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Western Carolina scrapbook, 1954-1955

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  • wcu_memories-473.jp2

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  • If You must kill time, why not try working it to death? ®ltt JtftjSfl rrn Carolinian "Voice -4 the Students" Game, 13-0 VOL. XXII, NO. 5 Saturday, November 9, 1957 em Carolina showed their frensive punch of the game l fourth quarter. Led by r Bass and Bob Cooper, the moved to the Bears 30 yard iefore losing the ball on lother Bear drive was stopped e Cats on the 2 late in the the second hall the Cata- played great defensive and time again Lenoir were stopped by Bob "*pady, and Keith * I Twenty WCC Students Named To 'Wb'i Who' Circle m Seniors Selected For High Honor Dean W. B. Harrill has announced that 20 Western Carolina College students have been selected to membership in "Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges." These students were selected on the basis of scholarship, participation and leadership in academic and extracurricular activities, citizenship and service to the college, and promise of future usefulness. Included selection are: MARVIN COLE, President of the Student Body. Marvin is a senior from Candler, and is majoring in business administration. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cole of Candler and a 1950 graduate of Candler High. Activities on this campus have included Business Manager of The Western Carolinian, member of the Student Union Board, Baptist Choir BSU, Catamount staff, president of the Veterans Club, FBLA, Monogram Club, and Marshall's Club. FANCHEON FUNK, Secretary of the Student Senate. Fancy is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Guy T. Funk of Winston-Salem. She is majoring in biology and phy<._ cal education and expects to enter medical school after graduati from WCC. She is secretary w the PE Club, president of the Baptist Choir, vice president of the BSU, devotional chairman of the FTA, a senior counselor, and a reporter for The Western Caro- BAXTER W9°°'n^ice-Presi- dent of the Student Body. Bax is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dili; Wood of Cullowhee and a Soci science major here at WcC. £ has served for four years «« the United States Navy. His ^ activities on the campu, j Jjst membership in ^eterar,, c\u* Monogram Club, Student ^ Flu Holds Spotlight The flu continued to hold the news spotlight this week as more than 120 students reported to the Infirmary on Wednesday, the day this paper went to press. According to Mrs. Marlene Standley, head nurse, more than 600 cases have been cared for by the local Infirmary. Of these, ore than 250 have been sent ime. Others have been put 'd in the Infirmary and many ive been confined to their the dormitories. The first case diagnosed as flu was reported to the Infirmary Octobr 15. Since that time it has a day by day battle to care for all the sick people. Last week particularly rough, according to Mrs. Stanley. The busiest singly was last Friday, when more than 200 students were processed. Three students are being tested for Asian flu. As of yet no report has returned from the laboratory. Approximately 1,000 shots have been given for this disease. Assisting Mrs. Standley are Miss Faye Lakey and Mrs. Lucille Painter. Cloninger, Sherrill Win In Campus Election Last Week WHO'S WHO SELECTIONS AS SHOWN A- bove are: Front row — L - R: Frank Pemmons, Joan Brooks, Billy Sue Holifield, Linda Israel, and Gene Ellis. Second Row: Fancy Funk, M rlam Cole, Norma Welch, Jane O'Neal, Chris Wilan, Glenda Baxter Wood, Marvin Cole, Ray Volrath, Dah Huselden, Joe Dodson, Sherrill Spears, and Chartle Crawford. Not present when the photo wit m»de are Charlie Byrd and Byron Sherman. (Photo[by Lillian Hlrt) Crawford Elected To Head I.C.< *axter ,As recommended by the Session Conference the Inter-Cfjb Council has been The purpose of this council, set forth by its original organ! tion, is to bring about better ordination of the various organizations; to work out differences which rise these organizations; and a in the presentation of fort Flash! -f- Atlanta Symphony ! Second Lyceum Program I The first major symphony orchestra to appear on the campus &i several years will be heard in feoey Auditorium Monday at 8:00 D.m. I The Atlanta Symphony Orchestra consists of eighty pieces and Mil be conducted by Henry Sop- Skin. Of the thirty major symphony irchestras in the United States Mr. Clarence Goode, Student Union Director for the past two years, has resigned to accept position on the Hendersonville News-Times, a daily newspaper. He will leave for Hendersonville tomorrow. Mr. Marvin Cole, student body president, will serve as the new Student Union Director, according to an announcement by Dr. Paul A. Reid, president of the college. Cole stated that there would be no changes in the program of the Student Union and he encourages students to take advantage o the Sunday afternoon activities. Baptist At Meet Several Western Carolina Col- News Briefs Linebreaking The Student Senate voted Monday night to take steps toward curtailing the linebreaking in the cafeteria lines. Students caught breaking line will be brought before the Senate for trial. Penalties for this offense are outlined in the Student Handbook. M. S. M. Conference The District III Conference of the North Carolina Methodist Student Movement will be held on the WCC campus January 1 according to an announcement by Ben Edwards, Chairman. Members of the Wesley Foundations at Appalachian, Brevard, and other colleges are expected to attend. May Court Selected In the general campus t held Tuesday of last week, Bob "loninger, senior from Dallas, was elected Business Manager of the Catamount, WCC yearbook. Mrs. Dottie Sherrill, senior from Weaverville, was elected May Miss Jean Hill, junior from Ed- neyville, was electd Maid of Honor. To serve with the Queen and Maid of Honor, a court composed of four seniors, three sophomores and two freshmen was elected. Cloninger is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Cloninger of Dallas. He graduated from Dallas High School in 1953. He has received the American Farmer Degree, the highest honor bestowed by the National Future Farmers of A- merica. Here at WCC he is majoring in Fine and Industrial Arts. Bob is a member of the Wesley Foundation and the Fine and Industrial Arts Club. He is staff photographer for The Western Carolinian. Elected to the May Court are iniors Micki Carter, Jane O'Neill, Dee Smith and Chris Wilson; juniors: Sarah Davis, Glen- dale Teague and Sandra Thatch- sophomores: Jean Bridges, Norma Crawford and Colleen Gambill; and freshmen: Ann Henry and Pat Rowe. Miss Barbara Oates was elected to serve as student senator from the Freshman Class. The May Queen is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Bradley of Weaverville. An elementary education major, she is a transfer student from the University of South Carolina, where she served as a majorette. Last year, she was elected to serve on the Mav

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).