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Western Carolina University Commencement Address 1971

items 6 of 16 items
  • hl_commencementaddress_1971-06_06.jpg

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  • any event, your true education is only beginning and it is a continuing voyage without end. Now, before President Pow takes some serious action, | had better briefly tie in the subject he requested, namely, big business. In this next chapter of your lives, many of you will be entering graduate schools. Others will be going directly into the working worldin government, in educa- tion and in business. | would like to speak particularly of the business world, since it is there that | have made my second career. However, | do believe that the lessons one learns from observing the business world are applicable in every field of human endeavor. First of all, let us look at the state of American business today. One of the out- standing facts about it is that it has become one of the criticized institutions in our national life. In some parts of the country, it is quite common to hear it said that business, and _ especially big business, does not offer the youth of America the opportunities to succeed. Some young people say that they do not see how they can find in business the personal satisfaction they seek out of life. They are especially critical of the large corporations, which they consider inhuman, mechanistic and, indeed, unconcerned with the problems of our society. Such accusations are made in spite of the fact that the American business and industrial system under free enter- prise has given our country the highest standard of living in the history of man- kind and has created all the capital that permitted the recovery of friendly and

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).