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The Canton Enterprise Volume 13 Number 05

items 5 of 8 items
  • wcu_canton-3903.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • LOCAL NEWS THE ENTERPRISE, CANTON, N. C. THICKET* i H. A. Osborne gr eeted friends Monday afternoon, on his way to his office, for ten minutes- Mrs. E-la Warren of Candler, recovered from an attack of flu. Jess Pressley of Candler, has recovered from an attack of flu. —>■*— Ed. Morgan of Candler, has sold his farm and nurchased property in one of the western counties. Dr. A. P. Willis of Candler, is ill at this time. —»»— . At'ie Davis of Candler, died last Saturday with pneumonia. H^ leaves a wife and one child. He was buried on South Hominy. —te— Mrs. Abb Warren of South Hominy, di3d Thursday of pneumonia, at the age of sixty. —1^— Mrs. Ed. Cole of Candler has been very ill for the past four or five weeks. - !RS — Mrs. Margaret Haley and daughter, Miss Blanche, spent the week end at Turnpike visiting their daughter and sister, Mrs. Frank Goodson. Rev. J."H. Bradley preached a very interesting sermon, the 3rd, Sunday afternoon, at Clark's Chapel. —»— A' tie and • Winnie Williamson are attending school at Clyde. —I*— J." W. Robison is remodeling his dwelling house. Mr. and Mrs. Elli s Cowan of Asheville visited Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright Sunday. —PB~- Paul Robison and Grace Mc- Creary made a short call at the home of Mrs. Sarah Wright Sunday afternoon. —P»— Hailey Wright made his usual visit to Beaverdam Sunday afternoon. —tt— Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Robison and daughter, Joice, called on Mr. and Mrs. Williamson Sunday. Ben house. Ford is remodeling his Mack Wines is working in the Pulp Mill. . — Ba— Miss Dorothy Clark is spending the week in Canton. C. V. BELL M. LITTMAN Champion Drug Co. "THE PENSLAR STORE" Agent* Wiley'm Candies Agent* Mono Ice Cream Add to the enjoyment of your afternoon chat by treating your frierds to one of our especially packed offerings in Chocolates and Bon Sons Besides the splendid variety in pieces and the best of ingredients you will find our packages delightfully different from the usual confection offerings. What ever your particular choice may be we feel sure we have a package that will satisfy you. » Ask to see Wiley's new De Luxe Package # T CHAMPION DUG CO. Canton, N. t "Tte Stcre if.ct A rprtcictes Ycur Patronage* Slur The ^^ hoes For Boys—K ^^ Feet Dry and Warm Boys require Sturdy Shoes. Keep the boys' feet dry and warm. We make a specialty of Boys' Fo.itwear. Only the most dependab'e, serviceable Shoes possi-' ble to buy are good enough in our opinion. Try our Boys' Shoe Department for Style, Quality and Service. IN MEN'S WORK SHOES WE LEAD We have several hundred pairs, odd sizes (mostly large) Men's Work Sample Shoes, are offering the at frtm one- rd to one-half off. e Dr. Hess's Famous Stock Foods e are Sole Agmt; in Cmton for Dr. i; net !•:'',< <1 Jctco and any a replete line at all tim< \AL R. HIPPS & 30N e Best Sell it for Less THE BIG. FRIENDLY STORE "Walk your feet" to ou, place on North in Street and Sivj Your Purse Phone 210 ivorth Main Street Mrs. Horace Sentelle of Clyde spent Monday here. —fe— Mr. and Mrs. VV. E. Sheffield motored to Asheville Tuesday. — fci — Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Smathers and family are ill with influenza. — *B — William Batu'son and little daughter, Elizabeth, spent Saturday in Asheville. Mi <lrs. Norman Penland spent Sunday with relatives in Clyde. Ottis Lowe left Sunday for Winston-Salem where he expects to work. O. S. Scotc, Route 1, is able to he about again, after a siege of influenza. —fc— C. F. Smathers, one of the local jewelers, spent Thursday in Waynesville. —Ml Z. V. Knott, a prominent merchant near Sunburst, was a bus iness visitor in Canton Tnursday. —ft— Mrs. Emma Myers of Cincinnati, Ohio, is spending the winter with her nephew, N. R. Wild, and lamily. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamrick of Shelby, N. C, are visiting her ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^larents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. For sale—Ladies' and mens' Geier. strong nickle plated ice skates with steel runner. Inquire at Canton Enterprise. tf — Bl— Mr. and Mrs. T. J.Garrett and family left Monday for Okanogan, Wash., to visit their son, W. L. Garrett. —Mi- Mrs. C. F. Reno left Saturday to join her husband at Buffalo, S. C, where thay will make their future home. — Mi— Dwight James Hall,of the Emerson Biantingham Co.,-*Vaynes- boio, Pa., i? here visiting his father, J. R. Hall, for a few weeks. —Mi- Mrs. D. F. Mooneyham has returned to Asheville, after a t'iv e week's visit with her mother, Mrs. T. W. Henderson. —n— Lost—One hone hide gl we, color black, left hand. Lost somewhere in town. Finder plea-se return to Dr. Pegram. 