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Western Carolinian Volume 04 Number 06

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  • PAGE FOUR THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN Unusual Faculty Planned For 1936 Summer Session Lectures To Be Given by Number of Visiting Instructors Western Carolina Teachers College will have several visiting instructors for its summer school in 'uhlition to about thirty members of its regular faculty. This is a part of the plan to have "a summer school that is different." Among the visiting instructors will be: Dr. Russel S. Poor, head of the geology department at Birminghair Southern College, Birmingham, Ala bama, will teach geology. He wil also direct field trips and pleasun ; a part of his conduct other :creational na- ummer school there, will be -al counselor to the faculty on ,pecial courses related to rural 5. Aland Barnard Brown, who campuses of Chapel Hill and : College, will conduct one and teach English in the pri- grades. s. Annie lleam Fundenburk, College Men Are a Sorry Bunch — So Say College Women CHAPEL HILL, N. C.-(ACP)- en A'e\ille, enterprising student at ■sity of North Carolina disc he just what college women think of college men. He found out, too: "College men are the most selfish and egotistical creatures on 1!" screamed the questioned ds. "They get drunk too much, lack respect for girls and old- >eople, they have no sense of onsibility for their social obli M. Noi "Thei table hey and they try to brag about thei dates to fraternity .brothers, are rude, insincere, disrespectfu inconsiderate, impolite, discour "The thing that gets in my hai sary profanity, there's nothing about the Amerii Wins Trophy Mrs.E.W.Wilscn Awarded Feature Story Cup .Mrs. Eddie W. Wilson was awarded the Feature Story Cup for Ihe best feature article published in a newspaper, in or out of the state, between May 1, 1935, and March 15, 1936. Mrs. Wilson's feature consisted of an account of Mrs. Molly Fisher's recollections of the War Between the States. Mrs. Fisher, who last week celebrated her o5th birthday, was then a tiny girl, but she delights in recounting her vivid memories of those trying days. Mrs. Wilson's cup was awarded at the luncheon given by the Literature Department. Airs. H. Bueck, of Murphy, presided at the lunch- This was the second cup of this kind that has been won by Mrs Wilson. In 1927 she was awarded the Separk Poetry cup. iro y< ,ars Ohio Stan ■'s Junioi ■ of the Air has enroll* than 7,000 student :s in 4. Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity will receive the bulk of the estate of James Anderson Hawes, deceased New York lawyer. Ei ther n.l Ik adni tration courses for principals Frank A. Edmonson, superintend- end of schools in Beaufort county. Superintendent H. Bueck of the Murphy city schools, formerly director of the Training School here, will teach courses in high school administration. In addition to the regular faculty members and the visiting instruct- From the University of Indi omes the opinion that "the n failing of college boys boy has brand feature rather than good looks, ability to know when he's had tough to drink, a little athletic ability, and above all consideration d politeness are components to The Ideal, co-eds agree. What We Think Of the VFW What do you think about the organization "The Veterans of En- tune Wars?" Maybe you have not thought much about it, but other folk's have. The girls at Newcomb College, in New Orleans, La., have organized Canteen Curies for the next war because they do not want to trust our soldiers with those foreign dames. Probably we will give more thought to that. Here is what some of the Cullowhee students and faculty members think about the organization: Martha Lou Hunter: "Very em- I think it is a good Jackson Furniture Company, Inc. The Cniversity of Wisconsin has more than $20,0(H) in unclaimed li- Lyric Theater SYLVA, N. C. Coming Attractions May 4-5 Exclusive Story May 7-8 Wife vs. Secretary ired. lectin have Who's Who AtW.CT.C. (Continued from Page One) Dr. Harold Foght, superintendent of the Cherokee Indian Reservation, will discuss "Rural Life." Three officials of the T. V A. will lecture. One of them is scheduled I., discuss that project in relation to rural development. ANNUAL SPRING ELECTIONS HELD (Continued from Page One) and Frances Smith. The Senate members for the ris- iny senior class that