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Scrapbook by A. H. McQuilkin


Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • ^1 £ ~T* Qd'/f :ff- Am SUGGESTED FOR CONSOLIDATING THE ASHEVILLE HEALTH AND RESORT ASSOCIATION WITH THE BOAD OF HEALTH. Joint Committee Held an Important Meeting Yesterday Afternoon. Former Association' to Retain. Name and Many Privilegis of an; end- eat OirgairJiz!aition—Suggested Amendments. The joint committee of the Board of Trade and the Asheville Public Health ani.k Resort association, appointed, appointed at the meeting of the Heard of Trade, October^ 5, to confer upon and submit a plan for the cons. I f ibe two bodies, met at Ithie office of n. T. Collina yeserday afternoon. After a warm debate the eommiiittee adopted the following in the form of suggested is to line . n at i he Board 'of Trade, a» rep the meat practical working plan fur the 'Dewy eo-operatiow of itihe two organizations for the advance.. improvement of tic i'l : Amendment 1, to the . om of the Board of Trade of the city of Asheville, N. C. See. 1. The Asheville Pub i and Resort association i« hereby conso'l- with Hie Bn'.ii-.l of Triile under the following provisl'omB: Sec 2. The members of the Ashevlille Public Heath and Resort association shall K-cnsisl of such acttve m unbers of the Board of Trade as aTe in gaol] standing and desire to enroll th meeTveS in tune said association. Provided, fin: nil person l by h v hevtl'e Puib- 11c Health ami Restart association, upbu payment of the proper '.liie-. he thereby elected tv> aotive membersli tin- Hoard of Trade. See. 8. " . He- Public Health and Resort association shall have Hie ■same Status in the Board of Trade as a -ling roiniiii. ■. •• of the latter. Pee. 4. The i . Public Health, and association, his absence, a substitute appointed by lum. shsJIl be. ex-ofHi member of the board of flj of the. Boiard' of Trade. Sec. 4. The Asthevflle Public Health and Resort association shall have the name, amd except as provided above, ail other Tights and privileges of am .loMe- penHent organizaiilion. Amendment 2, Sec. 1. Thait trier"5 shall be added to '((he standing commii:t"p of the Board of Trade, a commitltee on. parks and forestry, which shall consist of five members; three to be api oT'ited as in the) case of members of other i st'ainding commititers of thait board, one member to be elected by the Buncombe County Medical association, and one member to he elecited by the Asheville I Public Health and Resort aosoci | Provided, that .the two latter members shall also qualify as members of the Boartll of Trade. Sec. 3. The committee on picks and forestry shall elect ilte owm chairman. The above tin amendments are res- pecitfully submitted to the co-sidcraition of the Board' of Traide as a plan of consolidation, just and (satisfactory to hctl> ongainiizations. For tne Fo'ird of Trade: John A. Roebllng, chalirmam, W. B. WJi.llamscn. H. T. Collins. For the Asheville PuMlc Health and Resont association: Pr. S. W. Battle. chairman, Dr. Paul Paquim, Pr. ('. S. Jordan. T. W. Raoul, A. IT. McQuilkin. The plan was prepared by John A. Roebllng. president of the Board of Trade committee, and was • V! iptfl wtth but few chancres from the origami daft. President Nichols, of ithe Board of Trado, amd Dr. C. P. Ambler, were present at the meeting of tihe coram in. eo by special invitation and aided ho Hellb- :.s by timely PUgge 11 John A. Rrehling having iosi«neVl from the Board of Trade conn I .arks and forestry. Owins (o the pr. s ure of Important! .duties in other dlrectioms iin nli.- Interest of the city a ;.l . aunty, Preslden Nidhiols app-lot i Dr, C. P. Ambler on lint committee. ' ■ bo knew. howe> er, thai M r. i;. eb« ling's experience will b ■ ,>f ibis imp.Tia.n.:. department of the I Board of Trade's activity.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).