GUARANTEED HUNTING Rubbing Alcohol Fine For Skin, Bad For Stomach In these Carolina mountains hunting is a grand sport. Each year hunting season opens with all .1 waiting for the hour t t% when they can enter tl woods to take tin- limit, if they'l lucky. It not only draws those from the mountains, but hunters from other states come here to the redera Alcohol Tax Unit in join the big bear hunts, etc. that I North Carohna have been engaged take- phot, There's Death In Drinking This Draught, Experts Warn By Reed Sarrett. Charlotte News Staff Writer. Should you be looking for a shortcut to a drunkard's grave, try drinking rubbing alcohol. Its the crack, non-stop limited to that destination, and will get you there in record time. This is not a temperance plea; it's a statement of facts to inform the hundreds—even thous.i: people in North Carolina who are making a practice of drinking rubbing alcohol exactly what they may expect to happen to them. Spreading That the use of rubbing alcohol for beverage purposes is widespread in this and other Southern states is an established fact. For the last several weeks agents of But some students found that hunting was hunting even if you did 'possum hunt. Wednesday night Gen Summers, Jean Bennett, He-mice Cowan, Charles McCall, Burke Ferguson, Virgil Humphrey, and Lee Phoenix went on a 'possum hunt, and reported a nice- trip, although they caught no 'possums. It seemed as if the 'possums knew they were hunting for them. SYLVA PHARMACY REXALL STORE I 27 Prescriptions SODA FOUNTAIN SERVICE by one inche The tall man and his party were late in arriving in town, but the hundreds of people, both old and very young, who had gathered to see him, appeared perfectly willing to wait in spite of the steady shower that came at the time, which also delayed the program. When the car drew up in the crowd with Wadlow on the back seat, there was much pushing and surginging for a "first row i done wonders with cats, he said hi seat" Adults shoved and small \ was sure that it could be done. PERSONAL CHRISTMAS CARDS TWO ASSORTMENTS 50 for $1.00 and 25 for $1.00 Your Name Inscribed On Each Bobbie Colville YOUR AGENT Cats To Pilot Torpedoes; Woe For The Enemy High officials of the Navy—who are getting all kinds of unsolicited defense advice;—have receiveil a suggestion that beats all other*— by a cat's whiskers, at least. The man who offered this defense measure wrote that he had made a long study of torpedoes and cats. Torpedoes, he added, were often unreliable—cats are always reliable. The thought of a toipedo which costs thousands of dollars being fired at an object and not hitting the mark because of faulty aim, or the mark getting out of the way, caused him considerable anguish, he said. The answer, he explained, was to train cats to ride the torpedi to steer them to their marks feline fancier and one who had "Compliments" Sylva Supply Company, Inc. Dealers In Everything SYLVA, N. C. children ducked under arms of •the grown ups, but in view of the man's stupendous height no one missed a glimpse of him. Everyone seemed curious about his feet, which they later learned were incased in a pair of size 37, made especially for him. Each shoe weighs over 4 pounds and is 18 inches long. They are claimed to be the largest ever made for I human feet. I Naturally the question arises how does he get comfortable accommodations at hotels. The following excerpts from a letter re qusting reservations: "Special provisions will have tc be made in preparing a bed for Robert. "This can be done in one of three ways. "Take two double beds and place them side by side idea was not to have the ride the torpedo bareback, so to speak, but to have a sort of cat- cabin attached to each missile. The cat would ride in comfort this way—that is, until the torpedo met whatever object the cat and the United States Navy were shoot- If the Navy should find that one of its enlisted cats was afraid of water, he said, the Navy could switch to monkeys. "Monkeys," he wrote, "are as reliable as cats, but they not afraid of water." Officers are afraid they will have to reject both the cats and the We Cordially Invite Cullowhee Students To Visit Our Complete Ladies' and Men's Department ^ELK-HUDSON CO WAYNESVILLE, N. C. "The Home Of Better Values" courts regularly. No hard feelings. The golf course has not been lacking in popularity, neither has that Robert I "ping-pong." Just before can sleep across them; take a doub-j after meals the ping-pong table le bed and a single bed and arrange j has been rushed very much. The !hem in T fashion; or if you have ball seems to play a tune that says a room large enough, take two I "You ping! I'll pong." With this three-quarter beds, remove foot tune, one can be sure of being or board from the other, placing time or late for lunch. If one hear- them end to end, making one long j the tune, he-may rest assured that bed of the two. he i8 0n time; but if a person fails "Either of the latter methods is | to hear the tune, his steps should more preferable and which ever, be quickened because he is late, you adopt, be sure the housekeeo- In speaking for the Sports Ed- er uses plenty of pads between the I jtors, if you are interested _ opening of the two mattresses on|seeing the sports page full of the beds. , catamount news instead of "fillers" As a rule Robert's father pre- I and ads. why not give some of your fers to occupy the same room with \ extra energy toward doing som,- Robert and if you don't have a. thing that will make news. If single bed, a cot will do." | the editors fail to cover it, you lenty of time to "talk" to an exhaustive investigation of the extent to which rubbing alco- being drunk. A similar investigation has been conducted in