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Western Carolina University (21) View all

Western Carolina University Commencement Address 1971

items 11 of 16 items
  • hl_commencementaddress_1971-06_11.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • able governmental regulations. This is a very real problem for our nation and in- dustry today. Our government must not restrict our industry so that it cannot compete effectively with governmental controlled and assisted industries of other nations. The warning of this is clearly apparent in the land as we see the weakness of our currency, the shortage of challenging jobs, and the flood of imported products, every one of which could be made here. The past success of the innovating American businessman in producing a multitude of improved products year after yearthis very suc- cess, perhaps, has created a public im- pression that has led to some of todays criticism. This enormous flow of products has made some people think that products alone are what business is all about. But these people overlook the achieve- ments of business outside the marketplace, and outside its tax paying role. For example, American corporations annually donate many millions of dollars to colleges and universities and often on the most unrestricted terms of any monies available to the schools. Every major corporation that | know has dramatically increased the percentage of its employees from among the minority and ethnic groups. Every free enterprise company is constantly trying to find the best man for the job availableyes - to increase profitsand the color of the employees skin or his racial or religious background is unimportant so long as he can turn in the best performance and | believe that is the best and only lasting basis of selection. Every major corporation that | know has

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).