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The Log Vol. 38 No. 03

  • record image
  • Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Paper and Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio, Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue.
  • " - ' . . . ,. ' ' • . ' ' . • .. M I D -WE S T = C H A M P I 0 N 'S N E WE S T S U B S I D I A R Y /' pag es 6 - I l - - • • • • • • 0 z -- -> X X X -l 0 > OUR COVER 11 of th e•~: days Spring will couJe Jeaping mer hll · horicon like a newborn larniJ , and March will leave u on that happ note-oT so tradition has i t. GotJC will be the lion's roar <'J[ the wind, the gray leaden sk} ; re ·, and the kite . Fo1· with 8pring will OJlle baseball and hike ;u d warm eve!lings, and who, lben, win have Lhe tirne to Hy kite<;> THE CHAMPION PAPER .AND FIBRE COMPANY Genera/ Office . . . HAMILTON, OHIG . Mills at . . . HAMILTON, OfiiO C:::ANTON, NORTH CAROLINA . PASADENA, TEXAS SANDERSVILLE, GEORGIA Editot, STEWART JONES Division E'ditors: StANTON NEWKIRK, Ohio JAMES DEATON, Carolina JOHN WAtKf:R, Tex-as Editorial Assistant: JOAN MESSN.iR EDITORIAL STAFF • OHIO DIV.SION- \ I erie Haynes" Joe Ble\·· en>. WeJ;it::y Cobb, Dewey Minton, Jack Mullen, Otlo Rt.'id. l\lae Rook , John Schmitr, Gootge teincr, :Sill Thompson . CAROLINA OJVISION- F1cd Dl,ton, Clyde Ham I e lt . \'. SnJt t Hane' . Cl)de R. Hoey, Jr, \alter Hol tMt, JacJ... Justic.e, Rowena . l0ni ~. ll fi H~· :·<• ltHev, Jad. NQiand. J. £. '\'i lli:itTI"-llt>. TEXA$ DIVISION- Bell) fidlm)t:T, Cwe Chlllch:. J\li(e C>pnlau, Jcrr . t"oi'H liu•. iila Di(kcnm. ;;~m t· . lli~. f1et! f true , Dmothy Cai r, ,'\.. \'. Hamdu:m. SANDERSVIlLE- Gladys E. Hodf_re,. \ • There's an old saying that " nothing is older than ye:Her· day's newspaper." To which we .rnight add , ''and nothing is more out-o(-date than the expr .s ion , 'It's a log's life.''' This observation come to us from DiYi ion E litor Stan Ne' -kirk, who covers the kennel beat. Th · coddled canine that h ven our households in this da ' and age know fe'w of the hardships whi h ·were common when fath er wa - a pup. Stan proves his point on pages 12-13, cvengj\'ing u · a firs t per on ac ount by two beagles of his acqua ll1 tance. Right from the dog's mouth, ·o to peak . • :\t the Carolina Division, 111 anwh.ile, Division Editor J imm ' Dea t()n un earthed an old and elt ·wed phowcrraph • that wi ll brin~:, b ~H: k many nw1norics w . t:ho:-Se who ·were on th • Champion ~ ene at th turn of the centur /. U ntil n 1v. ·w would ba ,· · ~:'l id 1hal a '·gin po le" was s:Oll.H"tlling akin l ' t S\oVLu.le stick. But Jimmy's articl . ''I'll N 'Yer Forget that Cin r)o l ," on page ' cl a n''d 5, stra ig-htens us OU[ a n{l reca ll · an intcre.' tin0 c h~ pte1· in Chatupion hi ·tory. • nu yt tl r m rnb I' your rir '(day a l CbampLon? No doubl >ou h::t\·e forgou n rhe details, but we' Ll wag r th~t )Our impte ,ion t~f tb tnill - aud. lllOr<:· imp()ruull, th p ~ ,pk · n• m , l - ling r on . 'ee .if )'Oll don't agree with th Te.,·, ·~ Di' ision anid , "fi rst Day at \t\ o.rk,'' pag ·- 1-3. ~--~-·-------------------------------£-----------------------------­--- - • ( I ' '1 FlRST fET BETTY A NDERSO ' when I came in looki ng for a job. She '"as also the first person I mer when I reported for work, hecking in at the Employment Offic . It made things easier because I didn't have to exp laio wbo I was." "J3JLL KETHi\N, the 11an lfho hired me, explained a ll about Ch~mpion and the Profit Sharing Plan. He a lso told me abo nt the Champion Park and employee organiza· rions, the11 took me to my pool ·upervisor to start work ." Q N .- OF TH F: M M ORA liL expcnences m any man's life i that fir t clay n a new job. A good tart can 1 ave him with a plea ant impres ion that may Jast toe rest uf hi, \A.:orking life, a b tl one cau dis olt.>r it to the p.oint nf ·cnnplett di Ol4rag mcm. \!hat makes tbat all-im1 ortant first day a good one for a n w t::n1p loy e~ '"T JJ, it might h what he 1.ecs when lle iirst dri\·e. through the mill gale, or i might he the way people greet him. It mig-ht b · J1ow h is accepted at his new dnti{,..,, and it n:1jght be· the amount of time h i · •iven tO 1 arn hi new job. \Iost important nt ail, how ·ver, his f.irst clay 1 filled with p opie- and it i~ these p copl \.vh g ive hirn hi nJO<; t 1 a~ ing jmp1 s.,iot . J .B. (he ha. no given nam · Barn s i~ on T ·xas Champion who went throu J'h all o f the a.nxi t f start­ing a ne·w job rec ntly. But Jikc many orher Tc.'a · Champions, tho · earl morning Fears quickly dis­app ar >d, and as he drove home that fir. t ni..;bt, h e no long r f 1 t lik ~ a trang·er but kn w th::t l h w::~s at hom<:. H ·had become am Jllb r o( th Champion hmily. At Tens Ch c.unpjo n he found fr iend lin es. , si ncerit ', a tention so vitally ne ·d c.l b a new n~an. From the fir t big- Tc ·a · " howd ·· to tlte wllir o[ car's mot lf :1 h start t holllc, his d >ubb wer sc r at cas . ~nt only hal Cltarnpio 11 ac cpt ·d him. Jw had ::H"Lt~l 1 d Cluunpitm. \'\Tith t.h cau, cr ::t a~ f . .B.'t> t' V ·s, hl'r<; is ,·hat J1e • I saw tktt fi rst da, aud how he r ·a 't d . ' Vhilc on l ' a do:ten of1i.( ia lly w ·lcontd him, all T xas Ch IU J ions w ·r url• )fficial m wb rs of dt ' gree tin g- ·onnuitt e. CONl'INUfD ON NEXT PAG£ l • • I I / ' I f "·H 'l F: TRY T HESF 0:\ .' is 1dmt Sakt; Sup r> r Olto \'ay; , .. to ld m ' , and I · nc1 • th th ;.~fcty ~lao;se · w r · parl of .hamp.i n 's hig , Jtet · 1 •·og1,111L 'l bat' WU ' ll I discover .d ju t how sa fi t co11 .iou ... ChMu l u r ·l'JI · i. Later I ·wa , Jso fJ flcrl ·or ~f · r ' .ho ·: · ' \ . " l \: Gl 'L a Lh fOU!P pby ical ' atn; but h fvTe that I wa~ iutroduc.ed to Jo Williams, bead ml t at the T ex. Di,ision. l t "'a" ni · t I. n H \1 al.Jour the rn dicaJ at­• ntio-n I cou ld expect .:hoH1d 1 ever need it.h CONTINUED " \ 11 n · • l.I JNCI'l T!Mf'. R<J I LEn R<)!f .IO, I hat! pnt ill a fu ll morni11 of wo1k ·mtl 1 :1s t•>nlly hnngry. l1 tl .. .. "'J 4£ A J IA:fP IO ' c'lllri ng JHn h. and II!; .1~1ld nt ot ti ll' rni!Jions f cfollars ·in 'C. IC'd in tnoh. ma(hiHc~ a tHl Jlh n. ;'It tlv Texas Di. vi."i m . I had n ver ta li t d ·ju r ·hnt :1 11 imc•.,fnlt·nt i1 ' lnod in th t{ car 'I tia 1uokGd Q)~l ro t) l (', bul I co-uldn't n• 1 1. 111 ap (JI · cohbl · r f<>r rlcsscrL Sit t :n •uH1 , Htk ittg it t.h · : !I ll~ ( Jun h , I U•ongh t. of how t.nncb l likt:d th ls Wa " r r n e l (l Ge t , J' ting ,ill . II \' joh." p la(l' . . • t lw Litlll' had. P" · ·d :• FnH)' qn i k.'' 2 " . ' . " ~tY FIR. r F KE!\J .\ .' L ' T'H · l>OQL wa:> .Bi lly Webs1er anu 1 was \'el } impre:;.cd IJy hi. \OJ'd i<llity. It W;,c· a good ex~ mple of. b ~ fr ie nd! · , ·nd he l~ f'UI Cfta 1u pions ·an·d · han~ pion fore1nen are. I\ as j u~t S\''ell w-me as I o-ot ~~In d. That 1 ,. "THE'. FIRS~r FELLOWS 1 ME'r on the joh were J. \.'. Brown. H ~1rolt1 DennL ~md R i .hard Lan y. They helped a lot a11d l began to .f e1 Jike pa1·t o · a big team effort in wh' ch ll'e were a ri .'t:r ivirrg in tbe same dir ction . I'd heard this term 'partner-~ in pap r and profitli' and now I fclt li ke one. mean . a ot ·to a newcomer . -... ..... - ''\JY 'W I FE an J 1irLl _ girl really look good to me a t tlte end < I a d~ \ '.-; ~~ rk :tnd l (utd\Jn't 1\Uit {O telJ tlfem Of 111\ ' first (!;) . at Cli<rl'!Jpi ~~. M ;.Jtt r of 1-net, I'J'n' . u proud of hoth rhe111 ,_ ud uw jolJ that J c01dd tn, ~£ ont all nv .1 :· "GVKR A Slt 0 ·n Cl.J .P of coffee, 1 tGld th m full l!r, HI( my l'ir t: cl:-t · at Ch::tmpion. I' ll ;uln,it Unu I n'<t 1 hule <~·pprel-tcn ~i flll.Qu l iJ... ~ nd Mrs. I)J!'Il 11 was, 1 , , Yott ktww, \<J>tl g-et 1t Ji((l c hit _3llaky 1har first lime, hut -n".t :w\ mor '. Tomvn o~-v will go . e ,·ett l>Nc~r." ''BOY, Wl'i T · FE£J.IN of , ecnrity iL is In re lax with ~~ g- 1d l!ook or tha g~l7..ill l:', .real pLca. od ;md ·happ)' 1viLh i'l l l I IJ c t (' II ;;i.on go n I 1 f J t 1 ike r rt:all \' lwlgng-cd at Jha,npio11. <md tlt:lt the liked n1 c a!l ltJHcJl a. . r· d th ut .' ' 3 • ' An old photograph recalls construction days at the Carolina Division nearly 50 years a'go "'V'V' H AT'LL Y OL TA KE for lb.a t talJ ' llo"· pine tree n the lll011lltainside up ., ·onder?' ' asked C. L. \Ve tn1:oreland as h e approache I .Eh}ah J ohn"on a t his fann two mile:· north of Can ton back in 1906. " Well, I don· t !"lard I v know. Cl1arl ie! J ' \Vould ,~ 5 seem too m u ch?' ··seem like a fa ir pri ce." said \ cs trnore­Jand. 'Tll let vou know about it i11 a sh ort ' time.' ' Pla ,'ing true to hi· wo rd, \Vestrnoreland returned tO the construction project and re­cei \·ed an "ok" from his supetintenclent, a l\1r. Powers, along with ~5 in cash. H e rc· tumcd to the J ohn son farm VI/h ere he closed the deal . . . leaving a ll per /ions invo] ved cp1 i te happy. That ta ll yel low pine \•\'a · d es tin ed to play a major role in tile constr uction of Carolina Champjo n '<; plant a fter it was con ven ed inLo a gin pol e. l n as vou're n ot [a mili ~ r ·with the duti,e~;; J ol a gio pole, ' !Vebst r tel Ls us i l' "t\ ~ in g l e pole, h{;: ld in a n 'arly vcrti al p o~ ition h guys, wh ich sup pons a block and tackle u~e cl for h ft irtg loads .. , vV stmor la nd h atl 111 ad" it cl<-ar tu jultll · -,on in Lh e I J cgi 11 n i n g tIt · l l h • La 11 r · ' w :1 -; to bt ru~:~de io liJ a gin pole. T hat rnoy he LIJ · rca.~t>J J 1llat Lh (a rmt:r w<J~ cag,-er to cc •ope;ra Lc with Cht~ JJI pion 's con slr tJ ct.i:o ll n1 ·n .11. t.h t . ume. Fa e d vl'i th l) 1 • J n o IJ I ., .11 o f n• n I! \ i 1 g- 1 111 · u· ~ • to the rnill s it t- , \ <·<; tr 1111' 1 ~n I fe ll d th , 70-focl\. trc , wh i l h Oi C'a u r ~ I 1 Jn c:e tc1 'l "1. the b u n , and a u e·w S!jl lil1'ed up t1 t ' ]rmt'l' h~ill with h1 o;;dl a -es, pnpular a1 thrn 1 i.nh·. T h n c~m 1 : l h c t ;p , k ol lta n "1 H n 1 in g i 1 1 1 ~ IJlC COII \l ti'II CI lOti )-.i tC' . Tl1i -, W<.ts I , 1Hfl ed ~ l m\' 1 bn t '>II n.: .. ~ l•dl \· hy t ll'o t ··ants n l ho r.:~.:s <m tl :1 lo nri CI) IIJ h·d ·1 ' w·agon . . . at least until tJ1ey reached the railroad over which the huge pine gin pol had tO be transported. This wa n ear the present Leonard 'tV estmoreland farm. In oetting the IJOle safe!)' over the railroad n ~ ' a sub line was u sed bv constntction men. But in\ some manner the 'rope slipped during the operation, blistering the h ands of e . e ral workmen who tried in vain to bold the h ea\')' timber. As th~ timber .fell tht:; railroad cu t. the in:lpact knocked several feet of r a il ()ttt of lin e. But after careful handling, the gin (which ·today would sell for around r eached the Champion rnill construction cene fm· its heavy duty assigt'll11.ent. It was used in erecting heavy steel gi·rd ers which went . into the Blow Pit building of th-at day. Charlie Westmoreland will tell you torlay th a t without that 70-foM gin pol€ th1e con­trnnion wollld never have b een u~mpl e t e d withit'l. any re<1sonable length of tilfl . That ·wrdy and dep mlahk ,gin pn1 saw o.;ervic · in e rcttin g· ••ll Lbe heavy stc I in the \. . old Sulpltitc Digest('!' h1Jilding an 1 proved an it~valu :d>J.c asset i11 <;on•pl t111g the con:-tnt . l ion of the nld I .800-ton nnl L11111ker. uear tiJ o ld hoi fer hnnse. ,\n I for 1\0IJH:: tin1 · af1 cnvanl this sam · gin 1 c)[C' 'laW ervin: ·in l.HttHlling nnn otLwr hca y 1 io..... ,t •in!t.!} . ,· •.l bli in 1 orHil'( 1 ion with ~: tf'nlin~ C ha1 q>io11 \ pl<JJH rcHt :s tru crion , (;kulie \Vts t)ntuT I~tnd , n , '"' a n n irr 1 ' ' L i f t illlc Ch:11npi.on" nnd tlw president. o( "''J\11 • fhrhot ' .., Old Titllt' f'l> Clllb, 111ay fo.rget i' f •h ' riling, a ~ llw ' l ' tr:- roll alllng·, hut ht'll •e ll ~ uu h . lll.:l lw IH.' \ Cl . t'pc h tt~ forget tlte impnriant mk tkll 1cl'l ow pitH' h'in pnk pla )1.:d i11 tlw cm+y <(lll .'> ll' tlcti•J II . d;rys at Caro­lina Ck t•Hpi on . , , iliOI'l' thatJ ·lfl '<' :trs ;Jg,o. ' '' -- ---- .... • • ' -' • . .. L'l 1907, th i ~ 7P- fo<H. yellow pine gin [)Ole. w;ts u se d Lo h~rrr d l e beaYv •tee! on the con - ' Slrli CLiOI'I of th e old Blow Pit bui ld ing. C. L . \Vestmorela nd , now ret.ired , was l:orcm:.r n of t be Rigging C r e 11· th e n,and hepu r the pole. He is ~ h011' n ~ t a ndin g a 1 UJ per ri g-bt. Meri d c t lr .Stam ­ey is sea reel: s ta n d i n'p; a t upper le ft is C~ar li e Ta ·lo r, \'ith .Jud Hal l at loNer ]eft. Pink Brandon. weaT ing the ·cap, i shown lH ce nter with H oward [~olden at right ce t~t:er. 5 • ® C o ,'Til\"l'lt\G it rapid pot-wa r growth , .1 ampion Ja,- t l' Ycmber bought a conrrollirw irn n.!· t in the Mid­\' t llottle Car Company of Belvidere. lll. T his wa a majm- , p for Champion, linking it more close ly witb the com· rting nd o f tb paperboard busi.ness. ~1id- ·we t i n mall organ ization. lt is a vigorous, om1 araLively youn ,. company mploying 187 people. 1t mak plug-type rnilk bottle caps, cover-type cap of • VI I I · WF~o., J' UO I rJ E C. ' CO !VII' Al~Y n( l'.e lvid ' t . JlJ .. ' lt 31ttpion ' 11 \(~s t · 11h ~ idint ' • c·mt I }S rnoJ e than I 'i !J p pi -. l'h • owpany ope ta t ~ ''''IJ pf:tnh in Bel du · rf'. Ah·,~e is i t ~ n ·we· 1. ullil, J·,, ,·n ' lh . ''.Fihh i\' "HL <: !'fall! ." :o ~ uu t · I in l !lll . it ltas amp~.' ;.;rOtl tl(f for :ft trt11 •t gr•1Wth. T ifF. \ ' OU.' ~H: ol • f td "\ 'e:t ' J., otllt• ptudt~cdon is in d ic;Ji cd b\ t!Ji, 1 tlll t [ th J:'illh ,\1·cnu • wa rchou\C'. · ,~ lt te <Ink .Jtlltt· ,\1 o tgan l kc- itn ·ento l ~ u! l-.1t vt-r-'J (If'>;. ,\'fi J- \'\'e 1 h s mark r ~ rl11 O\i" I10ltt 1 h I · . .. , in Eur·<Jpc> a11d Soll th . ntni,a . 6 ' \ • • , ' JOfl S ewes Its bottle caps and ho t drink cups add to our line of paper products botb papcr boar l and lami.lJa Le<l aluminum .foil, 'llld hot drink cup . .. and it makes them b • the mill ions. Its produ ts aTe amut g the u t in the imlu try , and i.ts mar ke t ~:~ extend throuvhout the l ·tates, Europe and Sou tb America. But Mid-West's greatest a bCL i · it:. people. It work­ing force pos esse · both e ·1 e ien e and " kno v ho·w." and they have a and affe tion fo their company do ely matches the Champ,ion pirit. An aggres­sive sa les force ha continuaU ' kept pace with increa­ing market demand. Tbe new association bet,,veen, tlte two companie'). Mid-\IVest and Champion, promi e to be beneficial for both companies. Champion expects to offer Mid-West considerable ass istance in re arch and product de\'elop­ment, as well as the fina ncing of 1ong-ran()'e improYe­menu;. To Champion, on the o ther hand, the a . . "ociation means the addition of a profitab le ne,,· line of pYQducts . • • - • , , Sl 1ar - ... . :._ ... f I -. > 'fH£ _ TW PRE WE..'\T of. ) t is J. Bruce M orfei·d, left, f.onnerJ y ol Ch · mpion'~ Cawlina Divi l<>n.. At right i"' R~y Bl •d ett, founder .and fa-rmer pte-,idel)t of the cap rompat'tv; be 'dll continue to ser e \{, 1-\rc.·r in <:;on«ultin capacity. )lo THE 1 0 \'.'\ .0-t BtJvitler i- a r • _h 1i ale city af 9,000, sevent) -five mil 1301 th\·1]) t of o. It is an indthLr'i'lll ornmunin in an agr·icul­w ·a.J reg· ·n, 'lol. here th d:.iin indu trv )Ired minatc . .B.e au e of i 1' · location., 1. 