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Western Carolina University (21) View all

Western Carolina University Commencement Address 1971

items 5 of 16 items
  • hl_commencementaddress_1971-06_05.jpg

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  • | would like to suggest to you that although some people hold up to ridicule the ideas and even the very words loyalty, honor, honesty, patriotism, and ethics these concepts still have value in the development of a rewarding life. Another reminder: your education is only beginning. The Harvard Business School theme of the Continuous Voyage of learning is worthy of your considera- tion. To illustrate, last week | spent consid- erable time with a revolutionary president of a Latin American country, who had been educated in the United States at a school not unlike Western Carolina. We talked of many thingsand | told him of my planned visit with you today and asked what he thought you might be interested in hearing. Here was a man who had suddenly, through a military coup, become president of a nation, dedicated to doing a top- flight job leading his nationand sincere in his desire to serve the people of his nation. His response was something like this, You know not many universities teach a course in being president so... Tell them to work harder, learn all they can. Tell them, dont overlook any- thing. Tell them, their education only starts when they graduate. Every day, | see how much | need to knowthat | could have known more had | taken advantage of the opportunities | had in college. | wouldnt go to concerts that were available. Now, when the people talk to me about Bach, their president doesnt know what they mean. Thats a hell of a note. That is what this president said. | think the point is clear. | hope you took advantage of your college education. In

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).