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The Log Vol. 3 No. 10

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Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Aiming High Three months without an ac- The Cantor >resent in the amp'" proverb. Hitch your ( wagon to a star," or aiming I high, has in all ages inspired I rata and women to obtain the . ;r over all obstacles in | their path of progress toward || the cherished goal. By request of the General I Manager, Mr. Reuben B. Rob- I ertson, every member of the j Champion Family will be ex- ( peeted to co-operate in the cam- | paign for three months without 1 an accident causing lost time. Is it worth the effort? Let's j see—If you knew your boy, your I father or yourself would be in- | jured, disabled before June the id it was in your power if to prevent it, would you do it? | Of course you would. Well, ninety days is a long time, and unless our mind is con- on Safety, unless we . ii e Safety First our personal and guard, some member hampion Family is going ill i ceedings. At the night gathering-, Ch Kiectrician 1). .1. Kerr spoke the history of Safety First wc at the mill, al EfefjgFigSgS When all was over and the esnl- liiovees went to their homes, they carried with' them the con- )- viction that they are engaged, hand in hand with their employ- .f ers, in a project that is well n worth while. The question we First work now hear on all sides is: "When followed by will we have the next meeting?" .uM.h several workers from the mill, who praised the work of their If foresight were as good as employers which is being carried hindsight, there'd certainly be forward in the interest of the fewer accidents. The Big Safety First Rally January Moth was the day- the Cantonian Theatre the place The doors were open to the pub lie from 8:30 in the morning un til 6:06in t.h«.- evening, and fron thathou. mm UhilO :.. m. tin place wm ,;.,-: to Ckampio. Employee*. Adn ■ don mu trw The progran m mm •ntortojf! incaad inatroetive aa*. Stm i altpbsxHdnaete, among whk Public Health Nurse The Cheerer Club is now arranging for the employ-,, :.i el a Public Health Nurse i ton and at a meeting hold at the Cantonian Theatre on Sunday afternoon, Feb. 4th, this matter was presented to the p Dr. J. Howell Way of Waynes- ville, the President of the State Board of Health, gave an i esting address, paying a great tribute to the work that has already been done in other communities by visiting nurses. Miss Cabanis, Director of Public Health Nursing of the State of North Carolina, Miss Batterham, Public Health Nurse in Ashe- ville and Mr. J. V. Martin, representing the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, also spoke. It is expected that within the coming week, there will be a petitition presented to the board of Aldermen, asking that a small appropriation be made each month from the town treasury, the same to be paid to the Cheerer Club, to be used in helping defray the expenses of a nurse in Canton. As will be seen in another column it is probable that the Relief Association will bear nearly one third of the sum . required for salary and we are sure that the Manager of the Champion Fibre Company, Mr. Robertson, looks upon the project with favor, for despite the bad roads, Mrs. Robertson drove over from Asheville to attend the meeting referred to above, entertaining the audience for a few minutes with a description d thi Qursi work in the Pub- !><■ Scho I- in Asheville, in which she, as a worker in the Mother's Club, (al ' part. Tin- Kiii-.-ht- of Pythias have rated l ;i >i |26 uu per year red and fifty people attended, '; Some brought their dinner: ,,'"' Home brought their families and i ....... . ., ■ others brought both. THI PAPER ON WHICH THIS ISSUE OF THF M California Yet to Be Heard From EMC f ROM CHAMPION SULPHITE AND SODA PULP

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).