't i l dath ·l} come:ni nt to rhe big 'f ITWlil.ct~ of both rbe .Ea.t;t and \Vest. ·- THE PRODlJ 'TS 1Ua I ). Lhe Mid-We t .B tt.le Cap Company in · J u d c hot drink cups, ~tlumi ­num caps {or milk b t ­tl s and similar con laiu - 1' , and paperboard c. p , plugs, an d tops . Thi display was shown at the cornpa.ny's " Prog­ress Dinner" J anuary 20 . Shown here is Ted J ohn­so n , vi.ce - president in chaTge of sa les. ' fEllftfS _. MARKET CONrtNUE>D ON NEXT PAGE 7 ' j PRL 'TL . PL-\TE ARE 1 DE l 1 tid -·West's own eng-rav.1ng "hop from cl .i, ns prepared by the . rt De partment. H ere Carl i\Iilrhell remows tiny imper [ecli ns from a ·' nat·• that bear tle<:io·ns of milk botLle caps Lo be pri u1etl for customer . ' \ CONTINUED ® Good products and a capable working force have contributed to its growth THE 1JJ)- WES'I ORY b 'g<1n in 1921, when Ray Blodgelt lotmd d th · finn r Applet1 n, \ i c., to m.anufa ture m ilk hottle cap~. fn t iH J~">C da ::, a n1ilk h(lttl ap w;,~s imply a p inu·d pa}lTbnard di c in­.-; ·r · d in the top oJ lit(· bottl ·; even ~n, t h , ljlt 'd ir , f .\tl id-W '"l cap-. gained iHli1J C'diatc market <tCU')>taJHC. J n 19'2·1- rile compa1 moved tn Bclvider •. <m e~p ., j . al ly la\or;.thl . it · lJ ' t'au.., ·of it<, u·r1U :tl ln(atjr n in th U. ':!. , <Jlld ih ncarn • ..,s tu Clti ·ago, a Jtllljor marl,. · t . -J ht.: (ir~f illl l)l ()VCJll IH in fh( · , lid-\'e t hottl c tp was lh illrmdu n inn or lh . pull •~-tll. l ' p untild);l.[ lilll . 11J • bottle 'Hp di~' .; had tu l> · du ~· 0111 lli tlH: I• p nl 1 h bottl · will1 a 11 ic pi< k, fork or am nrl <' .,h.u p uhjt:tt th at might b · a 1 hand . 'lit · ' fid· V ' ' ..,L; l pk l p11ll t,th becam · t nc qJ' 1 he leal r in thl' Jidd, n I i11 ... pitt of the l>tpH' '>~->icm in the early JO\, the tHrtp:llt) grc\. i \ :, health and :.a llit<ttinn ·taudar.l. for rh l:uttlin~ of n1ilk bean · 110r trld, ~1 id\V'!l l·,dopcd it · 8 • PI~ UGS A; l) CAP ' R'E PR INTED, then cut out of the h et 01 o ne of: a ballery of machine ·, e~1 h c.apaf1le of prodocing thou~ntl~ of pieces an hour. The caps pa through a bath of hot p raHin which ki lls bacteria. H ere the operator i · R u ·ll Chri'-len e n . "KuvcrC P" a nd in 193 the '·Ku r OP.'' '"' ., ' nt n • ar later the Ku rTOP i :-<till a '"' id lv used ctosur • J >1 milk l o ttl ·s. i\ lid -\'\ e ~t n g ine ' r~ n ·xt inu-odn ed th A lum< - SE. \L hood. With a lumin um bGCOtlling 111 0 1( ' an I nwr ~ popular a a p:1ckrtgi(1g tmt lt'rinl, LIH A lun w - ~ EA. L wa. (l l) illllll Cdia LC hit. lltllldre b or dair ies in the U nit d ' tal ·~ now u~ ' A Juru·~:-SE.1\.L utilk bnttk d o-ur '~ . In nrd r w div rs ify i L. line the com1 any Ct out lO rrodwc hot d rlnk pa pt r r up · in l ~) r) l. ' Vit.hin tWO ,' ·:-.r:) tltc dt J!tawl for irs hot dt·iuk cu ps ex 'Cclcd capac­i t )', a lld progres~ in l h.i,; rield u mtinuc l. D u ri n ~ the JH h l-\:< r ·par ... l\ lid -' ;\1 st ·tcldn l a 11ew plant in Hel ... i<lcn.: to :t(• l.>tnntt~d:H • its cxp:l tulecl Ltcili ti• "· .\11 indic ~lli n u uf , fid .'\V<~., . ·In('n,' :.Ltti sfa, ·tion wirh the (cJJllp~tn y lit'S itt LhC' fa,d t hat, alllwugh it i~ u lll ' ~'[ car-. oJd, a third o f ils e ruplo ccs h<n c been \'ilh th ·olll[Klll)' lot tHor' than I 0 cars. -\U :\L\-:L L HOODS -\RE FOR \1 ED on thi~ rna hine, which ts on ol manv at l\rid-\'e t. ~, h h ocl :1 1e tamped Olll of a t( lllillllt 11"- <.hed Oi allll1ll llUill fniJ l.ttninaf('<l lo a p;1pct Jincr. kt the in~pector j, n,\\11 Hut<hin~on. C ~ TO \R' SHIPPED BY rail and truck from this iarge · <nelt~JU to r11 nhMth and johber throu~hout the countrv. ~Lr, n m tt,c fllrt-~JOUl.cJ i Hal()1d \fcinheit. 1 HI f.'" I! \U. FOR( , 110 dJM II 1FL T S at el\id( 11- lt·)luhll) to t up tat:tHJil.l Jnvblt rn 1d1 1 lll'lfta '< 111< Ill II I\ .tn•l HOT DR It K C PS RE INS L'E TED by Estht:r , ' el~ort. 'J he newt'St itc1n in Micl - \Ve ~ 1 · li11c of p p'rboat rl pmdu<t'-, iltJt t{,j,,k cu ps at(' mad ' with 01 without hand I.,. Si11<c tl,cir itiii C•duction, th · l!l;:trkcl ha. sh O\ll a ·u..,t;tilll:d Lklll<lltd . F..'PERI:viE t'TS ARE R U:\' on :\·ficl -We•t' 0\1"11 bottling machine, shown h e r , to test milk bottle clo. ures periodicall: and to ~,o hc pcci:ll prod11ttion probl ms. 1 he opNator i~ Rn-;~ell taft. 111 .,"!)"' o( riH fllutlunion t :•Ill. tiJ.IIltl. \ IC ~ pit Hie 111 in t lt.JJ"C ol 'ond ft om ldt 1 IJliJtil It 1100 Hans reid CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE I • . \ :10~ \ 1: -\R F \fl LF\1 i' p1nlled OIL the l;q d of R .tl Blc dgt'l! In J. lhulc \! orford. \li d -\ \'c,1 · nen ]H esi knt. l'nllndn f Lile nnn pau1 t~ttd fnrm T [H'l''icknl'. R.u1 B[n,1g-L'i t h.1 ~ ;l g" l ef'>d to lC'tllnin ''itiJ rhr r11ganiJa tiun :t\ a tOII'lllt a nl. PR-\ 1'\ 1. (, T l~l} \110-\ \ES I R : \ :\ 1/ \IH) '\/. l1ntce :\loJlcnd ·1 r k.e <.' lltlnt~J-lstil'a lh o l if:- opp1ntunitic' ll1r t l1 e l tllurc. Dnt iug tile meeting he introdun:cl til· l:O!l1]Jall) 's 2: -~ ,aJ- ITI[ loy '· Ap· rnu:-.i ll1 a tch a lhitd ( r it: 1 eople h<~n' more than 10 years' ~ rvi e . • \ A HProgress Dinner" gives Mid-Westerners ® HA fPI 1. G ·E T inclu tl d i 5rnit! and J camp n) pilors. and Wilm r Whit<\ rh uf I I'. H r . l (J CONTINUED · Bc•ut r . u . d1 . • rt t · k.· an opportunity to meet Reuben . and view their outlook for the future in 1 ;ue K.ul k • t N;)ftl 0 ~.uert · ~ 1 ! th , ub idi ry' I '110 Johnson, hot drink ups. Thdr ho r · ·al ·.srn "n ol' fi !-West. A.' OPf:>ORi UX IT\' For Ch.anlpion ana Mid­\ V t ]_JCopk to get acquairHc l c<'ln1e with Mid-vVe ·t '" ··py re .• Dinner" ar. th big. C JllllHJOJty Building ii1. ~ Belvid ~r J anuar ' 20. - " lore than 2: 0 employe, - an i tlaeir hu bands and l-\<iH:s met with Chanapion offi'-ials to hear ~l report on \1id-\Vct's <.Ourrent situation and oullo k fo1· th ' fu uP· tJ~ urh spe-ak r. as 1hc font:~er l> · idem ol' th · i:ontplll'ly, Ra > Blndgett: thl!' n w M icl-\'Ves.r pre ·id nt, J. Br 1c \f(.,rfuJ rl (lormerly ( f ~>he l .'arohna Divisi n) · and Cham­Jiion \ o"'u pr~idenr_,. Reuh ·tr l~. Rnb ~rtson , [r:. '' :JJaTHpiml ·t, •mtinna lly :r:ecogniz cl ah an · ourstam.l­j n., c.ont- •n1 b-o att · of i ~s high sranda r-d~ oJ human P ­Ja. tivns, ., ~a Bl J _gett :.aid. .I ' point d 1 tH that th(.; afiiliari( Jll ·wllh Ch.an1pion ·vvou ld help lo in '>ur · the wwpany>.-. gwwth and th · de,. lop.t nen t ..of i prt du .r. . B u e Jv.f, r ford -xprJ sed priJ · jl, tbc Mid-\;\' st -rganil t.ion. " '-'\'itf · ll e kind o·~ t ·amwor that is typical .. ' .. """"~ o.f bo(b. Champion and th j\[ 1 D -w £ s 1' . ~ 0 w I. " I PVER-"£ OPS" made a t­tracti\'(' n ::n-n ' plate:, w-hid1 1ver ~ d I or cv-e rv f>Ct'.;()h attendil1g Lhe Jin­l'l t'f . Ile-te l\.1 r. alJCl -(rs, J a n'l e& Ohl en, •nt , arc I P i llJ? , rcc tcd at the door IJ\' RupperL Dow11 i ng, ldr, Fra u!; Jha1111 , sccO ild from left, a 11d AI fred H o lL[reter, ri oJrt. T l'l E "l'ROGRE Dl N­t ' I~ R" he ld J amtary 20 gave all en 1 ploy cs of the co1n­pany an opportunity w meet Cham pion officia l s. t'v.lore than 250 pctso ns, in­dudiug tl.1c husbands and wi1rcs of emplo ·ee . . at­l t1ded. Champion · at the . p alter · table i n.cluded Reuben B. Ro iJertson, Jr., pr sident; H erb Randall, · vite·presidenr; and B arold \ rilgb.t. istant ge neral . al ' manager. EXPR.ESSL rc PLEAS RE aL the new r-elationship 'be­tween Cham.pion an.~l Mid ­West, R euben B. Robert­on , Jr., de cribel C:harn-pioi1 's l1uroan relation pro­gram. He aJ o pointed out th e rc pollsibilities th a r good corporale ci ti.zen, hip b an1 to ernploye . sh re ­l~ oller, customer and com­m un.i ty. M id~ \l\1c c Botde Cap Com­to move forward,., .B uce . . pan y, we ~lrc gomg to cc ntmue ass n .d . ---' ln che final talk of the evening,. R eub n acknm. 1- dged · Cbampion's r sponsibilit co the mplo 1ees of lid-West. an'd to th it.ilen · of B [ i lere. " od · o:r-pora~: ~ citize nship,',. he . a id , " r <fnir s ~)f an, ompan · - tl ta r it :wurk .in tlte intcresL 1J it:; emplo, e s, 1t: - har·­ltold crs, its custun·u: rs ancl th conH11Lll1itit· in which if.. < perat ·s .. " P rhap · a typi citlf r :t:.t tion to the 111 ' ·ting· \V-a e.· ­pres:. d hy one 1\rid -\Ve~ t mplo e . '' · of Lht: leil ws in tlt(; p.ap •t· I m~ ill c·s~ in Chi a.g·o LQ ld Hl ' that -v ' c uldn '.t r)() ::lil · bvtt T LJmn joiJ1 HfD , .. vitlt Chnn1pi()H, all I. .i-t look · li e the 'r ~ rigJu:· 1 • ~aid. 'I think Mid-\. e t 1s jl.t. t fJ ·ginniug [.(> mov •." Ftt>lll ~1!! h1 rlir:n ion , 18(! th er M id-'N t "rn i's w re in lin d to .,g1· t~ wjtl ltii11t. H 12 -------~------~~~-----------------------------............ _, 'D minds "0 D cllSflUd in doll I . dresse lona being re a 0 an yroo ·l i.n clotheS , chloropb.) d s there s d picture a. _, f.oo · we1r ht uO\l:. • .,,e and · 1 o( · . T .,1 .... , ca. are art, . combs. ' cla<t M:arvlnl~ ln pection at en<l er R.o oO \ !) iVl. ... l on . t11e 0 111 · --· Sl\.11 S!\ · ~-: of the dog \ otltl , ''Je ·pcrs," A 11 Topm.ill ·r·s has>ct li fl lltHI , ne\L'r h<H:I it ~> g (ld. He and Lib race ]O\'C ro ' ' hile aw:t) lhcir lwurl. at tltc piano. "J eep rs" i$ b · t lending \ al <H;companimellt. ' - EVER sTOP to realize that there are very few dog who lead a dog's life anymoxe? It's a fact! Most canine cri~ters nowaday have not ouly the co1:n'forts e~f horne, but also the aehan:ta.ges of modern medicine, b'\lancecl diflts, and scien­tifi cally prepareuL flea powder con­taining ample guantitres 0f Isol'ner of Benzene Hexachloride. \1\!hy, rnost decent pup in the 20th Cen­tury do not even have that "doggy odor,, thanks to comrnercial cle­odoranls. And the dGg who munches on an old-fashioned bone js definitely in the lm-ver strata, and considered a social square by som e of his four­footed friend . It's homogenized, chloFaphyl clog food , or nothing, Moml .It was rumored amund the dog world a week or· two ago that t;t hi~.wrian m<:trked tbe b ·g·inning o( <). new era for pups Lh day that I i tae n se.~ ' ere r q:u ired. Th · ~ ord wa. that f!ti · sort wf ta. , col)] bin 'd ·'ith inuoculation bw , put dog' almoH (HJ th arne l·\d •l..s lnt· man:-.. An<l around the I wttsC, th~: . trcn I is pultiJJg f'<trth r awa fron1 "<t dog' lift," artd closer to "t.ll life <•f H.iLy." S > mu(h lur the grmvn-l tp fan~ ' ciers. vVhat about the kids? Here Jies the dogs' aJ ation. With most, the relationship be twe en Rove r and the younger generation · re­rnains unchanged. Junior still likes to sneak the dog into bed with him, just like dad did. nd Sis ·y will still lre s her four-footed idol - in doll clothe like .l1J·other used to. And it ' just as \vell, because a pair of babied beagl s ·were overheard at a recent dog . how, complainin r abm.Jt the piteous tate of a.ffair. in dogdm:n. ''Do you realize," barked one beag! to his neighbor in an ad­joining pedun'l.ed kennel , " that a dog' hfc ain't what it should be? vVhy, if thi., keeps up I'll be a nervou · wreck, with ulcers tO b0ot.' "YoLt 'r · right,' ' whined the sec­on 1 beagle. 'T m all Jor the goo l c,Jd days - oup I ones, fireplugs, fl c<t and halitosis-. The closer my li.ft: g- ~ ts to .mv ·m~bl"r'. . the r1wr 'J ' rnL ·nhJ,c.: r ;mL He'll have m Worrying n ~ t abo1 1t th - t o( 1ivin )· ind ·x for the nlon Lh of 1\fardt." One '"'·c-ek la te , tw beagle;; were S< ·u wotin6 in g·ar­hotg · cans a.s th~ [ i Uowcd two h ' ­lh ·agog led lwys down a11 aile '· A clog's life? You b t! 13 - I 1 I 1 . .. _. . ~ ) ~ ..+---..... · AFTER SCHOOL GET-TOGETHERS feature baseball talk for rhe group of players shown here. They are gathered in the yard of Champion Louise Mann. Louise's son, Rip, is THEY MAY :B£ LA.DEN WITH BOOK ;u the mom nt, but jllst a k them what their par time will be filled with this snmmer. Chance! are rh y'll tell you baseball, as wou ld nee second from left. Mr. . fann has been active fo r se1'eral year as a. manager in Little Lea·gue ball . \Vilh the advern of warm weather, ba eball is "in the air" ~t Pa~ adena. tbi· group, which inclu l•es. lef to right: .Da1id R.) ., \l h e l Tinsley, Glema Darh)' and Jam ~s Rmnern p. he rn , tb ? \'\ e ll , it will come in hand)' fi ruriug banin • avcmges. • • •• -· ove'' You 'II have to know your averages to be \hep" to teen-age talk • ' . ''"l"t T VV r c t H~ IN FOUR n-1 last year, but . l oy, if we get some pitching 1hjs .'>e<tson, evc ryone'U he e~LiJ · () l.l .I' d·I J .., t. . " "Yea h? ' 1\!e!l_, we had the pitchin ' last didn't do u. n.o g-ood-· .a us when nu got •our hitters stumr .-· ear aml. it the pitchin' "Not us, ho . vVe go l too rnany sl uggers!" bri [s from a meeting of major league l a ll pLayer. ? . ~oulu be. llut the major league ball the.·e f H<Jws will play .i · still a few ye rs in thC' fulure ­anywh r front 10 lo I. yean> in the future. That dot n' l rhange things loo rm ch during the " inl '1" month , however. Tl1e JHcoverbi·tl hot sto e league roars full blatit J:rom the tin1e th last s trike is called in the falJ , until th first " ping" of L;:u on ball sounds in th spring. These "hot swver.~" are players in Teen Age and. Little League baseba U circuit in Pasa den ~t ·- and like th ir majOt Jeag1.J e. co unterparts, baseball is their chief topic of co nversation the year round. At home, in the, on the streets, the talk. swit h es from last sum.­lner's re ults to prediction of n ext year. .. .:A ,. il ._.:. ..- ' ... T he boys, many of tbem sons of Texas Division Champions, have plenty of wood for the fire. Their league,s arc rapidly taking on the semblance of major league organization. ·when they're not talking about tb.eir own an tics, of co tnse, the Lalk tl<rns to the "ma jors" T \.LK l:R,:\; to the major leagu,es. hown here are Jeff J eflre,, sea ted, Dave P0ruero r, knecliog, fhne Motw•m m '1'' and Glert Li tlle. • tt~o,i,J-.I~. LL l .• EVER }ORGO'J ·1 E)[. 'fJ"rorn Jef:t w 1 ight: H11berr '"Ljttlc P ~'(' Fr-eem~u~ •. Lela.nd C lJwdl, Jehn ,\1organ an 1 Dennis O'Brie rt. • I ' . . wl1ere ).llOSt of them have hopes o-f playing some da . \1\lith the expan ·ion of the Little and Teen Age Leagues, there's a good chance, too, that man/ of them wjJJ m.ake it, •• I ' I ' I r ' _, 1 ,\. BJU.,\ . [){ I f r rc SC IIOOL HO( . J' .~ ln·i r.tgs nlt JIL. h:t~' ' h a ll in a h ·­ ·~pe~4dJ 1d!l' IJ h's ,t .dtW , , l'<~in tl:ty .t>llt.~id •. ~, ;.1 lkir ~,!!; il c~-H-r :u S >tHllnlor ~. hNJI ar ~, ~. , n t< ri.g'l tL, J)(J)l J· ~· rJ..<:r, Dnuds CH(JpC r , c~>nc D~trb , ' 1\t>hen \ J d~ Lq~ ll ' }' and R:o W<Jit t;, . .'if>Oil LltL' fin' i t~ th hot '- t (•\"t' will he quettdted. IJx in P:l !<~ d ·na, ~\ h ·1·r.:: ~>pr' rtg courcs earh . til • o · , '· ptur ha ll ... wi ll tP · I 1 ' it 1 u l •d o 1 e- tong. Fi l .. I ' • ) t f I . l I I WHiTE fLEXCE 1 r HtilcJ hi ~~ in th<' C<lrl'\­lina rnonntain,.:; wh<.'Yt' this pho1(1gr:1ph wa.< t'natlc on the m 1tning of J , rwa n • 19 . . now f;, lJ . 11ged from 1 lo 3 in.chc» m(lr "<It th . hi gh ' r l o::t tio-n . .. • • • • • ._;• ' . T:A · L ' " Al , f wi th now l all , two rc t1.agcr. j oy full~ thre;lt€llc."d the LO Ullllenllllall " L,his r>i ·t ure ' ;1 . being rn ade o f sn ow-b cl 11 ev · rg-reen l> ;n onnd n r pl:ina 'h an •pio n 's Mni •t Of'fic · build ing. P \'LO D.ER H a,;, c~·ll ed intu ;i ltifl £rorn th w ~ in 1.r:a f'l it Gl allJpi ()11' · 'a•olimt pl utr l . tion ro h.mnel . '\' .... , lu\ · cl ·ep i n f ron t of -- • , .. •• ~ ~. ;, · ¥ ~~t~ . • • ' 'tlJ :tir f j t I I . •· ' • .o;J . .. I .. . • ' I .....__~\ . ~ ' ' B .EG fNNJ1 c sh ortly after t w ili g ht an d co ntin uin throt1ghom the night, the heaYiest local now fa ll in mo,re than a \dozen years blanketed Canton a11d mountainou s '\'e tern North CaTalina t0 a depth of from 7 to 9 inche on the morning of January 19. Despite the de-pth o f: t!le dazzling, flaky ubst;w ce, vir tually all Carol ina Champions reported f6r work on . bedu Ic. me were ~arced to put o.n .d 1ains befon:: they were ab1e t · moYe their cars from garages, and the chains taye l on all da '· In many of the deep mountain cove ·, to old timc1· who knovv their weather, now will re n~ain until la te ·when it wiH serve to· greatly xe1ieve the water <>h< r ta ·e past few seasons. pn• n CI', · f the An add ition al two inches of sncn.