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Speech in support of an Appalachian National Park

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-13806.jpg

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  • «*^ V To the Pre siden t and members of thiK Convent ion: \ ) % % Gentlemen:- The bright outlook which is to-day "before the movement for th* proposed AppalachiannNational forest Pe serve is th€ outcome of an organisation which was started in Asheville on November 2?nfl, 1899, under the name of thf Appalachian National Park Association. The aima of this Association were to educate the people and to impress upon Congress the necessities df establishing a National forest reserve in th? Southern Appalachian mountains. Private individuals of Asheville hart worked, along as b<est they coiilrt until finally sufficient interest was aroused in Asheville that the Asheville ^ourd of Trade took the matter x*p, nnd with their assistance the result was the organization of the Assc- siation above mentioned. The history of this organization is too veil known for me to take up your time to-day in mentioning the methods whxch fee-, have pursued, the obstacles which ttt*y hawe over-con?. .<nd all that. $ -U- but a few words as to vAiat tasry ha?*r accomplished mi-^.t not OGKfl ;«raiss. Following th* original Manorial ahich was presented to Congress on January 2nd, 190<*., • Bill *«a introduced Into tin? $anati fond "o«s?( and -vh ich ima finally earriert, making an appropriation Of $5,000 for a preliminary investigation of th* arta proposad as a fori st reserve, This inve st igat ion vaa made during the summer of

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).