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The Log Vol. 4 No. 5

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  • THE LOG The Champion Fibre Co. *%SA Devoted to Your Interest and Mine SUBSCRIPTION RATES r Copy 0c -:- Per Annum $0.00 Invariably in Advance General Rules. d Administrator) Buy less, serve smaller portions. Preach the "Gospel of the Clean Plate." Don't eat a fourth meal. Don't limit the plain food of growing children. Watch out for the wastes in the Community. Fall garbage pails in America mean empty dinner pails in America and Europe. if the more fortunate of our people will avoid waste and eat no more than they need, the high cost of living problem of the less fortunate will be solved. The Cannery all the especial attention to the cuts of the cannery and to the excellent ar- published in connection with it. The members of the ion Family, and the community at large, we are -sure the importance to us of this plant for the conservation of fond products, and will give to the management their hearty co-opt -ration towards making it the success it deserves to be. The coming winter will find us rising up and calling blessed the men who provided for the supplying of our community with excellent canned and evaporated vegetables and fruits. Ask Germany You were walking up the treet attending to your own af- airs when another man was een to assault you and persist- and maliciously continue i da violence to your person operty no choice but to fight or passively submit to a thrashing. If the above hypothesis is reasonable then why continue to ask Uncle Sam's reason for being at war. It is true that Germany gave us many causes for going to war. Numberless reasons might be, and have been, mentioned "why. we should go to war," for any one of which we would have been justified, but, as a nation of followers of the Prince of Peace, to whom the very thought of war is abhorrent, we chose to pass these by and peace, and at peace we would have remained until this good hour, had it remained for us to start a fight. But our enemy, the Imperial German Government, made war on us, not by a technical declaration of war, but by declarations that would mean, if put into execution, that she was making actual war on us wmile claiming to be our friend. She had prior to that time been in effect making war on us. and continued to do 10 hot* bo the extent of and tiu arms are victorious; but, it is not a fight of our making—we are fighting in self defense—so there can be no question as to the justice of our cause. God will be with us and we will win. But don't ask Uncle Sam why we are at war, for he didn't go towar-ASK THE IMPERIAL GERMAN GOVERNMENT, for that's where the war was made, and like many other things "Made in Germany," it is hard to follow its crooked trail. Now that we are forced to resist this assault upon us we must fight for the retention of our liberties; we must fight until it is so fixed that war can never again be forced upon an unwilling people; until the permanent freedom of free peoples is established; until all nations acknowledge that treaties and pledges are something more than "mere scraps of paper;" until it is established that the small and weak nation has the same right to live as the large and powerful one; until the world is made safe for humanity, for Christianity; until the rule of right is firmly established as the basis of settlement of all differences, rather i than the rule of might; until militarism is forever banished ' Ii..m (he earth, and a permanent , peaee established wherein no j WHO KNOW THAT THE D, HAS COME WHEN AMKRI IS PRIVILEDGED TO SPE1 HER BLOOD A XI i HI .: FOR THE PRINCIP1 I GAVE III:SB BIRTH AND 11/ PINESS AND THE PEA WHICH KHK HAS FREAS1 KI> God helping her, she < do no other," As to why this should be n essary in this enlightened ag< don't ask Uncle Sam, for if nations had his ideals it woi not be; but ask the IMPERL GERMAN GOVERNMENT. I author of this war, and if th answered you truthfully tli would say that it is because their own greed and lust I power, because of their o< burning desire to dominate a rule the earth. The Appointment of Our Ni Associate Editor and His Acceptance Mr. R. D. Coleman: Your name has been suggested one most suitable to fill vacancy editorial staff of The Log, caused Mr. Bailie's death. We would ail glad if you will accept the appoi R. B. ROBERTSON Mr. R. B. Robertson, Dear Sir.-It is my belief that ai one connected with an organizati should, when possible, attempt to any assignment made by that orga zation, and while I would that son irthy 1 ■ancv i ■■•••..-.; i of c r Bailie, whose pla fill. 1 shall, K it the appointment a vice ..:' which I i helping Messrs. Wo Ma: ■np.-i 111.- id the free people: of th i that you had pa TO SUCH A TASK WE CAN DEDICATE OUR LIVES AND FORTUNES, EVERYTHING ' THAI' WE ARK AND EVERY- | THING THAT' WK HAVE, \ WITH THE PRIDE OP THOSE < THE PAPER ON WHJCH THIS ISSUE OF THK LOG IS PRINTED IS MADE FROM CHAMPION SPU'lll IK

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).