-; •n t duwp d on tb.i area on the niob·ht of Jauuarv 21 cau jno· 1nany n1ee tin ,., tO 1 po t- t , I 1 0 6 ponec.L as a result of hazardou.s driving onditiow. Canton had not experienced a snm\· of this d cprh .i n ·ear". and en:•n though they knew it wou ld handicap tben1 for a ·pcll, a big 111ajorit of the adults w r tbinking- ri.o·ht a lo ng 11\·ith the youngsters and enjoyed the siuntion . fuch of th . hea ,·' snow (all still I>emain c1 ( 11 t.h ' "north ·itk'' v,·iLb:i.n the Canton c ity .limits as Fcbn1·,:ry took over . .. <ll d 1'011 · upou to 11s of th moi rurc· lad cH ttt rf n' main ~' l i11 th TIIOltrll: till ('(J \'c · - Wh l'r • rt wilJ pay di vidends Lh i:-, prin!:_'\·. • E7'H}EARI.'\C PHR SES "lwwer do1 n on n wh adop t d "Sh •l.l y' R c ig • r. a., J3ob and .L ta pu't h r lo b d. T'he coup! were f'a sci ttl I l _y th chu ckli11 g', gurgling oumts tbc baby mad i t. fin;t t'cw weeks. T he com forter i.s a g·ifr front Bob· co-·w rkers i11 t.h . Rel:lezt r h Departmcnl. • Bob and leta found a new ·meaning to life when rittle Michelle arrived T H RE 1 NOTH l"'G so precious to a t~lOther ~ n l father as their hr t-born. hilcl - no thr ill like that of h.oldin~ for the fi:t t ti rn , a r d- (accd, squawlin g, helple'h hab·_, . To man ·, thi privileo ' is denied . nrH E e, 1954, the wor d. '·ble , ed even['' J-\ !d an empt , J .olto " for l3oh and Leta R.L:igcr.. Th n, ~uddenl . , n that clay f days, theiT home was (illed with temier, ntea ning ful J1appin , urou, bt tb re b , th ch ild they n acl adopted. A kiocl o lm· that Jra · e i t d. incc th fi r~ t C hr i truas rna cl@ [he ey s of Bob a . d Ltta gl ist H ai> tb€y look d ae th i.r :\:1 i h .He in her crib. They e<ll dcln ' t bdJ th1nking ahotJl the time .. in J 9{-: 1, when the; appli '(1 for a hal in \-fast-ad1us. l and had lo leave the ~L, te b<· (orc re<--ci ing a chlld. ~l hey rc: JJ ·d t11o, the day in NtJvern b(-r. · hji> t irn.e at h me in Ohin wJ~en rlte again a pplied . }~irst. tb ·re wa a r,.h;ua ter r ll:er.k rf,l' the p <•l'ettts-to­hc :'\ll imcr\' ie v b p.~ych oJ og·i'tls . Ph ~sica l examina­tirms, and letters for character rdcr 11 c. T ltc1 th ·v · ) \'(~t· · {()}d tf1at a ba by ·wtH.tld I}· th ej Js. Hut nr i ll q tH· t ief> JinL -\ rept e ·oL<t ti\c· o f' dH· orpha11age in ~ ptctcd tll·l hom " ta lk ed lt ) Reighhcm. a!Jnut tbe R c~ig n, "f <ike to • rhe pastor of their church .. T h en on.e a ftexn oon in Decem­uer; at 3: 45 p.m., (Bob will never forget it tl1 telephone rano. "I was taking a sJwwcr," Bob reealled , ' trying t <ret packed and r eady £01· a business tr ip. Leta wa n't hou1. , and I had i.o catch a 4 :55 train tO \Vi'!mington, Del. Any"' a~', the phone rang and n1ng. I answered .it, and was told that '"'' wer~ o·oing to h ave a littl . girl and that .h e'd Le ready to adopt us on Cb ris t1uas Ev . Boy, was J glad I 1ttad 1 t t the telq hon !" Frorn tha t day to this, liie ha b . n h ·tic for the R t;ig-ers. Fir ·t t.hcr vvere dr sses a nd booti es, boule·· and djape1:. , a bed - a thou. ~ nd a.ncl one li ttle thin< t11 <H ·Mi. che Ll e 1'1. cd cl had to be purcha d . SJm ppi. n o· ·wa s r~il i 11 prog-n~ s un D e m bet 24, rioh t up to the time tha t Bob and L eta vPr · 1ntro 1u. eel t "'hell ." J'hen to gran(IJna's :md hon1 e1 the three of th m to HJ Cr)d Clni<;tl!ns Ev as it had n ·vcr been · pent b f )re - Mt: tting ~ 1u ~tiflt 'fl. \ •V t dia pers, hue f diugs, lU~l'k · ing- formnl ;.lC . . lit de .laughs, lnttd ut t rinc- w r th fin e., t Chri tnras pr :~ .nt~ in th ' \.·orld f r the R I ~crs. h W<ts Lfuly a M. ·rr Cl1 ris tJll fts, fo r th te h"td h · 11 ::tn "add1t i< 11 h )' adoption." CONTINUED ON NfXT PA:GI; l7 1 I I r til ]) H I . J 0 '\ I\> adoJ•' .t hoh' ",t.: a In;; nne ft•r 1'\(•b and l •u R<'t1.1"t'h ltx·in applit!l P'"''i"u ·h in \f ..1 . ·rthu­> t'tt . the t nul' k k uu• thJt it rt'qllire.t n lt>rtg I• ;tJl t•f 1\1\l \{'Jt:. or IIH.>I'C'. ~ 11tlf ~· , ~· p .I]>~· I "ott.. and J pnr h '' Ill ;u Hdg\.' . l\ 0 l b a g I ~ e llcH\ '"hclh .. 1\' ;1 u>tth tJ1Jf . a11lf IHOI(' , UOH \ . 'D LEI .\ 11e1e ·)i •.bt h· nen o1 rs a:- the' '':titt:>d i11 a dm1or·: of­fin:- for t.hei r ph l'ical e>.. · amination~. ,·uc:h thing· illi look and huild ''ere Lakeo into con idera Lion h~ the orphanage in ~e­lcnirw,.., a baby. for the couple. • JHJ 1, ·c .. ,; ,,, - , h1ng"" lo r a h;tb) gh l W<~1! t) IW n f th<; pl c ;~ •<~ lll t ;,~ l( '> fur I .f> t f.l .. I ig('l ~- 'i he '~ pk t ll t d aN NII·• r•ni •tl rnt l H f ri JJy d TI'!> IJ Ill · l.f .r s. l·:rnnr ;r c :rJ(JpU, .. ah-~ l a d > ;:~ r l~ohi " ~''~~ Sclll.., c> llll '~ i11 I fami trorl. 18 • •• --~ . ,..- ' 1' .'\ ""i i· R ..,, B\ , llnd ilr l.' I >Ok<'d t lw \l i l1 d (> l l ' o f llw R cig,.t \ ca l', \l tll lid 1.11 0 I u•r l ai t ; l ~ IHII C >t T il :r. I 'll ) lr:tpp ,' \'O llpl t• :t d llll l ' · / OS £ or ~f'Ht Fl R..ST requiremetll - o( th or­pha nage "'''l'l' !O ha 'f! the p r0£p cti1· p t~ t'cnts take pll~c ho l gica l <: xa rni.ll a­Lions to dete nni ne apti ­LUd · -. n::ten ta li ties and persor ~llit ie. The . e1 c- 1 ion {)f tJle baby is th en m;ac;;lc 11·j th th ~e fact. at h:stnd . T HE G OOD EWS c:une to 13ob ea rly in J'leccm her. He was ca ll ed ou L of the shower as he wa. h.u n i•ed ' ge t l in g ready to ta "'e a b u si n.cs.~ tr ip. · H e wa .. told a t this ti al.e that he .. ,·ould he rh fa ther of a I;Jab · gi·rl. )3ob \"as in formed tl1is sam e we k that l1 · had beeu perorn.o ted to group 1 e , d el' io CIMDipion 's R.e:«ear l'l. Depa rt rn ent. • uw ~heir n <d . adopt d d.a 11g:lJter. 0 11 ~h @. way hcmt trou·ble ke ·ping hiS" ey. · on t11 road, an I off Mtchelie ' 13ob ha(! 'Ia le. BOB . \.~]) L ET.~ RJ'.IGER · rep<W that t hey pen t their nice ·t Chrhcru E.1 e pia •ing 1 ·ith . th eiT da ughrer. "Shell ey ... Leta remarked a, . he look d ::~ t b et daurrhter. " \'ha t a ,..-o nJe1fut Jui,~ tm a gift .'' CONTINUED • ton After anxious months, the Reiger's dream came true on Christn1as Eve • 19 H<ll\ <. H \F .. ER. t l l<lll.t~ r o( the ' l:ttcl <. llltt:l i.1 • 1 tlu· C h10 Oi' i~ion. hold;; a cop' •t the ''<ltl"l -"''''Ill Bu!htin, wh ich feat ured • / a SLUI y ahoul the Cafeteria i11 the JaiiU a l 1 i>>IIC'. 1 he 1 over ,]lo r . pl11~ ... e \'(::1 a l pinure, ll'i lil the LOI'}. showed 1 i e w~ of the C1ft:t ·1 ia, ' \ \VHf.N JOHN \'--\LK.ER , T exas Di1·ision editor, won a combination TV-phonograph at the annual Public Relation Y> i t }' of .\merica Conle rc nce in .:\ew York la~t f:tll , he d idn' t knOW tlJaL hi s good rori!IIIC \IOU Jd be uscu w ex ploit the BL1 ckeye Slate in rcx ~l' . The, omplet · ~l"i i h a '' braggin '· l}pc" pr e~e ntati.on card, ~'a' d c l i,·c t cd to Johrl LJ,t lllOIIIh. • ll . l' . 1\1\ "·" till' ll1Cl..l 1 '\ .1' pj,j,iull h.llltpi,)l '' hn 11 lll lhl' ,,lid\ oil.\\ itl t.:, ul ~·H J.~,, 111011111 . \ hen ,i, k.t·d II it;lt Ill• 1\(H\Id tJO \ tlli hi .; \ i11111ll g~. l) 1' . ,,l id h. \il' ~1>111 )4 II• tl('{hhll !h~• 111<>111'\ \IIIIi 1l1c C1nlir l ' iiltlll. I h:t l ' 1111,11 1\t'', dtl III J4 li< ' l l ' .1\ ]),· h:liHI, IIH' I 1\(•t f 11\( ' 1 lt l \.f,tlllll' "i :111d ' I '011. ~. tk tl pl• •d gt' t ,lnl, ;tt< ' dl,t\111 l ot· 11 j, pri /L' ,llit' t f l 1l' ' I t ' '\,1' Di1 i iult li ;l\ tO III[tl t i t:tl :Ill .l(l id· Ill Itt'. lti<Hitlf • - • 'E \YLY l:.LECr.ED OFJ-I CERS of th Ohio Di i~ i 0 u ·s EHJplo\ee:> Anid l i<~. A ·· cia tion al:\:unl tl th eir new du t il'~ la~t J Fro u-1 Jefi 10 r igln a rc G:e rl,llld lunz . treasurer; Gem·g Kcncla ll. viu::-pr l'idc nt : ln ·in ' 'Short " Carb r1 . pr sidl'n t ; and i\l ::tn Ellen H.u ·s '" · \C rctar). • 'OHLE G R .\ ND MA.':J I ER of ill f' asa tlena Odd Fel lows Lodge is Fra 11 k Ends lev of Texas Division Shipping- and St.or­ag . ln~ tn lt ·d taM mon tlt , Fr a nk bas long been au.ive in the Odd Fe llows Lo dge. ~erv i ng- in vario 11s offjccs. 1 ~.'5 !'1-: CTJO.'\i C IRLS at Carolitl <J h akt::d a birthday surpri ~e i11 Janu;n y for l'hilip Cla rk , jtll tior pape r technidan . FigtH · ing that a \'a •1kee wouldn 't know t he di[(crcncc. they pre­pared ang ·I. food cake and labeled it ···om I> read.·· From left to right are Cwe:11d ol yn Plcm ntOIIS, Ann Hardi 11 , Carol yn Medford , \'Vinnie Pa rham and Cl ycl Stockton. • Pictorially bringing you highlights in the Champion story . . its people, its friends, and its good neighbors 21 I .'\H. 'ER ' 'fllTE ha · ht:X'u \ in the Swr room for a hHig' 1 inw. hu~ it \a 'Jl 't Ull'ttl IT '( H{h that he I Cctm \';n·ell •u:e Man in the 11 w T lo.:l · Dhi<iun w.u· hull · ~1 he job \'; t~r ,\led j Hl'l last ) car. ~ a ..•, A FLOOD of 'how to do it" article in recent ye n. ha made \merica the bigge t " build it youneU" nation in the \ world. From ceramic ash trays tQ whole room of furniture, l'l.len and women are creating produ ·t which ,·ill .ati-'>£; their own needs, for both- bu ·ine ·sand plea u:re. Industries like Charnpion , meanwhile, have not toocl idly bv and watched the "how to' ' craze !ITO~v. On the contrarv. . ) I ~ Champion's efforts haNe pia 'ed an i111portant part in the 1i. of every ChaB.1pion.. They have fo llowed a pattern which originated at the dai·vn 0f the machine a ·e: ho·w w mak a job. For jobs are not ju::;t hatched oHt of no"\,~h rc. Job. are Lhe restdt of a marriag'e o( a need and a l't idea, in the brain of a n1an wllo i · ·eekiJw to fill that ne 1. H he find · a wav. ' he employs rnen to , up ply materia l , other to p:to,·ide a service or manu£actur a proclu t. Related. indnst.rie -, n eded Lo u e or conven the product, arii'ie and more jnb ar ' cren ted. For example·, at Chanq. ion 's T ·xa DiYision not long ago, the need was (ound fnt- a llC\'\' ,nper alender at h • ·ml of N () _ 2~ Pa per !\Jachin ·. R ·semrrh backed br fin ;;mciaJ re OttrC ";o, ' '" nt Lo work. Ev~dua tion silo cVt·d tha t the supercaku(l 1· was th logical snlmion, and capital help I t _ llllrtme nd support i r, ha ked by lll <H rag ' lilt' lit. 1-ls O!iSt'l'llClion prov idt.:d work ror bu i l ling m n. The nt :wul'a ctur ol' ll1 c. tllvls and •quipnt nt 1t$ d in llw !->Ll pen alcndvr proyidc l v u more j•)l s, Fina ll ', lhe j•1b was < •)tnpl ett>d ·uHI rh · ~ up •real 'ltd ·r \V 'ttt 111 wn1 k, and uf tH tlr-,e ll1L' I1 'h' t' l'T n ·ed ·tl to np·<·r~tt .., :.n1 I nt , [n. t:l i II Ll H' l .l ( w Ill <H I d II L'. l'lti:-., dll! tl is lfw ~ten ·' of h '"' ~~ jqb i~ ho1'll, lun,· . 'C n rit · i , in cfler t, n ·at ·d fot a ll ' 'hampin ns. theough prng r s~ and I' ' :O.l'ilt'lh_ !\ J:tn y ullt~'l' jclb Jr:t\e heell !lCatul in l't-T CilL )'t:l l''i. Shll\1'11 'Hl t1w.~e p: tgc-; art' jus I ;1 r v\' 1 d' dH.' ll). A t li'R A .S I RF I Cil 1:--\ 't.lll<. SER\' LCI-:, Jit~l Lights(• r · iu.rnl'Ci to Cbl,uti JJion .,r.,; ,, l~kndi ng l'.ntk ! >p · r ~t(l)l', a j(''' crt' <tlt•d in I !.l!\0 (1ft('T the m.vd ln1 i~ ~;r., d e· i o~~ire· h fdr. - 1\l.f) Hl(.(,f 'I h,h ht·'n a l'apt·t \bt hitw S<:11iu: \l ;tn lnt jtht .1 Iiiii,· '"'' ~ \,11, \,,,,ntH' ol the liJ'-f 11 11'11 <t:<<igncd I<• tl ,_ ioh ,iltl'l it ''·'' \ n .. t{Cd . '\en! .11\ll 11t.Jilj)<•l\t' l \,lei ll;ltltl ill l1.>11d in tltt• ll<'.lttt>n ol .1 i••h. .,. u ~ 1 Rl < ItO'\ or till <,R<H. :\l>\ oon \lll.L .n the ((: ;I J i1 J~lClll l'H' IIITI,dh lllt:'<llll the 11(\'tJ of ;) (ol.()lllldlloncf '\fill Ht>l[lL ·' j<}h 11 ltid1 npl'ned up i11 l'l:!~ . . \It ted St.1nfil'ld di utH red < lumpio11 kne" how tn "n tilkl' :t joh' ' when h <' t oul... O\ 1 l he d til i <.: 3 a In 1 pet . ( !<.[· J IO 01 \ J< ,g knll\tt a ( of\>1 ltom11 l ·'t• r Ill<,,, ,, .111 ••tJtt•ifl' l•t h · ljJI,d IJ' 11 . II . l'udttt JH · 11h 1\1> \1',11 <tg<L lie l,{~fl a1 ( li IIJifJJ<>II l(lt IJ'< ) ' ,JI -.11 "lllH <till' ''' ltll h• old I'''' e 111 <tn ttldilio11 t(> the )' 'tc II , 01.1 Ill I<. II I\ I U H \'1 Hl In !Ill'> JOU lot II"' .111d ow· lt.tll •· :11~. It t<lttll on( ol IIH • .tf H I till I'''' \," I ll'<!!td. l11 l IIIII I \tllllt' .I 1\' <I)( ''· b fr•tl th(' lila II r,tl, ' 0\ 'l tht Jllh, • '" .1 -.(.,1<' lui.. lit,, 'lil h ,,, d.-. ' 11 u I. .11 •d 1lwn -~ .. Gl 1ARD R.'\.ILS are made oi pipe tao. Pictured hom l eft: to right are Bob Hen, Je}·· a welder as ig11ed to the Pipe Shop, Lhmal Cla•t· welder, Charlie Little (hiding beh'nd the pipe), Jim Gani.~on and wdder Ed Asb ford in the background . TROUBL · oH ' o. 10 Papc·r Madti11 • nt(':ln l a climl, to lh :tit ' rS f Jl' F :mk '.1"111 1101 and Lulhct H ack r. TtHner is insp·ctillf4 fl root dr:; lot' a leak wh.icl t cau~cd dr ps of 1q 1te1 to {all 011 tlre Fnurdrinicr wire. 24 A SCFi';t·, that chara £ tc'ri;<· ~ :1 pip( fitt.l'r ·~ q : I r is t he r ""l'> J> l> ·t i' '!i o t pi I'~·. Lu rh .~, .-L~cker und Clt.ltl "s I nati\« ,J} ;Lle ~oi11g tu in11t:dl tlli;. pipe 1ll1 a. prink!;•, drain it 1 th Ohio ni d:.ion • t rcromn. I -.., . I ' .. ' I 'tN T il E ~ HOI' , l>un Sl<Hll"r fl:ttTS a cop­per pipe <ll'!Hwd a l l<111g~::. Like all you ng m n ,,,ho ha e h 'L•n e ln ploy~·d in !li t: Pipe Shnp since Hlr.2, Uon is etuoll d in Ap· pr ntic Training ·]as es. I ROY NF:AL, Pipe Shop forema1 , glances at his "lit le b litck book'' contait1ing orders to b completed. 'tanding at tight is - L . Lonni:c Rouse, Boikr P.ln,nt pipe fitter. 1~ lw ' en th -n1 , Ru · and ] nnie - have '1) '1111 feted a lrnost 61 years of ' r\'ic; at Champion, CO, lSRlT :VI A;\~ , i.I'Si~ Lant fore1Hm1. and George ·vvchrl ey dig: itt lo a "trotdJk e<tll " on No. 4 Paper Mathiue. They quick! )' r ·p;li ·ed ·togg;-·d ortrat li whi ·h w re can:;­ill lo§ dirt to <lppear in the sbeel. Pipe filler foreme1' arc genera lly _ ~cen m rc llft n out on the job t har1 in an office. lt takes a hustling crew to do a good fob .servicing Champion's pipeline system l'APeR MJ.L -1 and more _ pecificall y at 'harnpion' · Ohio Dh·is.ion, one vf th b ·t meaJ'l£ of ranspMrtar~nn i::. a pipe. It ma:y lYe a big pipe, a littl pjpe, a -oppet· pipe or _ju t a plain bla-ck pipe, 1tlt it wiH ·arry llquiu. an l se1 i-li-quiJs to ancl fTCJtn, with tittle or nQ att ntion. and absol:ute1y no r '(;gnition - ex:c pt lrni..r1 the Pipe .,ang. -Ehey're th • boys with the endl ss job. It\ a~ endles'! a-s the mil upon l.ni1 o[ !Jipe at Champion. ~ rormall , if you .set o:ut on foot LO fiJ1d a pip flu r, you'll ha V) look high .and Jow, .becau~e JJ e's a}l)t to be on wp Jf i: und - rn c~ <tth omething. J ( h ·~ '"Wrki ljb on a tank, h · () lcl ll<;: in::.ic.l ·. lt 'r; a dirt , tt:) ugrh. jol>, thi hu in ~ss ( f i n~ t.a lli r· g, rnaiuta1u ing awlr ·pa i· pipe , and it requires m 1;1 who an .-,tal d -worki rtg· 2-1 • " hours a day occasion:1ll . To fill the Ohio Divi if n's J eds, p ip fitters use app.roxitn_a tel r 100 ton, o{ pipe jn a yea r's time. A ear's supply of black tbree-qnartee-inch l)jl. c aJoue \ ould Lretcb .Cor thte mi.le . Althougt1 it's a job that separates the men from th, boys rea l fa t1 t ~ pon s s-how Lh ~u on ce ::t tmm '"' a pip - fit.H.:r, h sr :1~'S a pipefitl .r. In the last s-·ven yca.t\ only on man on the ga t~ g ha. quit, and h. went imo business Jot· hims lL Tl1e r boa_t of w~ ll c or tb h - L 1 owlcr. a.t hampion , aud n.f th J.>e::.t b~lll 1 ta c~·s, LO( 1. .S1) if it' lwt waL 'l' it\ the shower ' n1 're looking­fur, ;:t h _i-vvl 'r', i:i a-, ·;,u- Charnpi oJJ, or a g1't)iup of darn ·well gl l s, ju ·t . tup iu H.L th · Pip Shop. \'ou'H fi t d ll t1f t hc:5 ', and more. 26 • . 'ElL nARTE L. l'ipe .'ll!op rkrk , fill s o tll a r c qH i ~ i t ion fu t eqlli p i11Cll ( rot ( , )'0\!' 