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Weeks Law Silver Jubilee


Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • th® eulsdnatioa of "teat movea»nt Initiated nearly forty years ago* the Shenandoah national Park in Virginia with its sky-line highway ultimately to be extended along the high ssouatala crssts southward several hundred oil** into and through the Great Siaoky latleaal Bark and the Hasaaotti Cave iatiosal Bark in Eentueky are among our latest notable additions to southern areas of protected forests* t& earlier years there was often saach attual Jealousy and per* haps at tiaes recrimination between the advocates of latiesal Forests and iatloaal Park* in ear Southern Mountains » and elsewhere as well, there is in recent years a growing realization with us that there is a proper place and function for both forests and parks and that th* areas in and out of our Southern mountains available for either are far greater than both to* gather can hope to acquire in a generation or two. their former spirit of antagonism is giving way to a policy of cooperation whieh argues well for the future. I like to think of the forests and the parks as but parts of the sane composite picture* With the acquisition of forest areas, other activities were at once initiated. Among th* first and most iiapertaat of ttiese ms fire prevention* far* fighting forces have been organised and truck roads, trails, fire towers and telephone lines have been provided to help in seating this greatest asaace of tit* forests* ifeay areas burned over by forest fires or worn out and gullied by long and careless cultivation are being reforested* For this purpose tree nurseries have been developed in jsasy place® throughout th* tenth and millions of young trees are being planted each year* these trees are not only going into federal and state owned lands but are being furnished for

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).