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The Log Vol. 3 No. 10

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  • wcu_canton-79.jp2

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  • THE LOO A Monthly Journal of News and Information, Published by and for the Employees of The Champion Fibre Co. and Devoted to Your Interest and Mine Correspondence solicited from each and every employee who desires to work for the welfare of all. . address EditorThe Log, and rv suggestion box. No con- < will be accepted unless signed SUBSCRIPTION RATES Per Copy Oc -:- Per Annum $0.O0 Prayer at Morning w tat ay returns and brings us the petty round of irri- ng concerns and duties. Help us to play the man. help us to perform them with laughter and kind faces. let. cheerfulness stbound with industry, dive us to go blithely on our business all this day. bring us to our rest- tag beds weary and content and tindishonored, and grant 1 us in the end the gift of sleep. - Robert Louis Stevenson. Bacilli Doctor-1 am obliged to tell you, my dear lady, thar ; ling out of your youngster's hair is caused by bacilli. Mother- Yes, doctor. I had thought of the same thing as I have already found quite a number of them. Sonntagsgast. Just because you've never been hurt is no sign that you've been as careful as you should. Many a man has died who died before. m under sentence and doinj BAILIE PHILLIP train to sat thai no em was on grandfathers, for not every lit- thr inu-k. The village authori- tie arrival can truthfully boast ties, if they were doing their that his "gran'pap" is a "good best in the interest of Safety cook" and they say all through First, would take means to pre- the Soda Mill thatimine can't be vent the "parking" of cars on a beat. I am also proud of "Dad." line W1th the sidevvalk He is such an artist in his line ^ed h* deTot^d wife! It seems to The LOG that the that the bovs call him Art, " People, the Southern Employees for short. and the Village Authorities, I guess I'm proud, too, of should get together and put a stop Uncle Howard, to the danger which ever awaits the most noise of any man The Way to Go to Work If you intend to go to work. there is no better place than right where you are: if you do not intend to go to work, you •annot get along anvwhere. ., Squirming and crawling about the^eS^ffJho^!e?pte. ^° ^ ^-i Not Yet The sick man had just come - out of a long delirium. "Where am 1?" he said feebly, as he felt the loving hands mak- ihg him comfortable. "Where ' am I? In heaven?" "No, dear,,' still with you." —Ex. am Accidents are preventable only . ?e_Can.niake as the seed caution is sown and rrien think and act in a safe wav. i place to place can do n ood.—Abraham Lincoln. From the Office Window cross the railroad at this point. I want to be enrolled among Our first suggestion, in the in- the Champion Men when I grow terest of SAFETY, is that steps up, and am so enthusiastic about be taken to put an end to the the work that Walter Phillips is While dictating a letter in the practice, of "parking" cars within doing down there at the Mill ain Office, at 3:20 p. m. on the THIRTY FEET of the sidewalk, that I want to join the Safety P™fessor- My son took human ..'2nd of February, we noticed Our second suggestion, a more Squad. . I am already taking Phys,ol°£y fr0m you last year, two women, accompanied by a difficult one to enforce, is to sides with him and am so anxious yc little girl of perhaps eight years, teach the people to Look Both to let people know where I stand crossing the tracks of the South- H ays before crossing. If we that I am wearing several "Safe- ^rn Railway. They were going wait until some one loses their ty Pins." toward the depot, and, when life or limb, it will be too costly With best wishes, I am, about half-way across the net- a method of demonstrating the Cordially yours, Not Catching "I am pleased to meet you," ' said the father of a medical stu- i dent, shaking hands with the "Pardon me," said the professor, "he was exposed to it. but he did not take it." —Ex. work of tracks, they passed the danger. Let every one who end of a box-car which was reads this, STOP, LOOK AND Robert Arthur Randall. Carelessness is apt to be own cure, but experience is expensive teacher. standing close, much too close, to the sidewalk. There was no switchman in sight, but as the party of three reached the center of the track which they were crossing, we saw the car take a jump toward them, saw one woman leap out of harm's way, listen; Life is too short chances of ending take Regrets The LOG is in receipt of the don't bring back lost arms and following letter: legs. Canton, N. O, Feb. 22, 1917. Dear LOG: Don 't Git Sorry for Yersetf My father, Arthur Randall, Don't you go and git sorry for who works down in the Labora- yerself. That's one thing I the other woman reach for tory, has probably told you all can't stand in nobody There's a l0af °^ Dreac! i( the child, and, though they not struck by the car, their e tape was a matter of a very fe inches. We heard a woma scream, and that was all. The party of three, we do n< know their names, violated th rules of Safety First, and si t I i • High t< other folks you fer 'sted of yerself. •oud you ain't got a hy, that< keep me ■ fe >.*'.;-> •d. Th did ii ing the track, WOK BOT. WA YS TO SEE IF A THAI. WAS A FPROA CUING. Railway employees, whi responsible for the Rioven the train, violated their there tttas no one at the em Mm- from kvkk myself. Mrs. Wiggs. Caught a Tartar I lawyer was endeavoring ■up some free advire out of Didn't Want to Rob Him His face was pinched and drawn. With faltering footsteps he wended his way among the bustling Christmas crowd. "Kind sir," he suddenly exclaimed, "will you not givi ' my wife and little ones?' The stranger regarded him not unkindly. "Far be it from me," thought he re-i°'ned' '"to take advantage •Which side is th* i In ide that pays you the "--Cincinnati Enquirer. of your destitution, Keep your wife and little ones: I do not want them. —Ex. Careful men are usually sale I and efficient: careless men neither. Sounds Like Uncle Joe "Hey, Mike, don't come down on that ladder on the north ear- ner. 1 took it away. " — Ex. THE PAPKR ON WHICH THIS ISSUE OF THE LOG IS PRINTED IS MADE r«OM CHAMPION SULPHITE AND SODA PULP

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).