1 Sli vers, C \1 ~1 a i u le n a ll c llldl l. \Vii h Jw u lrcd ~ n[ miles nf pipe 1o JJJa ini ;till a 11rl J('p.t ' , , ' c>i l '~> ''ll lt rdt,·att:: st ll iL·" S (O(k ~ about :l,!IOI) it em,. CONTINUED I • A f u ·-,: 'H fJ \lE in th . tuft Box vou 'Jl almc;. t al w:ty~ find pipe finers and thci1 paIs bu y 1\'ith <t ded. of rard5. from lef1 to t igfJL are Ben liol l()n , m.if l n-J i~l1t (;eoq~e Wehr­It<}, Charlie \Veekle' . Dick L.eid 11n11 n . Lu ther Hacker, )}orson £ V<t• 1 "· and (, r<we1 Sther,, who was Gl 1ght uapp mg. CL.~ R £:'-.CE C I B'OL'. Bill Rentschler, plu.mbet, and \Vavne Rile' work • • together to repair a di - ti 11 ing tank fnr the Re· search Department. · ev­enll m i nute:. aftn the p icture wa" taken, R ile~· pe€le<l off hi" •hoes and cl imbed i n l o t be t.ank . claiming t ha t J.1i • wa:; an " i u ~ide joh .. • • A 45-YEJ\R C:HA~fPIO • . Bill M'aupjn, "C~[ Calenders. receivetf a w"l ist watch in jan uar;· 011 h i. a1tn i\·e r ' a.t") date. . s Ot1 ro Di v<isio1~· ).ifatw . r Jobn \'. Zimmerman made tl:J.e.p~:ese ll latio.n .. be ren1arked , ""h'. a fin t on!. Hill. <1.nd iL· · one to he proud oC' AUens in Wonderland · By Georve Steine1· Ll ui AJ1en; Laboratory, give this a count of a tnp he and hi · wife n1ade some tinte back: "On the ·ay dewn we drove through the Smoky J\ lountaitls. 'V . vi:,i ted il\'er Sprio~ in Florida whexe th water i.- cry tal d ax and fi sh can he ::.een from ~he , Ja5s f.J (Jlti-HH I oal. Ross Allen's Rep.rile .Institute t k )cned h· rc. an<'l Ro.. a n~ a ll y- milk · rattle nakes. Whil "" th.e.r •we v isite.d ntany relalives we had 1 t\.er & en, and ·we found COY6 ins JiteraHy b y tbe dozen . _ "Onr next ~o.t.op '""'1a~ Tampa and St. P cttrsburg, and we waded in t1 e w;;n·m ·water<; of Lhe Golf o! M exico. \ .e \Vere ·ho"''fl an i~ la.ncl cov ·r<l;.d wi t·h. ex ·lusive J:es i· den tia J home~ th, t '"" ·r bu iJ t Jr6trl. sand purnp d from th o ean. '.v (~ were a l ~o slwwn an a re<t under watcT. W'hete huikl ing lots are ))Old to l>e l at ~r fi.ll ·cl wjtl.J sand pumped h-rm-t tl e oc an : '' i\f ·vi iwd Cn r b. Gardens which .i:-. u uly ~:he mr)..'it l.;eautiful g-arden we k td e:v ;r seen . , . we w~Jk •d abJJuL ll1C grounr W.e notict:d WC:allt iJuJ g irl >.., dr 'lS d in cloth ­in, of ye~te ryear, 'w<.dki u •· a iHJU L; \.V learned lhai these g1rL ·'V"CJe tlcre to rccaptm- , Jo1 the ((Jttri -. ts, th be ut.y of the Old t)(J-uth. One , oJ- th C: C:ran] n j ~, hm d ·red ~)y Lake L<>Ui t::, and a ·wi.:ltt:r ski 'ho\v i ll el.d d~ il y. ' l 'hi ;~. J.S th pla " "Wht.:r dr Imernt~. l i mal 'Wat ·r Ski ih: <"L i held anl th<: v>orfd\ l><' ~>.t _puforu l · r~ ar ' her . '' \V(; a! @ i~ itecl "Huk T uwer ," whkh ~\·a~ lwilt 011 .• the higl:t-tiL e le at i.on in FJorjda. (about 200 le t abov sea le' J). The Tower is a nJmJUm nt to a ri ch rnan , wlw i l built at a n>>t o[ :-> "' 'ven t! million rlollars so that the world would rernember him. On the way }tome we stopped ~ t St. Augustin e. "Fla ., whi ch is supposed to h · the old s l city in the U. ~- A The people have tried to rnakc Sl. ng"u stine appear a~ it did in tbe p ast, and tbe have horc-clr;twn carriag·es t0 tak tourists al o ut the town. We abo stopped a t Rock City, Ten n., a vexy hig-h spot fron1 which yo 1 can see s v n s lates on a cJ e<~r dai '>\fe sp 'lH W days on the trip, ·co ered 2 500 miles, and had a wonderful time." ot ~ ~ ~ - John Bndun_·, GM. Cutters, got ali ex ·ited when he learn r.l there were goggle f01· chickens on the naa.rke t. (T'hey have been on the market since JC 36.) He came into the Safety OJTice tile otlter day and asked if he sl1ould g-e t safety goggles for hi chi cke ns. H e said, ''J m all Ott t fcH' safety, aJJd that goes for r:n y hickens too.' ll right, John, just for that when w · play ch eckers the next time you shall not g t jnto the King's row. Earl Bowker- Caught Off Balance Earl Bowker 11vas fishing on . one of the popular fi,o;h ­iug lakes while his young son tend€d tJ1e motor on the boat. Earl wantt>d to cast l1i: line out farth er and asked the youngster to "move h er up" ju t a Ji ttl.e. A pparently, Earl thought that the yo ungster had moved the boat and he got read to cas.t the line. Just as he threw the Jjne the yo ungster gave her just a little juice and '.'"\Nhoops!" Earl fe ll i11t0 30 feet of water. · Luckily Earl is a good swiouner an.d came through without any harrn done. "rhe funny part abom the whole incident is that wh,en Earl told his wife about the mishap, h e said, · "ivly goodnes , you mean to tell me you fel I. into the water -vvith your good wrist watch on?" "" * * * T he Hy-Test Safety Shoe Division of the Inter­national Shoe Co., who make just about the bet safe ty shoe on the market, as Frank W'ebb can tell you , gives the following advice to make your safety sb oe, last lo nger: . L DoH't let grease, 2-rit, and din stay on your shoes longer than is n ecessary. "\t\Tipe them clean. 2 . . v\Then wet, let them dry s l ov~~· ly. If ver ' we t, turn the soles up to clty . Don' t put them near a radiator or stove. 3. Sole leatbe.r should not be subjected to any g.r ater heat than ym,tr han.d can . tand. Otherwi e it will harden i11.nd crack or burn. 4. If you. ·· h o ~d l \·vork im "'el plac: . a ppl 'io\'eekly a little vjscolized oj.J, tallow, or b ·e ·wax, ·which will sh d ·water . CHRIST S C I-L\ JI\ I,:Y~ No.2 Shit>· p"ir1~; .r lc iJrate:cl hi , foni. th ear at Cliampion l a~L Janu"'r '. \VI!Ct• <•sk<;:.d '' '' 1!1 t It ' 110uld track pr .st;nt tin. e-, :.nd w1.nki ng pn ­diti n ' for 1 h · ''g(1i\d old "'da s: · Christ nO' pli t•d \d.t iJ a !' lnl ··n . :· ,H ·hn ckJ ·d as he t'C'<"alled the \I Npp.iJ~g I> pHtliJl ·n·t When ther · w r •1•1 '< b.icL-> en~ <J'l.ll lll~ <u k IFf£ tJ uck_.;. P a per w :tl\ loJi ted t l~ n i1~ hi;g \l' eJOd ' li caSf'~ whkh h ad 10 I c! hantll 'd hy 11:trHL 27 • Ohio . \ ' ' ETER.-\:-J OF -17 Y . R · hampi.on . crvi , Russ R a n, w~ s called Mr. "Conscientiou$·· b · LOC o r res1 ondent, OtLo R eid - and ju th ~. ln a n inten iew wit ll Otto. Rus,· r-eca ll cl ea rl y day. at Champion . H.i falher wa,~ also an Ohio l)i vis ion employ e. Russ Ryan --~~Mr. Conscientious" By_ Otto Reid ' Behind any financial wizard represen ting a s u cce1\~­ful enterpri e there i. a wealth ol folklore, of tradition , . of pioneerino- - of pioneering again when heart-breaking d i aster wipes ou t accomplishments. Champion h ad.· its pioneers ... a. important to the world and to us as th.e ones who hewed and hack ed an empire from_ the bewildering wildern ess. From the book of our inherited tradition we open the page to a Champion chapter headed, "Pappy" Ryan - 1\:fay 18, 190 to April .11 , 1955. (Just a month sl'1ort of 47 year ' en·j ce.) Richard Russell R yan was born in Maysville, Ky., ApriJ 11 , 1890. He is ·on of J ames E. R yan - a 30-year Chatrlpit')n. ft is a plea ure .to ·it with h irn in hi beautiful home on Van D r Veer Avenue and h ear him reminisce ahout the small, shaky en terpri se that wa built to an id al of world-wid ' s rvicc by men who e business judg­m nt and iJuma ne aspiratj JUs (orgrtd a gr a t empire within an . m1 ir . Russ looked and Wondered Then came the flood and fire or 191.. The ('Oa ting mill '"'a ~ J f1 a ham bl es >f uvi ted stc . I, r ~ ud and crumb[ in g .~> h · ll d b1ick walh . . . Ilk· til ~ bot.nh !-tilt gl1o ts ,( war. Rw;s looked at llu: ll l.I::N-'> and won lcr ,d if' il 1~'D U1d lJ<: V ·built. Jt. W:J S. Today R us i,~ t il t >lcl st c a f. nd ·r J}'C'falOr • £ Ch n n l· pion ... perL1aps in th n ation .. . in pqint t>f :.e l' ir •. \1\Tbett Jooh:d a t· ntr an .. ng-k, J.7 yca1. n 11 n, tq,~v ·. cak1 der is a Jtl, H·~iz ed j(Jb. Hi ~> f ·a t i') U lO.'It a1 pn: c i ~tt • t by nt ·:n \•dH> know l'lw 11 ic op · nil.iou }I a '>tack. Rtt:!>S hCJ)J1°S f ( ) I. tiT' Jd.. i t' }'·fiftl IJittl h y. TJdny-Lhl • y(•JF<> <q:~n lH· W<l.'> nnikd i 11 tli :JJ riagt to tl 'jJ lt i~t Friednmnu, of G( rll <ll! i'X LJ ;;u 1 i!ill , bfH' l't i11 f lamil - . tnn. TJH: grariou- Mrs. R.yan i ~; '\'en llloH! l:tndai•H • in h <:r roma t ks ~ ·one ·r.Jling th.i.11 I;11nily (,[ p ·opl ~ h:.. 11 Ru. J>i. \.\'jth <1 glea n1 in ]H' t' q~ < ·ll th at :.p~ · ll dj ,~,tL· t tu, l ll'll .i d llHtll , :\'l t ::.. Ry< 11 L}o.inl Ht t lh lafl hal i.l R tJSS rcti l c"' ou hi t.~ iuh d<J , \pril 11 , J ~J!)IJ, j r wi ll oit1cicle HH)st c.. 'llV!Wi<' llf ly. wilh h er a111bitiou. {>to~n d1ll ~!j for '>pting lt rntl! · c I M1mg. (Oh dc::i:!.J.h wh rc i thy ·ting. for <Ill · nt<LH who ha o n · thtu th · mill of shoJ ping ·111cl hou.., cleaning!) R ttss r '(alh n1an r day" and we · ''hen p· p•r l'<tm' t mm i:ng, and h )W it "¥v a ~ pi led so tltat w 1rk could g; > on . .Ja k 1 full en. ¥v ito help ·d P n .s ~ar~ <~go, paid h im the gr at r ll·ihut · vh n h n amed him, ''.\fr. ~o n scien ­tious harnplotL'. 1 a,k · 1 Rtt , why he ralcd the name, and he . ~t id after wor k in' hi '> ea rly year'> with men who 111auc Cham1 ion tr::ulitim1, j wa ~ impos::.ible liJ giw an ' thing but bi ~ I est. A\ gain and agajn I ~ te er ti1e conversa ion batk to Ru · J) , b a u · ' w • .honor him in this column. But Ru , is d tennj n ·d to talk abou t hi buddie':i. o, you take ov r H.w ..... if that\ th way ou wan t it. TQlking About the Old Hmers "Sure, feller, J'd rather talk abo-u t olon 'Curl} · R ose, with vt lHJlU I bummed -round, ab ut Charlie Soule, the oM reeler, Joe Rolfe. AI R olfe, Pe ter G . T homson, Sr., and Charlie Lona~ liho hired me and taught me the t6ck about running a calender. "Two week of helping, and 1 got tw J finger in the stack. Longy poured turpentine into the mashed fin gers and told n1e to walk ~o Main atHl "'B'' . treet to the d0ctor (about haH a mitey lt , .. ,ra · a long walk. T hat was t;ny only accident at Champion. "One payday l wa off. Lon ' brou h t my tim~. and gave me what l aid I had coming, oYer t w n. \Vhen I carne b ack to work, h.e hit the ceiling beca use J coltec tecl SOc more than l had coming .. . finally ad­mitt~ cl that h e· ~was just ·worr ·ing r;ne a little. '\Vhen 1 asked for my: Ji rs t ~~aca ti o n , Long. ~ai t l, ure. ·ure ~;au have worked four y.eats without a day olf! Go ahead. b ov, I'll take care of the d et!ail . " ' . And P e tel- G. Tho.u1.son ' mem r · abi le · with me. \t\fe were very close, and I rate !rim one of the rwo top executive · that ner lived in thi area. H e ' a a.' . close to hi · people a, time and dut, permitted. I know that he cam to the r es ue of hanassed indiYidual , o[ whom n o·t even h is (H·vn familY know . Alleviation of • l1t'Lman. m.isery was th€ e ·sence E hi · pe neu:atin; natur . and he rested his case wi rh th pen~on b helped, and the God ~o whorn he prayed. "Go to him ·with a lorrical comphtint; you got acti n . Go to him with a la rn ~ . pe 1 e '[; ··ou aught a tongue- l·t ·hin12; rhat h li t ·Tcd you r ecy-o. "His s ' \ h itd no limi trt.Li1 n . . . . if it \'< earn ed. , l Rolfe li>asser'l a paper nilacl.J in that was 'ha inP' o ut.' f .. l e a::,k d wh re the or.her m ·m ' a . . He was in formed that this member of ])Ner G's owt) farnily wa, ou t F horsing around s;omepln e.. T he Bir:. B (' tll (o und bill1 . ted hi1n rn Peter (. ·.., lin) " lllic ·. "Don't Ever Let My Boys Down" ··said P ·wr G. f ~<) the la1 l, ·y Ht ~o back .. l1l ~tk . • 14nu.d tiH're ... d o 11 'l .,·cr let my btJ'Y.~ durt•n. '' " H • lid go hack. He IJcnHnt 01'1 " ur th ' bes t. ba k· 1. ' nders it-t Cba111pi nt1 hi -;tor 1, 1\n sp. a k in ~ >f Lo g<~ n ·nHJJ)\St) f1 . l 1J :.; ituatiun cntdd st:r t .h th ' bonds ( w nfi lent. ' 1, l w ' ·n Thr· J~ ig Nc'm· 'tud Peter G . ' 'l ,fm FitJw:l. tt' t', a Ch ttl)lpinn )hl Tim r, was c:1 lle 1 1 > 'the oll i ·e ul P ' tcr Cr. a nd In lottlH' I tha t lh ('Ontp. n ' tW h11· CO .· ·II hln1. Lc"HI 1-1;1 id h · h , d 11 big fa tUily l.O ' hi ldH·n ~md cou ld ll !)t. ~dTonl t(} bnv f'lr t~71 . . Mr. l'lwm o n a<k.ed if he cnu ld pay 50c per' ,, e k. Lon rho11 g h t l1 • ( oldd . He W:-t 'i hnndcd hls deed 11t t h. ' l)ot rllttl told It) ji(' l b us · t lll a hunt . '' \ Vhh thi-s li ttk boost fronl a nUill who 'kn w 01 ~ll , .\ lr. Fill:\ol'cH(.'l w :nt •>11. to care for his brgc famil and ·' to ace 101ulate valuable real :tat . H 1 "tired many vear a ' , t?Ol wund:rr1·i>u whnt i tW Ldd become of hi1n, but afe and ecuJ . beca-o ~ lu:- had hircheu his futu:re to the hand v-a~or~ of prop,:r~ · the fin-e.·t lement of which con i- ted ~f the dyna~nic per-onali ty o[ him wh( had the n!ura e to ·a 1: 'Don·t ou ~\ . r .lie down on a • job. and tnak it harder { r my bo .' 'TH tell •ou a littl rut dot' :->f man. , ar · agG: The Countv F air wa the big thirtg of th · -ar. "Ihe lUitl wa ' schedu'led to run lhi da , but \'>' felt th '01d 1 (an' cO'uld be handled . ·. _ The b ater tock. wa left low and color al . . t 9 a .m. two I eopJ.e from each dcput­meut walk d .jJHO the oEfi - and appt·aised him o·£ on­d. iti· 1'1.:', and ask d fo tb aft rnoon off to attend .. At 10:30 a.m. the machin · and oater · w L1.t dov-~n. Every­body wa: out of the plant and on their way t-o th fair b\' 12 '. lock. I ··.An ther tim€ we ran sbo t of coal and lo ·t ewo da s' '(rrk. The '0 lct Man' ''"as (um in~·- He aid : ' j\[) people haye alligation ; the can't live on this k.i ncl of time. , I · 'U t n1 1 can' t opera t on tl1e fa t that ·w ha I ambition to n liver. This hall never happ n. a~)·ain.' (It hasn' t.) "Sur , I lik the 'EouT b y - Herb, Louis. Dwight, and Reuben, Jr.. but not eYen th y could wish me to ell . hort our rich common h ritage: P't':·Cer G. T h omson , the pri 1 ter an l founder, and , 1 Rolfe the paper maker. " Prouc!J do I wear m ~ 4-- rear watch and the test of a de i.ion w-ell made is rhi::.: 1'·\)0 uld l stan again as a y t-et at Champion? You bet your w-et li fe J - ' .• -• 10 SAFETY CHAMPIONS -·a photo story in ten stanzas ' ' Dewey Makes the Monitor ' . ( ··- .... . - ' . . - ~­• • On ·•ar a o , in rh March, L954, i sue of The LOG, Ohio Division Correspondent Dowey .Minton wro~c th w l u mn, "Ten 'a fe · hampiom." f n 1 t De,vey li ·t .d J 0 sde acrs and c n i Glera~ion. of af ·tv-mj nd-ed \1\'(Jrkers. ' "But :unHke the story o£ thG 'Ten Little Indian;;;, whid eHde<J, 'and th en tl ere were 1:1one, · " Dew wrole. "we s r.i lt hc:we 10 ~afc Champiou - p1 us n arl , ~,5 00 mr>re that w'e donlit ha' room to JJl l'IHiun." wou]<L Y u may add f'l r· flle d · , t.atencm: lf ou t·ry to do rir;hl' you ·will a.lwa· · luwe a job and work at ... hampion:· _ thi · .i your Ji fc, "Pappy" Ryan and if it- i mix. 1 with the Ji" o.f othc s. that i be Lt · ou wj!J have it no other '-Va , . T he ·wi he of the . ubje t ·upt r ­sede th d slr~ of a n .' repone . Yo ur wife f ·eL that you \·v ill miss your Cbampion fan 11 · 1 10 t of all when '0 H l'Ctire. Hut that , hall never be. v rhi l there .is a Chant pion £am d· , th ere will be an acti c part for Rtt ·, R yan to play. Come back. ''OM Till}er " tbe ' fou1· bov·'' a,nd the • • • en t l r~~ r•anrJ· . " . ;:) standing 0 11 ,,~jlJ b proud to tell you that \ Ve are ~till yo14r , houldcrs. • R USS RYAN, in a 190 · photo, proves th at " .Pa ppy'' wa~ q nitt! a' port in those day-·. Ru s re all tha t " i t took three ·weeks' wages LO pay for that derb ' hat." j ""' "' -- - ...... I '" ·~ ·- . . ....... li ... · - - • I - L" •• - . . . . . , ' REPRJ-;\(TE.D from th e t[ m~itor, a month ly pub­li ation of Lhe lndu trial Corom i SOJ1 of Ohio under the supervi.ion of the Di ­vision of ·afety and H gi­ene, is the J)icture stoT, at right. It wa. taken fn~m uan idea of Ohio Di vi ion (',..orrespondent Dewev' Min to n.. Ohio Di- . visio t'l Editor Stan Ne'·"- k.irk fumishecl the pic­nrres for the story, and it hov H a n1. .i 1 ton Charn­pwus as they pra c t.i e --a (ety 0n the job . • Stan A qdr ' ws, edi.wr of 'the JVIr Jtit01-, a tnonthl pubhcation of di Divi.