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Western Carolina University (21) View all

Western Carolina scrapbook, 1954-1955

items 42 of 68 items
  • wcu_memories-513.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • WCC Student Groups Slate Campus Christmas Programs Baron nWi No SHKleiit Named jfo WCC Office CULLOWHEE. Dec. 4—Bill R of Barnardsville. a senior Western Carolina College h been elected vice president of t ' hody. Ray the son of Mr. and Mrs C Ray of Barnardsville is major with a biology minor He is a member of the stii. senate, Marshals" Club F^J of America Cli ▼oorifin |[i«rl, 'Con-cerl Slated WCC Chorus CULLOWHEE, Dec. 8-Western Carolina College will observe its j Christmas season with concerts, caroling, parties, and special decorations during the weekend of Dec. 10 as the fall quarter ends. The college chorus of 70 voices will present Handel's "Messiah" at 10 a. m. Friday in Hoey Auditorium. The program is being presented to the college student body as an assembly program. However, a limited number of seats will be available to the public without Cullowhee Methodist Church and charge. the Baptist Training Union of tha Soloists will include Pat Mon- Cullowhee Baptist Church will tague of Sylva, bass; Miss Joyce meet. Sarnrria» ■,*«..*.- Clayton of Cullowhe, soprano; Miss I Julia Ann Calhoun of Waynesville, contralto; Mrs. Jean Carter of Ar- tl den, soprano; Arnold Penland of Asheville, tenor; and Mrs. Chris j< Tait of Canton, soprano. in Reynold's"] I Mrs. Mary Ruth Harrison of m., Sunday Cullowhee is accompanist and Dr. »■-- > •' ■ Richard Renfro, director. \ lops By OWHEE, Dec. 4 _ The Western Carolina College Dices Will prcsenl || 1 in the Woodfia •School auditorium Sunday loW Pen t \i„! i loon :>«"• Miss Jlllia' ' He. Miss .lea, of. Arden and M eft?' Dr. Richard Renfro, head ,he college music department the director, and Mrs MarvR !Sa^t0fCull0Whee«o5 Eagles Upset Catamounts By 75 To 67 ON CITY. Tenn., Dec. \7 i*-A Flashy dribbling exhibition by little Lobby Julian and Jack Ladd protected a slim lead tonight ■a Carson Newman's Eagles upset a favored West Carolina team 75-67 !in a basketball game here tonight, Julian. Knoxville ball hawker] also scored 20 points, most of them - iots. Ed Shamel. for- I 19 to lead West Car- Atlantic Christian „ Catamounts, 82 To 69 CULLOWHEE, Dec. 6—Failure to find the range in the fourth quarter cost the Western Carolina Catamounts tonight. They scored but eight points in that fatal fourth as the Atlantic Christian Bulldogs poured in 23 to win the North State Conference contest, 82-69. ' ==i Guard Billy Widgeon hit with consistency on his jump and set shots to lead the Bulldogs with „ ,., 18 points. Four other Atlantic Christian players scored in the double figures. They were for-| wards Jerry Williams and Chuck Hester, center John Marley and guard Bill Tomlinson. . Center Jim Jordon, nursing an] ankle injury that kept him out of two games, paced the Catamounts with 18 points. The injury noticeably hampered the lanky Jordon who had a 30-point average before tonight's game. Tommy Williams and Ronnie Swartzel each added 14 points. Atlantic Christian jumped to an 18-14 first quarter lead but fell way behind in the second period as the Cats caught fire to score 30 points and go ahead, 44-33, at the intermission. The Catamounts cooled off just as suddenly as they caught fire. They scored 17 points in the third quarter and then turned in a mis-i erable eight-point fourth quarter while ACC racked up 49 points in the last half. Jordon, Swartzel and Williams all did most of their scoring in the second quarter. The Catamounts travel to Jefferson City, Tenn. to meet the Carson-Newman Eagles tomorrow night. North Greenville routed the WCC Jayvees. 105-69. in a preliminary game. ATI,. CHRISTIAN (K) FG FT PF TF The Wesley Foundation of to&^ direction of charge of refreshments. m Caroling Planned Music will be furnished by tha Music Department under the leder! ship of Dr. Richard Renfro Harold Higgms of Mars Hill will plav Christmas music at the piano? Arnold Penland will conduct caret Catamounts Rap Piedmont By 91-87 DEMOREST, Ga„ Dec. tl—After trailing throughout the first half, the Western Carolina Cata- | mounts turned on the steam in the last half to edge Piedmont College. 191-87, here tonight. Piedmont held a five-point advantage at the intermission but lost it early in the third auarter. The Cats stretched their lead to 15 points with 10 minutes remain* I ing. Piedmont then staged a rally | that fell shy. Despite an ankle injury, Jim Jor- Idon paced the Catamounts with 121 points. Tony Miagiolo, Ronnie j Swartzel and Herman Shamel each tossed in 10 points for the victors. Maxie Skinner connected on 14 field goals and seven free throws i to score 35 points for the losers. !Bill Mason and Bill Sands had 17 iand 16 points respectively for ! Piedmont. The game ended Western Carolina's pre-Christmas slate | WESTERN CARO. (91) FG FT PF TP ;S mil; c ; .--^"s. Church, will iS^SS.*""""-"'1"" . The Student Activities Committee is sponsoring a Christmas Wa saU j The beginning class of Horns fc0ri„Und?f. the direction^ |iug. SafsW Chrisimas P"- ?if <'i5 , J0 p' m' and the Bap. win k fmas prograra at » P- m. it fhthe,/°,r"^ainS features. «,in hlhe Metllodlst Church them onheeSte;nt°niVinspito rtJjL6 Methodist choir will sing &cth,e-p,resentation o- the p.* ures Soloists are Mrs. Jean Car- Chris Ta,JiaCkS,°nM0f Candler' Mr • Sun. atld MlSS Juliana Cal" 'Messiah' Soloists Chrktm, BaP.-iSt ChUrch tha RaSr°noHts aref Arnold Penland, Jack Harnett, professor of business at the co lege, Miss Laura Davis of Cullowhee, Miss Sue Hall of An* drews, Miss Marian West of Cand- Canton MiSS Barbara shaver °- Various student organizations on he campus are celebrating the holiday season with Chnstmas parties. ™ Tiie campus is variously deco. rated in the Yule spirit. Each dormitory and Hunter Library have large Christmas trees. An outdoor nativity scene adorns the landscape outside Breeze Gym- nasium and a large facsimile of Santa Claus and his eight reindeer lops the roof of the breezeway between the library and the.Stillwell classrooms. Miss Lilian Buchanan, head librarian, is furnishing outdoor music piped from inside the li- brary.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).