Southern Appalachian Digital Collections

Western Carolina University (21) View all

Western Carolina scrapbook, 1954-1955

items 27 of 68 items
  • wcu_memories-498.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • SeflP^-^ttV - Newrrf ^rfer *Septr25—Appalachia •oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 23—1?! •Oct. 3'Q-VEI ftiftcpminh) Nov. 6—Emory & ijlenry thei '»Nov. 13—Naval Appr^r). he -Nov. 25—Charleston Air Base Waytiesvil Western- Carolina Bows To Pirates GREENVILLE, Oct. 16—Quarter- touchdown drive, passing the last back Boyd Webb passed [or three 2(1 yards to Harold O'Kclly. touchdowns today as air-minded! A 52-yard pass from Bob Lee to East Carolina defeated Western G. 1 Miller set up Western Caro- Carolina, 27-13, in a North State', . - . Conference game before 4,500 Sf/ifieiiVc Homecoming fans. ZMUSIUS ^ ^ Webb, who did most, of the pass- *£* 5"hX ing, and reserve quarterback ton Collier, who tossed the othei ^ u touchdown strike, completed I 19 passes to completely shred Yds. o ir ■Western Carolina's pass defense. lYrt^Kick^Rcturneii '"* ™ Early in the first quarter Webb cW FumMei iiccovd a » hurled a 15-yarder to J. D. Brad-P^Lif!' Penal"es 2" ford in the end zone for the first kfc . fi t score in the second ouchdown The same two repeated ,t Lee sneaked over j,om the feat in the second quarter, this ^ for the points time covering 35 yards. | The last wcc score was tne iong- And in the fourth quarter Webb est pass piay of the day, covering —"60 yards. From WCC's 20 Lee threw a 46-yard pass to Toppy for the third score. Collier! ;hen replaced Webb at quarterback ind engineered the Pirates' ' tossed to Jack (Lard) Cunningham the ECC 45. Cunningham ran the rest of the way. A first quarter drive by the Catamounts bogged down on the ECC 4-yard line as the Pirates held for downs. Western Carolina 0 7 0 6—13 East Carolina 6 7 0 14-27 ig Western Carolina touch- Cunningham. Con- 'anger. East Carolina touchdowns: Bradford 2, Hayes. O'Kclly. Conversions; King 2, Collier. Teacher M\m\ The rhrec M*sKlteerS

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).