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Scrapbook by A. H. McQuilkin


Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • -.MflONAL SOUTHERN PARK AGITATION [■SCHOOL CHILD it EN WILL BE GIVEN PRIZES FOR.SECURING SIGNATURES. A Convention May be Held Here About November 9. JPefittons and Literature Have Been Sent to Papers and Prominent Men of the State—Governors, Senators and - Representatives of Southern I States Asked to Help. Progress in extending the interest and activity in the agitation for the propose.! national southern park is exceedingly satisfactory. The committee on parks and forestry of the hoard of trade 'has proposed a eyst. in vase of the city throu-h the aid of Professor Eggleston, who will interest the school children in the •work. INTEREST STUDENTS. The suggestion of this plan came from Dr.. C. P. Ambler, and Its valuable educational possibilities were immediately perceived by Professor Eg- .igleston, who has promised the moat • •ordial support, not only of himself, tout'of The teachers and students of the city sohcmls. and his hearty co-operation to extend I he work of securing the sympathy and aid of school officials throughout the statte who are not im- Triodiately interested In the project, as veil as those even remotely Influenced' toy the plan. PRIZES PR SIGNATURES. Eggleston has already heen supplied with a Hoaii'and blank petitions and these will] be distributed to the schools very shortly. A suitable prize will be given to the school room <>r ibe icbool securing the greatest number of signatures to the petitions, and a pTize will also be given to the individual scholar securing the greatest number of names. Should the park scheme be consummated, It will toe readily perceived Wiat the prizes, won by the schools and toy the scholars would have a value vastly beyond their mere Intrinsic worth. THE SYNOD SIGNED. By the courtesy of Dr. R. F. Campbell the committee secured the signatures of the members of the Presbyterian synod and it is understood that Dr. Lynn will secure 'the; signatures of the members of the Homeopathic convention. TO PAPERS OF THE STATE. Six hundred copies of the September issue of Southern Pictures and Pencillings, containing arguments in favor of the park, were donated to the movement and mailed to all the newspapers of the Slate and many leading men. Blank petitions accompanied the magazine, and these are already beginning to cuiic ill to ill..- committee fully Signed. antT*~*~***~r= A NATIONAL PARK ASSOCIATION,. Letters to the governors of the states of North Carolina, South Carolina. Georgia, Tennessee Alabama and Virginia have been sent, soliciting the authorization of their names to a call for a eonveution at Asheville of delegates fronY the states, counties, cities and towns, and from the commercial, industrial, scientific, professional an! social organizations, for the purpose of j forming a national park association and perfecting plans to press the immo.liite need upon ((ingress of the appointment of a committee to investigate the claims for a southern national park. CONVENTION NOVEMBER !). Similar letter's will be addressed to the senators and- representatives of. these states in a few days, and with the prompt authorization of tne '"ill, the committee will press the matter fcr ttie convention to assemble on or ab.vut November 9. ' FROM EVERYONE. While Hi.- projec'l for a. southern national pflrk has been a project for many years, the present is the first organized effort to obtain results. Now thai the work is apparently progressing, it is Incumbent upon every citizen in lend his aid to further i'l. Its importan. c cannot be overestimated and its prospective I. .. .is to ibe region are so mull ii i no alttempt at enumer ation need bo made. WORK OF THE COMMITTEE. The id forestry committee of the board of trade has d good wotrk so far, and in seeking suggestions fi.nn iropre- men, notably President Nichols, Ccorge S. Powell, T. S. M 'i ii and W. B. Williamson, have shown al once so conservative and progressiva a spirit as to win un- doubt. ri confidence in its personnel to ibrlng this great movement to the f">- cail point, which everyone desires—be he resident, traveller, tourist, health- seeker^ or spectator Ihal has gazed upon our un . n.i'y, and breathed alio balm ..f our pine-clad hills.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).