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Weeks Law Silver Jubilee


Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • a is directing the work of the 200 van in eaeh of 25 Civilian Con- serration Qataps leeated in its territory* nurseries for refores* tatIon and for th* development if th* Mitt types of edible tree crops are being ds-velopad* She iormts of th© valley **© als* being studied in their broad** aspeets to find their extent, their quality, the possibilities of their ix^provamant and the way* in nhioh they may be anafte to oontrlDuti'.jaa** largely t*> bettering the eeonoaie condition of the people of the Valley* V&&m? this 8*aond, aa>** general kind of activity the. f?A is inter®fted in the e.ipan«Ien of th* national Forests and the development of State Forests both in th© Valley and in the seven states in the basin* For this purpose It is cooperating freely with Snderal and State Forestry and P*H3£ Services, with the Soil Erosion Service, and with *po*tea*n and state game- authorities in tee eonservatioa if wild life and in the propagation of fish for food, for sport, and a* an industry* it is thus working for the planned utilization of the waters, the soils, the forests ajaj th* other ********* if the region for whose development it has been given m aandate* Ms -work is destined to exert a profound social and eeononi* Influence not only on the r£ennes*e« Valley but upon snMh of the surrounding South as well* ■ Sh*** is not tine to discuss the Influents* if our parh* and, forests on..|ha < devalopatnnt and pretention of wild life or . en them as areas for the propagation of th© larger gmm. aniiml©* Already in certain protected areas dee* have bacons© overabundant* Bear are. iao***»iag# wild turkey are becoming sore abundant* Tkm *ifc and th® beaver ahsuld be returned to their feme* native haunt* in the §reat ssokies and slsewttere*

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).