were elected were Ruth Burch, Canton; Merle Davis, Murphy; Nina Cray Liles, I'eaehland; and Carl Ratcliffe, Waynesville. Elmo Ghormley and I ).in Pryor were the other candidates for senior representatives. Closest Race The closest race in the whole election was that between Nina Cray Liles and Merle Davis for editor of the Catamount. The final tally gave the ( File's by one vote Liles, 129; Davis, Elmo Ghormley won a close race over Awyer Tilley manager of the "Cat; Ghormley's home is in Robbim villc, and Mr. Tilley's is at Cullowhee. In a three-cornered contest between Amelia Bradley, Dot Higdon, and Eula Mae Potts, for editor of the "Western Carolinian," Miss I led .ii won. Her home is in Sylva. Perhaps the race that caused the most interest was that between Merle Ilavis and Virgil Humphrey for business manager of the "Western Carolinian." Plenty of hot p,,li- ticing resulted, and this contest, like all the rest, was rather close, with Ihe official count giving the election to Mr. Da\is. The official vote as tabulated and cheeked several limes by th. elee ii..,, committee will be found on page two of this issue. fai havir old age :ady showing signs of being as famous as her illustrious parents. Genella confided a few little ems to me that Burch will probably censor when he copies this article for press: (1) The main thing Burch dislikes about being married is that he has to sha ivcry day. (2) He hates to ha nis "hair cut. (.1) He would rati dance than eat. (4) He hates iiave his shirts washed because insists that it will wear thru, out PLANS PAGEANT Mr. Waters, chairman of l estern district of the North C lina Fducation Association, is pi; ning a pageant depicting the < velopment u{ education in western North Carolina. The pageant i be given at the district meeting held in Asheville in October. '. Camp has been asked to servi Ihe committee and met with them on Saturday. Cullowhee will featured in the pageant. it I don't." dey: "I don't know I don't know what "I think it is a lot thing." J. C. Rich, Jr.: ' some of it and some Elom Ghormley: ' much about it, ,T doi 0 think." "R'ed Cabe f 'bulloney. Charles Morgan: "I think retty good if they will pay Charles Holloman: "I think fine thing, and is about the hing to be brought forth as preventative." Andrew Frazier: "After e^en used up other motive why not try ridicule." Hannah Lou Brown: "We not going to have any more wa Awyer Tilley: "I think it a f ™ng, and I would like to have , Miss .Veal: "I thought it a pre cute' thing up there." Mr. Seymour: "Jt is the vountr aking fun ' - - - folks i fathers a.le.' EAGLE STORES, Inc. White Shoe Polish—Anklets, All Sizes and Colors White Belts—White Bags—Collar Sets—and Many Other \ Items That You Need During the Summer SYLVA LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Clothes Called for and Delivered at the College PLACEMENT Miss Camp is wor niversity of Detrc ate a campus tree of Joyce Kilmer, , plans to the WHITE SHOE POLISH Keep Your White Shoes Looking Neal and Clean OCCASIONAL CARDS We have a card for every occasion. Come in and gel a card for someone's BIRTHDAY, MOTHERS' DAY, or for a SICK FRIEND. STOVALL'S 5-10-25^ STORE ELECTED TEACHER Everett White has beet, elected as seventh grade teacher in the Valdcse School in llurke county for next year. Funny Hotel Rules 1—Guests are requested . not to speak to the dumbwaiter. 2—Guests wishing to get up without being called have self-rising flour for supper. ■ 3—Guests wishing to do a little driving will find nails and a hammer in the closet. 4—If the room gets too warm open the door and watch the fire escape. 5—If you are fond of good athletics and like good jumping lift the mattress and watch the bed spring. 6—If your lamp goes out take a feather out of the pillow. That's light enough for any room. 7—Don't worry about pavine your bill. The house is supported by the foundation. PRINTING Wj^THI^N you give us an order for printing our one idea is lo give you a good job. . . . We will assist you in the selection of paper stock, type faces and layout. We have a wide selection of illustrations and decorative art, for which there is no extra charge . . . Let us make an estimate on your next job . . . You will find our prices most reasonable. Mail orders given prompt attention. Letters Circulars Booklets Office Forms THE FRANKLIN PRESS Telephone 24 Franklin, N. C.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).