· iort of Saf.€t and Hy .iene of the Ind~lstria.l Corrn'niss ion of Ol1io, took notice of it. TI~ inking that it wot,1lcl fmah ~t good picture s t.m-y [Ol­the 1orritor, he wwtc Lq Charnpion for perm.iss ion to do the stor and to obta i.n nine nwrc picwr s. .~, l1 · r- ·· .,,I ts a r · , bown above in a pictt.trc tak n of the articl' as it appe·u··d in lh '(o'Hitor last bll. The third pictrrre .(n'lm the right in the top ro''' is the one · ¥vhi !l <\ccompan icd. th~; odgi 11.:~ 1 LOG a tt.ide by De,·t't)' Munvn. 9-·( ) • Oltio More Than Fancy Trimmin's JJv H'es (;p[J!J Tboug~n ft•r thr n1 n t.h . . . Yea r. <~go. I· ack in tJw lush ·:.o· , whe-n \'e we . mall l · k . swinging ou r I gs under the tal le , th re was a go< d deal of borne building in our lwnw town t [ ockpnrt, N. y_ . \ · one of the communi t 's major con lractr rs, Dad had been in the thi ·k f t.hin.g.-; for a long time. S\1tltler1ly a l·h ·al builder moVEd in an 1 pr }Cecdecl t< bui ld fMlci er hou e ' for les mone '. A. ide fn m th fa t th L Dad's prid bad b en hurt, the !>iltlation reached a p o int of grave conn::m . Dad \'a' being con "iste:n tl; und ·rbid and be har1 difficulty in kecpino· his large gang of carpent rs bu, y_ Dnring one of his . lac-k spell. , he loa ned. his b€st carpenter. Don O'Com1or. t.o t he r ival contractor to help him fin ish two -hou: · . Don rejo i11ed Dad's gang three weeks_ later and aLe supper w ith the Catwily. H · ·was exci ted and hi YOic was harsh . "Cobb ," he fairly shouted. 'Tve eli -co-ver d 11ow our 'Friend ' is making uch a big p lurge around h ere. He's putting cheap, inferior tuff in the heart of his houses and COY ring them up with fancy trim. T hey look ni ce but the~ haYen 't got the real 'guts' in them to last. A ncl he' - doino a real li k job of it to o~" Dad con tinue l eating but said n o thing. Don went on, "If )OU ask me, you 're going to h ave to do the samle thing. You can beat him at his own gante and I'll help · vou do it. , Beside ·, it can be don e so that no one would eyer know the d ifference." And Tha.t Ended the Discussion Dad ·topped eating and looked Don straight in the eye. "I would alway · knm·v," he said quietl y, and so ended the di scussion on how to build fancier houses for less money. To the little tyke s1.vinging his legs under the table this \vas sen eless dinner co nversation. Now, more than a quarter of a century later, it explains ma ny things. It expla ins why Dad always m ade a fina l inspection LOur of a new house before tLlrning over the keys to the new owner - browsing through the closets, standing for a motnent in the doorway of the kitch en , running- ·hi · hand over the fireplace pattc lling, and sofr.Jy closing­the from door as though h e wa.5 leaving . omething o( himself behind in eadJ home that he built. ' h x p1ain.s why, a fev,• years ag;o na l per sonally took. )Jtctures o[ ca<i·h one of the 75-odd hom· s d1at h ' built, and can; fully pa ·t-ed Lb picture in a scrapboo k. Only Jasl sununer, when · i'i ited l1 im a t rh ' (aJb, h handed us a li st o[ addresses and saiJ ralhe istJu lJ y, H ~ know you're go in-g to :~ p nd a lew da y-.; in L(1 kport. ~I you and the !)q y~ haw nothing be ll ·r to clo ou mi~IH hy smn oJ L) H'St houses a nfl St:l' l1ow they're. g • Ltlll ~ a long." And a l ·w days, s it tiug in hi s l1 vir1,g roon) hr rhe l iagara Pi ve r, we ('11 Jarkcd t hat 1h · McKenn;1 hou.,'· wa-- st ill 0.11 · of the J a 11dm ark ~ on Lo 11 ~ c ~tr L 'T -; J bu-i lt th . 1cK llll ;t lwu~>' in 1 9~ !)," ~a .icl T>ad rlth a prt:>ud riug in his '()icc, and l~e ~ m nn w d · ~( rill e cverry inti m a~c and in Lt ·r<'S1 dt· t·l iJ of 1 hr .c-swry, l ~~ ro f..m • hm.tsc ali thnnglt it w P otdy y ·s te'Hia. tbat he had fi nish ecl arni shing the flo• JJ., ;;~ nd g-Hld h · ~ Lhc ya r I. ' . c: are proud lo rep wr d1 ~H tlli ~ ;e. r\ Ci·1::.t CuHt U•t ketba ll team, und f.:'r th.e ~ ui hmce 11£ • 'fa tv it) K.. T ·. is d ctc-rm:in cd to Iilli~ a Liar li 11 l o f }o-ut ' (nll y. 30 \'\"h rca · \' 1 ~' diet d that it would. tak tl1r e }can fnr K · •s and ..-on1pany to r a h lhe t0p rung in the (a:t i\Jill Lr"gu ,, 0U1· boys are goi ng " a!! out'' to do 1 t in a ingl y r. After a . o- o fir ·t ru tnd, the Drum Cc~a er Team is curre11tiy ti d for the se ·o.nd-mund lca(l with an un­bl emish · d record. ·with a <;rna h ing vi tory over Me­chan ical u1 der their b •!11·, ~J an ill Kees' cagers are fa.,·or­it ·s to win the last rmmd and en ter the plavoffs with · 1 chan:icaL ' The Ca t Coat fj ve i~ bless d with two fast-driving g uards in 1 1 Grollmus c nd D-ick Pkmm ns, er. twhile SJ ark plugs of the great . C\·en Mile cage teams. t center, n_'5" Dale Hon1sby takes car <>f the tjp-jn and reboundmg chores, and along: with Gr 'Umus i · among tl:tc top six scurers i-n tllc league. Horn by, the original exc.lan ation point, improved hi play ·while a member of a servi e team in Germany. Our T eom Is R~ e -dl H-o-t Cavorting at one forward is Da e Bunn, and holdino­down the other post i(! LoweH Petry, < ba~ketball im­mortal at the now defunct Morgan High chool Fiihn out a strong bench are crappy Hugh Jame , a product of vVest Chester; \1\i a lter vVooten, anotheT d.riving uard from Seven Mile; Calvin Sons, a . crappy ·ix -footer from out Hanover way~ little l Spark , who loves t play ball rnore than anybody; and Jim Mar hall, hu ky re­bounder who has been on the injured list ince early in December. HLady Luck contin ues to smile, and Kee:) and Com· pany win their way into the play-offs, it would be a wonderful thing fo\1· all available personnel in the depart­ment to jam the Y 'fCA gym to watch the e boys in action. \ 1\i'e coul-dn't have picked a finer bunch of kids to carry on the spirit of Cast Coat! * * * * Speaking o f sports, we pause to alute a ~reat athlete at our neighboring m ill clown in Canton, N. C. His narne is "Nazi" lVlille~-. and like Hamilt n.'s o" n ' Cap" Stubb ·, h e's not only one of th Tarhee1 ·tate·, outstan l-ing softball figures but he's a g reat ouy to b ot.! · Believe it or no t "Nazi" lear.n t!d t pitch a ~oftba11 in the Navy by throwing a wet towel ·tgain, t a bulkhea 11 From this modest b g inning h, 'Nent on t becorne n e o f rhe So uthl a nd's best ·pee lba Llers. He was named All­State f0-r fi\'e year and has oft ·n b n m ntion ect as th out t·mding athlete in North Carolina .. N x t s~nnn er tvhl'n the Canton ·oftb<dl t arn arrbY ·s in tc:rwn on th .ir northern junke t, b ' sure tO g 'lllt • nd see "Nazi'' Mill r in a ' ti c~n . . ~ gr 'at l·Uow ·~n<l a greaL couqx·titot, h.~: is ::1 credit LO sports. ~ .. * * Last De e rnb r- 29 was a red-letter day [or ' l t Coa t. On, chat day 1 r 't:Or(l 24- hour n1n n ( hca u li.ful "Kro n-l ~­kOf( ·" r~t · t ·oat (l p~tp -r a me m lling oft' Llt e drums a nd n 1H tlnoHgh tb ' wiclc loorwa to o nr waiting custnmer ·. A New 24~ Hour R cord Achieved . BulHng th h tlliiS .•• A Cbrist1na · pr sent L) tlt Bill Cte •r ll fa111ily, a li-ponnd, l ;t~ ·UHl<" boh ' I oy llamcd RnHa ld L ee and boru n (' ·mber ~3, and '·V' lo hup ~ c gni it ri gbt tLJis ti1nc ! :\ft r t.:\-er one g t · thruu g-h ta lkin ):{ ab(Jlll pro fnotb<tll ·md. P<:~td .Bnrw n, w ·an a lwa s, pipe itp ctnd say, "Yes, and we help · I UHr h,lm o ff r.hc f'ldd as a I\1Ji;11ni U. fi'OSU in 1999." . . . If ~<AU ')· ' sf ill i·nttrl'stc-d , l1 <:. was l\ ·1 ianti ':; 14 5-p nmd . <tf t ' 111, n and h • had taken a t.c iTi(ic beating in th'' mttd rha t d a · , .. He nev ,. s;:Jid. , -wor~o1 Lo u s h' ut wh n w dep ~it d hm en a b 'nch in H rnm g 111 , be tntn ~d ~mel glHr datu · with a pair of . es that we'U n ever· (or<>ct) . . . Sa '·· Bob F( wl r! " ancl they •Notl ler wb ' bllcY c~t n ' t gN tne i11 to w rk on 111 d a , ... ()(f ' .• . In nlicl-~winl ' r ,' he g't)c ' >vcr t.(~ l)ine £ill LaJ~. near Mason and p1dl · out a 27-.iudl -1 ike ~md a H -i ncb. -IY s .. , . Cue · bnck ou lli. ne.' l ''day o [f'' a·ncl. $nag annther 27-in ch pike ... Don't blam 'OLl a bi.L, Bob! ... CungratuJa­thn · to L.h . ·d H -oker' · u1on the arrivAl oC a sou dtJr­ing the -,e on l w ''k in .Januar '· * • "" Ill< • Rebu.lring- the drun.1.-. . .. \ found o ut t,.,,o tbings dur'ng th .recent Xtna Holida .... Ed tnubli i srill a hot-shot j.ittcrbu o-er , and "Bull t ' Bob Merz has t.a I nt l ~~ .Gu· wh ·n it c 'me tu oloin::;-, :ot Dark town j i e song . _ . M uwmw1 mrn mh, mmrnrnm 1 . . . Eth el -Firk' · ,·inning Boxer, Donlin , r.ook time 1 ut from the --.hov, to n other a litt r b r f n cu. Chatnpim'l ., uke o f ,\1orot i, five goklen br·indl :s ar1d thre dar k brjnclle ... The Kirk · an' keeping their (in.o·el" r · d ! Me·~n ­time, hubby Paul hit un of hi · all-tiw singles highs with a 240 in a winter bowling tourne ... G orge Sam · rano- UP bdl rll the Linden' . th o ther Tuesday with ' 220, tO~. 22S . . . J\'la n ; are the ·tories they rcll of ··Bic.·dc'' .EJm r "arrt: t. the ,. Jurnpin' Jirniny" of the Drum Coater ... One wh n Elm r 'I-va' a long jn hi '·n peculiar doubl and ·orneone as):<.ed hirn tu ride. h aid, "Can't do it., in too big a hurr I!" ... Another time when he o·ave in anJ took a lift from .' te ·e oucher. he tell over a. park plub· in a beavy .:,print lmm the W<ilk to Lh urb! ... Bill L incks bought hi· wife a ne' 410 -hoto-un f r Xmas and man are the good tintes ahead for th js .ouple. The Kids Bring Home "A's" Pow ~ rbuffing th drum· ,_ . Les Hightower'·s da:u:rht r P , u:y a e\·eoth grader at ' '\h Lo n JunLo;r, is on the H< nor Roll with ;m a erage of 91 . .. Joey Beck-­nell, on o1 Flo; d · Peachy" Be knell. ame b.on\e the rnher da with a trin of trai ht '" in Adarrt ' sixth g7atle , . ' , i 'orman Lamb's wife received an Xn.J.a card .LibertKc (a rec rd of th famou pianjst' pe rsoJla 1 · ~ etino· to hi triend } t''hich she ' dl keep £or a ' long time ... AH ··hi to the contrary, it seems to us tha t Lif eJ ace has achieved a r){)n I h etwcen ~ himse.Jf and his a,tHH -nu: that ha!) nev r yet been eq ualled by any . tar ill thi country ... The Ll yd Herrs are the proud parents of. a n ·w bab / irl . , . Congra tulatiOlJS . . . ll ·a:,t Coat p t'>onud were rea1:embereJ. jn an :ard (rom -the JaL alJ tJH Barrett's wife and ;,on J3 b ... Hob \.'\' aver gave · way his lo l ' daugbter Sand , in nwrriag on ~a:turda · mo:rn i~J" , Janut;try 2?. \Vashing out the pan . . Bal Gr llm'll , th. iinl gtc~y with the bi.o' mil • left hi Col& ast }e>b last fail w o-n into u e- - v·ce Latton husi!lJ s ... H 'i> Joe<H ·d at DaJ '. !'ien·ic:.e ~tati( n ju st north ol- S \ n . lik , .. lJ you' e lotJking- to 01'r1 ou' -~ ho wi ll tr.e:;tl , uttr ar wi tb tlv r,~u. < vnsiclera.tiCJ).l I' • would hi o\-YD, t.:a {l a spin ul -orth '>On~ · day chld gic Dale a \1e'.ll ouaraxl L c iJll' li nev rt:g_re it . . . Dou i\1 cCI u1· is b ct. fru l the !)('fVit- • k oki r I j t. <Ill ~ fiddJ . a ttd hanr 1- \(Jl!!Cf th;w (:Vel· .. . \Vhid mirttls, wr·v · J ct vjsit.:.; i tnn , ;Ja • Dw.bi11 and grand (;[,l :larJ ·y l cynoJds r c · n tJ )', hotb ex ·DnHu Cc.1<.t L rnK 11 . . . \ V ·' r~e ]JH Ill u • 1nrd for l'\orrnat ·u: ·I ) <.hak · off rh · 1J,Tb o l Jti..-. mot rcyc.l • lcident a nc~.t g ·t back lfl.i wor ' ia,gain . , . Byn n Ta,·Jor ~a -; th· t Liu: t;e,t th •.ng lt£' ~· \ ' in El ~-1 w::t.s Cin ·s·am.a ... And Don l)it: rti::' ill H·ll you r hal .h , O~io do ·n' t care hmN ugl a [ oillltf is, or hm rungling h er g:ai t; if . h ' .hun l . · 1 i k a cle l1l J n a.nd nta.kcs a p ~rf e t work l-, slt 's beautiful to hjt. 1 , .. I1 yott see a g ntl ,_ nton .mo. e ing in~ · Lh ofh • tb s. ~ da s ·wearing- a soft· red n "'cktie with the .in iti a ls " J:--1 .C.L." in whit · JJ t at ly leu red. dcwtt tJJ: f:r>nL, you wi ll k11ow dut he i~ r.wrH:~ otlt r th<tn Ollr old friend Harry .. , (That is, 'mad· cspech ll · for Harry C. 1..-u tkc ln t l,, .'> tu yo tl! ... iVI y My! FamiJ · Portra its ... When t.,b . firs t. I 1.iet, du ll --gray da r ushers in rhe E •bruar-y tinw, tak · a Jong walk deep illLO 1 he woods with J u.njor. \ , go on . . . it i •n ' t. n c~n l a J ad as yo 11 t'n i.ght. tlli nk. \N ' enjoyed every m inut.e of OLtrs o nc · we gut .;; taned) and we were gem ·· fl early I'Wo hot1rs. · There \ ill be pa tches of now ou the lti llsi des and i · alcmg th dge of th L>rook where the wat. r rushes rn.errlly along. You may no t. even geL your feet w t; that i , i.E you haven' t forgot.t n how to J ap nimbly from rock to rock in Toss ing and r robsing the ---brook. Itt La.ct, o u'll be amazed a t th. ' easy " nlking em the hill­sides whe re the 'leaves Conn a perf' rt carpet both win ter and ·umm r. Although everything will be d€atllly still and dor-­mant save for th wat 'r in the bro >k, J tmj r will stlow you ev·i Jence of wildlife ever ywhere. Jn add ition, be' IJ show· ou the miniature wateriaJ] whi ch he has named ' .N iagara Fa ll , the swirmnin' hole where be ooJs off on ho[ mw1n:1 r da , the con cealed ·$quirrel den high in a ma1nn:wth, dead ycamore tree, and the mo ·t perfect site for a camp yos.'ll ever see. _ You wrilJ come trudging througJ1 lht: back gate tire I and st.ra1'1?·eJy happy. and f illed with the poignant-feel-­ing dta t it ·would be fun to be a boy agai.n, to h:we a woods to walk in and a brook to l-it: down besid and dream. ~ l' t OlfH HTtll-.R LOOK '.i~ ~ I i i! \Wri t lJ John R . ift, · ;Jl · though ' t!l t ~IJ ,., · k ~ h 1 · ptt-~ 'l1 :,incl.' ~ 1 "'- lh •it ghre IJinl to "<t!l ex q;tillll<tll rill • d ;litg'lttCt .'' Aft£· , 17 }f',lrs G[' l"iag:e. Ill(' l~ •· iffs lt :td ;til fntl lnH hop ,, tll'n ing· •ltlk!Jen. Sf\ til"' 'l t('!' I '-1::t1it.' ~ d • l~tll \ht' a vn \• hi ,;~ l • '-' I'll t, "-,lJ 'H he !{ tllfHl t h s ..-;ttl i11 .\ l a •t h . JO .\.;,' ;'! , 'E\VKl RK, \:\1_\1;- ,\ir­man Third La ', st<ilj=>pecl by rJ1e Ohio Divi ion la ·t :\ovemher to a "Hi There'' to her fri ends. Jo Ann ha· the di tin tion of beimo th only :oung lad ' from Champion' Ohio Division or­ren tl v . J' in · in rh AHt~ d Force's . 'tra in d ]); lbe A i..r 'Fore in ph o~ogra p-h ·, he i · . tatit ned in Fl or.i ga a.t E.g li.u- . i r Foi· Bo. , 1 Oltio ' ,\ \ . · -Ep ,• ( f •n{re lh, l 10 ! role,~ i nHI G&lll . bdo1:<· h CJ_D • to · h ttl{tnn u 192.•J:. S<ll1?_ \ <tll,,.· wa~ m k ll.Hn etl · hrpo h\' · (elJ W C'ni }J JO.\C CS i11 \l, 2 Ma bin l ou n . " l'irf~<J . . is a hunt·ing en thu ~ i:.t sl 1~m · . and c l aim ~ rhat hi · poilm-r will bag him :a p heasant without a shqr h ing fired. Just Call Him HFirpo" By Jferle Bay ne There is ne\ er a dull moment around a paper ma· chine. If evetything is going all right, there is aJwa ys -,omethin, · to talk about, uch as the experiences that have happened in our live ·. One of these is the story my buddy "Firpo .. told to me. Born and chri ten d Samuel VVa11ace, clown where the . wee t magnolia grow in the heart of Mississippi, he never dreamed tha t some da he would be a paper maker- fm· a t the age of 16 "Firpo" started a care~r in the prize ring. . . " fn the year 1920, I h ad a pretty good reputatiOn around the neighborhood "vith my fighting ability, so I thought abou t fighting in the ring for a living. ''There were no arnateurs down south in those clays. A man wa either a profe ssional or nothing. I fought as a welter and a lightweight, and many times fought fellow much heavier than me. "I'll Remember that Fight," Says Sam "There is one fight that bangs in my mem.ory above aH other . It occurred in the rnining ecti0n of Alabama. I was to the pride and joy of a ~:uall town, but the local hero took sick, and in his place they put a Polish feHm · who worked in the mine . As I at in my cor.ner before the fight 1 looked aero s the ring and thought to myself that d i would be qui k and ea y. . "The first fou r rot!nds wer · a y to r member, for tl e guy l}ad no style at all and I boxed his ar. off. \'\'1 n the bel1 Tang for th, fifth round, th . guy rnnst have b ·en .confu d. He came oul of his ~om r Sl·vinging right ·· artd J fts, throwing a ll eaution to th , wind . B th t ime the rou nd a<; m·er f th<)nght h had hit me ·with vc }' but the r i11g po. t. "Til crowd rea lly wvnt [,>t.' Lheir n ·w h CH> aJHl with t) e ·l xLh and fi.nal 1 ound co n-~. in g up I knew I had to J"ely 011 my r ing c~ pe ri c nc or hr.: n' ff'ft woul I _ll ' pi ·king; 1;n 1p. Till .'