South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Florida. So far no Federal indictments have been returned North Carolina, but in the last few months at least 120 persons have been charged by the Federal authorities with the illegal sale of rubbing alcohol in South Carolina and Georgia. Similar indictments may be expected in the Tar Heel State. The Federal Government is interested in curbing the sale of rubbing, or denatured alcohol for beverage purposes because it is tax free, whereas drinking alcohol subject to heavy taxation. Denatured alcohol has many inpor- tant commercial and medical uses, and to tax it at the same rate as beverage alcohol would prohibit its use for such purposes. But the Government has discovered that in Southern industrial centers far greater quantities of rubbing alcohol are being sold than are needed for legitimate uses. Two Types Two types of alcohol are manufactured. One is ethyl, or grain alcohol, which is produced by the fermentation of sugars or starches. The other is methyl, or wood alcohol, produced by the distillation of dry wood. Liquors and wines, intended to be drunk, contain ethyl alcohol. Wood alcohol is poison- Denatured, or rubbing alcohol, alcohol that has been rendered unfit for use as a beverage or as a medicine by the addition of poisonous and offensive substances. This is done so that it may become exempt from the Government tax o erage alcohol and be sold at er price. Federal law provides that alcohol may be denatured by the addition of ten gallons of wood alcohol and one-half gallon of approved benzine to every 100 gallons of grain alcohol of 180 degree proof. About 50 processes for denaturing alcohol have been approved by the Government. Some of the things added in different ones of these processes are chlorine gas, chlorine of lime, turpentine, camphor, acetic or nitric acids, acetic ether, chloroform and formalin. There are many others. On the outside of every bottle of rubbing alcohol is stamped "For to those who drink it. Of course, Gift Of Automobile Tagged "From The Lord* PERRY, N. Y.—"The Lord win provide" proved true for the Rev. Lawrence Seeley, pastor of tha Free Methodist church in this Wyoming County village. His automobile was wrecked recently and he had planned to wait until spring before purchasing an- A stranger came to his house and handed him a paper. It waa a b.ll of sale for a new car which •>tuod at the curb. In reply to tha questions, the stranger revs _s instructed to say only that the car was "a gift from tha it produces intoxication, the desired effect. The face becomes purple, the eyes red. Heart action is weakened, and in many cases unconsciousness is produced. The drinker may have convulsions. The body can absorb a certain amount of ethyl alcohol. But it docs not absorb the denaturing agents used in making rubbing alcohol. These poisons accumulate, and finally a day of reckoning comes in the form of death, usu- ,lly through paralysis of the heart or lungs, or both. Thousands of persons in the Unit- external use only. If taken internally will produce serious gastric disturbances." That's putting it mildly, when you consider what really happen* ed States die every year from' BOXER OBEYS BUT KAYOS WRONG MAN OBSINBUBG,' Pa.—Eddie Mo- Closkey told his fighter ju-t how to score the knockout. As soon aa the opening gong sounds, he instructed Babe Malonek, rush in the-re and flatten the foe with a surprise blow. The Babe got set in his corner, crouched, and at the bell ma da what he had thought would be a leap at his opponent. Instead ha slipped and crashed face-first on the canvas. Malonek was counted out in tha 12th second of the first round. alcoholism. In 1935, the last year for which Bureau of the Census igures are available, 3,349 persons died from this cause. But before death the human organism suffers many agonies. When death comes, the battle has been fought and lost. And the battle is always one-sided, because the alcohol always wins. Wood alcohol brings atrophy of the optic nerves, leads inevitably to loss of vision. This and other poisons added to denatured ethyl alcohol attack almost every part of the body. The bones and teeth soften and crumble. The functioning of the kidney, liver and other important organs is impaired. Finally comes paralysis and death. HOOPER'S DRUG STORE "ONLY THE BEST' ^^pu^^ori ass— Arcade Building Asheville. N C. Auto Repairs BRAKES RELINED — BATTERY SERVICE CULLOWHEE MOTOR CO. Alvin C. Deitz, owner All Work Guaranteed monkeys. For one thing, the man didn't suggest what rank they should carry in the service. Welcome Students PARK LUNCH ROOM Sizzling Western Steaks- Regular Dinners and Salads- Fresh Home Baked PHONE 175 Jimmy Gaither, Prop. BUCK'S SODA SHOP FOUNTAIN SERVICE Smokes — Candies At The Foot of The Hill them. Tucky's & Gene's Candy Room "Bull Sessions" NO GIRLS ALLOWED Candy—Apples—Cigarettes COMPLIMENTS OF Mercury 8 FORD Reece-Hampton Motor Company Sylva, North Carolina The pause that refreshes COMPLIMENTS OF HOTEL CAROLINA SYLVA RAYMOND GLENN IEW E LE R SYLVA N. C. We Make Our Own Ice Cream—Fresh Daily From A Patented Process—100 Per Cent Pure ABBOTT'S ICE CREAM BAR ACROSS THE BRIDGE PHONE 231 We Deliver Anytime — Any Place Milk Shakes — Ice Cream — Sandwiches — Banana Splits — Strawberry Shortcake COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE Students and Faculty BE SURE TO ATTEND OUR Pre-Thanksgiving Sale COATS — DRESSES — SUITS — HATS AU$5.95 Dresses $3.88 All $7.95 Dresses $5.88 All $9.95 Dresses $6.88 All $14.95 Dresses $9.88 All $19.75 Dresses $14.88 All HATS HALF PRICE All COATS 25% OFF All SWEATERS and SKIRTS HALF PRICE HALE'S SYLVA, N. C. TELEPHONE 104

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).