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Shin Seiki: Bagong Araw. New Era

items 53 of 76 items
  • wcu_ww2-761.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • PAPALAKI SA MGA "MABALASIK NA AGILA" BRINGING UP THE "WILD EAGLES" amatay sa himpapawid na alang-alang sa Dakilang Emperador ang siyang nililinang sa Hukbong Katihan o' Karagatan ng Hapon. Araw araw sila ay nagdadaan sa isang mahig- i at araw, maging maginaw man o' mainit a~ig panahon. Ito ay walang tigil na ginaganap yuning iyahin ang buhay sa Inang Bayan. Aig mga naganap na nilc sa digmaang ito ang an ng kanilang kakayahan. Pinabagsak nila ang Hukbong Panghimpapawid ng Ingles at daungan at pinalubog ang malalaking bapor na pangdigma. Ito ang mga naganap ng Supreme Ruler is the moral cultivated in the Japanese Army or Navy Boys' Aeronautic renous training every day, irrespective of heat or cold, day or night or any other elements santly with the lofty ideal to die for their country. The results speak louder than anything 4o-American air force, shelled their bases, sunk their capital ships. This has been accom- Army or Navy Boys Flying Schools. Rolling around in the schoolyard with the loops Is to be well prepared for the looping-the-loop dogfights. Isang pagsasanay sa paninimbang. Ang mga magaabiya- dor na ito ay kailangang bumagtas sa isang makitid na tu- layan na may taas na 71/2 metro. A drill in maintaining the equilibrium. These fledglings of the "wild eagle" have to walk through the narrow bridge 71/2 meters high. Slnasanay sa paggamit ng "amitrilyadora" sa gltna ng humahagunot na hangln. Battling against wind strong as an angry hurricane he is getting trained how to use a machinegun properly.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).