1-24 tf —Ml — LOST-BRACELET WATCH. FINDER RETURN TO ENTERPRISE OFFICE ANiJ RECEIVE REWARD. NAME ON BACK. NOQJESriON-5 A3X3B. — Kg — Miss Grace Haynes, daughter of J. Mack Haynes of Clyde, visited Miss Virgie Mann at the home of Webb Mann of North Hominy, over the week end. Both young ladies are attending the State High school at Clyde. —Ba— For sale—580 acres Macon Co. Mt. land. Two mi. from ry Timber ersimai-ed iwo million ft. saw timber. 3OQ0cirds acid w od tan bar.<, ptles and crossti-s Large part of tract rich grass land. Price $10. 00 per acre N. D. Billings, Franklin, N. C. 1—17-tf —mi- Mrs. M. A. Adams entertained Friday evening with a sup-'er in honor of her son, Eugene. Those present were: Mis-: Esielle Jinv- so'\ Miss Thelma Owertby, M-s*- Geneva Brannon, Messts. Marvin and Emile Alexander a'id Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Keener. —V Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Garret! left Monday for Okanoj Washington, at which place tn v will make their i'utuie. h>m . Mrs. Garrett is batter known heteas Miss Blanche Sanfor*! having married Mr. Garrett, -> former resident ot Canton, a a month ago. —P*i— Mr. a'fil Mrs. H >ra:e Cogbtr.n entertained a few friends V nesday everting a! their horn Highland park. Rook and mi the fea'nres of th wv mi Those who enjoyed M •. and C igtmrn's h<>s malay Mis-tes Sibyl Wil Beatrce Ow Kmsland, Eugene and Dr. Medford. — r '■ i for H. A. (' and for in my ye it*-5 a re*ii Mrs. Siorgia Beal of Lincoln-! Mr and Mr3# w E- Anderson ton. N. C, returned to her home|spent the we*kend in Ashevi'le. Miss Ameli i McFadyen of Waynesville, visited h^r sister, Mrs. J. T. Bailey over Sunday- —Mi- Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Coo t e up again, after being sick for several days with severe colds. —M*- J. W.CIontzhas received word that his son, Ernest, will soon sail from France aud will be here about March 1st. ■ •Mi- Mrs: W. J Trull of Canton R. 2. spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs, J. C. Rickards. —Mi — Mis;? Betty Clark is very low at the home of her brother, W. A. Clark of Highland Park. — a* — Mis3 Ethel Br .wn and Mrs. Annie Bell of Asheville.spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Brown. — i*s— Mrs. L. N. Kenny a'-d daughter, MissH Ima, are ab:>ut again after a few weeks'illness of flu. j —Ml— Miss Lura Jimison left Thursday for Mount Airy, N. C, to li^e with her brother, Rev. Tom! P. Jimison. i Monday, alter a month's visit with her sisters, Mesdames C. K. Peacock and J. M. Wray. Mis William Hipps was called to Asheville Monday noon on ac count of the serious illness of her daughter, Mrs. William Morris, who has influenza and double pneumonia. Friends of Dr. and Mrs. T. F. Reynolds will be glad to know they are so far recovered from their recent siege of sickness as to be able to return home from the hospital at Asheville. Vinson Smathers, who is home from the naval aviation service at Pensacola, Fla , is on a furlough vi-iiting his father, W. T. Smathers, at Waynesville, and sis'er. Mrs. George Hampton h<re. Garnett M. Wilson, formerly of Canton, is now employed with the B. F. Goodrich Rubber company, at Akron, Ohio. Burgess DeWeese, who has been ill with flu and pneumonia, is improving. His wife has so far improved as to be able to administer to him. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McCuI- lough, who visited Mrs. McCul- lough's son, Grover Smith, for a few days, returned Sunday to their home in Chattanooga, Tenn. John Alexander and J. M. Tate accompanied Mr. Tate's wife to the hospital at Asheville, on Monday at which place she underwent {an operation for appendicitis Fingers to Forks! ■ ■ ■ Forks were first introduced into England in the 17th century by one Thomas Coryat. Previous to that even the "First Families" handled their daily food on the "catch-as- catch-can" principle. Strange to think of times', hen forks were unknown *& so new that people had to be instructed as to their use and urged to employ them to the sparing of napkins. Contrast this with the complete line of table silver now shown in our store. The designs speak for themselves; we vouch for the quality. -Oho sing an acceptable gift for birthday, anniversary or wedding, is now very easy. C.C. HAWKINS, Canton, N C. Your Jewalsr .:. Next to Champian Bank **************************************** * H ■ * ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ i *n ran n Canton, i ^^^^^^^^ one half miles from town. it/. OflO-'t a (!'' O-bor ie firm. Trust flu siding" ¥ * ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ j» At the request of a host of our friends we have decided to i our sale until L ■hk Th be-^n o'.n* moV: successful s tie, cans >d >y the fa have been offering unmatahable bargains throug ur large of nice cle m merchandise. still have a gool assortment for you to e L'rom- are a few: One Lot Cloth, Special, per yd. 1%^'C O to Lot Gingham *-*- ighams, I. 3 J.# AH 5uc Gin e, >er \d. ' • Que Ta'bteot' bl '3 Al S EATfES UiO PIT GOJ % LG^S 0 Discount on One Table Cn< One L Here 3JT t** 4; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *% * shirts * * 4 -V-

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).