> glJY l't ad Lt.:conte d.<lng e us. 'J h_ · fin al m nnd V\f~J t; H tc petitiorl ()f th ' l·ilth, but_, h •J 1t-v tt wa" ov .r, w bot.JJ s liJCJd In · to Lrw :u1tl h ll etl a .h ) titer with e \' ,-y thill ~ '"''<= had. I lon 't kn~Jw if It Wei. glad w he-ar the lJ 11 or JJOL, hut iL wa-; IU r ~> i c to n1y c;1rs ] got t he d erision , nut 10 1 he a j'prova l qf thv crnwcl . 1 ·tho J arll d never t.O juclgc a11 ()ppo1 u n. h IIi\ looks and sr J beJ()re rJu ha q ,. lou g; h ~ IJi111 . •· I hung the glov •s up on r c~w "ear\ I );t , I. 9~7, ~~ fu.T snme on llunclr(:d li.gtirs. I ne"<·r ' ' ltttft ' l .-111 Ollt' ru think 1 was <! big ti 1 nc I i[4'h t ' '1'. I h:1d lr.n) o l l'm1 in spit · ()fall dt IJl<tek · ·e-s, JtJ bu ' led n os ~ aJHI aU 1 he ur h"'' I rui ll1<~:t g1 ahmg w ith t.he ga ru . Shortly :1 t1 cr 1uining· th ' g~nne I statl ('d to ·wo k 3t Ch.: mpin1l. 32 "I don't r c 11 wh pi1 n u th , ni knatJJC fJ ·' f irp0 .. 011 n1c. lwt il any oi th · br.r>s call . ~ m, an, thing t h · l would. ha' · !o thiuk · Lwic JIJ know "bu tlt y we.r · lal king t >. ·• . "Fil po'' I lOW hp ntb hb pare Lime hu:lling ~nd IU ing. tt 1 La ~ow d lJke ~ taU ~t~l' )', lnH ~n. lnmtmg buddi ·s fohll l'ngat ' <Lnd ]~ art .\ la1ll(Jll">, wdl back up lti!> claini that ltc ha ~ a pair oi bunting do that will poiot an 1 catch bird \·dlhrmt a ·ho.t hein.g li ed. Like l:v~ry( ne 'be, " Firpu" ha" had hi: ups and down::;. 1f he had his l ife to Ll \'" over agat.n, he ~}'S tba,L Lh re would be very few f.hailge made. l'Jl hH v to take the o d of Rubert .)pe n y, ' o. 2 Beater Room. th:'tt the fo ll wing story about ChaTles SwaHncr is a fan. ' rVlto am 1 to ar>Ttt: with a r,ix-£oot­sevci two hundred a.nd Lony po mder? coupl " of w eks ago Charlie to~k hi , er w Cincinnati to be on o-n<:: of those ch1 tdren s 1. V ho vs they ha e in th morning ·. har!ic to!d hj budd_ie Vernel T eague, aboLll the show and told htm o watch 1t. The how weut on as expected and Verne} had h~'> eyes glued to . the se t. s the TV carneras can ht Char~1e and hi daughter and they appeared on th uecn, tne unex pected happenecl Right then and there the · t went dead. Vern el called on Earl Farlev, another Beater Room rnan who wo:rks on TV et a ~ sidelin e, to fix his. lt ended up with seven 1:ew . . Earl say he ~oesn:t know if it wa Char he's ·tmlmg face that put \ ernel s set on the blink or not. He didn't aim to di in.t the matter, because it wa:. good for bi bu:sines~ and_ he ~1ly hopes it happens more often. s f r Vern 1, he JUSt am t ~alking. ' "" ~ ,. <>_ S • <f" lo "Jr My friend Ona Lee, accordino· to the fello"': in the Bull Gang, is going into the mea t o: pet bu me . It depends on what th people prefer. 1: he. other day Ona caught three po ·sums down by the loadmg dock a£ th south end of the miU where he ualoads First come, fir t serYecl. · So if , ou'r lookin tor that kind o( p t or meat, see Ona. He'll b olad t erve you. \1\R\' 1' )\ M FL.\ L. \WS)I i$ tl w:.! )t'.lr,n lrld ,,u p;hll•\ , ,f \ dllt;l L:l\,-;on , C •ftl r ~·. I.H ;ulditi(Jtl tr' lw 1 d.H·Irh . ~ tw lt, tll,bll · nt.l tc t n.:l ilti \c ' tll Ch::unp-io11. indpding ,, g taudi :H h~ r, i\Jiltfll\ Law,;;Ht. II\• \H nk'i in lhc CM .. Ca l ~ nd r lk}• ~tllllt (: lll . DRES ED in rt} l pajama an l \ '('a jng- l'lCl' n PP}' howe slip· 1 ers, J tlanda 1-L rp i ' a ll renrt)' fot h ' <'l on rrL·uoas Ev Ia t. J al<tntb is th ·' gr:tnd l'a u gh1;T 0£ Ci>vau "Deacon '' i o-le\. No. I \Vfn hine Ro m .. T h;1t'' Mrs. Bcg­Jc in th . hack ro~m(l \ '' lltdl'' Bra1 oon and "Dog" Hower an es . a ore! By B i ll ThomjJ. on I ALWAY~ UKED th • ·tory about Jo Chickmnakonp '~h cl cid d to have hi name d'tan ·eel. A friend asked J o · wh. .t hi n w name ·v a to be. Joe replied, "_']i1n' Chickan:ako,O.P· I get til'ed aU tun be called Joe . B Jieve it or not, Bob Ripley could i. t a nat ural should he ever visit No. ~ Mill hippino- D panme.nt. Every member of the 39 iJl the departm.en t has a nickna1ne. u.pervisor Thea " Pop" John on can be heard ayin : " 'Rusty', if you or ' nake .E ·es' ee 'Thunder' or 'Lightnin' have 'em help ' 'l:other' and ', fa.c' for a. pell." '·Ru· t ' "realnam.e i e tirn and Ra ' Seeley 1" "Snake Eye" Gilbert PoP,p i. "Thunder," wh'iJe hand ome fc:Hen­r , Bishop harken · to "Lightnin'.''' How Rul)sell Thomp on came to have handle like "?vf or her'' is one for the b)okf Few of " Pop's" rew would pay heed to their given natne . Vdw ewr h anJ jimey operator ''Pee \ e" M:c­inw called , 1erida? Even the two !?fil of the offi e per o.nnel have n:ick- 11' mes_ Ali e Dale answer to ". unti ." Natural! it i "Ja" for Jacqt,leline Robi11 n. h 'l e are tru ck. loader D u a r d "M " l\1 -Elravey, Lee ' ... im, n '' · ims, Ruf rd ' Whi d ing Pig'· Lakes and Bob "j \.whaid" Miller. Boun ing about on" jitney . are: J.1 t11 "B eakr " f huson, "Big Ears" o1· "Slats" Bob "rackett, and J esse ' Horse Fly' ' Ram-ey. nother likeable Jim Johnson an­svvers to "Big Ji11.1.'' Co~n l.m:~ing Jim l\:ranin .echoes ,m. ".~1g j,Hn ox "Feet.·' Manm and Ell1s Dog B6wer are Boss Johnson's h.orse-shoe pitching chantps, incidentally. . \.round the box car loadmg area one would hear such na1nes as: Joe "Buffer" CoUins, J ~sse ''Bull" B,ra~­non (tobacco che'-t'll1g expert), Chns "Columbo" Schaney, "Big Chadie" or "Tanglefoot" Rudel, T0m "Maggie" Magnuson, Steve "Skipper" Baldwin, Nolan "Kilroy" Vance ("Rl)dolph" ac Christmas-tide)., Gilbert ' Buck Hen­ry" '\!\fare, Oscar "Big Oscar" Congle­t n, \1\larren "Baldy" Burckey, Ulus "Rawhide" Allen, Dot1 '\tVatei- Com­mis .ioi1er" \1\Tright, Albert "Fox" Kin­cer and .Alden "Red Eye" Davidson. · It is hard to out-yell or out-laugh barker Adrian "Jug Head" Turner and "Wildcat" Bill .Wilson. Le t 'we for~:~·et there are: Thurman "Seaman" h~lley , Bill 'vVilliam Tell" tewart, Dennis "Be agl e I B eg-le and the walking talking sweeper, Otto "Groucho" Slon ker. By Thunder! Let's get the Light­n£ n' out of h rel " lim '' Lollg'leton, " Whi-;;tlin' J'ig" C<tk e~. " fiimon " itrt. a H1 "Thund r" J>()pp Oltio "$ , ak · Eyes '' f'le) and " Ljghtni.n ., Bishop ~ ' .. . • t ' ~ .H. ihs~ "Pee V ee'' Mcintosh "Jug Head" T urn r and " Iac" McElrave1· 3 • TOMMY BL Nl ENSHlP , son of M1· . Maude Blanken. hip of the Finj ~ IJin g: a rea, enlisLCd in the /umy Octob ·r. He is 110w assigned to lhe 50 1st Air· bom lnfanLry R egiluen t of the Camous JOi st Divi ion at .Fort J ackw n, S. C. H is mother has been with Champion for 12 years. ' Thank Goodness for a Reader By BnJLce Nanney Just as Dioge:oes W'ent about with a lantern lookin.g for an honest man, o have I seard1ed LoT someone who might 1Je reading my contributions to The LOG. 1 don't know if Diogenes wa successful, but I have found my man. Floyd Webster, a foreman in the Plant E ngineering Department, adrnitted in private that he was read ing aft r me. Floyd has been a friend of mine and of the family for a long ti 1e. \1\f e watch softbail games togetl:ter. ~'\1y dog plays with hi · cat when the cat doe n 't d.eclde to beat the he k out o£ him. \>Ve have b en friend othen'\ th:roug1 the cars, but l didn' t real ize he would go all out for me like thi s. Floyd Webster Is "a Princely Chap" 1 Jw ve a lways take11 him to he ;:;t middlin' good fellow, btu it wa never before r 'Vca letl to n1e just what a p r in ce l r chap h r eally i s. Fiis choic · of readilt~ matter r Flee gr at inLeHig nee and. this should not •o till­rewarded a nd. most of all lH.mld not go unr1 )W .. d . !fy e~m;h i · ju t lik the ·wry, "Acre~ of Djamonds," wh :re tl1e mat1 htmt d tb t: w rld ov r [CJr a tr " ur · and .am home to find it iq his ba ky rd. Of ~t1l U p ·opl ) whn { u ld J a c be ·n 1t<.ling- l'hi~ ~ tuH, it W(l.. left to m n ~igh hor. Th · ~ i '> rigb t m:igh borl y nf him . . I Hlll!i l takr.; hi . lawn mo-t"' •r and p.1k • h:unu•. You people who d1 n 'L writ' • tid ., stu(( an' t u 1Hl ·r­stand wha t. it Jllf.~an s to hav· · l"('ade.r. It i ~; Uke lJJ ving a fri n.d on t h.c jury. h ~i ves ;1 grc;1t -:·H:the ol :,erudt y. I or. R t:p()rt l 'S (II",(: iu 4 ( l;tl-.l> til I hcnh ·lw .-, li L... . }Ja l'· ball urnpir sand dog c;Hdu s, Titer tln' l \C! 1 ·a on., for· th~s . First, m;body w~IH I ~ to g .t into ou1 < b1» . t; c mel, ·w ' tan' t g·e t o·u t of il. beca u.,l- L r1c ~ ,~ lt:])!l ·t er, alwa .s a reporter. The ~ tigJna n ·m:.tilh. You nw <juit wdling, but ·nu ·trc a 1n ~nkcd r11an or "\'t m·111 - w Htl n usunll knnw b t ·r) tub hun (' I by all p op.l and 1ike Lhe ,~,erpern, tnxl~e n undrr lone 34 • and bru is ·d br Otc Itt: l of l'lt n. do11 ' t li you. : m:.a lik · h 111 -bland. £,en orh •r· rtp{ n~ · ban ish d tn lkvtl' . l11 ord·r w vent ou t· Je J I. ifl'~ and pre\(~ nt htowing Olll" v\'ig'S, W' l'r (lU ··ntly t tr·n lu . tt <.k eacb Jthe . ' I hi ma b • r v :1·tin ' to t p ·. 'um tim ~s w l ight, l; ctifJH again t ta<.:tion, each one choosing the id that ~ uits hi · whim at lht. mor.ucm. Then ju r to k · 'P p op1e gues ... in nd>ent things from ? •t ting in a .rue, y()U :,lip out o( iin ~ oc(;a. ioual1y and cut the Lh oat .[ yo ur e~twhil f ttddy while h~ j:> lo< king th oth r " ay. P rhaps peopl ' in gene-r-al w ill be hapfJ hen we force this £re -for-all to the tlirninati(m of the · breed. Wh nth[ · day< f rrr.laO'gedJon d< ·~ 0n1 ~ i'll va.ll< (JUt with 11.1. y U n le Hoss' s h og Tille anJ pi 'k ' tei ner and R ce i..d otf with sp eed that will r<:legate the Ci co Kid' draw to a study in slow motjon. One Small Favo.r for George Steiner Then I ' ll tack th ir ol'ncry carcas~ .,, one on the other with Steiner on rop. l kn0w Geox(J·e "vill apprec.iat rny kinclne here for he rno t certainly wou1dt ·t want t > be ,,ve ighted do-w11 Lor all tim to corne un let that "two barrels o£ kraut" (S teiner' · de~cript:ir n of Reid). Then I'll stack m rifle against their Han • • }er.k out one of nl.y eye teeth and pin this note in~; the tnuule end of the gun: Here lie the bodies of Steiner and Reid, A fitting place for their lowl ' breed. They should have known > b n they ta.rted th ·s [u · 'that they ,,vere dealing with a ruthle · u-v\ Tho ·would rdck'em and ock'em. and leave'm half dead • Before he ptimped 'em htll ol hot lead. Now they kn.ow that a Tarheel with bl od in hi · eye Can crack n o buckeyes ea y as pie. Now if any other peopl frorn an ~ o ther Late vVant tO take up t11e argument i t' n<1t tao late. But they'd bett er make mention to their next of kin Ju ·t what'. to be said on the ·lab ·er • thin That'll n1.ark th · place on God' · grc n earth \Nhere a Tarheel will take 'em £ r r lh t d1 re wonh. Well, 1 sttppo e you're aU gJad it i: mer - thi { udin' I .1n an. \ 'Vhen l O'Ct aggravaLcd b tr.i\'ials (St iner 'md Reid) and l\ h ·n things in g n era] c1 :m t .mak ' 1ue h , PI , , J ahv<L ' think of ·what Bill :Mit h n ·a I·. BilL l::.>R~Losophizes th~Lt ' ·nr tbing· is eYer a" bad a.- ~~m hear tbat it i ·." But Bill hLHTi _ · on I eforc we get LO l.iglll-hea.rt ·dto 'a l, ·' noth.ingi · ,,. ra gu>Cln-; y< 1 l · it is. ci.ther.·· Cues. Hill has orn thin )· rh r . · ;tc .. Tl1e E-. B. i proud to -v 'Jcome l\cVO n w mcmb r: this monlb, 1. h · •tre .lau.cle · ~r Eke th and Erne t .J ;t · hoa. ( :laude w ll'k d fnr a nm11ber of "'<II'S in th ' £:--.tra l Uep:Jrttncnl l>dor th up ' rHLion was ·lose l )ttL He }.<; r co••o i;ed as the No. I wrescLing· fan in rhis region . H is voi c c~m lw hl'ard 'lhO\' (• '1 H < thc'r a~ t:.he mid­we ·k wa tchc ~. fi e h 'eqqctlll. ' b t:Tt)Hl ·s quit· ·,t:s 111\.H h •t :1bow as tb.e uH::n in th · riug .. He i~ a great ·dHlll lpi.op of the uKlcr ­dog :llld .'>yuall. ltk ' :1 jltl lltb cr whcu Itt :pM.s It ttl pli.t . i":fJICiit, with his wik and two f.i ll tttll :;~m s, tives in ( l:vd(' . . J b · ( llildl'l'll rtrc ( :h:trle·, 2 vc::rrs old • •.n d ' Ronald, 1. ~lt ·. J ck11 H) b tb ' fonncr Miss J <mea Collius. dau >ht 'r o[ .\ . L. < :ull i u , of Clvd ' TJ1c ·c m ' rt ' .ill ltc ·mphrp.:d in .Brin and Ct us~:i Such Ptu iJi .ati®'n ·w r.k. "·o T H.\T'S I T·"' · vs R ehecc mathet , ·6-month-oJ 'I daught r of l\fr. and YfL. D;n id L. ' mar h­e! . , of · nton. Rebecca j the grm.dau -hter of l\Jr. Enla '\tnith . Cafe ria staff. and Law­rencc Smath rs, of the Electrical D partm •n t of P1 ant E.o >·ineer­tOg. V.f 1£ LV 0i.. f. I'Lf . i ~ tb fbqghter of: Mr . and \IJr,_ H (~~~ ll Pl c.<>~. f •tHton. H ' l dad i. I:'U1 p JP,ed in th .Book Mill 1 ar.ti.nb . UuJ • \ 'ickitl i ?1#, tllfillfh l>h.L '~ 'HE NORR.l$ CHILDREN arc the ' n arid daiJghter f Mr. aod Mr . D:wid Norris. The ' are Darl. . .oe, 4-; St ,, n , 3·; aucl Danny L , I rnooths. Their dad i the ope1·aL .r ·of o. 3 ntee.H a t the Carolina Di i-s ion~ au un le, Harold orrts, :1lso is with Gharnpio n . ROBERT VANCE \<\I£LLS i the haadsome son of l\-1r. a-nd Mr . Robert R. '"1'ells a.nd the g-rand on of John \-V. Va nc , a n1 etnbcr of aroli nn ChampiQn·, Ga~a:ge :\fa.LT!LCtunc.c Crew. Tbi, p.ic~; 1vas rn<lde h' b en Robe rt wa.: ,J ~ month< old. • ' • • ' ' JOY R · NAE ,ROOM. L the 1- ·ear-old rl :w gh t r of lr. ::md ·fr ~ . • orm n Groom. , ef · · n-ton . H r d <•d 01 erat 01 • of ·1r6lina kl,a.rnpion' c;JJ1t ~:: n · <md h, been e:mplo •d for more th an two yea,r th r h is aL o the nie c of Fain Gaddi. , em­ploy d in th B ok iliJI B a t r Room. Boxing Proves Popular at Y By Walter Holton Bo ing is providi11g a great deal of entertainment for boys between the age of 8 and 1 ~ at the YMCA. Box]ng lesson. are· under the 1e~Ldership of Hugh Con­stance, < form r Na y boxer and an A.A.U. finali t. .H e aJ o boxed while attending vVestern Carolina College. Tbe hoy.. are working.... out '\-\ eek. l g·ym and are Lhoroughly it. enter the Golden G loves tournament held in Gr envilie, S. C., in March. .in the YM.CA bur bo s w1ll \Vl1ic.h lS to be Square Dancing is once again one of the highlights of the YMCA. program. The ilea started la. t fall during a discussion between the Y taf[ members of sornethipg ro. do on Sat urda night for the grammar grad · chddreo. The program . t.arted with nearly a hundred cbildr n and has mainta ined that num.ber throughout the ·winter. From this number two teams have been formed. One tearn is Erom toe first 1 second and third graclesJ and the o ther i.s forme:d from older children btH n ne abo ve the seventh gTacle. T hese teams are working out on Tuesday e \·enings under. the d:irection o£ Ernest '' Red' ' I vester and C~1arle 'il\?e t. T he children love it and will probably be doing quite a bit of exhibition 'iNOTk soon. * * * * The YMCA Religi"?us Week will be held i.n March this yeaT. T he opening . ervice is to be a nion Meeting h ld at the Cal-vary Bapti t Church on Sunday eve nin~, March 13. Services vv ill be h eld at 10 a.m. and 8 p.n:L at the YMCA lo nday [arrJl l.:t , rh rough Friday, J\1arch 18 . -~ T he speaker this year i.s Dr. 0. T. Binkl ·, a pro­fe or at Soutbea t rn Bapti,<;t ,·eminar r, '.Vake Forest, N .. C. Dr. Binkl y' · morning lectu res ·will b . on rite "L ner w the Philipp1'ans." Hi ·veniag ·ennon · ·wi ll be. on "Ciu·istian Fa;nl il )r L ife." Cant n ht>ir: wiU Iurnr h special mu i · ea.clt . veniug·. R ·otd c owds ()r - expected durjng the cntir we "k. ·•c•-· Ladies s·wimuting da s~es have bee .