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Secretary of Agriculture visit

items 6 of 22 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12462.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • J. A. HOLMES, swe geo^st. NORTH CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, CHAPEL HILL, N. C. 0 . July 1, 1901. Dr. e, P. Ambler., Asheville, h. c. W. , r Dr. Ambler: I am jinst in receipt of your letter of Saturday and an pleased bh the pi .us whicj you suggest for the Secretary's out . Asheville. I have lust wired you accordingly. -Jt think it likely that a ambers of the party who have not seen the fBilt, like to take a short drive over some of the prettier roads there ; I have just written Mr. Mcaamoe to that effect, stugge; that I would telegraph him on Wefnesday how many of us would ckre to take such a drive and asking him to procure one or more carriages as might be necessary and that I would pay for the same so as aot to bring any extra burdens on t" Pari: Association. Those whoj. wish to take the drive will probably start from the Biltmore station immediately on arriv the 2:40 train Wednesday afternoon.. In re cor return to Asheville in time to start at five o'clock troll; "unset 3 ..air. Hot knowing from just w car would start for the Sunset Mountain trip I have .hut a ed we bo at t3 • ilic square a few minutes befon " ■:-. o*clOCk . ' street-cars meet. As to you and Mr. Powell . ' sing our party to Waynesvilie I think-that would be quite the agreeable thin do in every way except that you. would have to rise quite early Thursday morning as our trai] would leave Tc^r Murphy at 6:30 A.M. Immediately on our arrival at Waynesvilie at nine o'clock I will probably take the Secretary and a few members of the party who care to go for a

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).