~~ (jUite popular :at the Y p0ol this y ~J . Night d.a es rlir lad'i ·s were popular la t year bur n1any" oulll no t come h . nusc of Lh eir children. T l1 i.s •car ci <L::N~~ h a~.· c: hL~cn h ld t\ jce w!" kly at nigJu ·rr ld l1'vjc -veeklv in th l'llOrnings. Chb:o;c ~ t lHkd at Chri'S Ltn<t.s and b · 1 op ui U~l ' ck111flnd w ·r-c startc·d ag-.ii.u :1 t the bcgiHning (J.f Lhe rear. 35 ' ' HOR en · ~ K Dt YS r ·c !let! I \ th · s icnu of i\:ll . all t1 \11 1>. J. C~n- l C. 111 l e ll, . J~ap p .ff i J k· ~HI < mwtv ~h Ttly a il r their Jl'l:JJ"l ia '!! a ln~os l ~0 y a rs agu. "1 oda ·. ,Jrl i:. , hifr furco1a11 i-n the I ulp Productiou D •pai'l· flH:IlL son, · .r::tig. i. mplo} ed j n Vit -~ hin g· <It .-.arol imt .ha rn - 1 i1 n. Anotb r 011. arl . .J r., i · in tht. 1\a'·>· and th ir onh· da nghter, Mat y, is a fonne-r Can lh1, ClHt 111plou . · rl Sr.t)S the e h ive · fuccd hors . were ret! he I . t • dd l rs in Jae'k~o n · unty in tho. days. Two Travelers Seek Shelter B )l 1• red B. Dn to '!'I. There i , m1e good thing bout this M ar~h wind; w k.nmv it i- jn t a f 1-erunner of a cheety spnng. . \'\!'e are never atisfi ed. In nmmer we long for the colorful au rurun; then our thoughts turn to winter' d1illy breeze. fter we h ave had our hare of ~ad, -lippery wearher, ·we beg"in to hunt for signs o[ spnng. That' ,,-hat makes life "\.vorth living. * * * \ ' "There is a hou e not made with hands." Two traveler ·will seek it shelter. One of tb em trie the easy paths with the chances that be will miss l1i way and not reach it. He travels by ni ·ht in darkness, because the days are too hot for comfort. The ultimate end is that he is lost. · The other, hoping to r elieve someone who might be stranded in the wildern ess, eeks his goal the hard way through thickets and undergrowth. Now and then be will find a wayward stranger whom he can heJp to get a new lease on life. T he journeying is touah, but in the end he can see that "hou e," because h has traveled in the light. C. Hi · journey ended, he an look. back. ove r a life well &pent even though he had to endnre many ha;rdships before h is nee was run. It's Something of a Predicament \ r\fe have noticed all ;:~bou t u.s people "''ho ar not so harppy for some rea~;on or anoth r. You. hav heard the story f th. • littl lx);y who tr o old to cry an l too young lo cus. . T l1 at i th eir pr ·dicanr nt. Too bu"" t.o hunr. • nd too arly to fish . Che T 11 p , boy')! No clrmd i-; so dark that 1r d oes11 't ha a sjl cr lin ing. Don ' t get in too b ig a h uu y about tha t g;;~ rd ' fl . W I ~<:i.V s v raJ slll<JWS for u ~ ye t if th w aLl •cr ts LrtJC tn past pe fonnanc . \ '\Tr l!O.W ~hat t )J bigf6 St H. h !wvc b t.:n O ttl ht in nur s1nok ing tt lT<h. an d. th · b i g-~ t grun · ki lk ct ar !;ll1d our Juil< h connt ·r~ . . ·o i i<; wi th t11 g-anJ ·ni1Jg. At. thi ' rt 1 >Ok.S Like V(;! t ill h. 'v. (.(1 adht:r . to the March 15 d <tdlin ~ wi Lh l)tl r ~ t att incqm · tea ·. '\en though ndc , urn t· tct d ed tc> Apt il l S, ju. t to p usl­poo • th · ag n y. ·w lrth r wa lki ng or ri li ng- oh n;. · the,<. almt tl,. )H·tl for a f ·ty vk;l a t io n~. Yoll \ jJI l ind -.o .nc vt'l\ J ~ ,u l i:.L 'ha llces ta ken that could a t l ·as1 <t iiM' :JU JI IJUt'Y o r maybe 1-ak • a l ife. \ Vc ~tn: Jl1<td(• r,, \uudc·r: il onw pOOJ'>1 · do n ' t " ant 1:(1 li\'C' and don ' t want o th t l s lu itbcr. Safety i a on . nnn'" 1 ·s po n ~i. u iliL •, aml tm · man • 1s you or me. (. _., () T\.VO 1 N 1 V f~R S RIE. coincided at this c.el hration dorir rr C hri,~tmas holid ays. Mr. aml 1rs. G. H . Sbnpe oiJ'ler \ied their Lhiny-n:inth wedding am1j.vcr ~ry. and . a~ the _,.amc tii.Hc G: H . completed 39 years as ~ Carohua hamp:1 n. f rmn left t{) r! :b t : f r. a lld Mrs. Shope, Hob tt, J t:., .a lvin, Bobbf, and James. Shopes Have Two Celebrations Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Shope observed their thirty-ninth wedding anniversary dur ing the Chr' tmas holiday and at the same time G. H., a color man lll Board Mill, wa rounding out 39 years serv ice a a member of the Laro­li. na Champion Family. ' '\Then the G. H . Shope get together the event attracts a goodly crowd . .. all m mber of the immediate family . . . for the Shope · have ten children. ix son and four daughters. · They were hap py to have the e off pring at home for the slicing of the 39th ,-.redding anniver ary cake .. None of the. daughter appear in the accot'l!lpan m picture and two son al 0 are mi ing, but r adin left to t .ight are Mr. and Mr . Shope, Hobert, Jr., a m.ini"tttr: Calv in, of the Book Mill area; Bobby, of the P Ilp Mill . Department; and Jame ·. on Clarence and DaYid ·were abs·ent when the picture wa made. The daughter are Mr . H azel Youn ·, Mr. Mabel Hooker, Mrs. Mar Sue Belcher and 11Ts. Ruth Ethel Sherrill. I' R JV rt. . IH.I M''· 13-illv I W!:lb . ~li t' t l e '\Jll aucl I:H1gi11 ··r 1 f Ctt.1otin Ck\tHp itJII ' tilpliJ ''<''· e l l\ . \ . cl b, th · fonn·r jll <t nil c' \ J c·~ ·f'. i tit <:; Ll <i'\.l g htet uf ~f t. a li ([ l1 ~. ,J ~ h11 1 l r~ ' T 0 1· C:lll tr•n . f' I)Vt! t• ' dl., i; the son ,!1 :\ lt . (H id M t .;. , ' ;ll.h .Hl \ · II ~ · ntf i 110\ 'f> trtt ion,•d wrtl1 Llu: \ ntn in Gen •. HA 1:0 1.0i H ND arc Mr. and :\fr .. D Ray Webb as the .. twll clown the sn;- ·et. YmmJ; W hb i: rl so rt of i[r, an I Mrs. D ll;:ts Webb, ol' antota, where his du I is a .arohna Ghampi: t t. H • is , tntit>H d wi th the .\:nn at Fort Bc lv::tir, V11.., wh h · i at· tc ommand m.a nag 'Hl<'Ht sch 1. T h oltp l is li , .inn in A l ·xan l r i ~ • . Va. · , f.EE f THE CA RP f.~T ·R CHJLDREN, '00 a nd dau ghter of Mr. attd Mr,· F.lbe1:t AI1J>en ter aud the grandcl, ild rt!n of . N. Carpenr-t, a ''Lifetime·· Cha:rnpi0n . T l i.r clad i:> a.n 18-ycar Cbam ­pi: on eroplo ·ed in tl"le Fini ·biHg Dep;trt1nenL. ;\l'ary /xl'i · is 6 years old; ~el on i tnonth ·. New Production Record Made \Vhen a tota l of 1,677 .. v7 tons oF pulp, pape1· and 1 aperboard was produced Januar ' 2, a rie'i-v one-day pro­ducti~) n record ·wa · es tabli hed at th Carolina Divis.ion for the 24 -hour period. * * * * J. Ben Patton, o f Carolina Champion 's Board In­; ·pecrion Department, ha been named eminent com­J: nander of the '" aynesville Commandery No. 3 l . Knights Templar. Patton was officially in -called December 30 alono­' dth the. e Champions '"'bo ·were al o named to office: P. B. York E. B. superintendent, junior warden: ''\!. ·S. E lward, Plant Engineering Department, standard bearer; and H O\-·ard L. Setzer, Pulp Dr_ ing, warden. Over a MiMion Hours of Safety Exactly 1 ,0-±0,467 man hours without a lost time injur is 1·eally workin afely- e pecially where -a lot of persons are empJo~~e I. But tha t i, exactly what the entire R. M. and C. Departn1_"nt (now kn.own as Plant Engineering DepHtment) accom plish ed a. of January 4. * * * * Dick 1VkMahon, Utilities; \ '\loody Robertson, lndus­tri 1 and CcmrmtJnit Relal.ion ; and Albert Burnette, Plant Engineerin , Department, h ave been named to the bwrd of director of t11e Canton Kiwanis Club. * ~ * * Seven di e tor and a memb r each to, the super­vi. oT ' coinmittee and Tedit comlTlit wer, elcrcted bv the Champion Credit nioo membership the last week in De ,ember. Ele ·ted clire.ctors wer Frank Quee n, H arry Boone, H . D. Gool by, Bntce anney, R. Lone, J. L. \Vorl y and Carl Painter. George M. Trostc'l, mill manager, ·was t·e- Jected to rhe up rvi nry committee ~ and .7l1 · Worl ~y, of tb Sys­tem. ( H1c staff, was re-el cr;ed to the Tcdir comm· St:,\ler<Jl arolina Champi()no:; had 'nte:red the eighth annual }3t)Jum Award co11test as d January 31, an<t Qther.s ; ere expe .~,;ed. to Sl"-tbmit lh€ir · ·ss"y hcfoTc th · deadline .brrh 31, Suhj ct rh i · yea i w l he Va lue c,f B tter M.ill Com­munication , '' and sl10uLd be, baPrdJ ed in 1,500 word OJ' l s.. -r·he 13 wi.rrnen . ·ill he a nnr>L~nc ·d h) f Lfll and t<;~t-a1 pdte· money i. ·. ~.2!JD . · .., ,. fJ • Ray EHi , UtiLi, and T'm y T >\ws, t-taH r, ha'\e be n dcctetl ch.airn 1 a ~, t.wd 'I t-(:n) leal Lab "'i< - h irman , ·- . ~ r p ti ely, of C! ampion.'s General af ty Committee. The wiH serve through june 30,. ac ording to an an­noun en:tent rnade la te inJanuaty b · N, C. Bellamy, J r., Carolina Champion's safe ty supervisor. * • ~ * Youngster a re njoyin · their bo, ing tr-aining each T ue 'day nigl1t at th Champion YMCA and maHy of tltem, are shmv0_g ~·uch prornise as Ting pT0_<5pects. 1 ho e partlctpatmg arc well n'tatchecl bck re they pul on the e. . P cr~>ons in charge of the program see that ever thing goe!l along sntoothly and that good sportsnumship omes first. * .. * * L. C. IJcDowell, of Paper Tasp cdon) got his share of cottontails during th€ ea$on which closed J anuary 3L "M<itCk" hunted rntmy djJferent areas l u r in g the sea ·on and b.roug·ht home his lega l limit on most every 0ccasion afield. Several Champions tried co track rabbits during the heavy snow which bl anketed this area January l 9 and 21 , but did not .have too m uch luck. They said the rabbit tracks showeg up well for a ce.r tain distance and then seemed t0 simply fade awl'\.y .. - . even in the soft snow. Some even believed their eyesight was fading away a with the rabbit tra ks. Harvey Serves Well for Polio Drive ,tV. Scott Harvey, Main Office taffer, did a bang up job of handling publicity for the March of Dimes fund drive in the Canton-Bethel-Clyde area. Scott covered aU angles of publicity, including ham­burger fries, g-ospel hyinn sings, special d inners and other program staged in behalf of the polio fund . .. County ne-wspapers Tecei ved many lines of polio copy fi·om Harvey .. . . and received it while the stories were still news.. . The polio fund drive was labeled an ov€r11vhehning succes~ by those at the top and there's no question that Harvey's alertness in hancUing the publicity wa one o£ ,the major reasons for it. * * '*' * Members of the Canton and Mill Fire Depanments e njoyed their annual dinner meeting at Champion's cafe­teria February 18. Dick Setzer chief o.f the Canton Fire Department, . and Virge Robinson, chief of Caxolina Champion's Mill . Fire Department, shared the presiding a signment. More than 60 firemen devoi.trecl a sizzling teak dinner with enthusiasm and then se ttl e("l down to the bu jne 's 0£ discussing thetr . very d a: probkms. The two group.~ wmk closely together in prote tin~Y both the town a.nd the plant in any fir - emergency .. . an:d they're doing an outstanding jQb . VAll LA M LL is th ' 7-month­o l.d d<w fiflltcr <-,f M1·. and. Mrs. Wi nifn:tl !VI11Jlof Cnnr Jl1 . ( ! fanfi ­ra L. L, Mull works in tnt C tt'O· II na Di\lisiOll Fi.nbhlr1g n epar t­n: t H t. FOR. 0 YE •• .ARl~- L RK w rked r cg\l)arty for CaFolinu Champion . bnt he o ·i ialh- r tired QU j a nu-ar · J. H.i. buddi :s in t he ·Book ~1 - U B ater R m th ught h 'd 1 ike !l'n a~y hair . .. aud he di.d vcn much! ' ted .m116 rtal h , rl v !1 t ns atu.m · . ' thely • ~ npedn end LH Jhu H ll p· e-. n.L-5 hhn wj tb a ''Li-fe t irne Champion· · 'rtifi te. Shift Fo.rem:.Hl. C. ' . 01,·e n, kneeL .at right. Smathers Joins Woodyard Staff B)' Enu1 l M es er Jack 1oJancl, ":'l,lo began working on the ~t\l oodyyd on Ano-u t I , 19 3, was rran sferrecl to the Industnal . Relation Departmel'1t on .J anoary 4, 1955 . H e h ad b een nwkin .. a cler'k in the \ Voodyard office. Jack h as I ·een r p laced by George M0rgan1 5mathe·r-. George i a Navy ve teran of \'\ or ld \Var U a nd of t lv~ Korean io ·ident, H e i a.. t,rraduate of Georgia Tech where he re .eived hi lS degree in Indusbial Mat1.agemeru. H e is married to the f rmer Pa tricia Bell of the Main Olli c.e staff. Cl .nn Meha.fft , \Yood yarcl Lra k , upervisor, ha re ·nLly been d i .c (rom St. J oseph s h osp i tal in A.sheville where he was ent ior ·urgery. frorn th \ oodyard who hav been on the :,j<.:k li<;t re ently are: F. M. Hicks, H ub ·w arren, Glenn b ·1, 'W. 0 . Hencl ersi-m a11cl P . D. Moore. 1Jel vin ' l ,, .gue, who was <J bsE:nt from work recen tt.' d u:e to i Hn e s, is now hack at '"'ork. Ern es ~ Bradburn ha · informed u.c. that Jt fay l of • thi:. year h ·is going to .r tire. Brad burn stan e l tow 1·k. ffJr CJ allJpi! n m De ·emh r ?I I, J929 a11d is now . " m asu,r man o-n th l.l'LJC ' o d. \: " LIFkTI J E C JJ MPI0 1 .. ClR1 tf JC \ I F ; .., p1 '•r·r Jtl'd '" f. 1. 1. · l u l l'; 1 ' l d !'r lv fl , on ILi -, rNil! !lli' lfl J ll l!l fiiJ\ I. ·t1tt •1 ''7 'till n! 1\1?1 \'IC:. Joln r '\t, B;tl n ) l l ,t l. ·~ li lt• l' ' l'tlii ,JIIIIIJ Ill 'J':rl•', 1\ h ll.t"' ··· rl' d ;l> d 11 c:<l 1! f )l ( ' \ Jell h T li ~<.• II I.'J il l l li W IJI 1'01 ,cll!ll l""l :tU t"' I . lie[, l': LI \. f"<:'t:d· l I>} l•ta n l ]) · \ I '>. <<llll t l l1u1u dgb t. , ti ' »J.:.,. • IL•J IL <J_, ·e n d :t · as~ i , f au t dtJ••J ~ l c 111 ' Hl·lll. Bill Mitchell -Given TV Set fh U ydr• H. . 1-f r•f<) . /1. \' ht•n \'. W. firdu-1! 1 ·tir d a . up " ri!H~nd• t of 1h • I' 1 u De1Jar t>uwnl, tlt · -,L m PL n' ••at~g p~t euu·d him \ itl H t -'l . .., i ~ion ~et and !11 rw ti1m trJ ··rate hark"' . ltd ln(J at <''t ·r th iH~- h wa~ dt.;IJ\el IJ, H arr~fd Han c•rL (7lcn U<J\·n·IJ . • ji1n Slllidl. and Ftank C~>-gburn . f rank r tnimle{f P:o.:i ll l lWI 11 () ' ~a rd c.: n l) hi:! (• I) 'e ll rllill ·d JJy rv ~c ~ th n b al1 til ~: JJngs ,. nd bli gh ~o1 pu! tu~ th r. * • .R. M. · .ope w , nt t ry lh ~ Vf' pita1 {or J. w 1la~ aft ' I' g •t( rng irk (JU lh' j h hn ha fJ(J\ ·returned LC 1\'iOrk . . \ .C. M ·ra(k·n has ben nH the }1b bc<.au of i.lln · <; for '>evc ral we ks but we an; bot'in~ ! .(: wiH l.1 · l)ack o Jl! . ometime, the <10 ire to b a~ anf l u-n"· a 14ttk lr . nn x pected r-e ul ts The morning after the [i t big- <;:now in J anuary , Jack Robin on drov hi Chennlet t( w _.~rk without ch a in ~ fr JITI hi home abom tour or fise rotlb up Hea ercl am. When h · fo und that hi. b-ucldv. Cecil Darn •H. h ;. d ' n ot yet ar r ived , he -a £led to a !vi ·e him. t(.J . wap hi) .Fo·rd for a ChC\-TO iet. (;e i[' wife aid he ha t lelt the ho use in tim, to g t to work. L ack' call he ·wen t o u t to invo tigate and found him a t the car un:ab..Ie to navigate by him·e tl She got h im into t11e hc>u:·e a d called a doHor who took him to the hospi t 1 ·whe re 1t ·wa decided that he 1J ~lEl had a hean ,a ttack. He i. improvin · and we .b.opt he will soon be back '"'ith u, . Cecil S"'a, · h e i migh ty glad J ack felt like bra~ iog and , called up that ·. New Coat of Paint C alls for Neatness T he Steam. Plant Offic. and l tnllTle lll , hop han: been pain te l, the window wa ·h ·d, · nd th · area le ned up in generaL It i hard to helieYe a c at or t-w ot pain t COllld make th at n1~ h diH :ren e. ' b:e .·'imnat~ ·· have even star t I. wash tl'l§i th .1r -fa:c · and partm._· th eir ha i:r. After Han en fllO\ e 1 .in lo th e cc.rrn va , t d b ' Mr . . Mi t h e ll, H nr ' d cid tl h: n de-d n "'W desk to repla ·;e tlt.e one 1 oth or th m had h 11 u ing. It w y · a lo u hle d sk.. a relic lron1. Mn \Yn d opcrat ion ,.vlh r , p p:u eut. l, s . meone . 1:1'1 t ~h. rpen ·tl st \tkcs on its wp. Pat ll t:..l :an h;,-.,1 cumplaiDe l ){' ·plint r~ cral t iruc;; ·wh ' 1\ .h e l:tad sa r nhl. It duTing d :;_it::.. ,\ft t:F provi ug tn ·nmrwg-etnent that it lvut b n .in dai ly u ~c h1 the 1\ >w 'r H •parnncnt ( 1 the pu'-t :2t) ~r:-. Henr · ul hi.: 1icw t e~k an I ll ••.ir. 'T itt' fj I lS I l lH ) ~. e \Yli.S l u p tU a I!Ol>d ("U:\ f )t l: raif i <.· w;'t. Ll11 the top tu he ready Jol · P~n1l' s n ''-l ' fhe\1 Itt: got '\O lll · I It :ot< l':tp~ 1wcl .~ t~tl'l 'd foo t l ·~m.i n g dri lb It"ll Ch:u lie lun ist ll :ll1d !\ lack l~ v(T' . H . Hr ' sa · h ~ ( ' i ~ tl \l~ o nly l}l l't who n rn prop h is fl;' ·t on thi:- d .·k ~· i t h ~ < 11 r d ca1Ji J1g h i. ; ho ·"· .~ l ll l(" HH'·d th a t llt li C'W t.:ha·ir h :-~ d n arm tn it and Cly(Lt! HI Tt hv H' rn <t 1<: t'd tho~. t b und rstu ~ ~~t it PU~ j IHIJOS!ith h • lO get ~~ t"b:i ir \•i rh 11 11.\ ~ b l' t' tl t ugh. :tp;u't tot ·ivt• Ht'nr 1 :so th y j ust gn l otH' ,,ith u ut arm t nd 11 • ( n o ·J la1) l-,}Jl t·ad t sic! .. _ 1 11 ! l1 . t\ nt't· lrd ll (l \' {n ( c)tll ph-t ' lhl ~> insl;.dt tiPn I :t ( "II ll iOJI i t ~ dH' . hair :illll :t I'll'. It hnw h ol' flnwt'rs llll dw de.; \,. ' ' l ' l' ' d:ry. 1'1 <' 11 1',' -..a \·" h · 1:n l'i-rs ·1 pr ' tl \' g olf I < 11shion hilf t l1i 'lll bu t ltv dne:-.n 't know j u~t t \'l l-:'ll L<.tll b(· dr n1 · d l lOll l l1 1<' Uuwcrs. • 'FL<\NlZED JW Hl. ,0 -WORK ~R S in Ll'tc Pl <ult Eng in€erln)'l' D ' · pat·.t.wenl, I ' ly: e~ hri:tophe.r <ldmir s th moderuc perc.;G iator wll'i rh lw \ "ilS ~r(\.Ctl on his tctirement Ja tH til ry I. :\ 2 1-y ar Champ ion, Cluiswpher accc:p1ed tb: g ift ll'ith appreci;,~tiul'l. Flery tl \Nchster, fot' man, paid high tribme lO tbi ~ ·''Lifetim Cham.pim1'' ax a man ''hu bas been dej3-endable d<nn1 ~h.:l·o ush the y 'a ·. T he Loy durnp truck wa' th-rown in as a spe ial hu.moTo us gesture t:or Chr istopher. Twenty-Five Year Ago Items · . lthouo·h nearly 13 ·ears had. elapsed since he sep a­raJ d from Carolina Champion way b ack in 1916 with­mit callin.?" for his pay, . · anhook recei ved his · 3 . .1.-1 aU { .k .• according to a story car.r ied in T h - LOG of Jul , 1929. eem that Vanhoo-k left C hampion 1 ·ith a little mane, rmliug ro him : . . but he fa iled to approa ch Dan ·wild, pa, rnaster at that time, as he departed. A letter reached ir. \i\7j1d on ]lily 16, 1929, explain­in! · thal Vanhook would like to know if h e could get the Little mone that wa due h im. . :\c O:H!ling to The LOG, ML vVild wrote Vanh,ook exnlainino· that on Jan narv 7, 1917, the moue)' clue him 1 . J had be 11 mail-ed in care of t he 17 th Infantry Base Ho·pitaL Fort BJis , Texa . 1 h-. '\Vild' letter a] ·o expl ained that the le tter ad­clre 'e-el to Vanhook: in . Texas had been r e tun 1.ed un~ and that Charnpion had it on fi le fo r .sa fe keeping. rb original letter wa., withdrawn (rom Champion's Lies h r , afte r l 3 ears. The rnoney o rder payable to Va.n b,o-ok wa · till there and was mailed to h i rn in \ork, S. G. l\.1r. \· Hd ug-o- "ted to Vanhook that he the rnatter with the po trn_a ·t:er there to determine tl:"!e proper ·way !'o ha nill· th · money order in the facrt of su ch a Jap e o.f tio.1e. o Vanhook received and ca bed the rn ne order about '>6 _, ears ago. We Were ·setting Records Even T~en Tw(;n t_y-liix years ago, a>(.cording to 'r h LOG, an­) t1J · r install ation record wa, e tabli -hed under the sup r ­d , jon of \ . M. Baui.rm and C. L. \IVestm >rdand, n0w Fet:ir d Ch<tnlp-ion _ Two dissolv-ing- tanks, lo< alcd at Lh n 'W smelters, the ~wry !>aid, V.eP rene-v.t · cl between rhe hquJ'.s o( S c:~ .n 1 . tHl fO:jO p.m. ·without (-ausi ng ally d ·Ja y. 're< tit fur lh · I lendid jtJIJ wenr !o t he pipelitten , lu .illi\'I.ight~>, fahm· n , ir(Jn ·workeh. · el.enrici:111~ and uant: op -rav>l& . . ft was ahout 2G ye~ll agrJ that F lcet\-vood ,l:.inwt1Jtrs, llUV ' Cawlin.a Chan1pion·s I i [ U(Ja.rd and pul p imp ·c· tor, mad an .auu,mobile tr ip inttJ Canada, ~ r ichigao and.- .w York. l'u1d a('conJin,- tu Th~ LOC of Al~gust, 1~29, l1e had u ~plendi<.l trip. : T--\ KING IJ V11 TORY was th · tiJ·. t jnb 1·hat Rob rt Lofle Snyder had wl'len h _ joined the Emplo) '· Sro t· St:df ;;~l Champion 22 vea rs ar>o . H ]::>roved to be h is las t a~'>igmttcut IJef I' re tiring on ;::) . ~ }anu ary 1, 1955 . Sn der is shown being c:ongratulat. d J~y .Fred P den, ·tore man:Jger . as other ·taH rn etnb -n; ga th ·t round . The pictLII·e "'4~ .lllade i n the Dt·y (;OQds and loU1 i1~ g D ·paruoent wh rc ' n) rler devo ted bi 22 y ars of se-rvice. Attend Basketba II Classic By Rowena Morris vValt . Spence, txin11mer operator ~wd Joe Hyatt, fon:ned y of Finishing, a ttended the D i ~ ic Classk at R al eigh. Walt says he saw some of the bc~>l basketbaU p layed in the en tire U . S. · Two Counties Cl·aitn (?) Glenn G lenn Stamey, No. 5 cm ter O})erator, has purcbas<::d a b otne in Buncombe ·County. Two countie no·w ·laim him- Buncombe cla ims l1e belong t() Haywood and ·Haywoocl claims h e belongs to B un ~omb e . Burton M. Lee, foreman in the Rewinder Room who ·underwent surgery for the amputation of his right leg, l:1as ret:ired a fter 38 years' servjce with Champion. B - fo re l1is re titement "Ben," as he wa. known 1.0 all, was presemted ·a check donated by various employ -es in the R ewinder Room aud R oll . Storage. . Our incere and best wish es go to Bert. Mary Lou and Dennis Caldwel.L ·pent n o ·week ' v a car~on in Alabam.a and Atlanta, Ga. Mar Lou is a soner and Deun i is with l3ook Mill Mad1incs. Mrs. R. E. C urtis, sor ting su per i or, reported a ni · time while on vaca tion in F lorida. R oy Bly the spent his '''a,catioo i n F lo:rjcla getting a nice suri tan. He also a ttended the Orange Bowl Gam in Miarni, Roy, be tter known as "Scoop/' is emp lo ·ed in the R ew inder R oom, E 'l' IL \ NC l ~( ;. ( , JF' I.S. 1hocs Fi n i~h-tn~ ellJp lo ·e._-: pos•(l lurh 1 .~ til YIJI ticle . ·;;~;,~Q t J wi tf1 Cl rdc 0 \ · rtlHu •. CJwn •p.ion O ld ~[Jrn 'r, shown at cc:m r. Oven na11 was fou\,er1y empl ·ed in th oll \' Qod Rt~OU1. · 39 , - I H -\T Kf.P n JS.\1 on the face of Cbesrer Kennel ly, ldL. a~ he Ji,ten" a11tl Jnvb at the l ish . torr IJc itlg wJd b) George War in g~ (.core tlaitn · ;1 red fi< h . a lJO lll t.lte . i1e shown h ere, wa a 11ghL on a tie'q> .ca fishing· ex p editi on la st momh. \'ho 's io know( Take One Texas Joke • • • There\ no thing like ~t<lrti n g o iL a Texas colun.1n with a Te11.a~ joke, which g-c>cs somcLh ing like this: Seelll ~ one "outsid -r· · wa" asking a notl1er out idee if ' . Itt.' knew tlie d iffcrc:n n : l>eLween a rJ ·a i 11 lllc co ntin enta l nited S t a te~ and a ] e,_ a., Il ea. T l1e pr()mpt re ply lrom th · t ut ~ id e l -who h ad appan:n t ly vi. ited Tcxa~ - w; ts that in T exas fl ea~ owJJ tiJ t jr own dog ~ . And th a t, l.or no rta~on at all, IJri ngs to mind Lh · Ia l th a t fi ~ hin g ~e a ., on will ::.cJtJl l IJe in full ~"· ing den 11 T ,_.a.,wa};wirh wore than a Jew T C'x.ans ;dr ady testi11g their equipn1eut. On · uf th<:~e v.-as Gc()tg · \'V;1ring who h<ls be 11l tn :ut i ll ea r in r <Crtl W(" S aiJunt l1is c atciJ ol' l' ·cl Jj-,lt O i l <I 1 '( 11 d ·t·p s ,.., exp .dit..io11. l.i ;.1 ilillg nttt 111' I .:1 I'm 1 ·, J!1e Ji')l l IUIJWd t,ut 1101 IJlll y Jrogl' ln tt plet tt iJuJ ill Illllltl, 'I'. He l1ad nn jJJ'cJ()f l' >..t C'f'' Ll1:11 ' ')o tt ~ ll ot dd 11.t\(' t'atc-n '>OJJJ(' ol th"" :, ll'a \." J did rt ' t; I dutt ' t lun11 a n yon(' wlto did ; ln tl tllC' .., ~()1 ) \ til l ~ liln J., OIIH'I ~ pot hn1 n will I)(' al>alldwriJ ,g t It<· I1C' Id -, I (II 1lw ' tn·<~tn ;n d Ia <·awl u p,·rJ g tdl. \Vitlt till' adH' IIt qf tlt(· lt 't u ;tl l 'i.lll y 'IJll illg' ill f't ".; !'> , l!it 'IP' IJ ),(. 1111 'i UJjlpitl ~ • Jllfhl ol t h,·,n Tile t ·y t> ~ ol 'I C>. Hl l'i Wt I C '> ldllttlg In t·tlll : .• .., tl11 ,. n:ad :rnd ftC(Ild OJJf ' I ' j>llll :tll t•r ;IJJOdll ' l ul tfll' <!lid W,l\1 ' ~· Jti fl SW<:jlt th t f()ll lil1 ) · z, I t ) It !l!JH l ;.lt llll' ~ Ill tfw IJHI til do IIOt Jjjj . , ( '' al l ~ Witft ( 'II\ )' 1 illt mtl I I .ill· tf 1 Ill j.!, l.if• · lui 11 i tlr<~ i' r '' len ·" oJ ~~ ;, Jt ·10 d r·gtu... .II!< I tto ~ 110\. ' I l1 ·1 c wa .; I 1< >'> ! on tl H· g round 0111' 1 old lllfl l 11 i 11 ~, huL tl o p tlll tp in ~ in .., i,> l 1 l<1 go along witlt tit<' li 11H \'\-(JJ'Il jJU ii c phr ast'. ' I <'. a" jlllllrpkiu.., g('t Ln•> hig ltJ lw 1(''111y pocLi< , an , 1\'~t y . 10 CH\ 1<11 llf(Jfl \t ,JIIItotl' (c Ill hJillll<'rl hi ll•t>illtl '' 111 l ,, nn''" d , It , j, lllllll>illtc rJdlu cwlltlllll (c•l Ill< ll !OH~I'Jil fll,trJII•c'f o f (cJtll IIHI<t. lfc h,t' fw111 I IIHIIJIJtl ttl till' 1 nttllct il!tt: frn "'"' Jlt.llt 10 "'·''" · .J ll:"E J ' LICENT. d ;wJ..\l tier of ,\f r. ~111d .\J r. Loui ~ . tugent of Ho!t<fe '' becantc the bride o f R ot t;lld 1 1onLgomet y, Te x a ~ D i· vision tilllc checker and Oil o( Sid :\ Jontgomery. Bos. , 'l achine T e ,lcler, in a ceremony at Our L ach · of Fat.in1a Church in Ga · ' . lcna l' ;trk dttring che ho hdil '>':--. • ,\1r. :11td ,\f r. :\ lontg rncr) arc nuw at !ton• at 17 l .'• Ottl\cl\ a \ i 11 Houston . IH . J II \.ILl' I (J. ol Hou tf111 "'(iHJIC l "t' iJ i d t' tJI . R. r ! UIItn. fr., 'I cx.a lJ1'1~i •n pipe· ftttct. m · holrd·t cen·ovm' ,,r th · Rtdtc• Sheet B<~pli r ( ht11cl . Clta111pi<m ~ I. t \ i ll1 am~ and Jimm\ H It> < t:<l • 1, t rmlll a1 cl tt5her re'f'l 1 ll ·h. J t. and \ l h . Ouinn r fll.lrC'<! t•• thlil • liC\' ~lllnl' ,Jf !:!I~ \' t H · f{ II) l'a aJ •rJa a£tc1 a <i\eddm,.. 11 1p • ".1 t " r l lh.F \1( \1." i;. proh­; d'h till' ''"Ill ,_. lot i 111 o ' t t ll teu h ·ani In rlt •· r hi I th en 11 I u tl\ ()Jt',, ll' , ,l, lli\ i~i o n hntngl! at ll'll J· nl. I h ~ 1 are :-,,llldr.t Olt' l' c rr~ (11/tl. 17, 1t>ltl'l 01 .,. (l•c· luw righ t I. I 1. ninth 1.1dtl a t I',, ~. I( I u.1 .lu n i , ' 1 H i g h . .111d Ltll'l ( l l ., , II , a \mth .-hm <:1 l· if' III CllJ;lt -;, hot>l tlld 1 t . Teen -Age Mogu Is · A -n :RtCA.' Ii\"U 'STRY tipped ils hat n ag·ain ]a c month t its j u:n ior C0LHl tcr­part, the Juuior \ chieven1ent un1pa nles aJ l \ eT· the countrv. I Champ im~ ·. Te .~ as Di is io 11 jojn d iu th -· tribut a it ~aJut ~ t ~t;; oWil compttJl )'. Champicm Enttrpti.s ~ ·, ' hi h i."! enjoyjng ru -ces fu l ear a 1n ·mu Cactu rcr <;) f s ''eraJ w~ tl produ ·t . The progra rn whi h included d i play . a t chnol and <~ lar c · bib' at the Sh ~trnroc k Hotel in Hon ton . ....\ .d i ·or, .re1 o rted I rca \' ' sa les ancl con­tiun d demand.s (or the stooh and -hread I oanls mat':l ufa ctu re<l by tbe Ch::t11.1pion company. T lw . , work nt.inue - at the VocationaJ Buildino· qf Pasadena Hio-h . JJOol a h week. Achi or:- for the on~p an y this year are Carmll ~ lm ·er: Pe t Kimen, harley Can r, Chuck \Vi1ey, Austin Fitxp·erald and Bob Ko nig.. ( fl icer ' ::n-e Glenna Hoobl r, pn:. idem : .-\u clrc .· D;:n ·is, vice prc ·idell.L:­Larue 1\'fil1 T , trea urer· and Pats ·' Stan­h eld , ~ecre t3 1'\' . ' P I).;T f ·c OR \' \R :\"l. 'Bl~ G 1 he . tool" is tl'te !a step before they are rc;;1dy l•O h mer hy the p ublic e)e. dl'iser' Pete Kim en, lef r, ami Boh Ko~ nig, help ~t1 pe n ise t ile fir\ ' I tou ches which must go in 1 o the- pr ud trcl.. . . Cl·Ut:F D' ISOR C \RROLL GLOVEl~ ch !1 · witb a F.nt. qJr i cs 'r:onc r n-ing lhc rn ark e ti~tg of th i1 p roduct. O·ne of c e r·;J I no"1' .in bu ·incs. in th-e P a ~aci . n;1 a~·e:'t, 1ex-as group from Champion hampion· ·o1~1pan y is New Wood Room 0 .· J:~ MURNl 1 G- Ja t month har d ­wood was run through the new Hard­ ·woocl V{ood Room foT the first time, marking- the end of a ron tnt tion proje t which has tretched over n'lan months - fro.n:-1 drum. · to chippers. vVith the aim o-l mor effe tive and increased t1se o( hardwood fibre in the mar•ufactttr' of paper in the papee mill, T 'Xas Charnpi<>r1.s ''vcre looking witb pride to their uew qtlip­ti1 n-t. h inc-ludes 3. . eri ·s of nv ·or , a n ·w rhip r nv ·or t l.lP Dig st r Building~ n w grin le•·· or chipper. - in short, a wh 1 n " op rar.ioo. \i\fi.ll1 thr \<u ce~s of the new opera­tio ll wiJJ come h1 dr-~ ti. cooking and h le:tdl"i t g' op ·nlfitHUi 0 11 up the lin in tbe 1 u lp 111 il1 .and in re;ts d · f(i ­( i r nc, thxough >lit the milL \ CO'\ VF\'OR B.l' II (' th~: barl; c1t l0g up to the n IV chipper. d Lh · ctmve ym ho ll i• er<'. 1 h e· :r -.. a . ))j i..:i n' n w - t bark in dll llll j, ,hnwn iJ Ll e b'<ld.grvund at 1 er. 41 1exa · HE.Y, ~ I 0 \1, dig th is crazy hair­o n ''' ye1l 6-year-oll ue Elle11 \ 'ande rslice. d au g h ter of Tedcl ~· \ ' ander~lice of the T exas Di1 i ­> ion , ort in rr Line. The hair ·ut • i ~ 01\'ll eu In. b1·o ther T ommy 7, ' ' a t uden t, like his <iste r, at LaP n E lem ntan School. ''\it' • h;n e a ree ling he'd sa1 so nle - tiling alJo u t t hose m i .<~ i 1 g: Leeth if h ,,-e te w ru rn aroun(l. I 11 .\'1 I· I C J·.R i. l" 'intinl-{ ;11 YO l ' . 11 IJ( ·Iong' 1 <> lit lie l\1 :111 B ·Ill f..t11rl . ti nHIIIth ·t·Jid d . ~t~ g J, . ll'l of \ 'o<•dir· 1 a11d (Jf the I c ;,h Di 1 i ~ io1• . \'\'ll ;m •,t·t Iii · fin gct J'OIIlllllg' 11l f'::lt, ..,, thl' <.JHilc· c otllt'J. " itlt it. • SO ;\ICE. TO CO II O:"IIE '10 a r the children of Edith La11th of the r ex as Di,·ision Sct() lltb So rting. Chery l 1\ Jlll , 10. a fifth rade 5ll td ' nt a t Ri he f lcmcn ­tarv r bool col i ' CLs dol ls; l:d - 11- ~rd. Paul, ;i, is a horse ]o\ er ltut i." alsu prett1· craz.y about Donald Duck; and l\ l o r ga r e t R 1.e, 3. the baby of the famil y, lets il" l>e knoll'n that ~he lik e. w pia · in the " ·a ter. She sup· ports her contention 1vith 11 rather drenched apr earan e. • 1' R0!\f A l."t ILL -Tl:\ IE Cl :illt ­pion fa1nil y onws th is li LLie fel - 10w with the w i ~tf ul smi le. H e':-. nol,h . Ca•Ttcr, f) . SO il Jf .Ja ·k G:n·11c:-r. Rc" indr t ~. and Hol,l,ic La11H·t o l CoJ •Ve)w Sl)tti n ~. 1.-1c ·~ a I i 1:-.r g.-ade . 1 urfc-111 ;JL <.tJiand 1'. II:Jlli ~ St!J<·JOI in J<.t<in to Cit ) . I IU· I> '\ I 0\'·ll· <.; i ~ lu tf il llll :!, hct w1iti1Jg a mb it i o tt 'l wit h <!I tid ·• \ IH l1 ,, tit <J II (' 1 :p ri nt d in rlt colt11n n b<' ltJI"- Brenda Towles--Young Author B)l F rPd Fw 11ess Brenda Towle ·, 'laughter of am - owles, Recoyer~ Room evaporator operator, i'> actually ( her biggest in tere. l, writing. Proof of this is th publi cation of a ~hnrt article in Vision magaLinc, a relig iou publ ication (or youn(r p ople, written by Brenda e. peciaJiv (or rision . freshman at Pasadena Hi(rh Scbn , !, Brcnd is a former polio victim wh0 ha . in ce r covered and i~ no\' very active in church and chool fu nction s. Reprinted here is her rnost recent article, "Becau ·e There I Lme.'' "Because there is loYe, there i.. God . ·without G(J I there is no love. \rVe belieye in the on and onh God and ""e haYe faitp. in Him, for (rom Him come'- ; our daily br-ead, our shelter, all that "ve ha,·e. \'e 10\e H iru as he loves us, for H.e is our Father, and 1ve are Hi ~ children. \ r e b -lie' e that gooLI ne wme.- b out l e· cause of His love. \ r\Tith love we ha' e la ith and h opt. . "Because there is lo ·e, we ha ,-e lui ·t. The people . on the earth were ill in formed about the Kin gel om f Gael. As a result God ent Chri-r to u .. Je u - t aught n ' the way ot Cod. H e forga,·e people, he h ealed < nd baptized them. Becau ·e th re is love, ' hri ·t ('nduret1 crucifixion that we may come into full lind r. tandin.~ of hi life. 1 t i written in the Boo"k of J 1!m that ·God so lcn·ecl tl1e '"·orlcl that he gav hi, nly ~on , that who­c, ·er b lieves in Him_ should not